diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'MLEB/Translate/i18n/core/en.json')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/MLEB/Translate/i18n/core/en.json b/MLEB/Translate/i18n/core/en.json
index d2ddc9b6..c5c67457 100644
--- a/MLEB/Translate/i18n/core/en.json
+++ b/MLEB/Translate/i18n/core/en.json
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
"translate": "Translate",
"translate-extensionname": "Translate",
"translate-desc": "[[Special:Translate|Special page]] for translating MediaWiki and beyond",
- "translate-fuzzybot-desc": "This is a special system account used by the MediaWiki [ Translate extension] used to maintain translations.\nThis account is part of the MediaWiki software and it is not owned by any user.",
+ "translate-fuzzybot-desc": "This is a special system account used by the MediaWiki [ Translate extension] used to maintain translations.\nThis account is part of the MediaWiki software and it is not owned by any user.",
"translate-taskui-export-to-file": "Export in native format",
"translate-taskui-export-as-po": "Export for off-line translation",
"translate-taction-translate": "Translate",
@@ -61,46 +61,42 @@
"translate-export-invalid-format": "Please specify a valid format.",
"translate-export-not-supported": "Translation export is not supported.",
"translate-export-format-notsupported": "The specified export format is not supported by the message group.",
- "translate-magic-pagename": "Extended MediaWiki translation",
- "translate-magic-help": "You can translate special pages aliases, magic words and namespace names.\n\nSpecial page aliases and magic words can have multiple translations.\nTranslations are separated by a comma (,).\nNamespaces can have only one translation.\n\nTranslating the project talk namespace <code>$1 talk</code> may be complicated.\n<code>$1</code> is replaced with the project sitename (for example <code>{{ns:project_talk}}</code>).\nIf it is not possible in your language to form a valid expression without changing the sitename, please let us know on [[Support]].\n\nYou need to be a translator to save changes.\nChanges are not saved until you click the save button below.",
- "translate-magic-module": "Module:",
- "translate-magic-submit": "Fetch",
- "translate-magic-cm-export": "Export",
- "translate-magic-nothing-to-export": "There is nothing to export.",
- "translate-magic-cm-to-be": "To-be",
- "translate-magic-cm-current": "Current",
- "translate-magic-cm-original": "Original",
- "translate-magic-cm-comment": "Comment:",
- "translate-magic-cm-save": "Save",
- "translate-magic-cm-updatedusing": "Updated using [[Special:AdvancedTranslate|{{int:Translate-magic-pagename}}]]",
- "translate-magic-cm-savefailed": "Save failed",
- "translate-magic-special": "Special page aliases",
- "translate-magic-words": "Magic words",
- "translate-magic-namespace": "Namespace names",
- "translate-magic-notsaved": "Your edit was not saved!",
- "translate-magic-errors": "Please fix following {{PLURAL:$1|error|errors}} in translations:",
- "translate-magic-saved": "Your changes were saved.",
- "translate-checks-parameters": "Following {{PLURAL:$2|parameter is|parameters are}} not used:\n<strong><nowiki>$1</nowiki></strong>",
- "translate-checks-parameters-unknown": "Following {{PLURAL:$2|parameter is|parameters are}} unknown:\n<strong><nowiki>$1</nowiki></strong>",
+ "translate-export-group-too-large": "The chosen message group is too large. Choose a message group that has fewer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|message|messages}} or contact translation admin for advice.",
+ "translate-checks-parameters": "Following {{PLURAL:$2|parameter is|parameters are}} not used:\n<strong>$1</strong>",
+ "translate-checks-parameters-unknown": "Following {{PLURAL:$2|parameter is|parameters are}} unknown:\n<strong>$1</strong>",
"translate-checks-balance": "There is an uneven amount of {{PLURAL:$2|parenthesis|parentheses}}:\n<strong><nowiki>$1</nowiki></strong>",
"translate-checks-links": "Following {{PLURAL:$2|link is|$2 links are}} problematic:\n<strong><nowiki>$1</nowiki></strong>",
"translate-checks-links-missing": "Following {{PLURAL:$2|link is|$2 links are}} missing:\n<strong><nowiki>$1</nowiki></strong>",
