diff options
authorUlrich Müller <>2015-04-06 16:23:03 +0000
committerUlrich Müller <>2015-04-06 16:24:17 +0000
commit6611d008e9d18e9da243b0ee8076ab3ae22d5355 (patch)
treed505709d62a0520ff3e7fa9055a46539386bf8b4 /test-plans/Interp2.lhs
Import test plans.
Diffstat (limited to 'test-plans/Interp2.lhs')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-plans/Interp2.lhs b/test-plans/Interp2.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f32e9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-plans/Interp2.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+> {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
+Parameterized Syntax
+> type Name = String
+> data Expr e d = Let d e
+> | App e e
+> | Var Name
+> | Int Int
+> data Decl e d = Fun Name [Name] e
+Parameterized Semantics
+> data Val = IntVal Int | FunVal (Val -> Val)
+> type Env = [(Name,Val)]
+> class Eval e d | e -> d, d -> e where
+> expr :: e -> Env -> Val
+> decl :: d -> Env -> Env
+> instance (Eval e d) => Eval (Expr e d) (Decl e d) where
+> expr e env = case e of
+> Let d e -> expr e (decl d env ++ env)
+> App e1 e2 -> case expr e1 env of
+> FunVal f -> f (expr e2 env)
+> _ -> error "Type error."
+> Var x -> case lookup x env of
+> Just v -> v
+> Nothing -> error "Undefined variable."
+> Int x -> IntVal x
+> decl d env = case d of
+> Fun f xs e -> [(f,args env xs)]
+> where args env (x:xs) = FunVal (\v -> args ((x,v):env) xs)
+> args env [] = expr e env
+Language 1: Tying the Knot
+> newtype Expr1 = E1 (Expr Expr1 Decl1)
+> newtype Decl1 = D1 (Decl Expr1 Decl1)
+> instance Eval Expr1 Decl1 where
+> expr (E1 e) env = expr e env
+> decl (D1 e) env = decl e env
+> var1 x = E1 $ Var x
+> int1 x = E1 $ Int x
+> app1 f x = E1 $ App f x
+> let1 d e = E1 $ Let d e
+> fun1 f xs e = D1 $ Fun f xs e
+> test1 e = expr
+> ( let1 (fun1 "id" ["x"] $ var1 "x")
+> $ let1 (fun1 "const" ["x","y"] $ var1 "x") e) []
+> ex1 = test1 $ var1 "id" `app1` int1 2
+> ex2 = test1 $ var1 "const" `app1` int1 2 `app1` int1 3
+> ex3 = test1 $ var1 "const" `app1` var1 "id" `app1` int1 2 `app1` int1 3
+Language 2: Tying the Know with an Extension
+> data Expr2 = E2 (Expr Expr2 Decl2)
+> | Add Expr2 Expr2
+> newtype Decl2 = D2 (Decl Expr2 Decl2)
+> instance Eval Expr2 Decl2 where
+> expr (E2 e) env = expr e env
+> expr (Add e1 e2) env = case (expr e1 env, expr e2 env) of
+> (IntVal x, IntVal y) -> IntVal (x+y)
+> _ -> error "Type error."
+> decl (D2 d) env = decl d env
+> var2 x = E2 $ Var x
+> int2 x = E2 $ Int x
+> app2 f x = E2 $ App f x
+> let2 d e = E2 $ Let d e
+> fun2 f xs e = D2 $ Fun f xs e
+> test2 e = expr
+> ( let2 (fun2 "id" ["x"] $ var2 "x")
+> $ let2 (fun2 "const" ["x","y"] $ var2 "x") e) []
+> ex4 = test2 $ var2 "id" `app2` int2 2
+> ex5 = test2 $ var2 "const" `app2` int2 2 `app2` int2 3
+> ex6 = test2 $ var2 "const" `app2` var2 "id" `app2` int2 2 `app2` int2 3
+> ex7 = test2 $ var2 "id" `app2` (int2 3 `Add` int2 7)
+> instance Show Val where
+> show val = case val of
+> IntVal x -> show x
+> FunVal _ -> error "<function>"