diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang/fpc/files/fpc-2.2.2-execstack.patch')
1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/fpc/files/fpc-2.2.2-execstack.patch b/dev-lang/fpc/files/fpc-2.2.2-execstack.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c2c38c20dc45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/fpc/files/fpc-2.2.2-execstack.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/aggas.pas
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/aggas.pas
+@@ -1074,6 +1074,13 @@
+ (target_info.system in systems_darwin) then
+ AsmWriteLn(#9'.subsections_via_symbols');
++ { "no executable stack" marker for Linux }
++ if (target_info.system in system_linux) and
++ not(cs_executable_stack in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
++ begin
++ AsmWriteLn('.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits');
++ end;
+ AsmLn;
+ {$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
+ if assigned(current_module.mainsource) then
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/globtype.pas
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/globtype.pas
+@@ -109,7 +109,9 @@
+ { linking }
+ cs_create_smart,cs_create_dynamic,cs_create_pic,
+ { browser switches are back }
+- cs_browser,cs_local_browser
++ cs_browser,cs_local_browser,
++ { target specific }
++ cs_executable_stack
+ );
+ tmoduleswitches = set of tmoduleswitch;
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/msg/errore.msg
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/msg/errore.msg
+@@ -2699,6 +2699,7 @@
+ 3*1W<x>_Target-specific options (targets)
+ A*1W<x>_Target-specific options (targets)
+ P*1W<x>_Target-specific options (targets)
++p*1W<x>_Target-specific options (targets)
+ 3*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)
+ P*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)
+ p*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)
+@@ -2718,6 +2719,10 @@
+ 3*2WR_Generate relocation code (Windows)
+ A*2WR_Generate relocation code (Windows)
+ P*2WT_Specify MPW tool type application (Classic Mac OS)
++3*2WX_Enable executable stack (Linux)
++A*2WX_Enable executable stack (Linux)
++p*2WX_Enable executable stack (Linux)
++P*2WX_Enable executable stack (Linux)
+ **1X_Executable options:
+ **2Xc_Pass --shared/-dynamic to the linker (BeOS, Darwin, FreeBSD, Linux)
+ **2Xd_Do not use standard library search path (needed for cross compile)
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/
+@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@
+ option_info=11024;
+ option_help_pages=11025;
+- MsgTxtSize = 45950;
++ MsgTxtSize = 46144;
+ MsgIdxMax : array[1..20] of longint=(
+ 24,87,248,84,63,50,108,22,135,61,
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ {$ifdef Delphi}
+-const msgtxt : array[0..000191] of string[240]=(
++const msgtxt : array[0..000192] of string[240]=(
+ {$else Delphi}
+-const msgtxt : array[0..000191,1..240] of char=(
++const msgtxt : array[0..000192,1..240] of char=(
+ {$endif Delphi}
+ '01000_T_Compiler: $1'#000+
+ '01001_D_Compiler OS: $1'#000+
+@@ -1051,47 +1051,52 @@
+ '3*1W<x>_Target-specific options (targets)'#010+
+ 'A*1W<x>_Target-specific options (targets)'#010+
+ 'P*1W<x>_Target-specific options (targets)'#010+
+- '3*2Wb_Create a b','undle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
++ 'p*1W<x>_Target-s','pecific options (targets)'#010+
++ '3*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'P*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'p*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
+ '3*2WB_Create a relocatable image (Windows)'#010+
+- 'A*2WB_Create a relocatable image (Windows, Symbian)'#010+
+- '3*2WC','_Specify console type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
++ 'A*2WB_Create a ','relocatable image (Windows, Symbian)'#010+
++ '3*2WC_Specify console type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
+ 'A*2WC_Specify console type application (Windows)'#010+
+ 'P*2WC_Specify console type application (Classic Mac OS)'#010+
+- '3*2WD_Use DEFFILE to export functions of DLL or EXE (Windows)'#010+
+- 'A*2WD_Use DEFFILE ','to export functions of DLL or EXE (Windows)'#010+
++ '3*2WD_Use DEFFILE to export functions ','of DLL or EXE (Windows)'#010+
++ 'A*2WD_Use DEFFILE to export functions of DLL or EXE (Windows)'#010+
+ '3*2WF_Specify full-screen type application (EMX, OS/2)'#010+
