diff options
authorMaxim Koltsov <>2012-12-20 14:07:12 +0000
committerMaxim Koltsov <>2012-12-20 14:07:12 +0000
commita7d1cb48d8feb31f9bd019253df1075d6b551801 (patch)
tree51edb7fd43bd81b2f26bc0e7e952c11da1ccba83 /media-video/mplayer2
parent (diff)
Bump to 2.0_p20121128, thanks to Nikoli. Bug #447924
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0xF8DBDADE
Diffstat (limited to 'media-video/mplayer2')
4 files changed, 487 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/media-video/mplayer2/ChangeLog b/media-video/mplayer2/ChangeLog
index 71dfc857b776..d2f91bfe9e8e 100644
--- a/media-video/mplayer2/ChangeLog
+++ b/media-video/mplayer2/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for media-video/mplayer2
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/mplayer2/ChangeLog,v 1.76 2012/11/26 13:57:38 scarabeus Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/mplayer2/ChangeLog,v 1.77 2012/12/20 14:06:56 maksbotan Exp $
+*mplayer2-2.0_p20121128 (20 Dec 2012)
+ 20 Dec 2012; Maxim Koltsov <>
+ +mplayer2-2.0_p20121128.ebuild, mplayer2-9999.ebuild:
+ Bump to 2.0_p20121128, thanks to Nikoli. Bug #447924
26 Nov 2012; Tomáš Chvátal <> metadata.xml:
Update to global useflag.
diff --git a/media-video/mplayer2/Manifest b/media-video/mplayer2/Manifest
index cc50fad2b1bb..aee09a1c8ac1 100644
--- a/media-video/mplayer2/Manifest
+++ b/media-video/mplayer2/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-Hash: SHA256
AUX 964 SHA256 49ca2e1174e26f73f2dfadb42426f304e30fc2d7f049e577699ecfdf775b9599 SHA512 7141872caebf0e76e92f400f97f0bb540aed071decfb7668cf652d9a6f304cab968355b6d12343001b797d9cbfb113c3a5a272418427391ec7c85404dd618f90 WHIRLPOOL 1adef66fb0889c55f7a095eb1c543935c0a3b4e92ec4d3f086cbfbf9348dac58acec61aa57f0d222376da80cabb0925f3a59215dabf3c93a0baac1e89967d850
AUX mplayer2-2.0_p20120828-ffmpeg.patch 765 SHA256 2387daac56d711d4a7d32fc15f1b20d787342e4eb21b7cdab44aa04f2b01bc43 SHA512 e5ffa7ba9cba0c381ae37903659aaa050ecde489d7fc011e9375c41800afda08ee6073126a1e1099c4a83deb890b4ebb7ca0af43c3a9664aad8f7546757be140 WHIRLPOOL 1eb7aea177a423dd999e6c4797405bbb61c6f474ec086e9a7b91310fdc51292177fecfbb9191ba6af8326f49791607eb2d09b4201c900d3df3cbeee30a9f29d8
AUX mplayer2-py2compat.patch 2179 SHA256 36e26a89ec03de0e349443ca3ce07c58e408e032200f49c3ce849691589a1cc7 SHA512 a90417c923c36c78d4c8053de89b26f69cd29a01ee37028360c8c564b903ee00ac0d7e98bcaf25220998951f25987cd89ede47b54518736c14abd1e7153e6568 WHIRLPOOL 987c63235be05fd3dbe89e4e291649c6f2176771e07c8515c08725a4e3d54118136b968531565a65c1e83bd754cc51e9bef5493ec2e653dfa4b3278c8bed6cce
@@ -10,26 +7,11 @@ DIST font-arial-iso-8859-2.tar.bz2 222208 SHA256 71debfc960007c2f6242dfc91e8b1c0
DIST mplayer2-2.0_p20120309.tar.xz 3328620 SHA256 8a46e0be27dd479c91bde64a35725c6ff668e5a74ab3a56ac3fe29d16f6a0a31 SHA512 c9b1eda3cfc6279a96864aad9a6096b36742460233f03d715b94437e8ffbb1086d006f379f8fb4d7e2b7598ce810e62b5f88151832b19d8459344079fa55fe67 WHIRLPOOL 15522e5bf9c2fdabc86c23122159b7f9ee855211eb4ae088f1ebff07bb8dcb4b763d61c49ba31ea18d3e3c237a60e685a23e4fac71bf94b1af80f84c638d9fd3
