diff options
authorKonstantin V. Arkhipov <>2006-05-15 13:09:23 +0000
committerKonstantin V. Arkhipov <>2006-05-15 13:09:23 +0000
commitd283d36b8755353fd0fe671ff89a9d7d5e28d761 (patch)
treed74bee09726e2f0bcc920c16d0974b7fb2c14bd8 /net-dns
parent* unneccessary deps removed, as suggested by phreak (diff)
* unneccessary deps removed, as suggested by phreak
Package-Manager: portage-2.1_rc1-r2
Diffstat (limited to 'net-dns')
5 files changed, 23 insertions, 603 deletions
diff --git a/net-dns/bind/Manifest b/net-dns/bind/Manifest
index ddae44b0956b..1f3fd55576cc 100644
--- a/net-dns/bind/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/bind/Manifest
@@ -81,50 +81,35 @@ AUX named.rc6-smart_pid_fix 1204 RMD160 376ecf34ef5543571f1551a7d83da504ac420628
MD5 0eab8a4d5b98b79f76b136ab0dffabcf files/named.rc6-smart_pid_fix 1204
RMD160 376ecf34ef5543571f1551a7d83da504ac420628 files/named.rc6-smart_pid_fix 1204
SHA256 703aa04162bee124fd492c991ba21ca7276112c61c297f0fa424e2cd4333f060 files/named.rc6-smart_pid_fix 1204
-DIST bind-9.2.5.tar.gz 4504389 RMD160 885a1de04273d8afabf5168a44d9879b4690e60d SHA256 29000a8600af91e314cd5535eead0b5cf67c2aa47e1fce6ff3cf87e6367f04b5 size 4504389
DIST bind-9.2.6.tar.gz 5125776 RMD160 6c732cf9fbc9c68d822833689088701af97a6b3a SHA256 05f4be2c62beacc38a5ab29520a33ec1f716222f3f09634ec89345671b4c758d size 5125776
DIST bind-9.3.2.tar.gz 5302112 RMD160 c825b6308eb374e9bcf9b6ccc48f65d8753c0a6d SHA256 4d4298abd85d06083a0643091dde05ffbe3db051439524dbe4a81c689735c694 size 5302112
DIST ctrix_dlz_9.3.2b1.patch.bz2 60982 RMD160 dd76c79d58fdcf75d5c991bac4b6de54aeb4f8bb SHA256 f0764290a08b4a839eae8b82a6e27301ce9ff41f3132f697139d73698f89cffc size 60982
DIST dlz-9.2.5.patch.bz2 135932 RMD160 d1686658b04b8896828e0b40c1cb869a2b3735f1 SHA256 051ba8ba5825fe3a4f77adcc75e46471bc3ed74c132043bc9e6a6b8d516cd442 size 135932
DIST dyndns-samples.tbz2 22866 RMD160 27d5b2d0edb8e1ff16b3f980c38d7af33ccf0c7d SHA256 92fb06a92ca99cbbe96b90bcca229ef9c12397db57ae17e199dad9f1218fdbe8 size 22866
-EBUILD bind-9.2.5-r4.ebuild 8511 RMD160 48a05fb65a4dcae4fd430238e713dd5e60e87a60 SHA1 f973caea187c30d1210bc1f5a87ee62fe0c722fa SHA256 839fd432e2e4a0bb2366fce2b7154084910c81639ef06cef296ddff463d45708 size 8511
-MD5 39f65b7e0add310ebe7a8f9b6bb7aef0 bind-9.2.5-r4.ebuild 8511
-RMD160 48a05fb65a4dcae4fd430238e713dd5e60e87a60 bind-9.2.5-r4.ebuild 8511
-SHA256 839fd432e2e4a0bb2366fce2b7154084910c81639ef06cef296ddff463d45708 bind-9.2.5-r4.ebuild 8511
-EBUILD bind-9.2.5-r6.ebuild 8429 RMD160 5cd2a3045002c19fd955ddeb9d1e31df864c28be SHA1 8a4d2cf14686cf109e9d2f334fd8fc43451d27fe SHA256 b66a9209a5896241aa500a82a820562c37356af650238329216b80c2a88b57d9 size 8429
-MD5 9e1a16ea1b278d1cb5c2d9276204826e bind-9.2.5-r6.ebuild 8429
-RMD160 5cd2a3045002c19fd955ddeb9d1e31df864c28be bind-9.2.5-r6.ebuild 8429
-SHA256 b66a9209a5896241aa500a82a820562c37356af650238329216b80c2a88b57d9 bind-9.2.5-r6.ebuild 8429
-EBUILD bind-9.2.6-r1.ebuild 9108 RMD160 f952964411b29500893ed462bb7dd1390ce0e8fe SHA1 96817d12eb1c58bc91946f6e51a010640b7fc80f SHA256 3e75956f885c4a36536a0a835b411469a23e66b36f115238da0db1e95f67217e size 9108
