diff options
authorMarkus Dittrich <>2008-06-30 12:36:01 +0000
committerMarkus Dittrich <>2008-06-30 12:36:01 +0000
commit365aca2d67bbd2d66b7382d21fd0641a32bc2848 (patch)
tree7a701427669a8967e368e60086fc677397398632 /sci-astronomy
parentx11-misc/periodic-calendar: update deps on gtkmm, see bug #228467 (diff)
Added patch to make sure and explicit that only system libs are being used (see bug #229885).
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc1/cvs/Linux 2.6.25-SENTINEL-3 i686
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-astronomy')
5 files changed, 58 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/sci-astronomy/xephem/ChangeLog b/sci-astronomy/xephem/ChangeLog
index ae7e94820aa5..dc06aaca009f 100644
--- a/sci-astronomy/xephem/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-astronomy/xephem/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for sci-astronomy/xephem
# Copyright 2002-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-astronomy/xephem/ChangeLog,v 1.25 2008/06/28 13:30:30 ulm Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-astronomy/xephem/ChangeLog,v 1.26 2008/06/30 12:36:01 markusle Exp $
+ 30 Jun 2008; Markus Dittrich <> -files/xephem-3.7.3-link-motif.patch, +files/xephem-3.7.3-use-system-lib.patch,
+ xephem-3.7.3.ebuild:
+ Added patch to make sure and explicit that only system libs are being used
+ (see bug #229885).
28 Jun 2008; Ulrich Mueller <>
+files/xephem-3.7.3-link-motif.patch, xephem-3.7.3.ebuild:
diff --git a/sci-astronomy/xephem/Manifest b/sci-astronomy/xephem/Manifest
index db1f0ccd3c3a..1670a506e06e 100644
--- a/sci-astronomy/xephem/Manifest
+++ b/sci-astronomy/xephem/Manifest
@@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
-Hash: SHA1
AUX 3.7.2.patch 1290 RMD160 e1f2e66a1b417b2fb66a3c13e74760d8f87977f5 SHA1 5d49ec0a316943287a94ad473778b56db02bf7f2 SHA256 c314c3f969eb13cf2151c4698e0721cebe714e62263d15dc3a7406daecf94a35
-AUX xephem-3.7.3-link-motif.patch 889 RMD160 621b76ebeaf85450c485e6a96d26d791153397e9 SHA1 8e9c190a92a10d18dbe465bbd9f5dfbfecda94fc SHA256 b865217258fb13f96523bccc72779fff4db89d524183ff66918e61ce280df7da
+AUX xephem-3.7.3-use-system-lib.patch 1528 RMD160 885ba835c49451963832bbf9bf5428470dcfb293 SHA1 52fe41ffac51863e9ad247cf86412599ec00290b SHA256 6eef7fe09b9b8020197e1627d4d63372f320f1d0bb5291002f677f979caa8aef
DIST xephem-3.7.2.tar.gz 19369598 RMD160 585ed51d167869919b512561714d380c83db8865 SHA1 8027f73e934e257316d15c474c88d435241c521d SHA256 51697f36e08000fc5f8f5e5edc570f82c92d0b323331291877814410396d0354
DIST xephem-3.7.3.tar.gz 22148450 RMD160 d292a30cd6acbdd5dabf345aefd34b596534ce68 SHA1 b19c528097f7357e90a18bc605128eca9394b748 SHA256 450fa05a36ce4c8ceca80bd5a003c060bc4d9e07719aebcb13565b563b90e337
EBUILD xephem-3.7.2.ebuild 2271 RMD160 e0693a6b0ec3cb35ec3a1f8a1843584324a2a239 SHA1 d45b122526bb65ea4f1d1272cfc823bceaad59fd SHA256 b6f7d0dde2e57f5ff658d786f8d981a47c6ef2c8afd040cc747dcf42e98088c9
