diff options
7 files changed, 15 insertions, 1010 deletions
diff --git a/net-mail/courier-imap/ChangeLog b/net-mail/courier-imap/ChangeLog
index 0ae76ae67a94..fb1f0692fb09 100644
--- a/net-mail/courier-imap/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-mail/courier-imap/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for net-mail/courier-imap
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/courier-imap/ChangeLog,v 1.204 2013/09/26 17:30:39 ago Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/courier-imap/ChangeLog,v 1.205 2014/04/09 20:37:13 pacho Exp $
+ 09 Apr 2014; Pacho Ramos <> -courier-imap-4.0.6-r3.ebuild,
+ -courier-imap-4.5.0.ebuild, -courier-imap-4.6.0.ebuild,
+ -courier-imap-4.8.0.ebuild, metadata.xml:
+ Now orphan, drop old
26 Sep 2013; Agostino Sarubbo <> courier-imap-4.8.0-r1.ebuild:
Stable for arm, wrt bug #480082
diff --git a/net-mail/courier-imap/Manifest b/net-mail/courier-imap/Manifest
index 895d2b9a3c92..f33fa7a3ddd7 100644
--- a/net-mail/courier-imap/Manifest
+++ b/net-mail/courier-imap/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Hash: SHA512
+Hash: SHA256
AUX courier-authdaemond.service 376 SHA256 a275d29b61029b92e7ce76c1d16f9ec943a6cd0e2199821811253fabb6801370 SHA512 534f64625c21d65b22d3887c649df94615daaa80cc49800877c93990a1974998099d94585b49a2b5b7f637c106cc72b9caec1b79c8a3f7e7e82be731e9ebb124 WHIRLPOOL b1b68a2d4c9d11ddc18b41e3e3be19dbb121d03997a82e67afa94855a62391aedaee60d70728d14d362296d3097241a2d7786db3c3471e08b17153d8df3c98b6
AUX 654 SHA256 775dab159b4e05141e4d8fdfa5df75967dda8a8f60e4e962208f724a497d3f54 SHA512 193e40c5ef0e87c00b09d689433d34ba1a007a246fdb85df646fe66732d1170ed1567aa0b994c86b78635e96f1dc855973ba3330b058deb2633a5a77f414c0c4 WHIRLPOOL cf88477da67885f03d427b192ca22ca5140f7724039f3ac4124a794c4461cf9a0ad161a57aa8004eca61e94b2a3224af0df7c4b8d6e6c167892071b2dc887360
@@ -22,31 +22,14 @@ AUX courier-imapd-ssl.service 277 SHA256 9c1e97c93137a83fc5381d5ba2ba557777a22a7
AUX courier-imapd.service 265 SHA256 48c43249df0b0a2ff18372fca67d36da290f73bc1f9b453365015554985ca38e SHA512 154101170d1c7f03d3c63693695037027dfc36b086fa47bed4631de478f4a33c839dadc354990be2d0ecde1c27868f0d456565ced3fff79eaddd61199388c23e WHIRLPOOL 9eb2a50e5ce26a27aeeb42c6d91e55aeba3f033f2689777dce8782bb6d21a777ef575351ce41b3c51a0cb6f1475a887254fa1a4646c56bdf5fab01619426135c
AUX mkimapdcert 996 SHA256 1ebd9ae44e3ca5fb906f5f399abec7d6f117d231db5725be0a1c4e043eaec4f6 SHA512 502eec64d1db7106ca83a38c18bb48ea9fa9d9a2526076fe45fbf54f7313866d9a4cf3bda7b0a8984af88fb8e8f35a24447071d3bc6882c8f158395d55548bf4 WHIRLPOOL de07fbe8ef656223a5fe43c5e8b6df909257e0c171978db30d0c43e3ef56a927dd26b11468545c89e431dceb34f75a44b290192d304c5e32eb29fe54aaf6d111
AUX mkpop3dcert 996 SHA256 c241ccca359b5d126dc56fc73f21991d8a7bffb5c211d8b0a1e4e88e693eb7cb SHA512 eab113a442dd6b22b5d4eaa6beb755849e2af61dbb3f0bc3eb93c6e9240058c46e5220971504a18587eb2af8f5c8d8c7c44ce24ad898603319a78c1b11dec078 WHIRLPOOL 7b30ab63852376236717eb7cd230b453e2144f56641f506bd47b5fbea645fd7ac53c9147a9e3707a8b0233e74218f69c6b6d8c0f8ff764b3aa13a18d22d966b8
-DIST courier-imap-4.0.6.tar.bz2 3157577 SHA256 27e6847507ddecfab1672fdf52447f8351f4cf046145974768ea93ebfea6ddbb
-DIST courier-imap-4.5.0.tar.bz2 3565751 SHA256 3d7de2ba6d5f7fa2e7ac4bfeb053055e127234c3442a09f36aa5dd71b9f44ffa
-DIST courier-imap-4.6.0.tar.bz2 3397972 SHA256 d84e4bd4f643ec03ef1bdea9743c4b917fce7a36cf8967edeeefb7c15b825b37
DIST courier-imap-4.8.0.tar.bz2 3362734 SHA256 ec7511a4398920a04f3bb60cf1208e29a9a5432baeff4d356a4ec142113bfbf2 SHA512 71f5aa44f1ab06bb83f06cffac728fde796f3fc8c00a7acc80e157a9c072876aa0c189781325c39634d14c4bbf8e0ac0b14d05725c7331bda817ea28a85be5a7 WHIRLPOOL 7dadd694348699222a52658cdec971bde7a2a3a4f0385745c32243e234784200a4415840de1e643943f83aa85cc29eb56ae4c5097c6a60c36e65ee2a40aa87f6