-MD5 04f96e7967110f0df6c7403d6a602b3d bind-9.2.6-r1.ebuild 9108
-RMD160 f952964411b29500893ed462bb7dd1390ce0e8fe bind-9.2.6-r1.ebuild 9108
-SHA256 3e75956f885c4a36536a0a835b411469a23e66b36f115238da0db1e95f67217e bind-9.2.6-r1.ebuild 9108
-EBUILD bind-9.2.6.ebuild 9040 RMD160 17d8dcc704adaf97a2c659f98ff8017b244ced6c SHA1 1613aa024663b2e6ae75fb389ca58630ea77c698 SHA256 1a84d4e38a0a862c8d96e30fced471540c45314e7beebb4cb2306ac6376510e0 size 9040
-MD5 7bfe1bf3d12608bc271d4d49423a472e bind-9.2.6.ebuild 9040
-RMD160 17d8dcc704adaf97a2c659f98ff8017b244ced6c bind-9.2.6.ebuild 9040
-SHA256 1a84d4e38a0a862c8d96e30fced471540c45314e7beebb4cb2306ac6376510e0 bind-9.2.6.ebuild 9040
-EBUILD bind-9.3.2-r1.ebuild 8660 RMD160 a52933da60dc1e0894ce9ab82a8b807b22313260 SHA1 aac5f90dfabca6c6722c42f8557b7570d134f006 SHA256 48ec85709aa7bea7863114d1c68de7744d5da2aa115b4b23ac06c831c0902d1f size 8660
-MD5 43b9103a0ae0f8c1a53f65157d8e2327 bind-9.3.2-r1.ebuild 8660
-RMD160 a52933da60dc1e0894ce9ab82a8b807b22313260 bind-9.3.2-r1.ebuild 8660
-SHA256 48ec85709aa7bea7863114d1c68de7744d5da2aa115b4b23ac06c831c0902d1f bind-9.3.2-r1.ebuild 8660
-EBUILD bind-9.3.2.ebuild 8661 RMD160 f1821904dd903d9792446abf0958a04890a25bd2 SHA1 0d0a0c3d251f4e221dc3e02c09cde142da29ab73 SHA256 7e719aa7c1307111ea5463d3bf370a204660dab6f9bc76ad8e9fb0c8f427c654 size 8661
-MD5 bdc8512981732ce64b6cd5ace3368d87 bind-9.3.2.ebuild 8661
-RMD160 f1821904dd903d9792446abf0958a04890a25bd2 bind-9.3.2.ebuild 8661
-SHA256 7e719aa7c1307111ea5463d3bf370a204660dab6f9bc76ad8e9fb0c8f427c654 bind-9.3.2.ebuild 8661
-MISC ChangeLog 18523 RMD160 cf9336f24933f163e9ea4763e2d27c921e696796 SHA1 1ed221ce312ef152446d7fcb53cba9fa466319cf SHA256 3bdf1d0af4977a0d589d18ee03721f1d1e0442c7b753848c365e24d0a45cc23e size 18523
-MD5 905c45d7913ef6a44a387f46bdf527ee ChangeLog 18523
-RMD160 cf9336f24933f163e9ea4763e2d27c921e696796 ChangeLog 18523
-SHA256 3bdf1d0af4977a0d589d18ee03721f1d1e0442c7b753848c365e24d0a45cc23e ChangeLog 18523
+EBUILD bind-9.2.6-r1.ebuild 9069 RMD160 d54e9ec69399f99a719bce033d175d592f4296da SHA1 75b78a93986a3fa055990ef9bbeaddfb3077e675 SHA256 8662b45552d61115709aa44875965035cead4ac08ff992e7450ccd0d6b368e17 size 9069
+MD5 fb8ab16e4ef7d04bc8d835e2022f0642 bind-9.2.6-r1.ebuild 9069
+RMD160 d54e9ec69399f99a719bce033d175d592f4296da bind-9.2.6-r1.ebuild 9069
+SHA256 8662b45552d61115709aa44875965035cead4ac08ff992e7450ccd0d6b368e17 bind-9.2.6-r1.ebuild 9069
+EBUILD bind-9.2.6.ebuild 9004 RMD160 71cb5189762f4fc9e6bb8dbee8becf27eed0c5a1 SHA1 1611e2ecc810abda856b9a858f96666e07148e0b SHA256 fe764760ea56ab5241a379e48d50539ad94478696be21c756dd775e3a13a0a33 size 9004
+MD5 76aa23f746a57bfe81095ddb18d9e6d5 bind-9.2.6.ebuild 9004
+RMD160 71cb5189762f4fc9e6bb8dbee8becf27eed0c5a1 bind-9.2.6.ebuild 9004
+SHA256 fe764760ea56ab5241a379e48d50539ad94478696be21c756dd775e3a13a0a33 bind-9.2.6.ebuild 9004
+EBUILD bind-9.3.2-r1.ebuild 8621 RMD160 4fc301fd9376117ae885d386a24f945eaf800334 SHA1 e532c457bc60298428cd870aa3a2a43c132cfaa0 SHA256 32c2d1226fdc5536c4608a75a6e7580c40ca4ea02d10697589c6893d18ef7b9e size 8621
