diff options
authorMike Gilbert <>2012-07-11 22:27:30 +0000
committerMike Gilbert <>2012-07-11 22:27:30 +0000
commitfccf5f3b4af201fb57cff358fe33acfe21796af9 (patch)
tree9d894fcedea007260f971b55f7377e05e7d3a270 /www-client/chromium
parentVersion bump. (diff)
Version bump for stable channel release.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.0_alpha116/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'www-client/chromium')
3 files changed, 434 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/www-client/chromium/ChangeLog b/www-client/chromium/ChangeLog
index dbd6398a8cb5..ace83270b5b8 100644
--- a/www-client/chromium/ChangeLog
+++ b/www-client/chromium/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for www-client/chromium
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/chromium/ChangeLog,v 1.668 2012/07/11 03:30:56 floppym Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/chromium/ChangeLog,v 1.669 2012/07/11 22:27:30 floppym Exp $
+*chromium-20.0.1132.57 (11 Jul 2012)
+ 11 Jul 2012; Mike Gilbert <> +chromium-20.0.1132.57.ebuild:
+ Version bump for stable channel release.
11 Jul 2012; Mike Gilbert <> chromium-9999-r1.ebuild:
Populate LASTCHANGE directly. Bug 422923 by Joe Kappus.
diff --git a/www-client/chromium/Manifest b/www-client/chromium/Manifest
index b9eb8079163f..bd389813ff00 100644
--- a/www-client/chromium/Manifest
+++ b/www-client/chromium/Manifest
@@ -20,21 +20,23 @@ AUX chromium-zlib-r0.patch 511 SHA256 ec2795bfc47c516401fd2c9648caa3b06e64794392
AUX chromium.default 147 SHA256 de16d72d77ac9fe04f781df4f50dfb714ba33574755932df950c1d9472b589d9 SHA512 26cdfd05da7f33ba94cd710ae52a1b345cdea4928500af791cff10ca8f9f44036497d9520f690d4d40be5774e77cf9be77f21233b7f804b1dee7d81b8382a9fa WHIRLPOOL 162deb65f97efca4db35dae64e46e0cd21d02a3dd1ae0ec6fa2f9ee7660fbeeb771a1afa3d07cb0d904cd8d7c16ff4b462bc6be3cf9a4143833e909ab89ac5fd
AUX dot-gclient 253 SHA256 8c5750251ff681044cc584ef3768fe39c56c7877ade5fb9107298734126e62cf SHA512 96d4ffd01fec2773d7beaf2bc82b8eb969556f6e859e39136b4044521c5b8bfd36c13a7f2fcc64613935d4703d8ede8a56c7ce581a7732642cb8ee71039c801e WHIRLPOOL 6a65521487fa353a22f192c567b487c77a405e068c88898e0d8045b3de26bdd54ed736f104e495598e0cc8703d3f6abc80f8b2ea1e254007dfb18f50294e8c07
DIST chromium-20.0.1132.43.tar.bz2 185068725 SHA256 c21bdee0ec136102e10c527a0d98e3a29e40406d8f7eb63e8e0ac23801722824 SHA512 dbd209c1bbcaf005155d8c779c4af486189b8313eb9f68e81177ccb7f07b4875439ca34ec2bd40baace45b64e07bb68cced129c3e60ca35e0651c13975be8fe6 WHIRLPOOL 688689d424eaff904a2b04d666fd3c5c9204d8ce56b4094927eec59fe7006e97fb58c552d9259ccb88fe0956e65d02badca96c26b9dc3dc96562cac089bb94a7
