diff options
authorAlfredo Tupone <>2008-10-21 21:05:50 +0000
committerAlfredo Tupone <>2008-10-21 21:05:50 +0000
commit3bd7c1d9aad06bdb5228756a2942d96282f30939 (patch)
tree9f0a93b676ff6d0d6658b38832b3d6fe49ba09c1 /games-strategy
parentMigrate to slot dependencies. (diff)
Version bump to 3.1.2 Bug #208291
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'games-strategy')
5 files changed, 334 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/games-strategy/glest/ChangeLog b/games-strategy/glest/ChangeLog
index c1221af3912b..dc9e32b68ed5 100644
--- a/games-strategy/glest/ChangeLog
+++ b/games-strategy/glest/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for games-strategy/glest
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-strategy/glest/ChangeLog,v 1.17 2007/11/21 04:19:03 dirtyepic Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-strategy/glest/ChangeLog,v 1.18 2008/10/21 21:05:49 tupone Exp $
+*glest-3.1.2 (21 Oct 2008)
+ 21 Oct 2008; <> +files/glest-3.1.2-gcc43.patch,
+ +files/glest-3.1.2-home.patch, +glest-3.1.2.ebuild:
+ Version bump to 3.1.2 Bug #208291 by
21 Nov 2007; Ryan Hill <> glest-2.0.1.ebuild:
Allow building with ftjam for bug #188194
diff --git a/games-strategy/glest/Manifest b/games-strategy/glest/Manifest
index 9d1b831eacd3..4a012d51cf92 100644
--- a/games-strategy/glest/Manifest
+++ b/games-strategy/glest/Manifest
@@ -1,8 +1,30 @@
+Hash: SHA1
AUX glest-2.0.1-home.patch 2359 RMD160 d118b45bd421cf98657a0991385e9e4c443016ed SHA1 5cfdd84d8053e46ce1925e3bbe6dc386254ef266 SHA256 870057d3fe3e12341192d792d893f487b743522673ffc85bd68e6fe8587b7b04
+AUX glest-3.1.2-gcc43.patch 883 RMD160 ca0b51c17ed29d27823638d9ceb4ed55d177f319 SHA1 3cfeb8229133bdfa4304176b7000ee88c8959e46 SHA256 f88dffb9edce23959ffb51b7ed16722305fae8422703331fc68dce0c90f4e772
+AUX glest-3.1.2-home.patch 5222 RMD160 b8dec68ae737540b2f03782112929729975f0e5a SHA1 e87bd8888e2a5fdb0058ba1e6a321d7c3a1f8100 SHA256 88a9a0ad1bf8e09e1db5cd10269c34bdb17acd9d8b9e67db3b65d171ab4a100e
+DIST 2038 RMD160 bae5ac013bc3ebb168e54611b7b05ae708cc4976 SHA1 a581864eef2e9e98252d0995bebee7a640e73ac4 SHA256 aac469c4c146932cfe7a57ee58c7cbe3ed243a140c862dd03e6affe718e7a235
+DIST 2032 RMD160 bba4b7ce9056c11eea6e172f32d2b0272e5d751c SHA1 42e510cecf8d529ed21866fe7240cf79503c5614 SHA256 e24031c6e2a1814f791fff9fcbec833daf75a660b05d46f4afa2e6d3c6cfae19
DIST 1903 RMD160 50d53e084e1cd1f66656f82a19e35544901112a8 SHA1 1e064b21aa9a1109bbf62df450644b61121fa669 SHA256 776a4586d6556916467aef5f6a2623152fcc28f3ad069a45fdfa2c03de0f922f
+DIST 2002 RMD160 43c951732917df7dc1a80bf076b76ebcb9045774 SHA1 e552b0aaa4f100148d14a97cf8300d3c8e77ec6d SHA256 1a1da43468fae8f6e7634023ef955710aeee12192c936502405d82a11d355d91
+DIST glest-source-3.1.2.tar.bz2 388086 RMD160 42d5ffc067d485bf9ec2800b78d7b8bbdc48e82f SHA1 62be30fb94044b55efcdd1ec2bd7d0149c594645 SHA256 bc96a78dd86f240568d230fd4dd6b69bca8922ba673b4d1138e09d1ad88fbfdf
DIST 64587572 RMD160 091da0051b640263d0600e9996cc801320de27a8 SHA1 5a3992135dce648c7aaa1bf6d1469f651ee670ad SHA256 612ab01a862bb29e6b491f40f0f345c85db229962637ba1832b7f35f50001ef6