-EBUILD courier-imap-4.0.6-r3.ebuild 8439 SHA256 fcadb93dc4254d1a1cccbba1cb9aa049d8c356284b7ff2601f3646105cfdd253 SHA512 6662d358be7522db42c0ca51455f3bde63156b2a7a8adeb00cc12c6d897521caa7732b51ef326249844b7efb3f2555c0d486ee98ad27cba0878e60feded342d1 WHIRLPOOL 0031df04804f47d210e1cd917b29ad0039fd7d439bdf4002e839a95800b5cb116038e8c4403b27781d5c5c16e7c5b1754760db009a1f6b6fa18e3ac5f724eca0
-EBUILD courier-imap-4.5.0.ebuild 8282 SHA256 cfc59b11229dcabaaf78f0026f26ce20c16869ae26f66738efb9815ae9c8b2a4 SHA512 d06e97308297b4f8228c8ea22a9ce02876b89b82536ce7ed54f9d7d5dab07900dabc9140684e857f99f8ba0c5141f6cf0a6fa71f549e2d2929c3a05e9dcbeca9 WHIRLPOOL f4bf96ee00f23df8058d5b480d743e2d2a42223a018e8e33edb0a9db999485f7e208326a9d6ce456c36e45e6f92f352348138da0b9acd727754dce8aa2d449b0
-EBUILD courier-imap-4.6.0.ebuild 7741 SHA256 b12502fac86370a59d9566ffae5ca4b04fd5c81a08979eca73a02f06bdd55821 SHA512 fdd9277668d92f0ea6255d04506790846ec78d0ea77d1c1e027df6fe15e98ee43c59a7aa097e02622cd133e7ec7f1c14440c77e56a9cdbbcbb4edbda648ed58a WHIRLPOOL d38a55dda2198b14b061f990fdf5bfb4a98d52443ff3a8744b41f62667061445e686f073ef8981171af900caca97881c81009adae56c36f868d2fcbba3c9edf6
EBUILD courier-imap-4.8.0-r1.ebuild 7376 SHA256 ead07c4b93dbe5268413e5ddcb02a2911d34b0cbdb12ed3c4f5b85d53a172cea SHA512 e7f2139875bb946f79fe2945cbffec9e054533494d9b2a0eea6f97c10dd31787b9f0d02f337d23c7e45152ba188180015c033f2b9cf665f6979ad2f3f6c2ded5 WHIRLPOOL 77f3c7f02c62c11877e0a5069374d89fdd260f90be5bf8f972e307831b7b00e870d3ccca81e9907164a709baf859ab4e43e897a4083c6bc31b81ccb4da45d0e5
-EBUILD courier-imap-4.8.0.ebuild 7644 SHA256 5321c6cd291c05796980c848e0f765d508e8d986324ab96dc13a1ec2cc23f971 SHA512 4a8bbb1fbc525b1cb192f3c050d4652454975dcd5d18163fcbf6a329171a4b7793da53a361678885603d2023a82ae2aa90594781c00778cdf6dc9cd8f2db5546 WHIRLPOOL 94f45917ce77b4388d00b78b9e1be0dc7d91cc6029c8fabc2ae6903d9d919cb1540093a9d11211709ea074a0a64e6de15b25e293db14d8d631c8f024d8698a33
-MISC ChangeLog 40129 SHA256 4696faf3531996ec1aee6a9e414ac68676e5124c4740079f33198734444788d9 SHA512 f2937739f854be1bff98468b25af7ce397aad87e5d96a8c8b89da6b59b42d7e87d366d8aac46e13013c1c5f40172fbcfe61fd45b331d150f4074c5a94e96bc6b WHIRLPOOL 2ecea3b25a17df4d44091d66e7dbea6d46534c160ba38cdf36630b99a8d3c937d9a736e1e6ddd1d73a9dc366eda09c7c36d0a0f47ff49b1875f0b3e53fef399a
-MISC metadata.xml 300 SHA256 e0b2d87a088be1320efdab1553bf99b233cf1a8e32c24b4cd4ea91f8ff03c1d6 SHA512 fdfb0ca5bb084f4383dbe87b4aaf8dcbdcc7439a4728c760ae488f3c013112f3dee5f12b165e9199982b8c68d4c65fd34972939c2eedf2caa07dd17b62f6aeee WHIRLPOOL c0b7077dac7df887a97278d7250511156b37de6d2b0cbabc9877bf73630c34fb01aa4e5b5b18aa505fc6038d13da2debbcaae5a0f838ef3ca040721b22811183
+MISC ChangeLog 40334 SHA256 aeef18c333e354fbf2d3e229f2e2b2feba14b9de0fd8ec8c475576654acd451c SHA512 c637559a0a10360802831899a353ee5a36c6186937746301b6dd652ad3d2fc5bd0d188b3981d1084e91371cf5a31bac55fe52be47a880ad8911d2f6b921f9db8 WHIRLPOOL cd0f9a82b307138baa71f97b3827c85b8b788ef55792ac11c8c3174e6545173d4007715499e1ee815444ead5478bce56715d0bbfbbf1a3d4bcefae212948c916
+MISC metadata.xml 346 SHA256 4dbd299b62adbf27d940a1107192310f8a437c0bfa1860902e54e15a53e7a2b0 SHA512 b715120d503806819f6f4d82f73b173c3498707347c88471a3c3f06815a2496b4361cb1478c714324470e9ed3288bf1334ba28d2c31e54cc2dbede9edd1631b0 WHIRLPOOL 97e63a7127c8403e23cc8fad7b379c862427252b06b589ed7dc66532ca550ac5441b94b0caa579a4c85f2eac9439013871d7ef37e3e8ecb1eceb9d715f865132
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.0.6-r3.ebuild b/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.0.6-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 78571b6fe1b9..000000000000
--- a/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.0.6-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.0.6-r3.ebuild,v 1.13 2012/05/13 11:31:08 swift Exp $
-inherit autotools eutils multilib
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 ~sh sparc x86"
-DESCRIPTION="An IMAP daemon designed specifically for maildirs."