+DIST chromium-20.0.1132.57.tar.bz2 184791674 SHA256 1225c6b6306e89c8892bc0d18e94567d6081d777dee9b8c90efd0da9f6f2641b SHA512 be621e5fc82399bb174d7896f86ccd59ddabb18f98662016f2b01bd7bb0d642d05f1c5b0771f0295b3f25b71f3145eee51565b373b13d4df37745931d87839cc WHIRLPOOL 9b2f3b0cd56083fe71b9836da5b279f82dc2aeabc540b76ecd6bf7d593e76181a87a4a0f60b0b303dc30079c670b4587c11b6afab928810de64f75166a9624a3
DIST chromium-21.0.1180.0.tar.bz2 192677871 SHA256 ca0f4f76764890f58e1a128d9fcc0ae2a62eeea17318848f4ac24ccbb517cb36 SHA512 1afadf2e5f5dbb3b26f09378bf0ae387c6abd8164334cd7a11725986da0a4cf0188574cb0dc643f7327d15c7e2b4b54758e2c9b8db3bb90ebaad49b0623d8674 WHIRLPOOL f0a8b6cb08fa5521dddd9c1a9e85317da5f89d0d919b1a292cb2a1504bd1c0c5655b6cbfd4607a2a72b31401faadde6015d450d62b9f02cd9d949b05d61e1ce7
DIST chromium-21.0.1180.11.tar.bz2 192864327 SHA256 b6c36afb2b9bbed97950fc390d8986ab14b4f3e9949b7aa56b6dcf3f3842a02e SHA512 38bc6cc55a316a5e1e116ab098ec0eed4fdb390b8de1946e3bcddff98bc202663fb76cde95dd22ff266297a21b648879b2c66700171bac5fc1f6cf1334b844f2 WHIRLPOOL 3449cd0547c73ac059f251cb981193fd7c7380f0bf33602bd546fa6a10e9f7af5dcd605831ffc6ffed509ccb7cbf9b9911d3ee938b6fd745f9c73041976b1f9d
DIST chromium-22.0.1201.0.tar.bz2 192832381 SHA256 5f52531cdf63b56fd504a44ad11c55bd71ecbc754c78c2ebe2342ba1eb0b3341 SHA512 ecd7fd5bd4e9ddf47d3a3b7693d2bcb30815a4a0585b5a14e852ef12128ff454f3a1c04cc12cb8d86fe5916109d5934dc121195e21a4c9e001e2180e31bc3ac7 WHIRLPOOL 57497d56ee7b1b556d80ceeee696812d8800bed3f97de90d9a0deaa0df57f8044371b64d1cc5f71b3409f75daf42928b1606b8c1bae04f7cebf6732a274ca6c2
EBUILD chromium-20.0.1132.43.ebuild 13695 SHA256 7da9177f77bf74b6c8f7b83c922390ffebcaef5bef51af67ab9672ddb0972d27 SHA512 3712d3fdaa1c8c38c83f94f0e6282503f27b9d0a7387972fe5ad6d0ab058661bf64c4d901262842f435bd57f258b1b74b3c7ab5376dfa383d797eccf96ac7933 WHIRLPOOL 0fa0b2e163dcd7ffe5b84d8be2fcc72003c139292a5b25d42e038ab7f3f2109dc53626371f5ce369203539d3265478c636bbd21cd9462966ec06dc01b5a346f4
+EBUILD chromium-20.0.1132.57.ebuild 13701 SHA256 89566d60a859eb109d6b255e4b27789795a059f4aa22377141abee4f9025da21 SHA512 9f9310492919580d2a1f19e3d51170d7c4d3e16419e2177ca433f72ea15eb75ff1add197383ad2c17ebd027b63a80f21f712e302c47da4a19a906a2e97265c09 WHIRLPOOL 237d6925419fb79f9ffe2e18baf978956fa8748221a647484d8ec5b4166341ed2976ebc826b6c03a49ab2b3e672496e73a4cbb5b82ec6cc5c9be7447fc1301bf
EBUILD chromium-21.0.1180.0.ebuild 13795 SHA256 598cfe97f130045f91974439f5b2a99c973f5266a4deef04fb6b919584048aef SHA512 7a795c4e0216bd21e98e965067103fe5f3182045352e5a9c38cab88b9e3db223ffb0d6c76c05c4e771da513bbf5df37f9e57d5e32c0a2e257cb0e5ab577cc79b WHIRLPOOL 91e5b2ac1f90e9252502463b9f81f0106d33764ac01d4cb4c58ff51b95de7d822da006c7d00351efb57155ead306d9e268dde5f6b07638346f856689cfd89dd7
EBUILD chromium-21.0.1180.11.ebuild 13793 SHA256 36cba7175521708a6f6fe3619c3d5efd5ce45e44e4c0091dbbad171d240de886 SHA512 3f08bdbfd8fd37bbfef2db28b118976ae27284aefaf4aa5c0971fe429561cb94843a1264e27755dcf982f4d4c464163b7d00ef5e0c3cdd2af46f2ccdc961d91c WHIRLPOOL 48325b01aba81d76e05271d3858450751ed62551b35dc230f8b2f9ad9de5ba95ee086e1d3958cadd313c8fefd73ca83915094b02f33e42a86203c7391910582b
