diff options
4 files changed, 177 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog b/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog
index c3c728ca1745..72e4228890d5 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-apps/coreutils
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog,v 1.177 2006/09/04 20:26:33 flameeyes Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/ChangeLog,v 1.178 2006/09/18 14:05:50 vapier Exp $
+*coreutils-6.2 (18 Sep 2006)
+ 18 Sep 2006; Mike Frysinger <> +coreutils-6.2.ebuild:
+ Version bump.
04 Sep 2006; Diego Pettenò <> coreutils-5.97.ebuild,
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
index 7278dcc78e79..67225d9b4b64 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ DIST coreutils-5.97-patches-1.0.tar.bz2 62689 RMD160 1138a1497555843d0d6a8cf46bc
DIST coreutils-5.97.tar.bz2 5064684 RMD160 96750ad46f0ae1d4af3c714076b5c384a2b901a9 SHA1 6a5cf0b15433569af0de9a7bc3f4ef281d876b31 SHA256 d5266d6421d88902c1c4425b613052ce986abf4bdd73616f35792263bfd91519
DIST coreutils-6.1-patches-1.0.tar.bz2 45595 RMD160 29bd2484c30defe897ecf4e710bb9fc8d41e7a0e SHA1 0cb59dd366fef09c76a0ff90dc3925c7ae25f985 SHA256 12b8b13657f8a9278659b6cf393e649afe2d565ad086587b1c37953d5b0e1010
DIST coreutils-6.1.tar.bz2 5290234 RMD160 b59c5c43be629a42482107be05a3ed0b518b1b70 SHA1 937ecfbb0bbf0c55aa6d7ff7e02ce3e7f862abb1 SHA256 eed9783573718a818663aaf550c8c2ef2c298a5bb65c55ca15c1515bbf70e741
+DIST coreutils-6.2-patches-1.0.tar.bz2 48013 RMD160 79c2c352ef22901ac638e6833757a9ce9db41b0e SHA1 4139dde3473f2f1361780d7a7c72921f89b0a19f SHA256 9c653ade9b7d0456906b857b7013d94afe49a18650391622c8b730a08225daac
+DIST coreutils-6.2.tar.bz2 5007535 RMD160 d8b17a66b71e1071d29dfdb1f74af1f5b6ad97f4 SHA1 c7561cee8a5f4170e2908048d8a7a0bd528d1e37 SHA256 adcd3ef2b1a66d26a4bad6ffd9d65817e446845bfd198964bb4fba64e8a1aae8
EBUILD coreutils-5.2.1-r7.ebuild 4574 RMD160 29716ddcca9bbd9d90369395d104bf6a8a4fd268 SHA1 788510720116cc6b596f21b2774a5f7450054ded SHA256 f3a846cdf629f53455043b8857fcb8d46cd2ed4aed666ea173599b0c26454a7c
MD5 c1f9157af3a6f2c2f2e10bac139be7ec coreutils-5.2.1-r7.ebuild 4574
RMD160 29716ddcca9bbd9d90369395d104bf6a8a4fd268 coreutils-5.2.1-r7.ebuild 4574
@@ -49,10 +51,14 @@ EBUILD coreutils-6.1.ebuild 4583 RMD160 471e08ba66047eb57d7569280976de864148707f
MD5 35943740eab44f67e598d904311c11ae coreutils-6.1.ebuild 4583
RMD160 471e08ba66047eb57d7569280976de864148707f coreutils-6.1.ebuild 4583
SHA256 79157d9eb7e3cfb408c9d3b089cded5966fb7db65e1d17915ff03fefd4920100 coreutils-6.1.ebuild 4583
-MISC ChangeLog 28121 RMD160 c5726a775cdb19aa7ef47a691a591388729762d7 SHA1 4cc48cc5098ced4f37796eb5f07871d7fec8a805 SHA256 ca46fa6fc468407dbadf00575702ba4a5793a81c3d127511bc18cb26b52af9b6
-MD5 aa93fafcaa09afbc13b939f49ccf52fc ChangeLog 28121
-RMD160 c5726a775cdb19aa7ef47a691a591388729762d7 ChangeLog 28121
-SHA256 ca46fa6fc468407dbadf00575702ba4a5793a81c3d127511bc18cb26b52af9b6 ChangeLog 28121
+EBUILD coreutils-6.2.ebuild 4561 RMD160 4405bcc370e9c10561137cb559eeb19040518af6 SHA1 25d7b007c02f6cd757a776165d32c9f6b8d5e551 SHA256 6a7970d556b8acfaf764d3449978e8cd41b2560d77829743da18988b24e66f3c