-EBUILD xephem-3.7.3.ebuild 2331 RMD160 888db93f25eaec6dab0338300fb1e0a4c33d9c30 SHA1 30cc3e3d3c36cceb1f33ac30c8ff1206fab09c63 SHA256 6a6b9e70411dc2ae5330ea4d7f9ffc4bf0334e46620e6a0c3ea40cd93254ec8a
-MISC ChangeLog 6108 RMD160 89df079d8b48e35c7aeb1a33f5a8fde3d0c3c3cc SHA1 4268639aa5dcb22df07747636f9157d6b145ada6 SHA256 8cdca3b1610867b39b8c7a47684422df71100b4bb0d52703229ea80da075c86c
+EBUILD xephem-3.7.3.ebuild 2447 RMD160 8fa33e12ab7b6e737a05f140cbc2447ad97a389d SHA1 fc9bfb4759a3eed4757d8d034669a8d7a2cb5be7 SHA256 2785d038d2ec4fde441cb0f12c4238a5ed538f00e4cf488f5fae9d4579f349bd
+MISC ChangeLog 6368 RMD160 71838c4ab6cc505f5115f7c074664fff1ff86337 SHA1 8e389118d4e956b430c7c0e2f84a714580a7d669 SHA256 9c50545544e8e45ef07d1e8db442d1cd3ff5967f36771adfa5087873677a1604
MISC metadata.xml 607 RMD160 5306c189a61a6ba80120f1710ecf8a93f956b45c SHA1 81b781ce504bd9e905fdd50e4266576436014114 SHA256 3cc09e691f00a06ccfc77a1561e8176128474398ecf451f4a668415494082109
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sci-astronomy/xephem/files/xephem-3.7.3-link-motif.patch b/sci-astronomy/xephem/files/xephem-3.7.3-link-motif.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4828d2eac39a..000000000000
--- a/sci-astronomy/xephem/files/xephem-3.7.3-link-motif.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
---- xephem-3.7.3-orig/GUI/xephem/Makefile 2006-05-14 01:06:06.000000000 +0200
-+++ xephem-3.7.3/GUI/xephem/Makefile 2008-06-28 11:23:32.000000000 +0200
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- LIBLIB = -lastro -lip -llilxml -ljpegd -lpng -lz
- # MOTIFI is the directory containing the Xm directory of include files.
--# MOTIFL is the directory containing the libXm.a library.
-+# MOTIFL is the directory containing libXm
- # MOTIF can be used to set one common directory if desired.
- # Defaults work ok for Linux and Mac OS X.
- ifdef MOTIF
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- CFLAGS = $(LIBINC) $(CLDFLAGS) -O2 -Wall -I$(MOTIFI) -I/usr/X11R6/include
- LDFLAGS = $(LIBLNK) $(CLDFLAGS) -L$(MOTIFL) -L/usr/X11R6/lib
--XLIBS = $(MOTIFL)/libXm.a -lXp -lXt -lXext -lXmu -lX11
-+XLIBS = -lXm -lXp -lXt -lXext -lXmu -lX11
- LIBS = $(XLIBS) $(LIBLIB) -lm
- # for ppc Apple OS X to make universal (i386 and ppc binary), requires
diff --git a/sci-astronomy/xephem/files/xephem-3.7.3-use-system-lib.patch b/sci-astronomy/xephem/files/xephem-3.7.3-use-system-lib.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..662170a8f4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-astronomy/xephem/files/xephem-3.7.3-use-system-lib.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+diff -Naur xephem-3.7.3/GUI/xephem/Makefile
+--- xephem-3.7.3/GUI/xephem/Makefile 2006-05-13 19:06:06.000000000 -0400
++++ 2008-06-30 06:38:50.000000000 -0400
+@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
+ # back here and compile and link all the *.c files into one executable, xephem.