EBUILD chromium-22.0.1201.0.ebuild 13764 SHA256 db4560e1f7bdf1879718bfb0eca6b8fd230ecd19760d1a4be4ff85d890d3b56f SHA512 1165ae9a10d58fc8b1fbb85016ac43bf3101aad7c66195a7c920a512f405447f301e3999c2c2ff20d3d8f09c7466968efefc625f314b4f1fde4db1efeea2c479 WHIRLPOOL 9b45d1546f1c09467bcf5773a97bb5c7d9ece9679b8185b45fe0347f1f49d2916b1b3584ab2d212e5d170613c5f47f44dcdefe88b4839cae368de4ad90803014
EBUILD chromium-9999-r1.ebuild 15330 SHA256 70ff611af28bf414da20d7d1e2ef6b27f5a1ecf4d7663ddabba14d558f6fc18a SHA512 19b2beb5eb4d3999a9a2d02e3d0d6bc853be9824640729c052ca3037f020cfdf728560d7ca63b1c242932445cffcfdde2a1bd8af332be6c20962e2ed2950b55f WHIRLPOOL d1e54caaa44f23168cf9f707c62aa2f347659e4b34f3f13dd0f49f2777866d1295eb926ee7cd5b975cd412c8949da1d4e140037bb2bc9f232501c447bffafa3e
-MISC ChangeLog 28440 SHA256 2064df3fd73ba3557296a92a775e30c393d1d68cb776d798dbb5a0b3f609b5c7 SHA512 72d8a22b7f1cf2e0a9a46588b0061f966db78b1e6614a14f46c13c7994792935fe76a96b767d4169c15db013f24d2e6daf0ccc3772130df3aad7346585ca9c54 WHIRLPOOL d4ec03af9bf24e9f333eb8207a14a469bf5617cde4d9010de56af42f4fef880c64ab08a0f8c9752b03b8aacdfca14601b9363b7bdcb4055692511786fcdb4b26
+MISC ChangeLog 28602 SHA256 fc10c0cdeb8e1909316a139f1918fb8af442e6889205c4c2b566510413bc17b0 SHA512 5ddc33ae0ce766bd56ff35a6868a5084a540da504918e6220f707a17d0efab9db4f977af7826596582c2876eb0f11b3045d82afab65b99274e872d0d3f30f879 WHIRLPOOL ef84948fd826e17ee6ec83d900147c6f93a731e8ce98712660e624a8c181e6872a386ef8dabfe77d5f069ad5824d96c9c9181fdb522e55ed0be305d2c2fd8f51
MISC ChangeLog-2011 114031 SHA256 e2c2c75785c5eaf78b6efe01e357279cbb7be0c89d00b4053f475e963916fa54 SHA512 8e14759348333bdbd7c338080472789d7bbb1ece1ca5817bac6306bdcb33dda1e23bf3055cbb3b7bcee9362b6900bba1ace7ba73f353570a74d3ed761c9198cc WHIRLPOOL 810b6423c53f892a4b0964380b8190dec2a8783d560a9cb0baec93a77d879186201055382ca05975ae242e16728529ae85445db003fdd425355292d17817157b
MISC metadata.xml 267 SHA256 4e6afae33f60d6752cacf2785f7f9a396b8711cce605b73d0d752a4af7d01fc8 SHA512 f6d64d50bfbfad74db0ca0454fcba335a1744d11a44f921f19545c478219c507994cfcaba13160215cbb5a77d0bc82cdbf64a90a4b1b169184e404e404f9029e WHIRLPOOL 66a5cdeac3a86b910040d4c601fef50465fb0e0a0805e6b1c22cde2a83a63a2a1d441643af5454775becdfc65c71116d00b27703a7dd15ced183fb223c32f075
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/www-client/chromium/chromium-20.0.1132.57.ebuild b/www-client/chromium/chromium-20.0.1132.57.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..695f09187ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-client/chromium/chromium-20.0.1132.57.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/chromium/chromium-20.0.1132.57.ebuild,v 1.1 2012/07/11 22:27:30 floppym Exp $