+MD5 21cd9b4974a2094330cca6c681f1d4ca coreutils-6.2.ebuild 4561
+RMD160 4405bcc370e9c10561137cb559eeb19040518af6 coreutils-6.2.ebuild 4561
+SHA256 6a7970d556b8acfaf764d3449978e8cd41b2560d77829743da18988b24e66f3c coreutils-6.2.ebuild 4561
+MISC ChangeLog 28238 RMD160 b1cf1f01285512bdec464813c464dbd97d14716a SHA1 b9702bd9509b41038febe45a0006a8bc65a95714 SHA256 45f70c8b125d5f8fff95f273dbf9cac7ff8411fb023e3aeeb953c1a8e54e3fd9
+MD5 88bd44c7fa49f42974a7c692d05f2e19 ChangeLog 28238
+RMD160 b1cf1f01285512bdec464813c464dbd97d14716a ChangeLog 28238
+SHA256 45f70c8b125d5f8fff95f273dbf9cac7ff8411fb023e3aeeb953c1a8e54e3fd9 ChangeLog 28238
MISC metadata.xml 164 RMD160 f43cbec30b7074319087c9acffdb9354b17b0db3 SHA1 9c213f5803676c56439df3716be07d6692588856 SHA256 f5f2891f2a4791cd31350bb2bb572131ad7235cd0eeb124c9912c187ac10ce92
MD5 9a09f8d531c582e78977dbfd96edc1f2 metadata.xml 164
RMD160 f43cbec30b7074319087c9acffdb9354b17b0db3 metadata.xml 164
@@ -78,10 +84,13 @@ SHA256 37bbcbcd1678fdeb030c8196e93c961dbbdd098746ac2bf86a6c09d8f1cd2e13 files/di
MD5 02d28ca545e0d4eefd3d1b5963daca55 files/digest-coreutils-6.1 524
RMD160 3819152081877ea437c4a363bd39e5892059912e files/digest-coreutils-6.1 524
SHA256 74dd0691ddc1083148a1fa591bdeea9ed21494720878e6b3a90d029ed59f1b00 files/digest-coreutils-6.1 524
+MD5 bd95400f1b1c86ceb26fadeafc21c056 files/digest-coreutils-6.2 524
+RMD160 f8773146a54a29a0ba15c87b43f83fa2e244713c files/digest-coreutils-6.2 524
+SHA256 2aeb12634cc2815904842d1ae5c49b2ed56ff03f1b3e78793ab84d33bdcbc2d9 files/digest-coreutils-6.2 524
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-6.2.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-6.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bfaf6707bb1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-6.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-6.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/09/18 14:05:50 vapier Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs autotools
+DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU file utilities (chmod, cp, dd, dir, ls...), text utilities (sort, tr, head, wc..), and shell utilities (whoami, who,...)"
+ mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.bz2
+ mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2
+ mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="acl nls selinux static"
+RDEPEND="selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
+ acl? ( sys-apps/acl sys-apps/attr )
+ nls? ( >=sys-devel/gettext-0.15 )
+ !net-mail/base64
+ >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.3-r5"
+ =sys-devel/automake-1.8*
+ >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.59d
+ >=sys-devel/m4-1.4-r1
+ sys-apps/help2man"
+pkg_setup() {
+ # fixup expr for #123342
+ if [[ $(/bin/expr a : '\(a\)') != "a" ]] ; then
+ if [[ -x /bin/busybox ]] ; then
+ ln -sf /bin/busybox /bin/expr
+ else
+ eerror "Your expr binary appears to be broken, please fix it."
+ eerror "For more info, see"
+ die "your expr is broke"
+ fi
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ rm -f "${PATCHDIR}"/generic/001_*progress*
+ # Apply the ACL/SELINUX patches.