DIST mplayer2-2.0_p20120828.tar.xz 1739048 SHA256 7a53079c52c73ce00df5c29e1e2c19f944365213c70107b4bf992cf32ca85093 SHA512 d8eebf9deb1f07f7178037c9e980bbd942f0c68937fb6f37aad9b4e25f6a4d2cc5b6f055537c7dca12adf198e6f2531197f2869fbd0ba301d5fc7f5294f82b97 WHIRLPOOL ca9055a631fc7d19329db3c45b297f497c44c5e82f621af5cc76e32b4fac8585690f8252156dd2fcd44bd150ad18778aaf2c2b5796ca53f32e4de81d85385135
DIST mplayer2-2.0_p20121108.tar.xz 1549508 SHA256 7d0f18998b6b059e1e06d66d030e5c4979aff158f050d7354c3056e6aaf29c0d SHA512 b8e507aa7e928267f648f228c1fafc236c0af39836733c0029583250784462a87cd713ba86312329c8c4c6cb175dcae24e2064498ddc6d51b162da51c43a8646 WHIRLPOOL bc0fd93ee2a56095bdad81aef9997e48cb177569a47c5abd5bace58af2a8eb114c352abadea2306437b5650d85f549109ad2173491b833d211e5dc816c7f7dd0
+DIST mplayer2-2.0_p20121128.tar.xz 1932656 SHA256 17ec9fadb59c74dc4852df2d1c49d3d551a4d5b38eb50fc6c7c24b0e24d0df57 SHA512 8a7cedbdbfccc8f4777de8de3f1a6388495157b596bbf88982382278d073b7fcf80c8f27319e222d89323162f3522ac90e3a150f2922350b6138ca0a4ba7bfc8 WHIRLPOOL 238bab7b78f0852d283d57b048bcb737aec9ad215d5e3e4cee244ee2bfea5315c8b93925306ea8a7c62c02fe10689e9d6a5fe1d4f52e3e4f518e59f120a0ea83
EBUILD mplayer2-2.0_p20120309.ebuild 16416 SHA256 aaafe58532a1c4e263b1433d962b11fc8b67af3e24e603413c5c9300981f1276 SHA512 dc9b495fa441ecfa517f06e66952565c35aa84d9597a9e936d901a12b61233e5e483f86f04c07bd552f25dc75654c434284f617e8c5c28174e45c71b63713c2a WHIRLPOOL 7a9418dc7a920f00c318a5135788b32397faef62a8b37cea7654e1bb33928e0182eeccce28b90a9fbabde829a174309a76b4c63916d72ef8a47e45262e4b3793
EBUILD mplayer2-2.0_p20120828.ebuild 14664 SHA256 e6d2132de6aa3107872930dbaa2c4a5ab12366216c69a17ec0a4b289e08b0826 SHA512 6984f0aff8e8208835ee88bdd605bff08aab4c8a7839c9a5cad3d03cf6d5a7454e85f8ebeca86e4ca76ab27882685d99ddc7bde9333b0b14dfa42d3a869e0571 WHIRLPOOL 8eb2c97a8b37fae4a5f70c94bbf388e30cdf1d28fca87340631fd4a733b4f07f8fef47e5f5c76ca19c2617e1d41a0d7c0748c085cafc2dac831b86423d1760bc
EBUILD mplayer2-2.0_p20121108.ebuild 12585 SHA256 2113d996e65e6a907b983f3ef623306def68c4eec410a83dcb47027adb92e35a SHA512 582bf75454eec7ace835b92ffcde7448032ea3617cf3d1d54f183a7235ee31950a01c457bfd5858c7922906b8e9b5705a9037cebdf90d124a7c6ae27171f4ee9 WHIRLPOOL b9f97c2059fa64fe4609e359fe27dd0062153b25f08ae654fefb549d358f1b36c8986a79b9aaa2c0420fe5a9eb050416d4d280359d0e771763479e5ab405f6bc
-EBUILD mplayer2-9999.ebuild 12577 SHA256 83a89e22a3fdda3610c18f2c3bf91ea7427c23b720a004d7f4200f637b1dcf66 SHA512 1d9b0cfc0b260384044f2fcc9da51ced1badfeacb9c5f4ee98bee5be93324012cb5559ecd5c786d726b6223e5fbdcef36adeeca7657085ba6d74b020807bfde1 WHIRLPOOL b57c1ebc9e5009a52fe8c19d5b6d3c9ab689cbc6293f8b6af69fd58d04bdf07eeadd01748dbffc2ecf43e6e293eb8dff536326f956391c4f86a6e998d2619b31
-MISC ChangeLog 15558 SHA256 9eddf476f9f73b02cdcb7636b02a0b75372bf2ae023756da4856fc337101b995 SHA512 4595caa03ed17e305bdc72f36fdedf14c142302025521d42245ef47e9f7c883d5130091100bc9eccf55212a05341e927851d3bcceb4a88c41cb388f59ae3cd6f WHIRLPOOL 9609b9c0132303a2e1d43e74442efbf7286387d1072d02ce6ebc52733f89373e70e543cef220d874db7e4d0ec8739262b53ab1a84c4780f06ed66aa72687ec08