-IUSE="berkdb debug fam gdbm ipv6 nls selinux"
-# userpriv breaks linking against vpopmail
- >=net-libs/courier-authlib-0.57
- >=net-mail/mailbase-0.00-r8
- berkdb? ( sys-libs/db )
- fam? ( virtual/fam )
- gdbm? ( >=sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.0 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-courier )"
- dev-lang/perl
- !mail-mta/courier
- userland_GNU? ( sys-process/procps )"
-# get rid of old style virtual - bug 350792
-# all blockers really needed?
- !mail-mta/courier
- !net-mail/bincimap
- !net-mail/cyrus-imapd
- !net-mail/uw-imap"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use berkdb && ! use gdbm ; then
- echo
- eerror "Either the 'berkdb' or the 'gdbm' USE flag is required."
- eerror "Please add it to '/etc/make.conf' or '/etc/portage/package.use'."
- eerror "Use 'man 5 portage' for more info on '/etc/portage/package.use'."
- echo
- die "Required USE flag missing."
- fi
-vpopmail_setup() {
- VPOPMAIL_DIR=$(grep ^vpopmail /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f6)
- if has_version 'net-mail/vpopmail' && [[ -n "${VPOPMAIL_DIR}" ]] && [[ -f "${VPOPMAIL_DIR}/etc/lib_deps" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # Bug #48838. Patch to enable/disable FAM support.
- # 20 Aug 2004
- # This patch should fix bug #51540. fam USE flag is not needed for shared folder support.
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- # Kill unneeded call to AC_PROG_SYSCONFTOOL (bug #168206).
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-aclocal-fix.patch
- # These patches should fix problems detecting BerkeleyDB.
- # We now can compile with db4 support.
- if use berkdb ; then
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}
- fi
- ebegin "Recreating configure"
- AT_NO_RECURSIVE="true" eautoreconf
- eend $?
- cd "${S}/maildir"
- ebegin "Recreating maildir/configure"
- eautoreconf
- eend $?
- cd "${S}/bdbobj"
- ebegin "Recreating bdbobj/configure"
- eautoreconf
- eend $?
- cd "${S}/tcpd"
- ebegin "Recreating tcpd/configure"
- eautoreconf
- eend $?
-src_compile() {
- vpopmail_setup
- local myconf=""
- # 19 Aug 2004
- # Default to gdbm if both berkdb and gdbm are present.
- if use gdbm ; then
- einfo "Building with GDBM support"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-db=gdbm"
- elif use berkdb ; then
- einfo "Building with BerkeleyDB support"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-db=db"
- fi
- # The default character set is ISO-8859-1/US-ASCII.
- # USE 'nls' will enable all available character sets.
- # Set ENABLE_UNICODE=iso-8859-1,utf-8,iso-8859-10
- # to include only specified translation tables.
- if use nls && [[ -z "${ENABLE_UNICODE}" ]] ; then
- einfo "ENABLE_UNICODE is not set, building with all available character sets"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-unicode"
- elif use nls ; then
- einfo "ENABLE_UNICODE is set, building with unicode=${ENABLE_UNICODE}"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-unicode=${ENABLE_UNICODE}"
- else
- einfo "Disabling unicode support"
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-unicode"
- fi
- use debug && myconf="${myconf} debug=true"
- # Fix for bug #21330
- CFLAGS="$(echo ${CFLAGS} | xargs)"
- CXXFLAGS="$(echo ${CXXFLAGS} | xargs)"
- LDFLAGS="$(echo ${LDFLAGS} | xargs)"
- # Do the actual build now
- LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} " econf \
- --disable-root-check \
- --bindir=/usr/sbin \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/${PN} \
- --libexecdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN} \
- --localstatedir=/var/lib/${PN} \
- --with-authdaemonvar=/var/lib/${PN}/authdaemon \
- --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs \
- --with-mailuser=mail \
- --with-mailgroup=mail \
- $(use_with fam) \
- $(use_with ipv6) \
- ${myconf}
- # Change the pem file location.
- sed -i -e "s:^\(TLS_CERTFILE=\).*:\1/etc/courier-imap/imapd.pem:" \
- imap/imapd-ssl.dist || \
- die "sed failed"
- sed -i -e "s:^\(TLS_CERTFILE=\).*:\1/etc/courier-imap/pop3d.pem:" \
- imap/pop3d-ssl.dist || \
- die "sed failed"
- emake || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- vpopmail_setup
- dodir /var/lib/${PN} /etc/pam.d
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- rm -Rf "${D}/etc/pam.d"
- # Avoid name collisions in /usr/sbin wrt imapd and pop3d
- cd "${D}/usr/sbin"
- for name in imapd pop3d ; do
- mv -f "${name}" "courier-${name}" || die "Failed to mv ${name} to courier-${name}"
- done
- # Hack /usr/lib/courier-imap/foo.rc to use ${MAILDIR} instead of
- # 'Maildir', and to use /usr/sbin/courier-foo names.
- cd "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
- for service in {imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- sed -i -e 's/Maildir/${MAILDIR}/' "${service}.rc" || die "sed failed"
- sed -i -e "s/\/usr\/sbin\/${service}/\/usr\/sbin\/courier-${service}/" "${service}.rc" || die "sed failed"
- done
- # Rename the config files correctly and add a value for ${MAILDIR} to them.