+DIST 65751462 RMD160 341ad201dbd9cb4c54eb4e66584c1c09d8bbaa85 SHA1 ef81767d27baa5639de64efc5569c95762af866a SHA256 2b35b1cfe7af2513c6c18ef2ab5b27b8334bb6558def92eef4ad48a99cea7a59
DIST 510653 RMD160 d1b4c983cf1cd5adc151ac6917b98ef00fbb7a66 SHA1 20625eb567de3de9e3f2c5ec91e6c5da0dd6dca8 SHA256 f476665f374537def35ebd7737b7fa8940ef9f014cfabd5fbbd50a4c647b42b2
DIST 2012 RMD160 4688dd98d15ba7e072d5bf56f30d7b5e10f5c415 SHA1 85fdb44517c482fbee98195f9a66eae314c580e7 SHA256 580a4fd6144ca528c167d6b5668e97cdcd3b00aa6e8d22695fe5012794b6bf0d
+DIST 2157 RMD160 dcad31162dd0ff72410baba8ade790534d28b93f SHA1 0e88266abd8e23eb067ebd92963a46d6dfaa98b7 SHA256 9c1d7c913756c85669bba3729c8d94dc38ef9fafdd188193e1bd1bc349654937
+DIST 2023 RMD160 c0216a3cc3d7f8e2f8b6c096ca997dd2078256ff SHA1 c6fe059cda2c118a8701643e9a611681a15406b6 SHA256 2ac6c6b154f4680c83a4adaf21604b7eaa01f6c9aa4214c5f09e067fe5c7905b
+DIST 1377 RMD160 526a2b2b80cd6aa5eac75222c1fa8f78eac80d64 SHA1 2a1162253614af5353b5c8f78e919d50c2369dde SHA256 16b40e46f3c84d8c94ae5174997ff9e3038a31b0934e4d930697ac499cc2022c
+DIST 2137 RMD160 ca1842fb3d53118c2841f7ded3b24e97a395b7f8 SHA1 cf3dc8b51786a53e5f4c9f00db190e4ee9a7fe64 SHA256 3be22f0f20a1412cbd771fde6858557e4944db09c1974a1238e7ecc987d1d5c0
EBUILD glest-2.0.1.ebuild 2435 RMD160 64df682a82af15d00392027014f27b4d1a05b30b SHA1 2c2fd3c36264380860917a2234f0ccc70779f3ff SHA256 1b501afe0ae5d13bb0765ff5b206e7e4dd4c75ee6726a8c533364b17a9f8924c
-MISC ChangeLog 2808 RMD160 1e3e90ea6f50bab3584f978463db64b21506cfb4 SHA1 1baf5579e28ee369b004a192697af3c7642dcc20 SHA256 4b02793800608d846dd8de4e27f0a8cc44b83ba1717b29261b9d806c8c79e723
+EBUILD glest-3.1.2.ebuild 2918 RMD160 34ae697d372b71c3bf265dbcd8540dc978f85992 SHA1 0e73edf95bc6a31dd1ed0f48ecb84922241189ba SHA256 0616226711cfc4bc886337102108c1178da7b764fa309844e795bb2d2a53bd49
+MISC ChangeLog 3012 RMD160 259d7b2b8f56a1828498777c31dca3b169d1ae02 SHA1 5ed0d867a9167fd0e23e6c16d823da4b24112b52 SHA256 46df7606db25a029c7f56d55aee3bd33d9d4b2c681821fbaad852bfafa00642c
MISC metadata.xml 158 RMD160 cbd9984bb6b426c8c9cee5022fe0a26261612fea SHA1 be5251fa1dacef5c41b74761bb1c8c54fb633b9e SHA256 1423a4fdd4a79b1728a2056d9e300f7e1074253095d82726218d9e9b953888a3
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/games-strategy/glest/files/glest-3.1.2-gcc43.patch b/games-strategy/glest/files/glest-3.1.2-gcc43.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..425aa6f9ff4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-strategy/glest/files/glest-3.1.2-gcc43.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+--- shared_lib/sources/platform/posix/socket.cpp.old 2008-10-19 13:45:33.000000000 +0200
++++ shared_lib/sources/platform/posix/socket.cpp 2008-10-19 13:48:42.000000000 +0200
+@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
+ #include "socket.h"
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <string.h>
+ #include <stdexcept>
+ #include <sstream>
+ #if defined(HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H)
+--- shared_lib/sources/util/conversion.cpp.old 2008-10-19 14:12:55.000000000 +0200
++++ shared_lib/sources/util/conversion.cpp 2008-10-19 14:13:49.000000000 +0200