+CHROMIUM_LANGS="am ar bg bn ca cs da de el en_GB es es_LA et fa fi fil fr gu he
+ hi hr hu id it ja kn ko lt lv ml mr ms nb nl pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru sk sl sr
+ sv sw ta te th tr uk vi zh_CN zh_TW"
+inherit chromium eutils flag-o-matic multilib \
+ pax-utils portability python toolchain-funcs versionator virtualx
+DESCRIPTION="Open-source version of Google Chrome web browser"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="bindist cups gnome gnome-keyring kerberos pulseaudio selinux"
+ cups? (
+ dev-libs/libgcrypt
+ >=net-print/cups-1.3.11
+ )
+ >=dev-lang/v8-
+ dev-libs/dbus-glib
+ dev-libs/elfutils
+ >=dev-libs/icu-49.1.1-r1
+ >=dev-libs/libevent-1.4.13
+ dev-libs/libxml2[icu]
+ dev-libs/libxslt
+ >=dev-libs/nss-3.12.3
+ gnome? ( >=gnome-base/gconf-2.24.0 )
+ gnome-keyring? ( >=gnome-base/gnome-keyring-2.28.2 )
+ >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.19
+ media-libs/flac
+ >=media-libs/libjpeg-turbo-1.2.0-r1
+ media-libs/libpng
+ >=media-libs/libwebp-0.1.3
+ media-libs/speex
+ pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
+ sys-fs/udev
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ x11-libs/gtk+:2
+ x11-libs/libXinerama
+ x11-libs/libXScrnSaver
+ x11-libs/libXtst
+ kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
+ selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )"
+ >=dev-lang/nacl-toolchain-newlib-0_p7311
+ dev-lang/perl
+ dev-lang/yasm
+ dev-python/ply
+ dev-python/simplejson
+ >=dev-util/gperf-3.0.3
+ >=sys-devel/bison-2.4.3
+ sys-devel/flex
+ >=sys-devel/make-3.81-r2
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ test? (
+ dev-python/pyftpdlib
+ )"
+ !=www-client/chromium-9999
+ x11-misc/xdg-utils
+ virtual/ttf-fonts"
+if ! has chromium_pkg_die ${EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS}; then
+ EBUILD_DEATH_HOOKS+=" chromium_pkg_die";
+pkg_setup() {
+ if [[ "${SLOT}" == "0" ]]; then
+ else
+ fi
+ CHROMIUM_HOME="/usr/$(get_libdir)/chromium-browser${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}"
+ # Make sure the build system will use the right tools, bug #340795.
+ tc-export AR CC CXX RANLIB
+ # Make sure the build system will use the right python, bug #344367.
+ python_set_active_version 2
+ python_pkg_setup
+ chromium_suid_sandbox_check_kernel_config
+ if use bindist; then
+ elog "bindist enabled: H.264 video support will be disabled."
+ else
+ elog "bindist disabled: Resulting binaries may not be legal to re-distribute."
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ ln -s /usr/$(get_libdir)/nacl-toolchain-newlib \
+ native_client/toolchain/linux_x86_newlib || die
+ # zlib- renames the OF macro in zconf.h, bug 383371.