+MD5 10eaba6570907333137ff8fdb57c9a03 bind-9.3.2-r1.ebuild 8621
+RMD160 4fc301fd9376117ae885d386a24f945eaf800334 bind-9.3.2-r1.ebuild 8621
+SHA256 32c2d1226fdc5536c4608a75a6e7580c40ca4ea02d10697589c6893d18ef7b9e bind-9.3.2-r1.ebuild 8621
+EBUILD bind-9.3.2.ebuild 8625 RMD160 3f63faba82c9a8b4a742e6790c3117aa618661f0 SHA1 a6fbfe8a5bfceccacabf6185624d5d6750f3c47c SHA256 1330dec99df448083bfb3bf1f73ded066a662456b786f10087455c5b57744e5b size 8625
+MD5 c2a3cb362f2f88e61d29ac79b34ea328 bind-9.3.2.ebuild 8625
+RMD160 3f63faba82c9a8b4a742e6790c3117aa618661f0 bind-9.3.2.ebuild 8625
+SHA256 1330dec99df448083bfb3bf1f73ded066a662456b786f10087455c5b57744e5b bind-9.3.2.ebuild 8625
+MISC ChangeLog 18785 RMD160 aa3a034b5ba8cf4acf88cc4de56dc0a22cc809e3 SHA1 9ecd0ab4031e53aba4161d8f4a9d2a59dbd457b1 SHA256 4e1e21a02bf4ddfe437600db1964884ac434ec91cd26758a25ca1f9e4eb3c122 size 18785
+MD5 fda74edce9a5f39276998cf50548e634 ChangeLog 18785
+RMD160 aa3a034b5ba8cf4acf88cc4de56dc0a22cc809e3 ChangeLog 18785
+SHA256 4e1e21a02bf4ddfe437600db1964884ac434ec91cd26758a25ca1f9e4eb3c122 ChangeLog 18785
MISC metadata.xml 352 RMD160 0c1a848023a0dd76c5173c0a2135beed46e90263 SHA1 24f998969c955accd1fd4f3719bdf83d4e9d432b SHA256 f6f6ae15da16a20d5e0ce76563e3e27901e25787131b8784ffe872ffe3ddd034 size 352
MD5 bf7284c3e31bd3292a01fa046b3220bb metadata.xml 352
RMD160 0c1a848023a0dd76c5173c0a2135beed46e90263 metadata.xml 352
SHA256 f6f6ae15da16a20d5e0ce76563e3e27901e25787131b8784ffe872ffe3ddd034 metadata.xml 352
-MD5 67fd12e4cea46beb3d78e3f6ed9822a8 files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r4 708
-RMD160 ffeca12b50856b425bd64d8894bc3f9b55d7e4d9 files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r4 708
-SHA256 941cd5e52dd9b613c6c81b521d50bf9ddb36fe51605f45dc4c55093bca6aa1fa files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r4 708
-MD5 67fd12e4cea46beb3d78e3f6ed9822a8 files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r6 708
-RMD160 ffeca12b50856b425bd64d8894bc3f9b55d7e4d9 files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r6 708
-SHA256 941cd5e52dd9b613c6c81b521d50bf9ddb36fe51605f45dc4c55093bca6aa1fa files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r6 708
MD5 579e491cb632a7ba7f3fd5533b595821 files/digest-bind-9.2.6 708
RMD160 afc4e94e81cf5eb04bb285e0dfc5bac6b7317953 files/digest-bind-9.2.6 708
SHA256 7275e1e44f5325ece2457bf8fb28fc92b49bc384fd91810e5e4d25a88de16b24 files/digest-bind-9.2.6 708
@@ -140,7 +125,7 @@ SHA256 39453324f8464c8ffef631fcd7300cd771763b9c069ea086b1a5e5cc4a1662c9 files/di
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-dns/bind/bind-9.2.5-r4.ebuild b/net-dns/bind/bind-9.2.5-r4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 448466e6aa19..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/bind/bind-9.2.5-r4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/bind/bind-9.2.5-r4.ebuild,v 1.13 2006/04/20 13:34:36 voxus Exp $
-inherit eutils libtool
-DESCRIPTION="BIND - Berkeley Internet Name Domain - Name Server"
- mirror://gentoo/dyndns-samples.tbz2
- dlz? (${PV}.patch.bz2 )"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 mips ppc ppc64 s390 sparc x86"