- "translate-checks-xhtml": "Please replace the following {{PLURAL:$2|tag|tags}} with correct ones:\n<strong><nowiki>$1</nowiki></strong>",
"translate-checks-plural": "Definition uses <nowiki>{{PLURAL:}}</nowiki> but translation does not.",
"translate-checks-plural-forms": "<nowiki>{{PLURAL:}}</nowiki> was given {{PLURAL:$1|one form|$1 forms}} but {{PLURAL:$2|only one form is|$2 forms are}} supported (excluding 0= and 1= forms).",
"translate-checks-plural-dupe": "<nowiki>{{PLURAL:}}</nowiki> has duplicate forms at the end. <nowiki>{{PLURAL:$1|sheep|sheep}}</nowiki> should be written as <nowiki>{{PLURAL:$1|sheep}}</nowiki>.",
+ "translate-checks-gettext-plural-missing": "This translation must have <nowiki>{{PLURAL:GETTEXT|}}</nowiki>.",
+ "translate-checks-gettext-plural-unsupported": "This message does not support <nowiki>{{PLURAL:GETTEXT|}}</nowiki>.",
+ "translate-checks-gettext-plural-count": "<nowiki>{{PLURAL:GETTEXT|}}</nowiki> accepts exactly $1 {{PLURAL:$1|plural form|plural forms}}. Currently $2 {{PLURAL:$2|plural form is|plural forms are}} given.",
+ "translate-checks-smartformat-plural-missing": "This translation must have plural on variable $1.",
+ "translate-checks-smartformat-plural-unsupported": "This message does not support plural on variable $1.",
+ "translate-checks-smartformat-plural-count": "Incorrect number of plural forms in <strong>$3</strong>. It must have $1 {{PLURAL:$1|plural form|plural forms}}. Currently $2 {{PLURAL:$2|plural form is|plural forms are}} given.",
+ "translate-checks-unicode-plural-missing": "This translation must have <nowiki>{{PLURAL|}}</nowiki>.",
+ "translate-checks-unicode-plural-unsupported": "This message does not support <nowiki>{{PLURAL|}}</nowiki>.",
+ "translate-checks-unicode-plural-invalid": "Plural forms should be defined as $1. This translation contains $2.",
"translate-checks-pagename": "Namespace changed from the definition",
"translate-checks-format": "This translation does not follow the definition or has invalid syntax: $1",
- "translate-checks-escape": "The following escapes may be accidental: <strong>$1</strong>",
+ "translate-checks-escape": "The following escape {{PLURAL:$2|character|characters}} may be accidental: <strong>$1</strong>. {{PLURAL:$4|A valid escape character is|Valid escape characters include:}} $3.",
"translate-checks-parametersnotequal": "Parameter count is {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}; should be {{PLURAL:$2|$2}}.",
"translate-checks-malformed": "<nowiki>$1</nowiki> is malformed.",
"translate-checks-fudforum-syntax": "Use <nowiki>$1</nowiki> instead of <nowiki>$2</nowiki> in this project.",
- "translate-pref-nonewsletter": "Do not send me email newsletters",
+ "translate-checks-newline-missing-start": "There {{PLURAL:$1|is|are}} $1 missing newline {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}} at the beginning of the translation.",
+ "translate-checks-newline-missing-end": "There {{PLURAL:$1|is|are}} $1 missing newline {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}} at the end of the translation.",
+ "translate-checks-newline-extra-start": "There {{PLURAL:$1|is|are}} $1 extra newline {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}} at the beginning of the translation.",
+ "translate-checks-newline-extra-end": "There {{PLURAL:$1|is|are}} $1 extra newline {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}} at the end of the translation.",
+ "translate-checks-value-not-present": "The translation must be equal to {{PLURAL:$1|1=|one of the following values:}} $1.",
+ "translate-checks-replacement": "Use $2 instead of $1.",
"translate-pref-editassistlang": "Assistant languages:",
"prefs-translate": "Translation options",
"translate-pref-editassistlang-help": "Comma separated list of language codes.\nTranslation of a message in these languages are shown when you are translating.\nThe default list of languages depends on your language.",
"translate-pref-editassistlang-bad": "Invalid language code in the list:\n<nowiki>$1</nowiki>.",
"right-translate": "Edit using the translate interface",
+ "action-translate": "edit using the translate interface",
"right-translate-manage": "Manage message groups",
"action-translate-manage": "manage message groups",
"right-translate-import": "Import offline translations",
@@ -203,17 +199,30 @@