+ sed -i '1i#define OF(x) x' \
+ third_party/zlib/contrib/minizip/{ioapi,{,un}zip}.c \
+ chrome/common/zip*.cc || die
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-svnversion-r0.patch"
+ # Backport upstream fix for Gentoo bug #415601.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-unistd-r0.patch"
+ # Fix build without tcmalloc. To be upstreamed.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-tcmalloc-r0.patch"
+ # Backport a crash fix, bug #420357.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-alignment-r0.patch"
+ epatch_user
+ # Remove most bundled libraries. Some are still needed.
+ find third_party -type f \! -iname '*.gyp*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/WebKit/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/angle/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/cacheinvalidation/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/cld/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/expat/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/ffmpeg/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/flac/flac.h' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/gpsd/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/harfbuzz/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/hunspell/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/iccjpeg/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/jsoncpp/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/khronos/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/launchpad_translations/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/leveldatabase/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/libjingle/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/libphonenumber/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/libsrtp/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/libusb/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/libvpx/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/libxml/chromium/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/libyuv/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/lss/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/mesa/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/modp_b64/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/mongoose/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/npapi/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/openmax/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/ots/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/protobuf/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/scons-2.0.1/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/sfntly/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/skia/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/smhasher/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/speex/speex.h' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/sqlite/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/tlslite/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/undoview/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/v8-i18n/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/webdriver/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/webgl_conformance/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/webrtc/*' \
+ \! -path 'third_party/zlib/contrib/minizip/*' \
+ -delete || die
+ local v8_bundled="$(chromium_bundled_v8_version)"
+ local v8_installed="$(chromium_installed_v8_version)"
+ einfo "V8 version: bundled - ${v8_bundled}; installed - ${v8_installed}"
+ # Remove bundled v8.
+ find v8 -type f \! -iname '*.gyp*' -delete || die
+ # The implementation files include v8 headers with full path,
+ # like #include "v8/include/v8.h". Make sure the system headers
+ # will be used.
+ # TODO: find a solution that can be upstreamed.
+ rmdir v8/include || die
+ ln -s /usr/include v8/include || die
+ # Make sure the build system will use the right python, bug #344367.
+ # Only convert directories that need it, to save time.
+ python_convert_shebangs -q -r 2 build tools
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf=""
+ # Never tell the build system to "enable" SSE2, it has a few unexpected
+ # additions, bug #336871.
+ myconf+=" -Ddisable_sse2=1"
+ # Disable tcmalloc, it causes problems with e.g. NVIDIA
+ # drivers, bug #413637.
+ myconf+=" -Dlinux_use_tcmalloc=0"
+ # Make it possible to remove third_party/adobe.
+ echo > "${T}/flapper_version.h" || die
+ myconf+=" -Dflapper_version_h_file=${T}/flapper_version.h"
+ # Use system-provided libraries.
+ # TODO: use_system_ffmpeg
+ # TODO: use_system_hunspell (upstream changes needed).
+ # TODO: use_system_ssl (
+ # TODO: use_system_sqlite (
+ # TODO: use_system_vpx
+ myconf+="
+ -Duse_system_bzip2=1
+ -Duse_system_flac=1
+ -Duse_system_icu=1
+ -Duse_system_libevent=1
+ -Duse_system_libjpeg=1
+ -Duse_system_libpng=1
+ -Duse_system_libwebp=1
+ -Duse_system_libxml=1
+ -Duse_system_speex=1
+ -Duse_system_v8=1
+ -Duse_system_xdg_utils=1
+ -Duse_system_yasm=1
+ -Duse_system_zlib=1"
+ # Optional dependencies.
+ # TODO: linux_link_kerberos, bug #381289.
+ myconf+="
+ $(gyp_use cups use_cups)
+ $(gyp_use gnome use_gconf)
+ $(gyp_use gnome-keyring use_gnome_keyring)
+ $(gyp_use gnome-keyring linux_link_gnome_keyring)
+ $(gyp_use kerberos use_kerberos)
+ $(gyp_use pulseaudio use_pulseaudio)
+ $(gyp_use selinux selinux)"
+ if ! use selinux; then
+ # Enable SUID sandbox.