-IUSE="ssl ipv6 doc dlz postgres berkdb bind-mysql mysql odbc ldap selinux idn threads"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6g )
- mysql? ( >=dev-db/mysql-4 )
- bind-mysql? ( >=dev-db/mysql-4 )
- odbc? ( >=dev-db/unixODBC-2.2.6 )
- ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )"
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-bind )"
-pkg_setup() {
- ebegin "Creating named group and user"
- enewgroup named 40
- enewuser named 40 -1 /etc/bind named
- eend ${?}
-src_unpack() {
- use threads && {
- echo
- ewarn "If you're in vserver enviroment, you're probably want to"
- ewarn "disable threads support because of linux capabilities dependency"
- echo
- }
- unpack ${A} && cd ${S}
- # Adjusting PATHs in manpages
- for i in `echo bin/{named/named.8,check/named-checkconf.8,rndc/rndc.8}`; do
- sed -i -e 's:/etc/named.conf:/etc/bind/named.conf:g' \
- -e 's:/etc/rndc.conf:/etc/bind/rndc.conf:g' \
- -e 's:/etc/rndc.key:/etc/bind/rndc.key:g' \
- ${i}
- done
- if use dlz; then
- epatch ${DISTDIR}/dlz-${PV}.patch.bz2
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-berkdb_fix.patch
- fi
- if use bind-mysql; then
- if use dlz; then
- MP=${P}-dlz-mysql.patch
- else
- MP=${P}-mysql.patch
- fi
- ebegin "Fixing mysql patch"
- eindent
- cp ${FILESDIR}/${MP} ${T}/${MP}
- sed -e "s:-I/usr/local/include:`mysql_config --include`:" \
- -e "s:-L/usr/local/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient:`mysql_config --libs`:" \
- -i ${T}/${MP}
- epatch ${T}/${MP}
- eoutdent
- eend $?
- fi
- if use idn; then
- epatch ${S}/contrib/idn/idnkit-1.0-src/patch/bind9/${P}-patch
- fi
- cp ${FILESDIR}/named.rc6 ${T}
- cd ${T} && epatch ${FILESDIR}/named.rc6-smart_pid_fix
- # it should be installed by bind-tools
- sed "s:nsupdate ::g" ${S}/bin/ > ${T}/Makefile
- mv ${T}/Makefile ${S}/bin/
- cd ${S}
- WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5 autoconf || die "autoconf failed"
-src_compile() {
- local myconf=""
- use ssl && myconf="${myconf} --with-openssl"
- use dlz && {
- myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-filesystem --with-dlz-stub"
- use postgres && myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-postgres"
- use mysql && myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-mysql"
- use berkdb && myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-bdb"
- use ldap && myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-ldap"
- use odbc && myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-odbc"
- }
- if use threads; then
- if use dlz && use mysql; then
- echo
- ewarn ""
- einfo "MySQL uses thread local storage in its C api. Thus MySQL"
- einfo "requires that each thread of an application execute a MySQL"
- einfo "\"thread initialization\" to setup the thread local storage."
- einfo "This is impossible to do safely while staying within the DLZ"
- einfo "driver API. This is a limitation caused by MySQL, and not the"
- einfo "DLZ API."
- ewarn "Because of this BIND MUST only run with a single thread when"
- ewarn "using the MySQL driver."