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ #include <stdexcept>
+ #include <cstdio>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "leak_dumper.h"
+--- shared_lib/sources/util/util.cpp.old 2008-10-19 14:20:17.000000000 +0200
++++ shared_lib/sources/util/util.cpp 2008-10-19 14:21:07.000000000 +0200
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ #include <ctime>
+ #include <cassert>
+ #include <stdexcept>
++#include <string.h>
+ #include "leak_dumper.h"
diff --git a/games-strategy/glest/files/glest-3.1.2-home.patch b/games-strategy/glest/files/glest-3.1.2-home.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..df0351f05853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-strategy/glest/files/glest-3.1.2-home.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+--- glest_game/ai/ai_interface.cpp.old 2008-10-20 22:06:57.000000000 +0200
++++ glest_game/ai/ai_interface.cpp 2008-10-20 22:09:19.000000000 +0200
+@@ -48,7 +48,9 @@
+ //clear log file
+ if(logLevel>0){
+- FILE *f= fopen(getLogFilename().c_str(), "wt");
++ char path[PATH_MAX];
++ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/.glest/%s", getenv("HOME"), getLogFilename().c_str());
++ FILE *f= fopen(path, "wt");
+ if(f==NULL){
+ throw runtime_error("Can't open file: "+getLogFilename());
+ }
+@@ -71,7 +73,9 @@
+ string logString= "(" + intToStr(factionIndex) + ") " + s;
+ //print log to file
+- FILE *f= fopen(getLogFilename().c_str(), "at");
++ char path[PATH_MAX];
++ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/.glest/%s", getenv("HOME"), getLogFilename().c_str());
++ FILE *f= fopen(path, "at");
+ if(f==NULL){
+ throw runtime_error("Can't open file: "+getLogFilename());
+ }
+--- glest_game/game/game.cpp.old 2008-10-19 14:28:24.000000000 +0200
++++ glest_game/game/game.cpp 2008-10-19 14:28:51.000000000 +0200
+@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
+ #include "game.h"
++#include <limits.h>
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "renderer.h"
+ #include "particle_renderer.h"
+@@ -400,9 +400,10 @@
+ }
+ else if(key=='E'){
+ for(int i=0; i<100; ++i){
+- string path= "screens/screen" + intToStr(i) + ".tga";
++ char path[PATH_MAX];
++ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/.glest/screens/screen%d.tga", getenv("HOME"), i);
+- FILE *f= fopen(path.c_str(), "rb");
++ FILE *f= fopen(path, "rb");
+ if(f==NULL){
+ Renderer::getInstance().saveScreen(path);
+ break;
+--- glest_game/main/main.cpp.old 2008-10-18 22:03:33.000000000 +0200
++++ glest_game/main/main.cpp 2008-10-18 22:05:22.000000000 +0200
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ #include <string>
+ #include <cstdlib>
++#include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include "game.h"
+ #include "main_menu.h"
+@@ -38,7 +38,9 @@
+ class ExceptionHandler: public PlatformExceptionHandler{
+ public:
+ virtual void handle(string description, void *address){
+- FILE *f= fopen("crash.txt", "at");
++ char path[PATH_MAX];
++ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/.glest/crash.txt", getenv("HOME"));
++ FILE *f= fopen(path, "at");
+ if(f!=NULL){