+EBUILD mplayer2-2.0_p20121128.ebuild 12530 SHA256 7e0bc4f22f6b01d2f8838cca57d1e48c504fd67bdc1a698f2619bbcde8381ec1 SHA512 96ac3ed0eb463ea8f4f18f3eb199432383cfee32235961afa325abed0563cc95161f86983880ea2ef489213ebd710c14ec9fc5d71c2701f9fababcae211d6805 WHIRLPOOL 87390d10c93e8c868e4dc55f9ec2e9934843735da07db67831ffa90e9a738be5727865423501ccd7844f8a4938a3c2bb3c5553112ae6f809a67f524fcadba687
+EBUILD mplayer2-9999.ebuild 12522 SHA256 5a66963e9eb8010b6c4b8a5c37966b20909df6be3e40efafc253ead85d2ca870 SHA512 f79fa63df437df852372f730df40eea2fa74a2918009832c57bdb1ae9326f52c9a756c679f78002f3d3db460d7edebe3905a52dfcc8578de7f37a73adb4d6765 WHIRLPOOL a55c30e33389be13fe163b07d35f39e971a96005fb4a9949abf8c7e7a18be3bd771c20f230470dfdc04c14a2630fe3b0a0440ca182250b935a04be2471460631
+MISC ChangeLog 15761 SHA256 f4a3f3af273ca4c470cd8578c7e4247853ca0cffb87e782e13e1eebfb95ad003 SHA512 dfba1ebcb010de600fb2f76e4256d5624e07efc3f0ac46493addd4e2b6048014a5bf6a069da2216e75617ed74e4300b48d2930e957a14b8d19ee6a7a5d042e87 WHIRLPOOL 5a009c702ce02a1bdc0eae04494aa791fa99caf5c9d3bb58131b9b1af976d5641f13657d62fd557d0ab1734cf795cb973b92eab14af0de63c07e1bac95a4e951
MISC metadata.xml 3432 SHA256 b484abd0233341306cbbad1b207b03178917f6850514d067bcd51fe514b71c81 SHA512 3a30acb2b1b7825dc2074370b96032bb2bba5c49891dcdf271bc96ccc3c04dab8f48c77b671029f5e48d51316eb27744151521bc414205c75074e705df691597 WHIRLPOOL d40a9c85764f5ccebc97e31c2e28bd4b4ba3c43c0d0efffc035acfa4ecb0b0706671ac4f14a364df80848fd33988fa166e762ed25215dfddb67d262267b1d3ac
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/media-video/mplayer2/mplayer2-2.0_p20121128.ebuild b/media-video/mplayer2/mplayer2-2.0_p20121128.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f0ff8591eaec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/mplayer2/mplayer2-2.0_p20121128.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/mplayer2/mplayer2-2.0_p20121128.ebuild,v 1.1 2012/12/20 14:06:56 maksbotan Exp $
+[[ ${PV} = *9999* ]] && VCS_ECLASS="git-2" || VCS_ECLASS=""
+inherit python toolchain-funcs eutils flag-o-matic multilib base ${VCS_ECLASS}
+DESCRIPTION="Media Player for Linux"
+if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="git://"
+ SRC_URI="${P}.tar.xz"
+if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
+ KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux"
+IUSE="+a52 +alsa aqua bindist bluray bs2b cddb +cdio cpudetection debug
+directfb doc +dts +dv dvb +dvd +dvdnav +enca +faad fbcon ftp gif +iconv
+ipv6 jack joystick jpeg kernel_linux ladspa lcms +libass libcaca lirc mad
+md5sum mng +mp3 +network nut +opengl oss png pnm portaudio +postproc
+pulseaudio pvr +quicktime quvi radio +rar +real +rtc samba sdl +speex tga
++theora +unicode v4l vcd vdpau +vorbis win32codecs +X xanim xinerama
++xscreensaver +xv xvid yuv4mpeg
+IUSE+=" symlink"
+CPU_FEATURES="3dnow 3dnowext altivec +mmx mmxext +shm sse sse2 ssse3"
+for x in ${CPU_FEATURES}; do
+ IUSE+=" ${x}"
+# bindist does not cope with win32codecs, which are nonfree
