diff options
authorMichael Sterrett <>2010-04-04 04:49:26 +0000
committerMichael Sterrett <>2010-04-04 04:49:26 +0000
commitcb087c67a750f5480db56e86ac1b2ee744961434 (patch)
treebbe0ac00704eeccaabf268f3b83918e8bdcebf20 /games-fps
parentAdd ~arm, tested on armv7 platform (diff)
Package-Manager: portage- i686
Diffstat (limited to 'games-fps')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/games-fps/ut2004-data/Manifest b/games-fps/ut2004-data/Manifest
index c24b9977c49c..a978ee1ab7ea 100644
--- a/games-fps/ut2004-data/Manifest
+++ b/games-fps/ut2004-data/Manifest
@@ -1,14 +1,3 @@
-Hash: SHA1
-EBUILD ut2004-data-3186-r3.ebuild 8034 RMD160 cab97f3b7e535ca9ea48f4478dc37d34e661b584 SHA1 2204f7a3cd22b34ad36f89a9d3bb58695a8575d1 SHA256 b7731ec6699baa91ae1866928584ed445cb5304476413b7bdf1ebcca5be8b843
EBUILD ut2004-data-3186-r4.ebuild 13191 RMD160 0acb4240a69ac913b0819a6f32a17f2458d1396c SHA1 f2c25f00c503675907da45ba1dbd77c3bd6de59b SHA256 ec4b3540da6b0b953a5442a7de78b418b35f0de1fd72ce271aefa89466576877
MISC ChangeLog 4658 RMD160 f4b44c2f3f5405c579fddc586c1f885d40a415fc SHA1 62c058e5ea6e832998fc3aa939b4b56d4e5ab7dc SHA256 147a099c0cee051c0dff5e62fbe1c30e1230d7a8c9657733095c6031f5759b9c
MISC metadata.xml 158 RMD160 cbd9984bb6b426c8c9cee5022fe0a26261612fea SHA1 be5251fa1dacef5c41b74761bb1c8c54fb633b9e SHA256 1423a4fdd4a79b1728a2056d9e300f7e1074253095d82726218d9e9b953888a3
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/games-fps/ut2004-data/ut2004-data-3186-r3.ebuild b/games-fps/ut2004-data/ut2004-data-3186-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index e317de913c83..000000000000
--- a/games-fps/ut2004-data/ut2004-data-3186-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-fps/ut2004-data/ut2004-data-3186-r3.ebuild,v 1.14 2009/09/30 00:58:31 nyhm Exp $
-inherit eutils games
-DESCRIPTION="Unreal Tournament 2004 - This is the data portion of UT2004"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
-check_dvd() {
- # The following is a nasty mess to determine if we are installing from
- # a DVD or from multiple CDs. Anyone feel free to submit patches to this
- # to as I know it is a very ugly hack.
- local r
- for r in "${CD_ROOT}" "${CD_ROOT_1}" \
- `mount | egrep -e '(iso|cdrom)' | awk '{print $3}'` ; do
- if [[ -n "${r}" ]] ; then
- einfo "Searching ${r}"
- if [[ -e "${r}/AutoRunData/Unreal.ico" ]] \
- && [[ -e "${r}/Disk5/" ]] ; then
- elif [[ -e "${r}/autorund/unreal.ico" ]] \
- && [[ -e "${r}/disk7/" ]] ; then
- else
- [[ -d "${r}/CD1" ]] && USE_DVD=1
- [[ -d "${r}/CD7" ]] && USE_ECE_DVD=1
- fi
- fi
- done
-grabdirs() {
- local d srcdir
- for d in {Music,Sounds,Speech,StaticMeshes,Textures} ; do
- srcdir=${CDROM_ROOT}/$1${d}
- # Is flexible to handle CD_ROOT vs CD_ROOT_1 mixups
- [[ -d "${srcdir}" ]] || srcdir=${CDROM_ROOT}/${d}
- if [[ -d "${srcdir}" ]] ; then
- insinto "${dir}"
- doins -r "${srcdir}" || die "doins ${srcdir} failed"
- fi
- done
-pkg_setup() {
- games_pkg_setup
- ewarn "This is a huge package. If you do not have at least 7GB of free"
- ewarn "disk space in ${PORTAGE_TMPDIR} and also in ${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT} then"
- ewarn "you should abort this installation now and free up some space."