+ '3*2WG_Specify graphic type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
+- 'A*2WG_Specify graphic type application (Windows)'#010+
+- 'P*2WG_Specify graphic type appli','cation (Classic Mac OS)'#010+
++ 'A*2WG_Specify graphic type application ','(Windows)'#010+
++ 'P*2WG_Specify graphic type application (Classic Mac OS)'#010+
+ '3*2WN_Do not generate relocation code, needed for debugging (Windows)'#010+
+ 'A*2WN_Do not generate relocation code, needed for debugging (Windows)'#010+
+- '3*2WR_Generate relocation code (Windows)'#010+
+- 'A*2WR_Generate relocation code (Win','dows)'#010+
++ '3*2WR_Generate relocation code (Wi','ndows)'#010+
++ 'A*2WR_Generate relocation code (Windows)'#010+
+ 'P*2WT_Specify MPW tool type application (Classic Mac OS)'#010+
++ '3*2WX_Enable executable stack (Linux)'#010+
++ 'A*2WX_Enable executable stack (Linux)'#010+
++ 'p*2WX_Enable executable stack (Linux)'#010+
++ 'P*2WX_Enable executab','le stack (Linux)'#010+
+ '**1X_Executable options:'#010+
+ '**2Xc_Pass --shared/-dynamic to the linker (BeOS, Darwin, FreeBSD, Lin'+
+ 'ux)'#010+
+ '**2Xd_Do not use standard library search path (needed for cross compil'+
+ 'e)'#010+
+- '**2Xe','_Use external linker'#010+
+- '**2Xg_Create debuginfo in a separate file and add a debuglink section '+
+- 'to executable'#010+
++ '**2Xe_Use external linker'#010+
++ '**2Xg_Create debuginfo in',' a separate file and add a debuglink sectio'+
++ 'n to executable'#010+
+ '**2XD_Try to link units dynamically (defines FPC_LINK_DYNAMIC)'#010+
+ '**2Xi_Use internal linker'#010+
+ '**2Xm_Generate link map'#010+
+- '**2XM<x>_Set the ','name of the '#039'main'#039' program routine (default'+
+- ' is '#039'main'#039')'#010+
++ '**2XM<x>_Set the name of the '#039'main'#039' program routine (default i'+
++ 's',' '#039'main'#039')'#010+
+ '**2XP<x>_Prepend the binutils names with the prefix <x>'#010+
+ '**2Xr<x>_Set library search path to <x> (needed for cross compile) (Be'+
+ 'OS, Linux)'#010+
+- '**2XR<x>_Prepend <x> to all linker search paths ','(BeOS, Darwin, FreeB'+
+- 'SD, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris)'#010+
++ '**2XR<x>_Prepend <x> to all linker search paths (BeOS, Darwin, FreeBSD'+
++ ', Linux, Mac OS, Solaris',')'#010+
+ '**2Xs_Strip all symbols from executable'#010+
+ '**2XS_Try to link units statically (default, defines FPC_LINK_STATIC)'#010+
+ '**2Xt_Link with static libraries (-static is passed to linker)'#010+
+- '**2XX_Try to smartl','ink units (defines FPC_LINK_SMART)'#010+
++ '**2XX_Try to smartlink units (defines FPC_LINK_SMART)',#010+
+ '**1*_'#010+
+ '**1?_Show this help'#010+
+ '**1h_Shows this help without waiting'#000
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/ogelf.pas
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/ogelf.pas
+@@ -1021,6 +1021,10 @@
+ symtabsect:=TElfObjSection.create_ext(ObjSectionList,'.symtab',SHT_SYMTAB,0,0,0,4,sizeof(telfsymbol));
+ strtabsect:=TElfObjSection.create_ext(ObjSectionList,'.strtab',SHT_STRTAB,0,0,0,1,0);
+ shstrtabsect:=TElfObjSection.create_ext(ObjSectionList,'.shstrtab',SHT_STRTAB,0,0,0,1,0);
++ { "no executable stack" marker for Linux }
++ if (target_info.system in system_linux) and
++ not(cs_executable_stack in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
++ TElfObjSection.create_ext(ObjSectionList,'.note.GNU-stack',SHT_PROGBITS,0,0,0,1,0);
+ { insert the empty and filename as first in strtab }
+ strtabsect.writestr(#0);
+ strtabsect.writestr(ExtractFileName(current_module.mainsource^)+#0);
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/options.pas
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/compiler/options.pas
+@@ -1357,6 +1357,18 @@
+ else
+ apptype:=app_tool;
+ end;
++ 'X':
++ begin
++ if (target_info.system in system_linux) then
++ begin
++ if UnsetBool(More, j) then
++ exclude(init_settings.moduleswitches,cs_executable_stack)
++ else
++ include(init_settings.moduleswitches,cs_executable_stack)
++ end
++ else
++ IllegalPara(opt);
++ end
+ else
+ IllegalPara(opt);
+ end;
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/arm/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/arm/
+@@ -135,3 +135,5 @@
+ 2: .long 0
+ .long 2,0,0
+ 3: .align 4
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/arm/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/arm/
+@@ -90,3 +90,4 @@
+ .long 2,0,0
+ 3: .align 4