- echo
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-threads"
- einfo "Threading support disabled"
- epause 10
- else
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-linux-caps --enable-threads"
- einfo "Threading support enabled"
- fi
- fi
- econf \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/bind \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- `use_enable ipv6` \
- --with-libtool \
- ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
- emake -j1 || die "failed to compile bind"
- if use idn; then
- cd ${S}/contrib/idn/idnkit-1.0-src
- econf || die "idn econf failed"
- emake || die "idn emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- einstall || die "failed to install bind"
- use doc && {
- docinto misc ; dodoc doc/misc/*
- docinto html ; dohtml doc/arm/*
- docinto draft ; dodoc doc/draft/*
- docinto rfc ; dodoc doc/rfc/*
- docinto contrib ; dodoc contrib/named-bootconf/ \
- contrib/nanny/
- }
- insinto /etc/env.d
- newins ${FILESDIR}/10bind.env 10bind
- # some handy-dandy dynamic dns examples
- cd ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}
- tar pjxf ${DISTFILES}/dyndns-samples.tbz2
- dodir /etc/bind /var/bind/{pri,sec}
- keepdir /var/bind/sec
- insinto /etc/bind ; newins ${FILESDIR}/named.conf-r2 named.conf
- #
- insinto /var/bind ; doins ${FILESDIR}/
- insinto /var/bind/pri ; doins ${FILESDIR}/{127,localhost}.zone
- exeinto /etc/init.d ; newexe ${T}/named.rc6 named
- insinto /etc/conf.d ; newins ${FILESDIR}/named.confd named
- dosym ../../var/bind/ /var/bind/root.cache
- dosym ../../var/bind/pri /etc/bind/pri
- dosym ../../var/bind/sec /etc/bind/sec
- if use idn; then
- cd ${S}/contrib/idn/idnkit-1.0-src
- einstall || die "failed to install idn kit"
- docinto idn
- dodoc ChangeLog INSTALL{,.ja} README{,.ja} NEWS
- fi
- # Let's get rid of those tools and their manpages since they're provided by bind-tools
- rm -f ${D}/usr/share/man/man1/{dig.1,host.1,nslookup.1}
- rm -f ${D}/usr/bin/{dig,host,nslookup}
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [ ! -f '/etc/bind/rndc.key' ]; then
- /usr/sbin/rndc-confgen -a -u named
- fi
- install -d -o named -g named ${ROOT}/var/run/named \
- ${ROOT}/var/bind/pri ${ROOT}/var/bind/sec
- chown -R named:named ${ROOT}/var/bind
- einfo "The default zone files are now installed as *.zone,"
- einfo "be careful merging config files if you have modified"
- einfo "/var/bind/pri/127 or /var/bind/pri/localhost"
- einfo
- einfo "You can edit /etc/conf.d/named to customize named settings"
- einfo
- einfo "The BIND ebuild now includes chroot support."
- einfo "If you like to run bind in chroot AND this is a new install OR"
- einfo "your bind doesn't already run in chroot, simply run:"
- einfo "\`emerge --config '=${CATEGORY}/${PF}'\`"
- einfo "Before running the above command you might want to change the chroot"
- einfo "dir in /etc/conf.d/named. Otherwise /chroot/dns will be used."
- echo
- einfo "Recently verisign added a wildcard A record to the .COM and .NET TLD"
- einfo "zones making all .com and .net domains appear to be registered"
- einfo "This causes many problems such as breaking important anti-spam checks"
- einfo "which verify source domains exist. ISC released a patch for BIND which"
- einfo "adds 'delegation-only' zones to allow admins to return the .com and .net"
- einfo "domain resolution to their normal function."
- echo
- einfo "There is no need to create a com or net data file. Just the"
- einfo "entries to the named.conf file is enough."
- echo
- einfo " zone "com" IN { type delegation-only; };"
- einfo " zone "net" IN { type delegation-only; };"
- echo
- ewarn "BIND >=9.2.5 makes the priority argument to MX records mandatory"
- ewarn "when it was previously optional. If the priority is missing, BIND"
- ewarn "won't load the zone file at all."
- echo
-pkg_config() {
- CHROOT=`sed -n 's/^[[:blank:]]\?CHROOT="\([^"]\+\)"/\1/p' /etc/conf.d/named 2>/dev/null`
- EXISTS="no"
- if [ -z "${CHROOT}" -a ! -d "/chroot/dns" ]; then
- CHROOT="/chroot/dns"
- elif [ -d ${CHROOT} ]; then
- eerror; eerror "${CHROOT:-/chroot/dns} already exists. Quitting."; eerror; EXISTS="yes"
- fi
- if [ ! "$EXISTS" = yes ]; then
- einfo ; einfon "Setting up the chroot directory..."
- mkdir -m 700 -p ${CHROOT}
- mkdir -p ${CHROOT}/{dev,etc,var/run/named}
- chown -R named:named ${CHROOT}/var/run/named
- cp -R /etc/bind ${CHROOT}/etc/
- cp /etc/localtime ${CHROOT}/etc/localtime
- chown named:named ${CHROOT}/etc/bind/rndc.key
- cp -R /var/bind ${CHROOT}/var/
- chown -R named:named ${CHROOT}/var/
- mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/zero c 1 5
- mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/random c 1 8
- chmod 666 ${CHROOT}/dev/{random,zero}
- chown named:named ${CHROOT}
- grep -q "^#[[:blank:]]\?CHROOT" /etc/conf.d/named ; RETVAL=$?