"supportedlanguages-recenttranslations": "recent translations",
"supportedlanguages-count": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|language|languages}} in total.",
"supportedlanguages-activity": "$1: $2 {{PLURAL:$2|edit|edits}} - last edit $3 {{PLURAL:$3|day|days}} ago",
+ "translate-supportedlanguages-cached": "This information was cached $1 ago.",
"abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-translate-source-text": "Source text of translation unit",
- "translate-save": "Save ($1)",
+ "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-translate-target-language": "Target language for translation",
+ "translate-save": "Publish ($1)",
"translate-jssti-add": "Add to list",
"managemessagegroups": "Message group management",
"translate-smg-notallowed": "You are not allowed to execute this action.",
"translate-smg-nochanges": "There are no changes to process.",
"translate-smg-submit": "Submit changes for processing",
"translate-smg-submitted": "Message definitions have been updated. Changes are being processed in the background.",
+ "translate-smg-submitted-with-failure": "Updating message {{PLURAL:$1|definition|definitions}} failed for the following {{PLURAL:$1|group|groups}} - $2. $3",
+ "translate-smg-submitted-others-processing": "Message definitions for other groups are being processed in the background.",
"translate-smg-more": "There will be more changes to process after submitting these changes.",
"translate-smg-left": "Message content in wiki",
"translate-smg-right": "Incoming changes",
+ "translate-smg-rename-select": "Select",
+ "translate-smg-rename-cancel": "Cancel",
+ "translate-smg-rename-search": "Search for matching message...",
+ "translate-smg-rename-select-err": "Please select a message to be renamed",
+ "translate-smg-rename-no-msg": "No messages found.",
+ "translate-smg-rename-new": "Add as new...",
+ "translate-smg-rename-rename": "Add as rename of...",
+ "translate-smg-rename-dialog-title": "Select matching rename for $1",
+ "translate-smg-changeset-modified": "The changeset has been modified by another user or process. Your changes cannot be published as it might override their changes. Please reload the page to see the latest changes.",
"translate-manage-import-diff": "Message $1 | Actions: $2",
"translate-manage-import-new": "New message $1",
"translate-manage-import-deleted": "Deleted message $1",
@@ -221,11 +230,15 @@
"translate-manage-action-conflict": "Import and fuzzy",
"translate-manage-action-ignore": "Ignore",
"translate-manage-action-fuzzy": "Import and fuzzy translations",
+ "translate-manage-action-rename-fuzzy": "Rename and fuzzy translations",
+ "translate-manage-action-rename": "Rename",
+ "translate-manage-action-ignore-change": "Ignore translation change",
"translate-manage-nochanges": "There are no changes in message definitions for this group.",
"translate-manage-nochanges-other": "There were no changes for this language.\nUse the link below to return to the group details view.",
"translate-manage-inconsistent": "Detected inconsistency in the request.\nPlease check for changes and try again.\nDetails: $1.",
"translate-manage-toolong": "The maximum processing time of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} exceeded.\nPlease resubmit the form to continue processing.",
"translate-manage-import-summary": "Importing a new version from external source",
+ "translate-manage-import-rename-summary": "Renamed in external source",
"translate-manage-conflict-summary": "Importing a new version from external source.\nPlease check.",
"translate-manage-submit": "Execute",
"translate-manage-intro-other": "Below is list of translation changes in the language $1.\nPlease review the changes and choose an action you want to take for each update.\nIf you choose to ignore changes, this action is only temporary.",
@@ -240,15 +253,14 @@
"translate-import-err-no-such-file": "File <nowiki>$1</nowiki> does not exist or has not been uploaded locally.",
"translate-import-err-stale-group": "The message group this file belongs to does not exist.",
"translate-import-err-no-headers": "File is not a well formed Gettext file in Translate extension format:\nUnable to determine message group and language from file headers.",
- "translate-import-err-warnings": "The file is not well formed.\nMake sure your editor does not remove msgctxt fields.\nDetails: $1",
