diff options
authorAlin Năstac <>2006-09-15 15:52:00 +0000
committerAlin Năstac <>2006-09-15 15:52:00 +0000
commitc64a5a7fb84c6823a4cff8bcb5b4de46a9e78a12 (patch)
tree1cb004d825de1851272f272f6bf749a7dd5c2df2 /app-mobilephone
parentRemove obsolete versions, including the latest stable on x86 (#135321). Versi... (diff)
Remove obsolete versions, including the latest stable on x86 (#135321). Version bump, which appears to also solve 'crash on exit' bug (#130914).
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.1
Diffstat (limited to 'app-mobilephone')
7 files changed, 34 insertions, 405 deletions
diff --git a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/Manifest b/app-mobilephone/bitpim/Manifest
index 8520a1a924d6..c85df3c8a4a1 100644
--- a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/Manifest
+++ b/app-mobilephone/bitpim/Manifest
@@ -1,21 +1,42 @@
Hash: SHA1
-MD5 8da69896c196c2961004bbd534b8955e ChangeLog 2705
-MD5 988001e6838973894fa89082d8bc8b01 bitpim-0.8.08.ebuild 887
-MD5 4b0a09fc42a975d8b89cbb8f93b02be4 bitpim-0.8.13.ebuild 4310
-MD5 3c79ccadaaca5ce60588510678bff12e bitpim-0.9.00.ebuild 4310
-MD5 60182eac75105fa28b21d105619c32ce files/bitpim-0.8.12-gentoo.patch 3865
-MD5 20dd7fd8dde56060531f87cc7a6d3971 files/bitpim-0.8.13-gentoo.patch 2482
+AUX bitpim-0.9.00-gentoo.patch 2100 RMD160 73955641a7bed463f3235264817a2e8449bb1622 SHA1 01ffd8dc58f257671f14b7211176aaa42bae2590 SHA256 6ac750e08ddc7e3404d98f6a8aff9aac3dedd6347d8a2d0a4b718fd11922165f
MD5 697098050c09fa34e19f9683cfb0036a files/bitpim-0.9.00-gentoo.patch 2100
-MD5 0a0ef0672d7c7ddda19e132a49ca1a71 files/digest-bitpim-0.8.08 71
-MD5 923f2a8f3c714afebffa1c6365188579 files/digest-bitpim-0.8.13 67
-MD5 16da974e3ead39c0c577e05d1e2c2300 files/digest-bitpim-0.9.00 67
+RMD160 73955641a7bed463f3235264817a2e8449bb1622 files/bitpim-0.9.00-gentoo.patch 2100
+SHA256 6ac750e08ddc7e3404d98f6a8aff9aac3dedd6347d8a2d0a4b718fd11922165f files/bitpim-0.9.00-gentoo.patch 2100
+AUX bitpim-0.9.07-gentoo.patch 2550 RMD160 b5bcbdfc5970a71e7e410f68601f724bd167b75b SHA1 0bc28e20eb16eda35e3459507c23e2b5d30c3fbf SHA256 a72121131198f9cdc9ba0d2e8139751cc9fcd243a366c574ed82cf4755a4d752
+MD5 8696025ed77226a1a1c2ef4d73e2613d files/bitpim-0.9.07-gentoo.patch 2550
+RMD160 b5bcbdfc5970a71e7e410f68601f724bd167b75b files/bitpim-0.9.07-gentoo.patch 2550
+SHA256 a72121131198f9cdc9ba0d2e8139751cc9fcd243a366c574ed82cf4755a4d752 files/bitpim-0.9.07-gentoo.patch 2550
+DIST bitpim-0.9.00.tar.bz2 3795414 RMD160 757797ebe7a595e30fc64321675aeb0cd797bcf7 SHA1 859b5eba870be06745b98eae0580aa60c7e50dbf SHA256 b5452e2ac7397f44b0c9db7a20f766aa4d7dc417ba16a5fa3bd3c0b7ae8fff9f
+DIST bitpim-0.9.07.tar.bz2 3833224 RMD160 fcee72015ada5623185e145f8b1703e29409c7fd SHA1 3fbbafb9353e3685be2969f667fb28ca06165740 SHA256 159faac3ebb0685a30207b592c631b53ad83843a6a8103d5dca9d95a78e5f0df