-src_unpack() {
- check_dvd
- if [[ "${USE_DVD}" -eq 1 ]]
- then
- DISK1="CD1/"
- DISK2="CD2/"
- DISK3="CD3/"
- DISK4="CD4/"
- DISK5="CD5/"
- DISK6="CD6/"
- if [[ "${USE_ECE_DVD}" -eq 1 ]]
- then
- cdrom_get_cds "${DISK1}"System/UT2004.ini \
- "${DISK2}"Textures/2K4Fonts.utx.uz2 \
- "${DISK3}"Textures/ONSDeadVehicles-TX.utx.uz2 \
- "${DISK4}"Textures/XGameShaders2004.utx.uz2 \
- "${DISK5}"Speech/ons.xml \
- "${DISK6}"/Sounds/TauntPack.det_uax.uz2
- else
- cdrom_get_cds "${DISK1}"/System/UT2004.ini \
- "${DISK2}"/Textures/2K4Fonts.utx.uz2 \
- "${DISK3}"/Textures/ONSDeadVehicles-TX.utx.uz2 \
- "${DISK4}"/StaticMeshes/AlienTech.usx.uz2 \
- "${DISK5}"/Speech/ons.xml \
- "${DISK6}"/Sounds/TauntPack.det_uax.uz2
- fi
- else
- cdrom_get_cds System/UT2004.ini \
- Textures/2K4Fonts.utx.uz2 \
- Textures/ONSDeadVehicles-TX.utx.uz2 \
- StaticMeshes/AlienTech.usx.uz2 \
- Speech/ons.xml \
- Sounds/TauntPack.det_uax.uz2
- fi
- unpack_makeself "${CDROM_ROOT}"/ \
- || die "unpacking linux installer"
- use x86 && unpack ./linux-x86.tar
- use amd64 && unpack ./linux-amd64.tar
-src_install() {
- local diskno srcdir varname j
- # Disk 1
- einfo "Copying files from Disk 1..."
- insinto "${dir}"
- doins -r "${CDROM_ROOT}/${DISK1}"{Animations,ForceFeedback,Help,KarmaData,Maps,Sounds,Web} \
- || die "copying directories"
- insinto "${dir}"/System
- doins -r "${CDROM_ROOT}/${DISK1}"System/{editorres,*.{bat,bmp,dat,det,est,frt,ini,int,itt,kot,md5,smt,tmt,u,ucl,upl,url}} \
- || die "copying System files"
- insinto "${dir}"/Manual
- doins "${CDROM_ROOT}/${DISK1}"Manual/Manual.pdf \
- || die "copying manual"
- insinto "${dir}"/Benchmark/Stuff
- doins -r "${CDROM_ROOT}/${DISK1}"Benchmark/Stuff/* \
- || die "copying Benchmark files"
- cdrom_load_next_cd
- for diskno in {2..5} ; do
- einfo "Copying files from Disk ${diskno}..."
- varname="DISK${diskno}"
- srcdir=${!varname}
- grabdirs "${srcdir}"
- cdrom_load_next_cd
- done
- # Disk 6
- einfo "Copying files from Disk 6..."
- grabdirs "${DISK6}"
- # Create empty files in Benchmark
- for j in {CSVs,Logs,Results}
- do
- keepdir "${dir}"/Benchmark/${j}
- done
- # Install extra help files
- insinto "${dir}"/Help
- doins Unreal.bmp
- # Install EULA
- insinto "${dir}"
- doins UT2004_EULA.txt
- # Installing documentation/icon
- doins README.linux ut2004.xpm || die "copying readme/icon"
- dodoc README.linux || die "dodoc README.linux"
- doicon ut2004.xpm
- # Install System.inis
- insinto "${dir}"/System
- doins ini-{det,est,frt,int,itt,kot,smt,tmt}.tar
- # Copy ut2004
- exeinto "${dir}"
- doexe bin/ut2004 || die "copying ut2004"
- # Uncompressing files
- einfo "Uncompressing files... this *will* take a while..."
