diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'CheckUser/i18n/api/en-gb.json')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CheckUser/i18n/api/en-gb.json b/CheckUser/i18n/api/en-gb.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84ddae6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CheckUser/i18n/api/en-gb.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ "@metadata": {
+ "authors": [
+ "Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry",
+ "Macofe"
+ ]
+ },
+ "apihelp-query+checkuser-description": "Check which IP addresses are used by a given username, or which usernames are used by a given IP.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-request": "Type of CheckUser request:\n;userips:Get IP address of target user.\n;edits:Get changes from target IP address or range.\n;ipusers:Get users from target IP address or range.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-target": "Username, IP address, or CIDR range to check.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-reason": "Reason to check.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-limit": "Limit of rows.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-timecond": "Time limit of user data (like \"-2 weeks\" or \"2 weeks ago\").",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuser-param-xff": "Use XFF data instead of IP address.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuser-example-1": "Check IP addresses for [[User:Example]]",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuser-example-2": "Check edits from",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-description": "Get entries from the CheckUser log.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-param-user": "Username of the CheckUser.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-param-target": "Checked user, IP address, or CIDR range.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-param-limit": "Limit of rows.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-param-from": "The timestamp to start enumerating from.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-param-to": "The timestamp to end enumerating.",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-example-1": "Show checks of [[User:Example]]",
+ "apihelp-query+checkuserlog-example-2": "Show checks of after 2011-10-15T23:00:00Z"