+ bindist? ( !win32codecs )
+ cddb? ( cdio network )
+ dvdnav? ( dvd )
+ lcms? ( opengl )
+ libass? ( iconv )
+ opengl? ( || ( aqua X ) )
+ radio? ( || ( dvb v4l ) )
+ vdpau? ( X )
+ xinerama? ( X )
+ xscreensaver? ( X )
+ xv? ( X )
+# Rar: althrought -gpl version is nice, it cant do most functions normal rars can
+ sys-libs/ncurses
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ !bindist? (
+ x86? (
+ win32codecs? ( media-libs/win32codecs )
+ )
+ )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ x11-libs/libXxf86vm
+ opengl? ( virtual/opengl )
+ lcms? ( media-libs/lcms:2 )
+ vdpau? ( x11-libs/libvdpau )
+ xinerama? ( x11-libs/libXinerama )
+ xscreensaver? ( x11-libs/libXScrnSaver )
+ xv? (
+ x11-libs/libXv
+ )
+ )
+ a52? ( media-libs/a52dec )
+ alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
+ bluray? ( media-libs/libbluray )
+ bs2b? ( media-libs/libbs2b )
+ cdio? ( dev-libs/libcdio )
+ directfb? ( dev-libs/DirectFB )
+ dts? ( media-libs/libdca )
+ dv? ( media-libs/libdv )
+ dvb? ( virtual/linuxtv-dvb-headers )
+ dvd? (
+ >=media-libs/libdvdread-4.1.3
+ dvdnav? ( >=media-libs/libdvdnav-4.1.3 )
+ )
+ enca? ( app-i18n/enca )
+ faad? ( media-libs/faad2 )
+ gif? ( media-libs/giflib )
+ iconv? ( virtual/libiconv )
+ jack? ( media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit )
+ jpeg? ( virtual/jpeg )
+ ladspa? ( media-libs/ladspa-sdk )
+ libass? ( >=media-libs/libass-0.9.10[enca?,fontconfig] virtual/ttf-fonts )
+ libcaca? ( media-libs/libcaca )
+ lirc? ( app-misc/lirc )
+ mad? ( media-libs/libmad )
+ mng? ( media-libs/libmng )
+ mp3? ( media-sound/mpg123 )
+ nut? ( >=media-libs/libnut-661 )
+ png? ( media-libs/libpng )
+ pnm? ( media-libs/netpbm )
+ portaudio? ( >=media-libs/portaudio-19_pre20111121 )
+ postproc? ( || ( media-libs/libpostproc <media-video/libav-0.8.2-r1 media-video/ffmpeg ) )
+ pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
+ quvi? ( >=media-libs/libquvi-0.4.1 )
+ rar? (
+ || (
+ app-arch/unrar
+ app-arch/rar
+ )
+ )
+ samba? ( net-fs/samba )
+ sdl? ( media-libs/libsdl )
+ speex? ( media-libs/speex )
+ theora? ( media-libs/libtheora )
+ vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
+ xanim? ( media-video/xanim )
+ xvid? ( media-libs/xvid )
+ >=virtual/ffmpeg-0.10.2
+ symlink? ( !media-video/mplayer )
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ >=dev-lang/python-2.7
+ dev-python/docutils
+ sys-devel/gettext
+ X? (
+ x11-proto/videoproto
+ x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto
+ xinerama? ( x11-proto/xineramaproto )
+ xscreensaver? ( x11-proto/scrnsaverproto )
+ )
+ amd64? ( ${ASM_DEP} )
+ doc? (
+ dev-libs/libxslt app-text/docbook-xml-dtd
+ app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
+ )
+ x86? ( ${ASM_DEP} )
+ x86-fbsd? ( ${ASM_DEP} )
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-py2compat.patch"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
+ elog
+ elog "This is a live ebuild which installs the latest from upstream's"
+ elog "${VCS_ECLASS} repository, and is unsupported by Gentoo."