+ time_t t= time(NULL);
+ char *timeString= asctime(localtime(&t));
+@@ -130,6 +130,17 @@
+ // =====================================================
+ int glestMain(int argc, char** argv){
++ if (!getenv("HOME"))
++ throw runtime_error("HOME external variable is not set");
++ char path[PATH_MAX];
++ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/.glest", getenv("HOME"));
++ mkdir(path, 0750);
++ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/.glest/screens", getenv("HOME"));
++ mkdir(path, 0750);
++ chdir("@GENTOO_DATADIR@");
+ MainWindow *mainWindow= NULL;
+ Program *program= NULL;
+--- glest_game/main/program.cpp.old 2008-10-20 22:11:29.000000000 +0200
++++ glest_game/main/program.cpp 2008-10-20 22:12:16.000000000 +0200
+@@ -197,8 +197,10 @@
+ updateCameraTimer.init(GameConstants::cameraFps, maxTimes);
+ //log start
++ char path[PATH_MAX];
++ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/.glest/glest.log", getenv("HOME"));
+ Logger &logger= Logger::getInstance();
+- logger.setFile("glest.log");
++ logger.setFile(path);
+ logger.clear();
+ //lang
+--- shared_lib/sources/util/leak_dumper.cpp.old 2008-10-21 22:35:33.000000000 +0200
++++ shared_lib/sources/util/leak_dumper.cpp 2008-10-21 22:36:28.000000000 +0200
+@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
+ }
+ AllocRegistry::~AllocRegistry(){
+- dump("leak_dump.log");
++ char path[PATH_MAX];
++ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/.glest/leak_dump.log", getenv("HOME"));
++ dump(path);
+ }
+ void AllocRegistry::allocate(AllocInfo info){
+--- shared_lib/sources/util/properties.cpp.old 2008-10-19 14:37:19.000000000 +0200
++++ shared_lib/sources/util/properties.cpp 2008-10-19 14:37:49.000000000 +0200
+@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
+ #include <fstream>
+ #include <stdexcept>
++#include <limits.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <string.h>
+ #include "conversion.h"
+ #include "leak_dumper.h"
+@@ -33,9 +33,13 @@
+ this->path= path;
+-, ios_base::in);
++ char str[PATH_MAX];
++ snprintf(str, PATH_MAX, "%s/.glest/%s", getenv("HOME"), path.c_str());
++, ios_base::in);
+ if({
+- throw runtime_error("Can't open propertyMap file: " + path);
++, ios_base::in); // use defaults
++ if(
++ throw runtime_error("Can't open propertyMap file: " + path);
+ }
+ propertyMap.clear();
+@@ -71,7 +75,9 @@
+ void Properties::save(const string &path){
+ ofstream fileStream;
+-, ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc);
++ char str[PATH_MAX];
++ snprintf(str, PATH_MAX, "%s/.glest/%s", getenv("HOME"), path.c_str());
++, ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc);
+ fileStream << "; === propertyMap File === \n";
+ fileStream << '\n';
+--- shared_lib/sources/util/profiler.cpp.old 2008-10-21 22:38:11.000000000 +0200
++++ shared_lib/sources/util/profiler.cpp 2008-10-21 22:38:50.000000000 +0200
+@@ -71,7 +71,9 @@
+ Profiler::~Profiler(){
+ rootSection->stop();
+- FILE *f= fopen("profiler.log", "w");
++ char path[PATH_MAX];
++ snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s/.glest/profiler.log", getenv("HOME"));
++ FILE *f= fopen(path, "w");