+ myconf+="
+ -Dlinux_sandbox_path=${CHROMIUM_HOME}/chrome_sandbox
+ -Dlinux_sandbox_chrome_path=${CHROMIUM_HOME}/chrome"
+ fi
+ # Never use bundled gold binary. Disable gold linker flags for now.
+ myconf+="
+ -Dlinux_use_gold_binary=0
+ -Dlinux_use_gold_flags=0"
+ if ! use bindist; then
+ # Enable H.624 support in bundled ffmpeg.
+ myconf+=" -Dproprietary_codecs=1 -Dffmpeg_branding=Chrome"
+ fi
+ local myarch="$(tc-arch)"
+ if [[ $myarch = amd64 ]] ; then
+ myconf+=" -Dtarget_arch=x64"
+ elif [[ $myarch = x86 ]] ; then
+ myconf+=" -Dtarget_arch=ia32"
+ else
+ die "Failed to determine target arch, got '$myarch'."
+ fi
+ # Make sure that -Werror doesn't get added to CFLAGS by the build system.
+ # Depending on GCC version the warnings are different and we don't want
+ # the build to fail because of that.
+ myconf+=" -Dwerror="
+ # Avoid CFLAGS problems, bug #352457, bug #390147.
+ if ! use custom-cflags; then
+ replace-flags "-Os" "-O2"
+ strip-flags
+ fi
+ egyp_chromium ${myconf} || die
+src_compile() {
+ local test_targets
+ for x in base cacheinvalidation crypto \
+ googleurl gpu media net printing; do
+ test_targets+=" ${x}_unittests"
+ done
+ local make_targets="chrome chromedriver"
+ if ! use selinux; then
+ make_targets+=" chrome_sandbox"
+ fi
+ if use test; then
+ make_targets+=$test_targets
+ fi
+ # See bug #410883 for more info about the .host mess.
+ emake ${make_targets} BUILDTYPE=Release V=1 \
+"$(tc-getCC)""${CFLAGS}" \
+"$(tc-getCXX)""${CXXFLAGS}" \
+"$(tc-getCXX)""${LDFLAGS}" \
+"$(tc-getAR)" || die
+ pax-mark m out/Release/chrome
+ if use test; then
+ for x in $test_targets; do
+ pax-mark m out/Release/${x}
+ done
+ fi
+src_test() {
+ # For more info see bug #350349.
+ local mylocale='en_US.utf8'
+ if ! locale -a | grep -q "$mylocale"; then
+ eerror "${PN} requires ${mylocale} locale for tests"
+ eerror "Please read the following guides for more information:"
+ eerror ""
+ eerror ""
+ die "locale ${mylocale} is not supported"
+ fi
+ # For more info see bug #370957.
+ if [[ $UID -eq 0 ]]; then
+ die "Tests must be run as non-root. Please use FEATURES=userpriv."
+ fi
+ # ICUStringConversionsTest: bug #350347.
+ # MessagePumpLibeventTest: bug #398501.
+ LC_ALL="${mylocale}" VIRTUALX_COMMAND=out/Release/base_unittests virtualmake \
+ '--gtest_filter=-ICUStringConversionsTest.*:MessagePumpLibeventTest.*'
+ LC_ALL="${mylocale}" VIRTUALX_COMMAND=out/Release/cacheinvalidation_unittests virtualmake
+ LC_ALL="${mylocale}" VIRTUALX_COMMAND=out/Release/crypto_unittests virtualmake
+ LC_ALL="${mylocale}" VIRTUALX_COMMAND=out/Release/googleurl_unittests virtualmake
+ LC_ALL="${mylocale}" VIRTUALX_COMMAND=out/Release/gpu_unittests virtualmake
+ LC_ALL="${mylocale}" VIRTUALX_COMMAND=out/Release/media_unittests virtualmake
+ # NetUtilTest: bug #361885.
+ # DnsConfigServiceTest.GetSystemConfig: bug #394883.
+ # CertDatabaseNSSTest.ImportServerCert_SelfSigned: bug #399269.