+EBUILD bitpim-0.9.00.ebuild 4310 RMD160 5488ab91fd3b900ef9aaf642dbec74b982f06f74 SHA1 d180f90d6f5f5a683c42136a01666d0eede7a18b SHA256 85cc3e0f1216574bbb8a6ea1d86e0168303edf795105f76fbeb0b4271be8cff8
+MD5 3c79ccadaaca5ce60588510678bff12e bitpim-0.9.00.ebuild 4310
+RMD160 5488ab91fd3b900ef9aaf642dbec74b982f06f74 bitpim-0.9.00.ebuild 4310
+SHA256 85cc3e0f1216574bbb8a6ea1d86e0168303edf795105f76fbeb0b4271be8cff8 bitpim-0.9.00.ebuild 4310
+EBUILD bitpim-0.9.07.ebuild 4310 RMD160 45cd9e3c369216410f0a9c69a009788c4065c4a7 SHA1 0a8987e50b28d064d936361ac06d69d14fb3191f SHA256 40696054dbc668c4c67e6d24d812b8da8a7f05e39c3b52b0ada6736ca67758f8
+MD5 2b62ffe282f98b7dfc6e922dacf05acb bitpim-0.9.07.ebuild 4310
+RMD160 45cd9e3c369216410f0a9c69a009788c4065c4a7 bitpim-0.9.07.ebuild 4310
+SHA256 40696054dbc668c4c67e6d24d812b8da8a7f05e39c3b52b0ada6736ca67758f8 bitpim-0.9.07.ebuild 4310
+MISC ChangeLog 3112 RMD160 87c8713c7fc2e6cac0751c8c3b1416ae2ec4d417 SHA1 deb4850ce3d7c4447dfca0d3a5791f143deddf5e SHA256 5f981e071d0d2788a766b150b53d4bb4997ec5cca2948b88e03898ae0e1d1216
+MD5 f1d23e19b655e4935abab74a2501a38a ChangeLog 3112
+RMD160 87c8713c7fc2e6cac0751c8c3b1416ae2ec4d417 ChangeLog 3112
+SHA256 5f981e071d0d2788a766b150b53d4bb4997ec5cca2948b88e03898ae0e1d1216 ChangeLog 3112
+MISC metadata.xml 493 RMD160 758546fe05ba3b5b9baa62ab57daa9f91e186c4e SHA1 cb5fd4b63457236da8393aed4c04f390b5058bcc SHA256 916482535ef05b666d05b74cdec20cbeb764688ee0d31abd4b40ecc06bd530a2
MD5 b05575cd16c40945a62bcfee6f1fce07 metadata.xml 493
+RMD160 758546fe05ba3b5b9baa62ab57daa9f91e186c4e metadata.xml 493
+SHA256 916482535ef05b666d05b74cdec20cbeb764688ee0d31abd4b40ecc06bd530a2 metadata.xml 493
+MD5 2ed4f7495ea97bcd40459836b54082ef files/digest-bitpim-0.9.00 247
+RMD160 5187f3cfe6d6041d19d59112a0ebb09b2c322cf4 files/digest-bitpim-0.9.00 247
+SHA256 3bc9b7f00b6e03145e7ca4bbdfe905057020708cabdf7716e99ee9cc10ed30f2 files/digest-bitpim-0.9.00 247
+MD5 087513d43c2cea84aebf1a95184562e1 files/digest-bitpim-0.9.07 247
+RMD160 4d2cf218f2cf7415fcc5e0bef85791bd7b8ee1fb files/digest-bitpim-0.9.07 247
+SHA256 3b1bd6599bd0b306914d4d79ebfd42958d2d55e9141f4a356635c28706ebef47 files/digest-bitpim-0.9.07 247
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/bitpim-0.8.08.ebuild b/app-mobilephone/bitpim/bitpim-0.8.08.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 11e5300f9f13..000000000000
--- a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/bitpim-0.8.08.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-mobilephone/bitpim/bitpim-0.8.08.ebuild,v 1.2 2006/03/23 23:57:34 mrness Exp $
-inherit eutils rpm
-DESCRIPTION="BitPim is a program that allows you to view and manipulate data on selected cellular phones."