- cd "${D}/etc/${PN}"
- for service in {imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- mv -f "${service}.dist" "${service}" || die "Failed to mv ${service}.dist to ${service}"
- echo -e '\n# Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}' >> "${service}"
- echo 'MAILDIR=.maildir' >> "${service}"
- echo 'MAILDIRPATH=.maildir' >> "${service}"
- done
- for service in imapd pop3d ; do
- echo -e '# Put any program for ${PRERUN} here' >> "${service}"
- echo 'PRERUN=' >> "${service}"
- echo -e '# Put any program for ${LOGINRUN} here' >> "${service}"
- echo -e '# this is for relay-ctrl-allow in 4*' >> "${service}"
- echo 'LOGINRUN=' >> "${service}"
- done
- cd "${D}/usr/sbin"
- for x in * ; do
- if [[ -L "${x}" ]] ; then
- rm -f "${x}" || die "Failed to rm ${x}"
- fi
- done
- cd ../share
- mv -f * ../sbin
- mv -f ../sbin/man .
- cd ..
- for x in mkimapdcert mkpop3dcert ; do
- mv -f "${D}/usr/sbin/${x}" "${D}/usr/sbin/${x}.orig" || die "Failed to mv /usr/sbin/${x} to /usr/sbin/${x}.orig"
- done
- exeinto /usr/sbin
- doexe "${FILESDIR}/mkimapdcert" "${FILESDIR}/mkpop3dcert" || die "doexe failed"
- dosym /usr/sbin/courierlogger /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/courierlogger || die "dosym failed"
- mkdir "${WORKDIR}/tmp" ; cd "${WORKDIR}/tmp"
- for initd in courier-{imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- sed -e "s:GENTOO_LIBDIR:$(get_libdir):g" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${INITD_VER}-${initd}.rc6" > "${initd}" || die "initd libdir-sed failed"
- doinitd "${initd}" || die "doinitd ${initd} failed"
- done
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- for exe in gentoo-{imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl}.rc courier-{imapd,pop3d}.indirect ; do
- sed -e "s:GENTOO_LIBDIR:$(get_libdir):g" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${RC_VER}-${exe}" > "${exe}" || die "exe libdir-sed failed"
- doexe "${exe}" || die "doexe ${exe} failed"
- done
- dodir /usr/bin
- mv -f "${D}/usr/sbin/maildirmake" "${D}/usr/bin/maildirmake" || die "Failed to mv /usr/sbin/maildirmake to /usr/bin/maildirmake"
- # Bug #45953, more docs.
- cd "${S}"
- dohtml -r "${S}"/*
- dodoc "${S}"/{00README.NOW.OR.SUFFER,AUTHORS,INSTALL,NEWS,README,ChangeLog} "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-gentoo.readme
- docinto imap
- dodoc "${S}"/imap/{ChangeLog,BUGS,BUGS.html,README}
- docinto maildir
- dodoc "${S}"/maildir/{AUTHORS,INSTALL,README.maildirquota.txt,README.sharedfolders.txt}
- docinto tcpd
- dodoc "${S}"/tcpd/README.couriertls
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Authdaemond is no longer provided by this package."
- elog "Authentication libraries are now in courier-authlib."
- elog "For a quick-start howto please refer to"
- elog "${PN}-gentoo.readme in /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- # Some users have been reporting that permissions on this directory were
- # getting scrambled, so let's ensure that they are sane.
- chmod 0755 "${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}" || die "Failed to ensure sane permissions on ${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
-src_test() {
- ewarn "make check is not supported by this package due to the"
- ewarn "--enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs option."
diff --git a/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.5.0.ebuild b/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.5.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 272d4e102ed6..000000000000
--- a/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.5.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.5.0.ebuild,v 1.14 2012/05/13 11:31:08 swift Exp $
-inherit autotools eutils multilib libtool
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-DESCRIPTION="An IMAP daemon designed specifically for maildirs."
-IUSE="berkdb debug fam gdbm ipv6 nls selinux gnutls"
-# userpriv breaks linking against vpopmail
-RDEPEND="gnutls? ( net-libs/gnutls )
- !gnutls? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6 )
- >=net-libs/courier-authlib-0.61
- >=net-mail/mailbase-0.00-r8
- berkdb? ( sys-libs/db )
- fam? ( virtual/fam )
- gdbm? ( >=sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.0 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-courier )"
- dev-lang/perl
- !mail-mta/courier
- userland_GNU? ( sys-process/procps )"
-# get rid of old style virtual - bug 350792
-# all blockers really needed?
- !mail-mta/courier
- !net-mail/bincimap
- !net-mail/cyrus-imapd
- !net-mail/uw-imap"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use berkdb && ! use gdbm ; then
- echo
- eerror "Either the 'berkdb' or the 'gdbm' USE flag is required."
- eerror "Please add it to '/etc/make.conf' or '/etc/portage/package.use'."
- eerror "Use 'man 5 portage' for more info on '/etc/portage/package.use'."
- echo
- die "Required USE flag missing."
- fi
-vpopmail_setup() {
- VPOPMAIL_DIR=$(grep ^vpopmail /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f6)
- if has_version 'net-mail/vpopmail' && [[ -n "${VPOPMAIL_DIR}" ]] && [[ -f "${VPOPMAIL_DIR}/etc/lib_deps" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # Bug #48838. Patch to enable/disable FAM support.
- # 20 Aug 2004
- # This patch should fix bug #51540. fam USE flag is not needed for shared folder support.
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- # Kill unneeded call to AC_PROG_SYSCONFTOOL (bug #168206).
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.0.6-aclocal-fix.patch
- # These patches should fix problems detecting BerkeleyDB.
- # We now can compile with db4 support.
- if use berkdb ; then
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- fi
- ebegin "Recreating configure"
- eautoreconf
- eend $?
-src_compile() {
- vpopmail_setup
- local myconf=""
- # 19 Aug 2004
- # Default to gdbm if both berkdb and gdbm are present.
- if use gdbm ; then
- einfo "Building with GDBM support"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-db=gdbm"
- elif use berkdb ; then
- einfo "Building with BerkeleyDB support"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-db=db"
- fi
- # The default character set is ISO-8859-1/US-ASCII.
- # USE 'nls' will enable all available character sets.