+ if(f==NULL)
+ throw runtime_error("Can not open file: profiler.log");
diff --git a/games-strategy/glest/glest-3.1.2.ebuild b/games-strategy/glest/glest-3.1.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dd12b1429f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-strategy/glest/glest-3.1.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-strategy/glest/glest-3.1.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/10/21 21:05:49 tupone Exp $
+inherit autotools eutils games
+DESCRIPTION="Cross-platform 3D realtime strategy game"
+ mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${PN}_data_${PV}.zip
+ linguas_pt_BR? ( ${L_URI}/brazilian_${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_cs? ( ${L_URI}/cesky_${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_de? ( ${L_URI}/german_${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_hu? ( ${L_URI}/magyar_${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_no? ( ${L_URI}/norsk_${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_ru? ( ${L_URI}/russian_${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_tr? ( ${L_URI}/turkish_${PV}.zip )"
+LICENSE="GPL-2 glest-data"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 -ppc ~x86" # ppc: bug #145478
+IUSE="linguas_pt_BR linguas_cs linguas_de linguas_hu linguas_no linguas_ru
+ media-libs/libogg
+ media-libs/libvorbis
+ media-libs/openal
+ dev-libs/xerces-c
+ virtual/opengl
+ virtual/glu
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ media-fonts/font-adobe-utopia-75dpi"
+ app-arch/unzip
+ dev-util/ftjam"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-{home,gcc43}.patch
+ sed -i \
+ glest_game/main/main.cpp \
+ || die "sed main.cpp failed"
+ # sometimes they package configure, sometimes they don't
+ if [[ ! -f configure ]] ; then
+ chmod a+x
+ ./ || die "autogen failed" # FIXME: use autotools.eclass
+ fi
+ sed -i 's:-O3 -g3::' Jamrules || die "sed Jamrules failed"
+src_compile() {
+ # Fails with wx enabled, bug #130011
+ egamesconf \
+ --with-vorbis=/usr \
+ --with-ogg=/usr \
+ --with-wx-config=disabled_wx \
+ || die
+ jam -q || die "jam failed"
+src_install() {
+ dogamesbin glest || die "dogamesbin glest failed"
+ insinto "${GAMES_DATADIR}"/${PN}
+ doins glest.ini || die "doins glest.ini failed"
+ dodoc README.linux || die "dodoc README.linux failed"
+ cd "${WORKDIR}"/glest_game
+ doins -r servers.ini \
+ glest_irc.url \
+ glest_web.url \
+ data maps scenarios techs tilesets || die "doins data failed"
+ dodoc docs/readme.txt || die "dodoc docs/readme.txt failed"
+ newicon techs/magitech/factions/magic/units/archmage/images/archmage.bmp \
+ ${PN}.bmp
+ make_desktop_entry glest Glest /usr/share/pixmaps/${PN}.bmp
+ dolang() {
+ insinto "${GAMES_DATADIR}"/${PN}/data/lang
+ doins "${WORKDIR}"/${1} || die "doins ${1} failed"
+ }
+ use linguas_pt_BR && dolang brazilian_${PV}.lng
+ use linguas_cs && dolang cesky.lng
+ use linguas_de && dolang german.lng
+ use linguas_hu && dolang magyar.lng
+ use linguas_no && dolang norsk.lng
+ use linguas_ru && dolang russian.lng
+ use linguas_tr && dolang turkish.lng
+ prepgamesdirs