+ elog "Everything but bugs in the ebuild itself will be ignored."
+ elog
+ fi
+ if use cpudetection; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "You've enabled the cpudetection flag. This feature is"
+ ewarn "included mainly for people who want to use the same"
+ ewarn "binary on another system with a different CPU architecture."
+ ewarn "MPlayer will already detect your CPU settings by default at"
+ ewarn "buildtime; this flag is used for runtime detection."
+ ewarn "You won't need this turned on if you are only building"
+ ewarn "mplayer for this system. Also, if your compile fails, try"
+ ewarn "disabling this use flag."
+ fi
+ if use !libass; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "You've disabled the libass flag. No OSD or subtitles will be displayed."
+ fi
+ einfo "For various format support you need to enable the support on your ffmpeg package:"
+ einfo " media-video/libav or media-video/ffmpeg"
+ #
+ python_pkg_setup
+ major=$(python_get_version --major)
+ minor=$(python_get_version --minor)
+ [[ ( ${major} -eq 2 && ${minor} -ge 7 ) || ${major} -ge 3 ]] \
+ || die "Please eselect Python 2.7 or later"
+src_prepare() {
+ # fix path to bash executable in configure scripts
+ local bash_scripts="configure"
+ sed -i -e "1c\#!${EPREFIX}/bin/bash" \
+ ${bash_scripts} || die
+ if [[ -n ${NAMESUF} ]]; then
+ sed -e "/^EXESUF/s,= \$_exesuf$,= ${NAMESUF}\$_exesuf," \
+ -i configure || die
+ sed -e "s/mplayer/${PN}/" \
+ -i TOOLS/ || die
+ fi
+ base_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf=""
+ local uses i
+ # mplayer ebuild uses "use foo || --disable-foo" to forcibly disable
+ # compilation in almost every situation. The reason for this is
+ # because if --enable is used, it will force the build of that option,
+ # regardless of whether the dependency is available or not.