- # Set ENABLE_UNICODE=iso-8859-1,utf-8,iso-8859-10
- # to include only specified translation tables.
- if use nls && [[ -z "${ENABLE_UNICODE}" ]] ; then
- einfo "ENABLE_UNICODE is not set, building with all available character sets"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-unicode"
- elif use nls ; then
- einfo "ENABLE_UNICODE is set, building with unicode=${ENABLE_UNICODE}"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-unicode=${ENABLE_UNICODE}"
- else
- einfo "Disabling unicode support"
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-unicode"
- fi
- use debug && myconf="${myconf} debug=true"
- # Fix for bug #21330
- CFLAGS="$(echo ${CFLAGS} | xargs)"
- CXXFLAGS="$(echo ${CXXFLAGS} | xargs)"
- LDFLAGS="$(echo ${LDFLAGS} | xargs)"
- # Do the actual build now
- LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} " econf \
- --disable-root-check \
- --bindir=/usr/sbin \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/${PN} \
- --libexecdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN} \
- --localstatedir=/var/lib/${PN} \
- --with-authdaemonvar=/var/lib/${PN}/authdaemon \
- --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs \
- --with-mailuser=mail \
- --with-mailgroup=mail \
- $(use_with fam) \
- $(use_with ipv6) \
- $(use_with gnutls) \
- ${myconf}
- # Change the pem file location.
- sed -i -e "s:^\(TLS_CERTFILE=\).*:\1/etc/courier-imap/imapd.pem:" \
- imap/imapd-ssl.dist || \
- die "sed failed"
- sed -i -e "s:^\(TLS_CERTFILE=\).*:\1/etc/courier-imap/pop3d.pem:" \
- imap/pop3d-ssl.dist || \
- die "sed failed"
- # spurious failures with parallel compiles
- emake -j1 || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- vpopmail_setup
- dodir /var/lib/${PN} /etc/pam.d
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- rm -Rf "${D}/etc/pam.d"
- # Avoid name collisions in /usr/sbin wrt imapd and pop3d
- cd "${D}/usr/sbin"
- for name in imapd pop3d ; do
- mv -f "${name}" "courier-${name}" || die "Failed to mv ${name} to courier-${name}"
- done
- # Hack /usr/lib/courier-imap/foo.rc to use ${MAILDIR} instead of
- # 'Maildir', and to use /usr/sbin/courier-foo names.
- cd "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
- for service in {imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- sed -i -e 's/Maildir/${MAILDIR}/' "${service}.rc" || die "sed failed"
- sed -i -e "s/\/usr\/sbin\/${service}/\/usr\/sbin\/courier-${service}/" "${service}.rc" || die "sed failed"
- done
- # Rename the config files correctly and add a value for ${MAILDIR} to them.
- cd "${D}/etc/${PN}"
- for service in {imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- mv -f "${service}.dist" "${service}" || die "Failed to mv ${service}.dist to ${service}"
- echo -e '\n# Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}' >> "${service}"
- echo 'MAILDIR=.maildir' >> "${service}"
- echo 'MAILDIRPATH=.maildir' >> "${service}"
- done
- for service in imapd pop3d ; do
- echo -e '# Put any program for ${PRERUN} here' >> "${service}"
- echo 'PRERUN=' >> "${service}"
- echo -e '# Put any program for ${LOGINRUN} here' >> "${service}"
- echo -e '# this is for relay-ctrl-allow in 4*' >> "${service}"
- echo 'LOGINRUN=' >> "${service}"
- done
- cd "${D}/usr/sbin"
- for x in * ; do
- if [[ -L "${x}" ]] ; then
- rm -f "${x}" || die "Failed to rm ${x}"
- fi
- done
- cd ../share
- mv -f * ../sbin
- mv -f ../sbin/man .
- cd ..
- for x in mkimapdcert mkpop3dcert ; do
- mv -f "${D}/usr/sbin/${x}" "${D}/usr/sbin/${x}.orig" || die "Failed to mv /usr/sbin/${x} to /usr/sbin/${x}.orig"
- done
- exeinto /usr/sbin
- doexe "${FILESDIR}/mkimapdcert" "${FILESDIR}/mkpop3dcert" || die "doexe failed"
- dosym /usr/sbin/courierlogger /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/courierlogger || die "dosym failed"
- mkdir "${WORKDIR}/tmp" ; cd "${WORKDIR}/tmp"
- for initd in courier-{imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- sed -e "s:GENTOO_LIBDIR:$(get_libdir):g" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${INITD_VER}-${initd}.rc6" > "${initd}" || die "initd libdir-sed failed"
- doinitd "${initd}" || die "doinitd ${initd} failed"
- done
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- for exe in gentoo-{imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl}.rc courier-{imapd,pop3d}.indirect ; do
- sed -e "s:GENTOO_LIBDIR:$(get_libdir):g" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${RC_VER}-${exe}" > "${exe}" || die "exe libdir-sed failed"
- doexe "${exe}" || die "doexe ${exe} failed"
- done
- dodir /usr/bin
- mv -f "${D}/usr/sbin/maildirmake" "${D}/usr/bin/maildirmake" || die "Failed to mv /usr/sbin/maildirmake to /usr/bin/maildirmake"
- # Bug #45953, more docs.
- cd "${S}"
- dohtml -r "${S}"/*
- dodoc "${S}"/{00README.NOW.OR.SUFFER,AUTHORS,INSTALL,NEWS,README,ChangeLog} "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-gentoo.readme
- docinto imap
- dodoc "${S}"/imap/{ChangeLog,BUGS,BUGS.html,README}
- docinto maildir
- dodoc "${S}"/maildir/{AUTHORS,INSTALL,README.maildirquota.txt,README.sharedfolders.txt}
- docinto tcpd
- dodoc "${S}"/tcpd/README.couriertls
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Authdaemond is no longer provided by this package."
- elog "Authentication libraries are now in courier-authlib."