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/arm/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/arm/
+@@ -108,3 +108,5 @@
+ 2: .long 0
+ .long 2,0,0
+ 3: .align 4
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/arm/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/arm/
+@@ -178,3 +178,5 @@
+ 2: .long 0
+ .long 2,0,0
+ 3: .align 4
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
+@@ -105,3 +105,5 @@
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_envp,operatingsystem_parameters+0
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_argc,operatingsystem_parameters+4
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_argv,operatingsystem_parameters+8
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
+@@ -122,3 +122,5 @@
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_envp,operatingsystem_parameters+0
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_argc,operatingsystem_parameters+4
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_argv,operatingsystem_parameters+8
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
+@@ -72,3 +72,4 @@
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_argc,operatingsystem_parameters+4
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_argv,operatingsystem_parameters+8
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
+@@ -87,3 +87,5 @@
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_envp,operatingsystem_parameters+0
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_argc,operatingsystem_parameters+4
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_argv,operatingsystem_parameters+8
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
+@@ -136,3 +136,4 @@
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_argc,operatingsystem_parameters+4
+ .set operatingsystem_parameter_argv,operatingsystem_parameters+8
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/i386/
+@@ -109,3 +109,4 @@
+ //.section .threadvar,"aw",@nobits
+ .comm ___fpc_threadvar_offset,4
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/powerpc/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/powerpc/
+@@ -117,3 +117,4 @@
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argc, 4
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argv, 4
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/powerpc/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/powerpc/
+@@ -67,3 +67,5 @@
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_envp,4
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argc,4
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argv,4
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/powerpc64/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/powerpc64/
+@@ -433,3 +433,5 @@
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argc, 4
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argv, 8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_envp, 8
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/powerpc64/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/powerpc64/
+@@ -439,3 +439,5 @@
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argc, 4
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argv, 8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_envp, 8
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/powerpc64/
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/rtl/linux/powerpc64/
+@@ -376,3 +376,4 @@
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argv, 8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_envp, 8
++.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
+--- /dev/null
++++ fpcbuild-2.2.2/fpcsrc/tests/webtbs/tw11563.pp
+@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
++{ %target=linux}
++{ %result=216 }
++program ExecStack;
++ procedure DoIt;
++ type
++ proc = procedure;
++ var
++{$if defined(cpupowerpc) or defined(cpupowerpc64)}
++ ret: longint;
++{$if defined(cpui386) or defined(cpux86_64)}
++ ret: Byte;
++{$ifdef cpuarm}
++ 'add arm code to test stack execution'
++ DoNothing: proc;
++ begin
++{$if defined(cpupowerpc) or defined(cpupowerpc64)}
++ { can't use proc(@ret) because linux/ppc64 always expects some kind of
++ trampoline
++ }
++ ret := ($4e shl 24) or ($80 shl 16) or ($00 shl 8) or $20;
++ asm
++ la r0, ret
++ mtctr r0
++ bctrl
++ end;
++{$if defined(cpui386) or defined(cpux86_64)}
++ ret := $C3;
++ DoNothing := proc(@ret);
++ DoNothing;
++ end;
++ DoIt;