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 x86"
- =x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.8*
- amd64? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs
- app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat )"
-src_install() {
- cd "${S}/usr/bin"
- exeinto /usr/bin
- doexe bitfling bitpim
- cd "${S}/usr/lib"
- insinto /usr/lib
- insopts -m0644
- doins -r "${P}"
- cd "${D}/usr/lib/${P}"
- chmod a+x *.so *.so.* bp helpers/*
diff --git a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/bitpim-0.8.13.ebuild b/app-mobilephone/bitpim/bitpim-0.8.13.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a6eb39d333c..000000000000
--- a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/bitpim-0.8.13.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-mobilephone/bitpim/bitpim-0.8.13.ebuild,v 1.2 2006/04/26 18:17:32 mrness Exp $
-inherit distutils
-DESCRIPTION="This program allows you to view and manipulate data on LG VX4400/VX6000 and many Sanyo Sprint mobile phones"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="crypt usb evo"
- >=dev-python/apsw-3
- >=dev-python/python-dsv-1.4.0
- >=dev-python/pyserial-2.0
- crypt? ( >=dev-python/paramiko-1.5.4 )
- usb? ( >=dev-lang/swig-1.3.21 >=dev-libs/libusb-0.1.10a )"
- media-video/ffmpeg
- media-libs/netpbm"
-#For Gentoo devs only: uncomment this line when you want to make the tarball
-#pkg_setup() { maketarball; }
-maketarball() { #For building the tarball. To be used only by ebuild maintainers
- local x svnrev
- svnrev=$(svn log -q --limit 1${PN}/releases/${PV} | sed -r '/^[^r]/d;s/^r([0-9]+) .*$/\1/')
- [ $? = 0 ] || return 1
- #Fetch the source (only those directories that are needed)
- cd "${DISTDIR}" && mkdir ${P} || return 1
- for x in resources packaging src ; do
- svn export${PN}/releases/${PV}/${x} ${P}/${x} || return 1
- done
- #Remove unneeded stuff
- rm ${P}/resources/*.chm ${P}/src/
- #Freeze version and set vendor name to Gentoo
- sed -i -e 's/\(^__FROZEN__="[$]Id: \).*\( $"\)/\1'${svnrev}'\2/' \
- -e 's/^vendor=".*"/vendor="Gentoo"/' \
- ${P}/src/ || return 1
- #Make the tarball
- tar -cjf ${P}.tar.bz2 ${P}
- rm -r ${P}
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo.patch"
- sed -i "s/python2.3/${python}/" "${S}/src/native/usb/"
-src_compile() {
- # USB stuff
- if use usb; then
- cd "${S}/src/native/usb" || die "compilation of native/usb failed"
- sh ./
- fi
- # strings
- cd "${S}/src/native/strings"
- ${python} build || die "compilation of native/strings failed"
- # bmp2avi
- cd "${S}/src/native/av/bmp2avi"
- PLATFORM=linux make || die "compilation of native/bmp2avi failed"
-src_install() {
- cd "${S}"
- # Install files into right place
- #
- # BitPim is a self-contained app, so jamming it into
- # Python's site-packages might not be worthwhile. We'll
- # Put it in its own home, and add the PYTHONPATH in the
- # wrapper executables below.
- distutils_python_version
- local RLOC=/usr/lib/${P}
- # Main Python source
- insinto ${RLOC}
- doins src/*.py
- # Phone specifics
- insinto ${RLOC}/phones
- doins src/phones/*.py
- # Native products
- insinto ${RLOC}/native
- doins src/native/*.py
- insinto ${RLOC}/native/qtopiadesktop
- doins src/native/qtopiadesktop/*.py
- insinto ${RLOC}/native/outlook
- doins src/native/outlook/*.py
- insinto ${RLOC}/native/egroupware
- doins src/native/egroupware/*.py
- if use evo ; then
- insinto ${RLOC}/native/evolution
- doins src/native/evolution/*.py
- fi
- # strings
- cd "${S}/src/native/strings"
- ${python} install --root="${D}" --no-compile "$@" || die "install of native/strings failed"
- cd "${S}"
- insinto $RLOC/native/strings
- doins src/native/strings/ src/native/strings/
- # usb
- if use usb; then
- insinto ${RLOC}/native/usb
- doins src/native/usb/*.py
- doins src/native/usb/*.so
- fi
- # Helpers and resources
- dobin src/native/av/bmp2avi/bmp2avi
- insinto ${RLOC}/resources
- doins resources/*
- # Bitfling
- if use crypt; then
- FLINGDIR="${RLOC}/bitfling"
- insinto $FLINGDIR
- cd "${S}/src/bitfling"
- doins *.py
- cd "${S}"
- fi
- # Creating scripts
- echo '#!/bin/sh' > "${T}/bitpim"