- elog "For a quick-start howto please refer to"
- elog "${PN}-gentoo.readme in /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- # Some users have been reporting that permissions on this directory were
- # getting scrambled, so let's ensure that they are sane.
- chmod 0755 "${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}" || die "Failed to ensure sane permissions on ${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
-src_test() {
- ewarn "make check is not supported by this package due to the"
- ewarn "--enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs option."
diff --git a/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.6.0.ebuild b/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.6.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ad41c298882..000000000000
--- a/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.6.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.6.0.ebuild,v 1.7 2012/05/13 11:31:08 swift Exp $
-inherit autotools eutils multilib libtool
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-DESCRIPTION="An IMAP daemon designed specifically for maildirs."
-IUSE="berkdb debug fam gdbm ipv6 nls selinux gnutls trashquota"
-RDEPEND="gnutls? ( net-libs/gnutls )
- !gnutls? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6 )
- >=net-libs/courier-authlib-0.61
- >=net-mail/mailbase-0.00-r8
- berkdb? ( sys-libs/db )
- fam? ( virtual/fam )
- gdbm? ( >=sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.0 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-courier )"
- dev-lang/perl
- !mail-mta/courier
- userland_GNU? ( sys-process/procps )"
-# get rid of old style virtual - bug 350792
-# all blockers really needed?
- !mail-mta/courier
- !net-mail/bincimap
- !net-mail/cyrus-imapd
- !net-mail/uw-imap"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use berkdb && ! use gdbm ; then
- echo
- eerror "Either the 'berkdb' or the 'gdbm' USE flag is required."
- eerror "Please add it to '/etc/make.conf' or '/etc/portage/package.use'."
- eerror "Use 'man 5 portage' for more info on '/etc/portage/package.use'."
- echo
- die "Required USE flag missing."
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- # Bug #48838. Patch to enable/disable FAM support.
- # 20 Aug 2004
- # This patch should fix bug #51540. fam USE flag is not needed for shared folder support.
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- # Kill unneeded call to AC_PROG_SYSCONFTOOL (bug #168206).
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.0.6-aclocal-fix.patch
- # These patches should fix problems detecting BerkeleyDB.
- # We now can compile with db4 support.
- if use berkdb ; then
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- fi
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=""
- # 19 Aug 2004
- # Default to gdbm if both berkdb and gdbm are present.
- if use gdbm ; then
- einfo "Building with GDBM support"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-db=gdbm"
- elif use berkdb ; then
- einfo "Building with BerkeleyDB support"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-db=db"
- fi
- # The default character set is ISO-8859-1/US-ASCII.
- # USE 'nls' will enable all available character sets.
- # Set ENABLE_UNICODE=iso-8859-1,utf-8,iso-8859-10
- # to include only specified translation tables.
- if use nls && [[ -z "${ENABLE_UNICODE}" ]] ; then
- einfo "ENABLE_UNICODE is not set, building with all available character sets"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-unicode"
- elif use nls ; then
- einfo "ENABLE_UNICODE is set, building with unicode=${ENABLE_UNICODE}"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-unicode=${ENABLE_UNICODE}"
- else
- einfo "Disabling unicode support"
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-unicode"
- fi
- if use trashquota ; then
- einfo "Building with Trash Quota Support"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-trashquota"
- fi
- use debug && myconf="${myconf} debug=true"
- # Do the actual build now
- econf \
- --disable-root-check \
- --bindir=/usr/sbin \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/${PN} \
- --libexecdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN} \
- --localstatedir=/var/lib/${PN} \
- --with-authdaemonvar=/var/lib/${PN}/authdaemon \
- --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs \
- --with-mailuser=mail \
- --with-mailgroup=mail \
- $(use_with fam) \
- $(use_with ipv6) \
- $(use_with gnutls) \
- ${myconf}
- # Change the pem file location.
- sed -i -e "s:^\(TLS_CERTFILE=\).*:\1/etc/courier-imap/imapd.pem:" \
- imap/imapd-ssl.dist || \
- die "sed failed"
- sed -i -e "s:^\(TLS_CERTFILE=\).*:\1/etc/courier-imap/pop3d.pem:" \
- imap/pop3d-ssl.dist || \
- die "sed failed"
-src_compile() {
- # spurious failures with parallel compiles
- emake -j1 || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- dodir /var/lib/${PN} /etc/pam.d
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- rm -Rf "${D}/etc/pam.d"
- # Avoid name collisions in /usr/sbin wrt imapd and pop3d
- cd "${D}/usr/sbin"
- for name in imapd pop3d ; do
- mv -f "${name}" "courier-${name}" || die "Failed to mv ${name} to courier-${name}"
- done
- # Hack /usr/lib/courier-imap/foo.rc to use ${MAILDIR} instead of
- # 'Maildir', and to use /usr/sbin/courier-foo names.
- cd "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
- for service in {imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- sed -i -e 's/Maildir/${MAILDIR}/' "${service}.rc" || die "sed failed"
- sed -i -e "s/\/usr\/sbin\/${service}/\/usr\/sbin\/courier-${service}/" "${service}.rc" || die "sed failed"
- done
- # Rename the config files correctly and add a value for ${MAILDIR} to them.
- cd "${D}/etc/${PN}"
- for service in {imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- mv -f "${service}.dist" "${service}" || die "Failed to mv ${service}.dist to ${service}"
- echo -e '\n# Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}' >> "${service}"
- echo 'MAILDIR=.maildir' >> "${service}"
- echo 'MAILDIRPATH=.maildir' >> "${service}"
- done
- for service in imapd pop3d ; do
- echo -e '# Put any program for ${PRERUN} here' >> "${service}"
- echo 'PRERUN=' >> "${service}"
- echo -e '# Put any program for ${LOGINRUN} here' >> "${service}"
- echo -e '# this is for relay-ctrl-allow in 4*' >> "${service}"
- echo 'LOGINRUN=' >> "${service}"
- done
- cd "${D}/usr/sbin"
- for x in * ; do
- if [[ -L "${x}" ]] ; then
- rm -f "${x}" || die "Failed to rm ${x}"
- fi
- done
- cd ../share
- mv -f * ../sbin
- mv -f ../sbin/man .