+ # -I and -L flags to find required supporting XEphem libraries
+-LIBINC = -I../../libastro -I../../libip -I../../liblilxml -I../../libjpegd -I../../libpng -I../../libz
+-LIBLNK = -L../../libastro -L../../libip -L../../liblilxml -L../../libjpegd -L../../libpng -L../../libz
+-LIBLIB = -lastro -lip -llilxml -ljpegd -lpng -lz
++LIBINC = -I../../libastro -I../../libip -I../../liblilxml
++LIBLNK = -L../../libastro -L../../libip -L../../liblilxml
++LIBLIB = -lastro -lip -llilxml -ljpeg -lpng -lz
+ # MOTIFI is the directory containing the Xm directory of include files.
+ # MOTIFL is the directory containing the libXm.a library.
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+ CFLAGS = $(LIBINC) $(CLDFLAGS) -O2 -Wall -I$(MOTIFI) -I/usr/X11R6/include
+ LDFLAGS = $(LIBLNK) $(CLDFLAGS) -L$(MOTIFL) -L/usr/X11R6/lib
+-XLIBS = $(MOTIFL)/libXm.a -lXp -lXt -lXext -lXmu -lX11
++XLIBS = -lXm -lXp -lXt -lXext -lXmu -lX11
+ LIBS = $(XLIBS) $(LIBLIB) -lm
+ # for ppc Apple OS X to make universal (i386 and ppc binary), requires
+@@ -187,10 +187,7 @@
+ libs:
+ cd ../../libastro; make
+ cd ../../libip; make
+- cd ../../libjpegd; make
+ cd ../../liblilxml; make
+- cd ../../libpng; make
+- cd ../../libz; make
+ clean:
+ touch x.o
diff --git a/sci-astronomy/xephem/xephem-3.7.3.ebuild b/sci-astronomy/xephem/xephem-3.7.3.ebuild
index 737ea3f430b6..cfec844dd927 100644
--- a/sci-astronomy/xephem/xephem-3.7.3.ebuild
+++ b/sci-astronomy/xephem/xephem-3.7.3.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-astronomy/xephem/xephem-3.7.3.ebuild,v 1.3 2008/06/28 13:30:30 ulm Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-astronomy/xephem/xephem-3.7.3.ebuild,v 1.4 2008/06/30 12:36:01 markusle Exp $
inherit eutils
@@ -12,17 +12,22 @@ IUSE=""
- x11-libs/openmotif"
+ x11-libs/openmotif
+ media-libs/jpeg
+ media-libs/libpng"
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A}
cd "${S}"
- # Link against Motif shared lib, bug 229761
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-link-motif.patch"
+ # make sure we use system libs not the ones that
+ # ship with the xephem tarball
+ rm -fr libjpegd/ libpng/ libz/ libXm/ \
+ || die "Failed to remove unneeded libs"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-use-system-lib.patch
- for i in libastro/Makefile libip/Makefile libjpegd/Makefile \
- liblilxml/Makefile GUI/xephem/Makefile GUI/xephem/tools/*/Makefile ; do
+ for i in libastro/Makefile libip/Makefile liblilxml/Makefile \
+ GUI/xephem/Makefile GUI/xephem/tools/*/Makefile ; do
einfo "Fixing CFLAGS in ${i}"
sed -e "s~^CFLAGS[ ]*=\(.*\)-O2\(.*\)~CFLAGS= \1 \2 ${CFLAGS}~" \
-i ${i} \
@@ -39,12 +44,10 @@ src_compile() {
emake || die "emake failed"
local myldflags
cd "${S}"
- for dir in libip liblilxml libjpegd GUI/xephem/tools/* GUI/xephem; do
+ for dir in libip liblilxml GUI/xephem/tools/* GUI/xephem; do
echo "going into ${dir}"
cd "${S}"/${dir}
- if [ ${dir:0:3} = "lib" ]; then
- myldflags=""
- else
+ if [ ${dir:0:3} != "lib" ]; then
emake \