- if [ $RETVAL = 0 ]; then
- sed 's/^# \?\(CHROOT.*\)$/\1/' /etc/conf.d/named > /etc/conf.d/named.orig 2>/dev/null
- mv --force /etc/conf.d/named.orig /etc/conf.d/named
- fi
- sleep 1; echo " Done."; sleep 1
- einfo
- einfo "Add the following to your root .bashrc or .bash_profile: "
- einfo " alias rndc='rndc -k ${CHROOT}/etc/bind/rndc.key'"
- einfo "Then do the following: "
- einfo " source /root/.bashrc or .bash_profile"
- einfo
- fi
diff --git a/net-dns/bind/bind-9.2.5-r6.ebuild b/net-dns/bind/bind-9.2.5-r6.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index bb8a662e0ca6..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/bind/bind-9.2.5-r6.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/bind/bind-9.2.5-r6.ebuild,v 1.11 2006/04/20 13:34:36 voxus Exp $
-inherit eutils libtool
-DESCRIPTION="BIND - Berkeley Internet Name Domain - Name Server"
- mirror://gentoo/dyndns-samples.tbz2
- dlz? (${PV}.patch.bz2 )"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sparc x86"
-IUSE="ssl ipv6 doc dlz postgres berkdb bind-mysql mysql odbc ldap selinux idn threads"
- sys-devel/autoconf
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6g )
- mysql? ( >=dev-db/mysql-4 )
- bind-mysql? ( >=dev-db/mysql-4 )
- odbc? ( >=dev-db/unixODBC-2.2.6 )
- ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )"
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-bind )"
-pkg_setup() {
- ebegin "Creating named group and user"
- enewgroup named 40
- enewuser named 40 -1 /etc/bind named
- eend ${?}
-src_unpack() {
- use threads && {
- echo
- ewarn "If you're in vserver enviroment, you're probably want to"
- ewarn "disable threads support because of linux capabilities dependency"
- echo
- }
- unpack ${A} && cd ${S}
- # Adjusting PATHs in manpages
- for i in `echo bin/{named/named.8,check/named-checkconf.8,rndc/rndc.8}`; do
- sed -i -e 's:/etc/named.conf:/etc/bind/named.conf:g' \
- -e 's:/etc/rndc.conf:/etc/bind/rndc.conf:g' \
- -e 's:/etc/rndc.key:/etc/bind/rndc.key:g' \
- ${i}
- done
- if use dlz; then
- epatch ${DISTDIR}/dlz-${PV}.patch.bz2
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-berkdb_fix.patch
- fi
- if use bind-mysql; then
- if use dlz; then
- MP=${P}-dlz-mysql.patch
- else
- MP=${P}-mysql.patch
- fi
- ebegin "Fixing mysql patch"
- eindent
- cp ${FILESDIR}/${MP} ${T}/${MP}
- sed -e "s:-I/usr/local/include:`mysql_config --include`:" \
- -e "s:-L/usr/local/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient:`mysql_config --libs`:" \
- -i ${T}/${MP}
- epatch ${T}/${MP}
- eoutdent
- eend $?
- fi
- if use idn; then
- epatch ${S}/contrib/idn/idnkit-1.0-src/patch/bind9/${P}-patch
- fi
- # it should be installed by bind-tools
- sed "s:nsupdate ::g" ${S}/bin/ > ${T}/Makefile
- mv ${T}/Makefile ${S}/bin/
- cd ${S}
- WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5 autoconf || die "autoconf failed"
-src_compile() {
- local myconf=""
- use ssl && myconf="${myconf} --with-openssl"
- use dlz && {
- myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-filesystem --with-dlz-stub"
- use postgres && myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-postgres"
- use mysql && myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-mysql"
- use berkdb && myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-bdb"
- use ldap && myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-ldap"
- use odbc && myconf="${myconf} --with-dlz-odbc"
- }
- if use threads; then
- if use dlz && use mysql; then
- echo
- ewarn ""
- einfo "MySQL uses thread local storage in its C api. Thus MySQL"
- einfo "requires that each thread of an application execute a MySQL"
- einfo "\"thread initialization\" to setup the thread local storage."
- einfo "This is impossible to do safely while staying within the DLZ"
- einfo "driver API. This is a limitation caused by MySQL, and not the"
- einfo "DLZ API."