- for j in {Animations,Maps,Sounds,StaticMeshes,Textures}
- do
- fperms -R u+w "${dir}"/${j} || die "fperms in uncompress"
- games_ut_unpack "${Ddir}"/${j}
- done
- # Removing unneccessary files
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Help/{InstallerLogo.bmp,SAPI-EULA.txt,{Unreal,UnrealEd}.ico}
- rm -rf "${Ddir}"/Speech/Redist
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/*.tar
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{{License,Manifest}.smt,{ucc,StdOut}.log}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{User,UT2004,Manifest}.ini
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{,Packages.md5}
- # Removing file collisions with ut2004-3369-r4
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Help/UT2004Logo.bmp
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{ALAudio.kot,AS-{Convoy,FallenCity,Glacier}.kot,bonuspack.{det,est,frt},BonusPack.{int,itt,u}}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{Build.ini,CacheRecords.ucl,Core.{est,frt,int,itt,u},CTF-January.kot,D3DDrv.kot,DM-1on1-Squader.kot}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{Editor,Engine,Gameplay,GamePlay,UnrealGame,UT2k4Assault,XInterface,XPickups,xVoting,XVoting,XWeapons,XWebAdmin}.{det,est,frt,int,itt,u}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{Fire.u,IpDrv.u,,ONS-ArcticStronghold.kot}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{OnslaughtFull,onslaughtfull,UT2k4AssaultFull}.{det,est,frt,itt,u}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{GUI2K4,Onslaught,skaarjpack,SkaarjPack,XGame}.{det,est,frt,int,itt,kot,u}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{Setup,Window}.{det,est,frt,int,itt,kot}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/XPlayers.{det,est,frt,int,itt}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{UnrealEd.u,UTClassic.u,UTV2004c.u,UTV2004s.u,UWeb.u,Vehicles.kot,Vehicles.u,Xweapons.itt}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{XAdmin.kot,XAdmin.u,XMaps.det,XMaps.est}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Web/ServerAdmin/{admins_home.htm,current_bots.htm,ut2003.css}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Web/ServerAdmin/ClassicUT/current_bots.htm
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Web/ServerAdmin/UnrealAdminPage/{adminsframe.htm,admins_home.htm,admins_menu.htm,current_bots.htm,currentframe.htm,current_menu.htm}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Web/ServerAdmin/UnrealAdminPage/{defaultsframe.htm,defaults_menu.htm,,mainmenu.htm,,rootframe.htm,UnrealAdminPage.css}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Web/ServerAdmin/UT2K3Stats/{admins_home.htm,current_bots.htm,ut2003stats.css}
- # Removing file collisions with ut2004-bonuspack-ece
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Animations/{MechaSkaarjAnims,MetalGuardAnim,NecrisAnim,ONSBPAnimations}.ukx
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Help/BonusPackReadme.txt
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Maps/ONS-{Adara,IslandHop,Tricky,Urban}.ut2
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Sounds/{CicadaSnds,DistantBooms,ONSBPSounds}.uax
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/StaticMeshes/{BenMesh02,BenTropicalSM01,HourAdara,ONS-BPJW1,PC_UrbanStatic}.usx
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/System/{,,,,,xaplayersl3.upl}
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Textures/{AW-2k4XP,BenTex02,BenTropical01,BonusParticles,CicadaTex,Construction_S}.utx
- rm -f "${Ddir}"/Textures/{HourAdaraTexor,ONSBPTextures,ONSBP_DestroyedVehicles,PC_UrbanTex,UT2004ECEPlayerSkins}.utx
- # Now, since these files are coming off a CD, the times/sizes/md5sums won't
- # be different ... that means portage will try to unmerge some files (!)
- # We run touch on ${D} so as to make sure portage doesn't do any such thing
- find "${Ddir}" -exec touch '{}' \;
- prepgamesdirs
-pkg_postinst() {
- games_pkg_postinst
- echo
- elog "This is only the data portion of the game. To play UT2004, you"
- elog "still need to emerge ut2004."
- echo