+ ###################
+ #Optional features#
+ ###################
+ # disable tremor, it needs libvorbisidec and is for FPU-less systems only
+ myconf+="
+ --disable-tremor
+ $(use_enable network networking)
+ $(use_enable joystick)
+ "
+ uses="bluray enca ftp libass rtc vcd"
+ for i in ${uses}; do
+ use ${i} || myconf+=" --disable-${i}"
+ done
+ use ipv6 || myconf+=" --disable-inet6"
+ use nut || myconf+=" --disable-libnut"
+ use quvi || myconf+=" --disable-libquvi"
+ use rar || myconf+=" --disable-unrarexec"
+ use samba || myconf+=" --disable-smb"
+ if ! use lirc; then
+ myconf+="
+ --disable-lirc
+ --disable-lircc
+ --disable-apple-ir
+ "
+ fi
+ ########
+ # CDDA #
+ ########
+ use cddb || myconf+=" --disable-cddb"
+ use cdio || myconf+=" --disable-libcdio"
+ ################################
+ # DVD read, navigation support #
+ ################################
+ #
+ # dvdread - accessing a DVD
+ # dvdnav - navigation of menus
+ #
+ # use external libdvdcss, dvdread and dvdnav
+ myconf+=" --disable-dvdread-internal --disable-libdvdcss-internal"
+ use dvd || myconf+=" --disable-dvdread"
+ use dvdnav || myconf+=" --disable-dvdnav"
+ #############
+ # Subtitles #
+ #############
+ #
+ # iconv optionally can use unicode
+ use iconv || myconf+=" --disable-iconv --charset=noconv"
+ use iconv && use unicode && myconf+=" --charset=UTF-8"
+ #####################################
+ # DVB / Video4Linux / Radio support #
+ #####################################
+ myconf+=" --disable-tv-bsdbt848"
+ # v4l1 is gone since linux-headers-2.6.38
+ myconf+=" --disable-tv-v4l1"
+ if { use dvb || use v4l || use pvr || use radio; }; then
+ use dvb || myconf+=" --disable-dvb"
+ use pvr || myconf+=" --disable-pvr"
+ use v4l || myconf+=" --disable-tv-v4l2"
+ if use radio && { use dvb || use v4l; }; then
+ myconf+="
+ --enable-radio
+ --disable-radio-capture
+ "
+ else
+ myconf+="
+ --disable-radio-v4l2
+ --disable-radio-bsdbt848
+ "
+ fi
+ else
+ myconf+="
+ --disable-tv
+ --disable-tv-v4l2
+ --disable-radio
+ --disable-radio-v4l2
+ --disable-radio-bsdbt848
+ --disable-dvb
+ --disable-v4l2
+ --disable-pvr"
+ fi
+ ##########
+ # Codecs #
+ ##########
+ myconf+=" --disable-musepack" # deprecated, libavcodec Musepack decoder is preferred
+ use dts || myconf+=" --disable-libdca"
+ use mp3 || myconf+=" --disable-mpg123"
+ uses="a52 bs2b dv vorbis"
+ for i in ${uses}; do
+ use ${i} || myconf+=" --disable-lib${i}"
+ done
+ uses="faad gif jpeg mad mng png pnm speex tga theora xanim xvid"
+ for i in ${uses}; do
+ use ${i} || myconf+=" --disable-${i}"
+ done
+ #################
+ # Binary codecs #
+ #################
+ # bug 213836
+ if ! use x86 || ! use win32codecs; then
+ use quicktime || myconf+=" --disable-qtx"
+ fi
+ ######################
+ # RealPlayer support #
+ ######################
+ # Realplayer support shows up in four places:
+ # - libavcodec (internal)
+ # - win32codecs
+ # - realcodecs (win32codecs libs)
+ # - realcodecs (realplayer libs)
+ # internal
+ use real || myconf+=" --disable-real"
+ # Real binary codec support only available on x86, amd64
+ if use real; then
+ use x86 && myconf+=" --codecsdir=/opt/RealPlayer/codecs"
+ use amd64 && myconf+=" --codecsdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/codecs"
+ fi
+ myconf+=" $(use_enable win32codecs win32dll)"
+ ################
+ # Video Output #
+ ################
+ uses="directfb md5sum sdl yuv4mpeg"
+ for i in ${uses}; do
+ use ${i} || myconf+=" --disable-${i}"
+ done
+ use libcaca || myconf+=" --disable-caca"
+ use postproc || myconf+=" --disable-libpostproc"
+ ################
+ # Audio Output #
+ ################
+ myconf+=" --disable-rsound" # media-sound/rsound is in pro-audio overlay only