+ if use selinux ; then
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying SELINUX patches ..." \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch "${PATCHDIR}"/selinux
+ ( cd "${PATCHDIR}" ; epatch selinux/GLUE* ) || die "glue failed"
+ elif use acl ; then
+ EPATCH_MULTI_MSG="Applying ACL patches ..." \
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch "${PATCHDIR}"/acl
+ fi
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch "${PATCHDIR}"/generic
+ chmod a+rx tests/sort/sort-mb-tests
+ # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will
+ # try to re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`.
+ # When cross-compiling, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't
+ # a native binary, so let's just install outdated man-pages.
+ tc-is-cross-compiler && touch man/*.1
+ # There's no reason for this crap to use the private version
+ sed -i 's:__mempcpy:mempcpy:g' lib/*.c
+ AT_M4DIR="m4" eautoreconf
+src_compile() {
+ if ! type -p cvs > /dev/null ; then
+ # Fix issues with gettext's autopoint if cvs is not installed,
+ # bug #28920.
+ export AUTOPOINT="/bin/true"
+ fi
+ local myconf=""
+ [[ ${USERLAND} == "GNU" ]] \
+ && myconf="${myconf} --bindir=/bin" \
+ || myconf="${myconf} --bindir=/usr/libexec/gnu"
+ [[ ${ELIBC} == "glibc" || ${ELIBC} == "uclibc" ]] \
+ && myconf="${myconf} --without-included-regex"
+ use static && append-ldflags -static
+ econf \
+ --enable-largefile \
+ $(use_enable nls) \
+ $(use_enable selinux) \
+ ${myconf} \
+ || die "econf"
+ emake || die "emake"
+src_test() {
+ # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isnt
+ # accessible to non-root users
+ chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}"
+ chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}"
+ addwrite /dev/full
+ export RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
+ #export FETISH_GROUPS="portage wheel"
+ make check || die "make check failed"
+src_install() {
+ make install DESTDIR="${D}" || die
+ rm -f "${D}"/usr/lib/charset.alias
+ # remove files provided by other packages
+ rm "${D}"/bin/{kill,uptime} # procps
+ rm "${D}"/bin/{groups,su} # shadow
+ rm "${D}"/bin/hostname # net-tools
+ rm "${D}"/usr/share/man/man1/{groups,kill,hostname,su,uptime}.1
+ # provide by the man-pages package
+ rm "${D}"/usr/share/man/man1/{chgrp,chmod,chown,cp,dd,df,dir,dircolors}.1
+ rm "${D}"/usr/share/man/man1/{du,install,ln,ls,mkdir,mkfifo,mknod,mv}.1
+ rm "${D}"/usr/share/man/man1/{rm,rmdir,touch,vdir}.1
+ insinto /etc
+ newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS
+ if [[ ${USERLAND} == "GNU" ]] ; then
+ # move non-critical packages into /usr
+ cd "${D}"
+ dodir /usr/bin
+ mv bin/{csplit,expand,factor,fmt,fold,join,md5sum,nl,od} usr/bin
+ mv bin/{paste,pathchk,pinky,pr,printf,sha1sum,shred,sum,tac} usr/bin
+ mv bin/{tail,test,[,tsort,unexpand,users} usr/bin
+ cd bin
+ local x
+ for x in * ; do
+ dosym /bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
+ done
+ else
+ # For now, drop the man pages, collides with the ones of the system.
+ rm -rf "${D}"/usr/share/man
+ fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/digest-coreutils-6.2 b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/digest-coreutils-6.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..615d14a5a510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/digest-coreutils-6.2
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 bbc3ce8792408e0a37566e4fd4c74ddc coreutils-6.2-patches-1.0.tar.bz2 48013
+RMD160 79c2c352ef22901ac638e6833757a9ce9db41b0e coreutils-6.2-patches-1.0.tar.bz2 48013
+SHA256 9c653ade9b7d0456906b857b7013d94afe49a18650391622c8b730a08225daac coreutils-6.2-patches-1.0.tar.bz2 48013
+MD5 260de3825fff50f8b5e15cca6f701057 coreutils-6.2.tar.bz2 5007535
+RMD160 d8b17a66b71e1071d29dfdb1f74af1f5b6ad97f4 coreutils-6.2.tar.bz2 5007535
+SHA256 adcd3ef2b1a66d26a4bad6ffd9d65817e446845bfd198964bb4fba64e8a1aae8 coreutils-6.2.tar.bz2 5007535