- ewarn "Because of this BIND MUST only run with a single thread when"
- ewarn "using the MySQL driver."
- echo
- myconf="${myconf} --disable-threads"
- einfo "Threading support disabled"
- epause 10
- else
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-linux-caps --enable-threads"
- einfo "Threading support enabled"
- fi
- fi
- econf \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/bind \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- `use_enable ipv6` \
- --with-libtool \
- ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
- emake -j1 || die "failed to compile bind"
- if use idn; then
- cd ${S}/contrib/idn/idnkit-1.0-src
- econf || die "idn econf failed"
- emake || die "idn emake failed"
- fi
-src_install() {
- einstall || die "failed to install bind"
- use doc && {
- docinto misc ; dodoc doc/misc/*
- docinto html ; dohtml doc/arm/*
- docinto draft ; dodoc doc/draft/*
- docinto rfc ; dodoc doc/rfc/*
- docinto contrib ; dodoc contrib/named-bootconf/ \
- contrib/nanny/
- }
- insinto /etc/env.d
- newins ${FILESDIR}/10bind.env 10bind
- # some handy-dandy dynamic dns examples
- cd ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}
- tar pjxf ${DISTDIR}/dyndns-samples.tbz2
- dodir /etc/bind /var/bind/{pri,sec}
- keepdir /var/bind/sec
- insinto /etc/bind ; newins ${FILESDIR}/named.conf-r2 named.conf
- #
- insinto /var/bind ; doins ${FILESDIR}/
- insinto /var/bind/pri ; doins ${FILESDIR}/{127,localhost}.zone
- exeinto /etc/init.d ; newexe ${FILESDIR}/named.rc named
- insinto /etc/conf.d ; newins ${FILESDIR}/named.confd named
- dosym ../../var/bind/ /var/bind/root.cache
- dosym ../../var/bind/pri /etc/bind/pri
- dosym ../../var/bind/sec /etc/bind/sec
- if use idn; then
- cd ${S}/contrib/idn/idnkit-1.0-src
- einstall || die "failed to install idn kit"
- docinto idn
- dodoc ChangeLog INSTALL{,.ja} README{,.ja} NEWS
- fi
- # Let's get rid of those tools and their manpages since they're provided by bind-tools
- rm -f ${D}/usr/share/man/man1/{dig.1,host.1,nslookup.1}
- rm -f ${D}/usr/bin/{dig,host,nslookup}
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [ ! -f '/etc/bind/rndc.key' ]; then
- /usr/sbin/rndc-confgen -a -u named
- fi
- install -d -o named -g named ${ROOT}/var/run/named \
- ${ROOT}/var/bind/pri ${ROOT}/var/bind/sec
- chown -R named:named ${ROOT}/var/bind
- einfo "The default zone files are now installed as *.zone,"
- einfo "be careful merging config files if you have modified"
- einfo "/var/bind/pri/127 or /var/bind/pri/localhost"
- einfo
- einfo "You can edit /etc/conf.d/named to customize named settings"
- einfo
- einfo "The BIND ebuild now includes chroot support."
- einfo "If you like to run bind in chroot AND this is a new install OR"
- einfo "your bind doesn't already run in chroot, simply run:"
- einfo "\`emerge --config '=${CATEGORY}/${PF}'\`"
- einfo "Before running the above command you might want to change the chroot"
- einfo "dir in /etc/conf.d/named. Otherwise /chroot/dns will be used."
- echo
- einfo "Recently verisign added a wildcard A record to the .COM and .NET TLD"
- einfo "zones making all .com and .net domains appear to be registered"
- einfo "This causes many problems such as breaking important anti-spam checks"
- einfo "which verify source domains exist. ISC released a patch for BIND which"
- einfo "adds 'delegation-only' zones to allow admins to return the .com and .net"
- einfo "domain resolution to their normal function."
- echo
- einfo "There is no need to create a com or net data file. Just the"
- einfo "entries to the named.conf file is enough."
- echo
- einfo " zone "com" IN { type delegation-only; };"
- einfo " zone "net" IN { type delegation-only; };"
- echo
- ewarn "BIND >=9.2.5 makes the priority argument to MX records mandatory"
- ewarn "when it was previously optional. If the priority is missing, BIND"
- ewarn "won't load the zone file at all."