+ uses="alsa jack ladspa portaudio"
+ for i in ${uses}; do
+ use ${i} || myconf+=" --disable-${i}"
+ done
+ #use openal && myconf+=" --enable-openal" # build fails
+ use pulseaudio || myconf+=" --disable-pulse"
+ if ! use radio; then
+ use oss || myconf+=" --disable-ossaudio"
+ fi
+ ####################
+ # Advanced Options #
+ ####################
+ # Platform specific flags, hardcoded on amd64 (see below)
+ use cpudetection && myconf+=" --enable-runtime-cpudetection"
+ for i in ${CPU_FEATURES//+/}; do
+ myconf+=" $(use_enable ${i})"
+ done
+ use debug && myconf+=" --enable-debug=3"
+ if use x86 && gcc-specs-pie; then
+ filter-flags -fPIC -fPIE
+ append-ldflags -nopie
+ fi
+ ###########################
+ # X enabled configuration #
+ ###########################
+ use X || myconf+=" --disable-x11"
+ uses="vdpau xinerama xv"
+ for i in ${uses}; do
+ use ${i} || myconf+=" --disable-${i}"
+ done
+ use opengl || myconf+=" --disable-gl"
+ use lcms || myconf+=" --disable-lcms2"
+ use xscreensaver || myconf+=" --disable-xss"
+ ############################
+ # OSX (aqua) configuration #
+ ############################
+ if use aqua; then
+ myconf+="
+ --enable-macosx-finder
+ --enable-macosx-bundle
+ "
+ fi
+ ./configure \
+ --cc="$(tc-getCC)" \
+ --pkg-config="$(tc-getPKG_CONFIG)" \
+ --prefix="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
+ --bindir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin \
+ --libdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir) \
+ --confdir="${EPREFIX}"/etc/${PN} \
+ --datadir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/${PN} \
+ --mandir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/man \
+ --localedir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/locale \
+ --enable-translation \
+ ${myconf} || die
+src_compile() {
+ base_src_compile
+ use doc && emake -C DOCS/xml html-chunked
+src_install() {
+ local i
+ emake \
+ DESTDIR="${D}" \
+ install
+ dodoc AUTHORS Copyright README etc/codecs.conf
+ docinto tech/
+ dodoc DOCS/tech/{*.txt,mpsub.sub,playtree}
+ docinto TOOLS/
+ dodoc -r TOOLS
+ if use real; then
+ docinto tech/realcodecs/
+ dodoc DOCS/tech/realcodecs/*
+ fi
+ if use doc; then
+ docinto html/
+ dohtml -r "${S}"/DOCS/HTML/*
+ fi
+ insinto /etc/${PN}
+ newins "${S}/etc/example.conf" mplayer.conf
+ cat >> "${ED}/etc/${PN}/mplayer.conf" << _EOF_
+# Config options can be section specific, global
+# options should go in the default section
+ doins "${S}/etc/input.conf"
+ # set unrar path when required
+ if use rar; then
+ cat >> "${ED}/etc/${PN}/mplayer.conf" << _EOF_
+ fi
+ dosym ../../../etc/${PN}/mplayer.conf /usr/share/${PN}/mplayer.conf
+ newbin "${S}/TOOLS/" midentify${NAMESUF}
+ if [[ -n ${NAMESUF} ]]; then
+ mv "${ED}/usr/share/man/man1/mplayer.1" "${ED}/usr/share/man/man1/mplayer${NAMESUF}.1" || die
+ if use symlink; then
+ dosym "${PN}" /usr/bin/mplayer
+ dosym "midentify${NAMESUF}" /usr/bin/midentify
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/media-video/mplayer2/mplayer2-9999.ebuild b/media-video/mplayer2/mplayer2-9999.ebuild
index ef369dc5e478..6b63b6a28f29 100644
--- a/media-video/mplayer2/mplayer2-9999.ebuild
+++ b/media-video/mplayer2/mplayer2-9999.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/mplayer2/mplayer2-9999.ebuild,v 1.49 2012/11/21 13:46:53 scarabeus Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/mplayer2/mplayer2-9999.ebuild,v 1.50 2012/12/20 14:06:56 maksbotan Exp $
@@ -193,8 +193,6 @@ src_prepare() {
sed -i -e "1c\#!${EPREFIX}/bin/bash" \
${bash_scripts} || die
- sed -e 's/rst2man / /g' -i Makefile || die
if [[ -n ${NAMESUF} ]]; then
sed -e "/^EXESUF/s,= \$_exesuf$,= ${NAMESUF}\$_exesuf," \
-i configure || die