- cd ..
- for x in mkimapdcert mkpop3dcert ; do
- mv -f "${D}/usr/sbin/${x}" "${D}/usr/sbin/${x}.orig" || die "Failed to mv /usr/sbin/${x} to /usr/sbin/${x}.orig"
- done
- exeinto /usr/sbin
- doexe "${FILESDIR}/mkimapdcert" "${FILESDIR}/mkpop3dcert" || die "doexe failed"
- dosym /usr/sbin/courierlogger /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/courierlogger || die "dosym failed"
- mkdir "${WORKDIR}/tmp" ; cd "${WORKDIR}/tmp"
- for initd in courier-{imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- sed -e "s:GENTOO_LIBDIR:$(get_libdir):g" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${INITD_VER}-${initd}.rc6" > "${initd}" || die "initd libdir-sed failed"
- doinitd "${initd}" || die "doinitd ${initd} failed"
- done
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- for exe in gentoo-{imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl}.rc courier-{imapd,pop3d}.indirect ; do
- sed -e "s:GENTOO_LIBDIR:$(get_libdir):g" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${RC_VER}-${exe}" > "${exe}" || die "exe libdir-sed failed"
- doexe "${exe}" || die "doexe ${exe} failed"
- done
- dodir /usr/bin
- mv -f "${D}/usr/sbin/maildirmake" "${D}/usr/bin/maildirmake" || die "Failed to mv /usr/sbin/maildirmake to /usr/bin/maildirmake"
- # Bug #45953, more docs.
- cd "${S}"
- dohtml -r "${S}"/*
- dodoc "${S}"/{00README.NOW.OR.SUFFER,AUTHORS,INSTALL,NEWS,README,ChangeLog} "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-gentoo.readme
- docinto imap
- dodoc "${S}"/imap/{ChangeLog,BUGS,BUGS.html,README}
- docinto maildir
- dodoc "${S}"/maildir/{AUTHORS,INSTALL,README.maildirquota.txt,README.sharedfolders.txt}
- docinto tcpd
- dodoc "${S}"/tcpd/README.couriertls
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Authdaemond is no longer provided by this package."
- elog "Authentication libraries are now in courier-authlib."
- elog "For a quick-start howto please refer to"
- elog "${PN}-gentoo.readme in /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- # Some users have been reporting that permissions on this directory were
- # getting scrambled, so let's ensure that they are sane.
- chmod 0755 "${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}" || die "Failed to ensure sane permissions on ${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
-src_test() {
- ewarn "make check is not supported by this package due to the"
- ewarn "--enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs option."
diff --git a/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.8.0.ebuild b/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.8.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 656d571a2d93..000000000000
--- a/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.8.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/courier-imap/courier-imap-4.8.0.ebuild,v 1.6 2012/05/13 11:31:08 swift Exp $
-inherit autotools eutils multilib libtool
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-DESCRIPTION="An IMAP daemon designed specifically for maildirs."
-IUSE="berkdb debug fam gdbm ipv6 selinux gnutls trashquota"
-RDEPEND="gnutls? ( net-libs/gnutls )
- !gnutls? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6 )
- >=net-libs/courier-authlib-0.61
- >=net-mail/mailbase-0.00-r8
- berkdb? ( sys-libs/db )
- fam? ( virtual/fam )
- gdbm? ( >=sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.0 )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-courier )"
- dev-lang/perl
- !mail-mta/courier
- userland_GNU? ( sys-process/procps )"
-# get rid of old style virtual - bug 350792
-# all blockers really needed?
- !mail-mta/courier
- !net-mail/bincimap
- !net-mail/cyrus-imapd
- !net-mail/uw-imap"
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use berkdb && ! use gdbm ; then
- echo
- eerror "Either the 'berkdb' or the 'gdbm' USE flag is required."
- eerror "Please add it to '/etc/make.conf' or '/etc/portage/package.use'."
- eerror "Use 'man 5 portage' for more info on '/etc/portage/package.use'."
- echo
- die "Required USE flag missing."
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- # Bug #48838. Patch to enable/disable FAM support.
- # 20 Aug 2004
- # This patch should fix bug #51540. fam USE flag is not needed for shared folder support.
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- # Kill unneeded call to AC_PROG_SYSCONFTOOL (bug #168206).
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.0.6-aclocal-fix.patch
- # These patches should fix problems detecting BerkeleyDB.
- # We now can compile with db4 support.
- if use berkdb ; then
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}
- fi
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=""
- # 19 Aug 2004
- # Default to gdbm if both berkdb and gdbm are present.
- if use gdbm ; then
- einfo "Building with GDBM support"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-db=gdbm"
- elif use berkdb ; then
- einfo "Building with BerkeleyDB support"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-db=db"
- fi
- # Disabling unicode is no longer supported
- # By default all available character sets are included
- # Set ENABLE_UNICODE=iso-8859-1,utf-8,iso-8859-10
- # to include only specified translation tables.
- if [[ -z "${ENABLE_UNICODE}" ]] ; then
- einfo "ENABLE_UNICODE is not set, building with all available character sets"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-unicode"
- else
- einfo "ENABLE_UNICODE is set, building with unicode=${ENABLE_UNICODE}"
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-unicode=${ENABLE_UNICODE}"
- fi
- if use trashquota ; then
- einfo "Building with Trash Quota Support"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-trashquota"
- fi
- use debug && myconf="${myconf} debug=true"
- # Do the actual build now
- econf \
- --disable-root-check \
- --bindir=/usr/sbin \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/${PN} \
- --libexecdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN} \
- --localstatedir=/var/lib/${PN} \
- --with-authdaemonvar=/var/lib/${PN}/authdaemon \
- --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs \
- --with-mailuser=mail \
- --with-mailgroup=mail \
- $(use_with fam) \
- $(use_with ipv6) \
- $(use_with gnutls) \
- ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
- # Change the pem file location.