+ LC_ALL="${mylocale}" VIRTUALX_COMMAND=out/Release/net_unittests virtualmake \
+ '--gtest_filter=-NetUtilTest.IDNToUnicode*:NetUtilTest.FormatUrl*:DnsConfigServiceTest.GetSystemConfig:CertDatabaseNSSTest.ImportServerCert_SelfSigned'
+ LC_ALL="${mylocale}" VIRTUALX_COMMAND=out/Release/printing_unittests virtualmake
+src_install() {
+ exeinto "${CHROMIUM_HOME}"
+ doexe out/Release/chrome || die
+ if ! use selinux; then
+ doexe out/Release/chrome_sandbox || die
+ fperms 4755 "${CHROMIUM_HOME}/chrome_sandbox"
+ fi
+ doexe out/Release/chromedriver || die
+ doexe out/Release/nacl_helper{,_bootstrap} || die
+ insinto "${CHROMIUM_HOME}"
+ doins out/Release/nacl_irt_*.nexe || die
+ doins out/Release/ || die
+ newexe "${FILESDIR}"/ || die
+ if [[ "${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}" != "" ]]; then
+ sed "s:chromium-browser:chromium-browser${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}:g" \
+ -i "${ED}"/"${CHROMIUM_HOME}"/ || die
+ sed "s:chromium.desktop:chromium${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}.desktop:g" \
+ -i "${ED}"/"${CHROMIUM_HOME}"/ || die
+ sed "s:plugins:plugins --user-data-dir=\${HOME}/.config/chromium${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}:" \
+ -i "${ED}"/"${CHROMIUM_HOME}"/ || die
+ fi
+ # It is important that we name the target "chromium-browser",
+ # xdg-utils expect it; bug #355517.
+ dosym "${CHROMIUM_HOME}/" /usr/bin/chromium-browser${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX} || die
+ # keep the old symlink around for consistency
+ dosym "${CHROMIUM_HOME}/" /usr/bin/chromium${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX} || die
+ # Allow users to override command-line options, bug #357629.
+ dodir /etc/chromium || die
+ insinto /etc/chromium
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/chromium.default" "default" || die
+ pushd out/Release/locales > /dev/null || die
+ chromium_remove_language_paks
+ popd
+ insinto "${CHROMIUM_HOME}"
+ doins out/Release/*.pak || die
+ doins -r out/Release/locales || die
+ doins -r out/Release/resources || die
+ newman out/Release/chrome.1 chromium${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}.1 || die
+ newman out/Release/chrome.1 chromium-browser${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}.1 || die
+ doexe out/Release/ || die
+ # Install icons and desktop entry.
+ for SIZE in 16 22 24 32 48 64 128 256 ; do
+ insinto /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${SIZE}x${SIZE}/apps
+ newins chrome/app/theme/chromium/product_logo_${SIZE}.png \
+ chromium-browser${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}.png || die
+ done
+ local mime_types="text/html;text/xml;application/xhtml+xml;"
+ mime_types+="x-scheme-handler/http;x-scheme-handler/https;" # bug #360797
+ mime_types+="x-scheme-handler/ftp;" # bug #412185
+ mime_types+="x-scheme-handler/mailto;x-scheme-handler/webcal;" # bug #416393
+ make_desktop_entry \
+ chromium-browser${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX} \
+ "Chromium${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}" \
+ chromium-browser${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX} \
+ "Network;WebBrowser" \
+ "MimeType=${mime_types}\nStartupWMClass=chromium-browser"
+ sed -e "/^Exec/s/$/ %U/" -i "${ED}"/usr/share/applications/*.desktop || die
+ # Install GNOME default application entry (bug #303100).
+ if use gnome; then
+ dodir /usr/share/gnome-control-center/default-apps || die
+ insinto /usr/share/gnome-control-center/default-apps
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/chromium-browser.xml chromium-browser${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}.xml || die
+ if [[ "${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}" != "" ]]; then
+ sed "s:chromium-browser:chromium-browser${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}:g" -i \
+ "${ED}"/usr/share/gnome-control-center/default-apps/chromium-browser${CHROMIUM_SUFFIX}.xml
+ fi
+ fi