- echo
-pkg_config() {
- CHROOT=`sed -n 's/^[[:blank:]]\?CHROOT="\([^"]\+\)"/\1/p' /etc/conf.d/named 2>/dev/null`
- EXISTS="no"
- if [ -z "${CHROOT}" -a ! -d "/chroot/dns" ]; then
- CHROOT="/chroot/dns"
- elif [ -d ${CHROOT} ]; then
- eerror; eerror "${CHROOT:-/chroot/dns} already exists. Quitting."; eerror; EXISTS="yes"
- fi
- if [ ! "$EXISTS" = yes ]; then
- einfo ; einfon "Setting up the chroot directory..."
- mkdir -m 700 -p ${CHROOT}
- mkdir -p ${CHROOT}/{dev,etc,var/run/named}
- chown -R named:named ${CHROOT}/var/run/named
- cp -R /etc/bind ${CHROOT}/etc/
- cp /etc/localtime ${CHROOT}/etc/localtime
- chown named:named ${CHROOT}/etc/bind/rndc.key
- cp -R /var/bind ${CHROOT}/var/
- chown -R named:named ${CHROOT}/var/
- mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/zero c 1 5
- mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/random c 1 8
- chmod 666 ${CHROOT}/dev/{random,zero}
- chown named:named ${CHROOT}
- grep -q "^#[[:blank:]]\?CHROOT" /etc/conf.d/named ; RETVAL=$?
- if [ $RETVAL = 0 ]; then
- sed 's/^# \?\(CHROOT.*\)$/\1/' /etc/conf.d/named > /etc/conf.d/named.orig 2>/dev/null
- mv --force /etc/conf.d/named.orig /etc/conf.d/named
- fi
- sleep 1; echo " Done."; sleep 1
- einfo
- einfo "Add the following to your root .bashrc or .bash_profile: "
- einfo " alias rndc='rndc -k ${CHROOT}/etc/bind/rndc.key'"
- einfo "Then do the following: "
- einfo " source /root/.bashrc or .bash_profile"
- einfo
- fi
diff --git a/net-dns/bind/files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r4 b/net-dns/bind/files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r4
deleted file mode 100644
index 8637267dc231..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/bind/files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MD5 35a265fb97a068c066e22306ea32fd1f bind-9.2.5.tar.gz 4504389
-RMD160 885a1de04273d8afabf5168a44d9879b4690e60d bind-9.2.5.tar.gz 4504389
-SHA256 29000a8600af91e314cd5535eead0b5cf67c2aa47e1fce6ff3cf87e6367f04b5 bind-9.2.5.tar.gz 4504389
-MD5 3bb820ced02fa2db7ae37e5288a73706 dlz-9.2.5.patch.bz2 135932
-RMD160 d1686658b04b8896828e0b40c1cb869a2b3735f1 dlz-9.2.5.patch.bz2 135932
-SHA256 051ba8ba5825fe3a4f77adcc75e46471bc3ed74c132043bc9e6a6b8d516cd442 dlz-9.2.5.patch.bz2 135932
-MD5 2bb12cfcd70284e72fbf9e70e5e2974d dyndns-samples.tbz2 22866
-RMD160 27d5b2d0edb8e1ff16b3f980c38d7af33ccf0c7d dyndns-samples.tbz2 22866
-SHA256 92fb06a92ca99cbbe96b90bcca229ef9c12397db57ae17e199dad9f1218fdbe8 dyndns-samples.tbz2 22866
diff --git a/net-dns/bind/files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r6 b/net-dns/bind/files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r6
deleted file mode 100644
index 8637267dc231..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/bind/files/digest-bind-9.2.5-r6
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MD5 35a265fb97a068c066e22306ea32fd1f bind-9.2.5.tar.gz 4504389
-RMD160 885a1de04273d8afabf5168a44d9879b4690e60d bind-9.2.5.tar.gz 4504389
-SHA256 29000a8600af91e314cd5535eead0b5cf67c2aa47e1fce6ff3cf87e6367f04b5 bind-9.2.5.tar.gz 4504389
-MD5 3bb820ced02fa2db7ae37e5288a73706 dlz-9.2.5.patch.bz2 135932
-RMD160 d1686658b04b8896828e0b40c1cb869a2b3735f1 dlz-9.2.5.patch.bz2 135932
-SHA256 051ba8ba5825fe3a4f77adcc75e46471bc3ed74c132043bc9e6a6b8d516cd442 dlz-9.2.5.patch.bz2 135932
-MD5 2bb12cfcd70284e72fbf9e70e5e2974d dyndns-samples.tbz2 22866
-RMD160 27d5b2d0edb8e1ff16b3f980c38d7af33ccf0c7d dyndns-samples.tbz2 22866
-SHA256 92fb06a92ca99cbbe96b90bcca229ef9c12397db57ae17e199dad9f1218fdbe8 dyndns-samples.tbz2 22866