"translate-js-summary": "Summary:",
- "translate-js-save": "Save",
- "translate-js-next": "Save and open next",
+ "translate-js-save": "Publish",
+ "translate-js-next": "Publish and open next",
"translate-js-skip": "Skip to next",
"translate-js-history": "Translation history",
"translate-js-support": "Ask question",
"translate-js-support-title": "Ask for help if there is not enough information to translate this message correctly.",
- "translate-js-support-unsaved-warning": "You have unsaved translations.",
+ "translate-js-support-unsaved-warning": "You have unpublished translations.",
"translate-gs-pos": "Pos.",
"translate-gs-code": "Code",
"translate-gs-continent": "Continent",
@@ -301,14 +313,14 @@
"tux-status-fuzzy": "Outdated",
"tux-status-proofread": "Reviewed",
"tux-status-translated": "Translated",
- "tux-status-saving": "Saving...",
- "tux-status-unsaved": "Unsaved",
+ "tux-status-saving": "Publishing...",
+ "tux-status-unsaved": "Unpublished",
"tux-save-unknown-error": "Unknown error occurred.",
"tux-editor-placeholder": "Your translation",
"tux-editor-editsummary-placeholder": "Optional summary",
"tux-editor-paste-original-button-label": "Paste source text",
"tux-editor-discard-changes-button-label": "Discard changes",
- "tux-editor-save-button-label": "Save translation",
+ "tux-editor-save-button-label": "Publish translation",
"tux-editor-skip-button-label": "Skip to next",
"tux-editor-cancel-button-label": "Cancel",
"tux-editor-confirm-button-label": "Confirm translation",
@@ -321,9 +333,9 @@
"tux-editor-need-more-help": "Need more help?",
"tux-editor-ask-help": "Ask for more information",
"tux-editor-tm-match": "$1% match",
- "tux-warnings-more": "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 more}}",
- "tux-warnings-hide": "hide",
- "tux-editor-save-failed": "Saving the translation failed: $1",
+ "tux-notices-more": "{{PLURAL:$1|$1 more}}",
+ "tux-notices-hide": "hide",
+ "tux-editor-save-failed": "Publishing the translation failed: $1",
"tux-editor-n-uses": "used $1 {{PLURAL:$1|time|times}}",
"tux-editor-message-desc-more": "View more",
"tux-editor-message-desc-less": "View less",
@@ -335,10 +347,10 @@
"tux-proofread-action-tooltip": "Mark as reviewed",
"tux-proofread-edit-label": "Edit",
"tux-editor-page-mode": "Page",
- "tux-editor-outdated-warning": "This translation may need to be updated.",
- "tux-editor-outdated-warning-diff-link": "Show differences",
+ "tux-editor-outdated-notice": "This translation may need to be updated.",
+ "tux-editor-outdated-notice-diff-link": "Show differences",
"tux-editor-doc-editor-placeholder": "Message documentation",
- "tux-editor-doc-editor-save": "Save documentation",
+ "tux-editor-doc-editor-save": "Publish documentation",
"tux-editor-doc-editor-cancel": "Cancel",
"tux-messagetable-more-messages": "$1 more {{PLURAL:$1|message|messages}}",
"tux-messagetable-loading-messages": "Loading {{PLURAL:$1|message|messages}}...",
@@ -374,12 +386,13 @@
"tux-editor-message-tools-translations": "All translations",
"tux-editor-message-tools-linktothis": "Link to this message",
"tux-editor-loading": "Loading...",
+ "tux-editor-loading-failed": "Failed to load translation aids: $1",
"translate-search-more-languages-info": "$1 more {{PLURAL:$1|language|languages}}",
"translate-statsbar-tooltip": "$1% translated, $2% reviewed",
"translate-statsbar-tooltip-with-fuzzy": "$1% translated, $2% reviewed, $3% outdated",
"translate-search-more-groups-info": "$1 more {{PLURAL:$1|group|groups}}",
- "translate-ulsdep-title": "Configuration error",
- "translate-ulsdep-body": "The Translate extension depends on the [ Universal Language Selector extension].",
+ "translate-syntax-error": "Translation contains syntax errors",
"tux-session-expired": "You are no longer logged in. Please log in in a separate tab. Alternatively, make a copy of unsaved translations, log in, return to this page and enter your translations again.",
- "tux-nojs": "This tool does not work without JavaScript. JavaScript is disabled, failed to work, or this browser is unsupported."
+ "tux-nojs": "This tool does not work without JavaScript. JavaScript is disabled, failed to work, or this browser is unsupported.",
+ "specialpages-group-translation": "Translation"