- echo "exec python ${RLOC}/ bitpim" >> "${T}/bitpim"
- dobin "${T}/bitpim"
- if use crypt; then
- echo '#!/bin/sh' > "${T}/bitfling"
- echo "exec python ${RLOC}/ bitfling" >> "${T}/bitfling"
- dobin "${T}/bitfling"
- fi
- # Desktop file
- insinto /usr/share/applications
- sed -i -e "s|%%INSTALLBINDIR%%|/usr/bin|" -e "s|%%INSTALLLIBDIR%%|${RLOC}|" \
- packaging/bitpim.desktop
- doins packaging/bitpim.desktop
-pkg_postinst() {
- # Optimize in installed directory
- python_mod_optimize "${ROOT}/usr/lib/${P}"
-pkg_postrm() {
- python_version
- python_mod_cleanup "${ROOT}/usr/lib/${P}"
diff --git a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/bitpim-0.8.12-gentoo.patch b/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/bitpim-0.8.12-gentoo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 03ff947a2145..000000000000
--- a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/bitpim-0.8.12-gentoo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nru bitpim-0.8.12.orig/src/ bitpim-0.8.12/src/
---- bitpim-0.8.12.orig/src/ 2006-04-11 05:50:29.000000000 +0300
-+++ bitpim-0.8.12/src/ 2006-04-20 20:13:54.116823750 +0300
-@@ -681,4 +681,4 @@
- # windows running from exe, return as is
- return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))
- # running from src, up one
-- return os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))[0]
-+ return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
-diff -Nru bitpim-0.8.12.orig/src/ bitpim-0.8.12/src/
---- bitpim-0.8.12.orig/src/ 2006-03-04 01:37:32.000000000 +0200
-+++ bitpim-0.8.12/src/ 2006-04-20 20:13:54.116823750 +0300
-@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
- class ConversionFailed(Exception): pass
--helperdir=os.path.join(common.get_main_dir(), "helpers")
- osext={'win32': '.exe',
- 'darwin': '.mbin',
-- 'linux2': '.lbin'} \
-+ 'linux2': ''} \
- [sys.platform]
- # This shortname crap is needed because Windows programs (including ffmpeg)
-@@ -125,14 +125,14 @@
- p=sys.path[0]
- if os.path.isfile(p):
- p=os.path.dirname(p)
-- helpersdirectory=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, 'helpers'))
-+ helpersdirectory="/usr/bin"
- print "Helper Directory: "+helpersdirectory
- if sys.platform=='win32':
- osext=".exe"
- if sys.platform=='darwin':
- osext=".mbin"
- if sys.platform=='linux2':
-- osext=".lbin"
-+ osext=""
- pngtopnmbin=gethelperbinary('pngtopnm')
- ppmquantbin=gethelperbinary('ppmquant')
-diff -Nru bitpim-0.8.12.orig/src/native/av/bmp2avi/Makefile bitpim-0.8.12/src/native/av/bmp2avi/Makefile
---- bitpim-0.8.12.orig/src/native/av/bmp2avi/Makefile 2005-02-18 08:55:03.000000000 +0200
-+++ bitpim-0.8.12/src/native/av/bmp2avi/Makefile 2006-04-20 20:15:01.029005500 +0300
-@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@
- $(error PLATFORM not defined. Valid PLATFORM are windows, linux, mac)
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows)
- EXT=exe
- # define this for cygwin/mingw
-@@ -22,7 +19,7 @@
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), linux)
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), mac)
-@@ -31,13 +28,9 @@
- endif
--ifeq ($(EXT),)
--$(error PLATFORM $(PLATFORM) is invalid. Valid PLATFORM are windows, linux, mac)
- SRC=avi_file.cxx bmp_file.cxx b2a.cxx
- OBJ=$(SRC:.cxx=.o)
- CXX=g++
- all: $(EXE)
-diff -Nru bitpim-0.8.12.orig/src/ bitpim-0.8.12/src/
---- bitpim-0.8.12.orig/src/ 2006-03-21 06:13:27.000000000 +0200
-+++ bitpim-0.8.12/src/ 2006-04-20 20:13:54.140825250 +0300
-@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
- exts=exts+['*.chm', '*.manifest', '*.ico']
- exts=exts+['helpers/*.exe','helpers/*.dll']
- if sys.platform=='linux2':
-- exts=exts+['helpers/*.lbin', '*.htb']
-+ exts=exts+['*.htb']
- if sys.platform=='darwin':
- exts=exts+['helpers/*.mbin', '*.htb']
- # list of directories to look in
-@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
- def copyresources(destdir):
- import packageutils
- packageutils.copysvndir('resources', os.path.join(destdir, 'resources'), resourcefilter)
-- packageutils.copysvndir('helpers', os.path.join(destdir, 'helpers'), resourcefilter)