- sed -i -e "s:^\(TLS_CERTFILE=\).*:\1/etc/courier-imap/imapd.pem:" \
- imap/imapd-ssl.dist || \
- die "sed failed"
- sed -i -e "s:^\(TLS_CERTFILE=\).*:\1/etc/courier-imap/pop3d.pem:" \
- imap/pop3d-ssl.dist || \
- die "sed failed"
-src_compile() {
- # spurious failures with parallel compiles
- emake -j1 || die "emake failed"
-src_install() {
- dodir /var/lib/${PN} /etc/pam.d
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- rm -Rf "${D}/etc/pam.d"
- # Avoid name collisions in /usr/sbin wrt imapd and pop3d
- cd "${D}/usr/sbin"
- for name in imapd pop3d ; do
- mv -f "${name}" "courier-${name}" || die "Failed to mv ${name} to courier-${name}"
- done
- # Hack /usr/lib/courier-imap/foo.rc to use ${MAILDIR} instead of
- # 'Maildir', and to use /usr/sbin/courier-foo names.
- cd "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
- for service in {imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- sed -i -e 's/Maildir/${MAILDIR}/' "${service}.rc" || die "sed failed"
- sed -i -e "s/\/usr\/sbin\/${service}/\/usr\/sbin\/courier-${service}/" "${service}.rc" || die "sed failed"
- done
- # Rename the config files correctly and add a value for ${MAILDIR} to them.
- cd "${D}/etc/${PN}"
- for service in {imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- mv -f "${service}.dist" "${service}" || die "Failed to mv ${service}.dist to ${service}"
- echo -e '\n# Hardwire a value for ${MAILDIR}' >> "${service}"
- echo 'MAILDIR=.maildir' >> "${service}"
- echo 'MAILDIRPATH=.maildir' >> "${service}"
- done
- for service in imapd pop3d ; do
- echo -e '# Put any program for ${PRERUN} here' >> "${service}"
- echo 'PRERUN=' >> "${service}"
- echo -e '# Put any program for ${LOGINRUN} here' >> "${service}"
- echo -e '# this is for relay-ctrl-allow in 4*' >> "${service}"
- echo 'LOGINRUN=' >> "${service}"
- done
- cd "${D}/usr/sbin"
- for x in * ; do
- if [[ -L "${x}" ]] ; then
- rm -f "${x}" || die "Failed to rm ${x}"
- fi
- done
- cd ../share
- mv -f * ../sbin
- mv -f ../sbin/man .
- cd ..
- for x in mkimapdcert mkpop3dcert ; do
- mv -f "${D}/usr/sbin/${x}" "${D}/usr/sbin/${x}.orig" || die "Failed to mv /usr/sbin/${x} to /usr/sbin/${x}.orig"
- done
- exeinto /usr/sbin
- doexe "${FILESDIR}/mkimapdcert" "${FILESDIR}/mkpop3dcert" || die "doexe failed"
- dosym /usr/sbin/courierlogger /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/courierlogger || die "dosym failed"
- mkdir "${WORKDIR}/tmp" ; cd "${WORKDIR}/tmp"
- for initd in courier-{imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl} ; do
- sed -e "s:GENTOO_LIBDIR:$(get_libdir):g" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${INITD_VER}-${initd}.rc6" > "${initd}" || die "initd libdir-sed failed"
- doinitd "${initd}" || die "doinitd ${initd} failed"
- done
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- for exe in gentoo-{imapd,pop3d}{,-ssl}.rc courier-{imapd,pop3d}.indirect ; do
- sed -e "s:GENTOO_LIBDIR:$(get_libdir):g" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-${RC_VER}-${exe}" > "${exe}" || die "exe libdir-sed failed"
- doexe "${exe}" || die "doexe ${exe} failed"
- done
- dodir /usr/bin
- mv -f "${D}/usr/sbin/maildirmake" "${D}/usr/bin/maildirmake" || die "Failed to mv /usr/sbin/maildirmake to /usr/bin/maildirmake"
- # Bug #45953, more docs.
- cd "${S}"
- dohtml -r "${S}"/*
- dodoc "${S}"/{00README.NOW.OR.SUFFER,AUTHORS,INSTALL,NEWS,README,ChangeLog} "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-gentoo.readme
- docinto imap
- dodoc "${S}"/imap/{ChangeLog,BUGS,BUGS.html,README}
- docinto maildir
- dodoc "${S}"/maildir/{AUTHORS,INSTALL,README.maildirquota.txt,README.sharedfolders.txt}
- docinto tcpd
- dodoc "${S}"/tcpd/README.couriertls
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Authdaemond is no longer provided by this package."
- elog "Authentication libraries are now in courier-authlib."
- elog "For a quick-start howto please refer to"
- elog "${PN}-gentoo.readme in /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- # Some users have been reporting that permissions on this directory were
- # getting scrambled, so let's ensure that they are sane.
- chmod 0755 "${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}" || die "Failed to ensure sane permissions on ${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}"
-src_test() {
- ewarn "make check is not supported by this package due to the"
- ewarn "--enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs option."
diff --git a/net-mail/courier-imap/metadata.xml b/net-mail/courier-imap/metadata.xml
index 94b2dcba4606..8f5fef928998 100644
--- a/net-mail/courier-imap/metadata.xml
+++ b/net-mail/courier-imap/metadata.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <herd>net-mail</herd>
<flag name="trashquota">include deleted messages, and the Trash folder, in the estimated quota usage for maildirs</flag>