-+ # packageutils.copysvndir('helpers', os.path.join(destdir, 'helpers'), resourcefilter)
- def resourcefilter(srcfilename, destfilename):
- exts=[ '.xy', '.png', '.ttf', '.wav', '.jpg', '.css', '.pdc', '.ids', '.ico']
-@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
- # on windows we also want the chm help file
- exts=exts+['.chm', '.exe', '.dll']
- if sys.platform=='linux2':
-- exts=exts+['.lbin', '.htb']
-+ exts=exts+['.htb']
- if sys.platform=='darwin':
- exts=exts+['.mbin', '.htb']
- if os.path.splitext(srcfilename)[1] in exts:
diff --git a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/bitpim-0.8.13-gentoo.patch b/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/bitpim-0.8.13-gentoo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 842bd84cef91..000000000000
--- a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/bitpim-0.8.13-gentoo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nru bitpim-0.8.13.orig/src/ bitpim-0.8.13/src/
---- bitpim-0.8.13.orig/src/ 2006-04-11 05:50:29.000000000 +0300
-+++ bitpim-0.8.13/src/ 2006-04-20 20:13:54.116823750 +0300
-@@ -681,4 +681,4 @@
- # windows running from exe, return as is
- return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))
- # running from src, up one
-- return os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))[0]
-+ return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
-diff -Nru bitpim-0.8.13.orig/src/ bitpim-0.8.13/src/
---- bitpim-0.8.13.orig/src/ 2006-03-04 01:37:32.000000000 +0200
-+++ bitpim-0.8.13/src/ 2006-04-20 20:13:54.116823750 +0300
-@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
- class ConversionFailed(Exception): pass
--helperdir=os.path.join(common.get_main_dir(), "helpers")
- osext={'win32': '.exe',
- 'darwin': '.mbin',
-- 'linux2': '.lbin'} \
-+ 'linux2': ''} \
- [sys.platform]
- # This shortname crap is needed because Windows programs (including ffmpeg)
-@@ -125,14 +125,14 @@
- p=sys.path[0]
- if os.path.isfile(p):
- p=os.path.dirname(p)
-- helpersdirectory=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, 'helpers'))
-+ helpersdirectory="/usr/bin"
- print "Helper Directory: "+helpersdirectory
- if sys.platform=='win32':
- osext=".exe"
- if sys.platform=='darwin':
- osext=".mbin"
- if sys.platform=='linux2':
-- osext=".lbin"
-+ osext=""
- pngtopnmbin=gethelperbinary('pngtopnm')
- ppmquantbin=gethelperbinary('ppmquant')
-diff -Nru bitpim-0.8.13.orig/src/native/av/bmp2avi/Makefile bitpim-0.8.13/src/native/av/bmp2avi/Makefile
---- bitpim-0.8.13.orig/src/native/av/bmp2avi/Makefile 2005-02-18 08:55:03.000000000 +0200
-+++ bitpim-0.8.13/src/native/av/bmp2avi/Makefile 2006-04-20 20:15:01.029005500 +0300
-@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@
- $(error PLATFORM not defined. Valid PLATFORM are windows, linux, mac)
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows)
- EXT=exe
- # define this for cygwin/mingw
-@@ -22,7 +19,7 @@
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), linux)
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), mac)
-@@ -31,13 +28,9 @@
- endif
--ifeq ($(EXT),)
--$(error PLATFORM $(PLATFORM) is invalid. Valid PLATFORM are windows, linux, mac)
- SRC=avi_file.cxx bmp_file.cxx b2a.cxx
- OBJ=$(SRC:.cxx=.o)
- CXX=g++
- all: $(EXE)
diff --git a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/digest-bitpim-0.8.08 b/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/digest-bitpim-0.8.08
deleted file mode 100644
index 0be93f1ec709..000000000000
--- a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/digest-bitpim-0.8.08
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 f1a56a84fe2541e2c290792b86269327 bitpim-0.8.08-0.i386.rpm 13309034
diff --git a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/digest-bitpim-0.8.13 b/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/digest-bitpim-0.8.13
deleted file mode 100644
index bd012151b9a2..000000000000
--- a/app-mobilephone/bitpim/files/digest-bitpim-0.8.13
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-MD5 42a3e55d16beff0b338e49b380fdd662 bitpim-0.8.13.tar.bz2 3772570