diff options
authorRoy Marples <>2006-11-11 15:25:42 +0000
committerRoy Marples <>2006-11-11 15:25:42 +0000
commit3f30400d89917ded254fbeffa2b52a44b0cbcbed (patch)
parentVersion bump; remove old version; add metadata. (diff)
Fix adding ipv6 addresses to virtual interfaces and restarting postgresql
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.2_rc1-r5
5 files changed, 342 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/baselayout/ChangeLog b/sys-apps/baselayout/ChangeLog
index 38e3893085a9..43919d472f8d 100644
--- a/sys-apps/baselayout/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-apps/baselayout/ChangeLog
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-apps/baselayout
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/baselayout/ChangeLog,v 1.363 2006/11/10 21:01:07 uberlord Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/baselayout/ChangeLog,v 1.364 2006/11/11 15:25:41 uberlord Exp $
# See the rc-scripts ChangeLog in subversion for release info:
+*baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1 (11 Nov 2006)
+ 11 Nov 2006; Roy Marples <>
+ +files/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-2380.patch,
+ +baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1.ebuild:
+ Fix adding ipv6 addresses to virtual interfaces and restarting postgresql
*baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7 (10 Nov 2006)
10 Nov 2006; Roy Marples <>
diff --git a/sys-apps/baselayout/Manifest b/sys-apps/baselayout/Manifest
index ca69c5269b06..1483844582a9 100644
--- a/sys-apps/baselayout/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/baselayout/Manifest
@@ -86,6 +86,10 @@ AUX baselayout-1.13.0_alpha5-2364.patch 2119 RMD160 029e0c34899603e4bb822b0ad13e
MD5 28f5df04fa58d76dd0188d9d4cb9879a files/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha5-2364.patch 2119
RMD160 029e0c34899603e4bb822b0ad13e9daa15b2255c files/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha5-2364.patch 2119
SHA256 6c7fcc07214fe8e88e4e3fad7fc013427354f662505fa95f657e5634cb3adbc8 files/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha5-2364.patch 2119
+AUX baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-2380.patch 1245 RMD160 9569358ba672b873cbfdc055ef5be856493565b5 SHA1 993001c59552cff32599b55086cbde58faedcbe3 SHA256 9e08046a07819462f8042e4bf23322d1e56594fa49aa6bd5fe223d7977808074
+MD5 f58aed630c19dbfe0178f9fb69d670d7 files/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-2380.patch 1245
+RMD160 9569358ba672b873cbfdc055ef5be856493565b5 files/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-2380.patch 1245
+SHA256 9e08046a07819462f8042e4bf23322d1e56594fa49aa6bd5fe223d7977808074 files/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-2380.patch 1245
AUX copyright 2099 RMD160 43e295598125f39e375a1fcee6e642e37c8b8bd8 SHA1 3d5da783cc637392429ba2f63d321873fa1526ee SHA256 38db4636f65ce40ea505a6337138b041ac6be5998982193d16b1fbdeebb2bacd
MD5 7c0cd50e4ac1dc062f5e6ab578e95659 files/copyright 2099
RMD160 43e295598125f39e375a1fcee6e642e37c8b8bd8 files/copyright 2099
@@ -135,14 +139,18 @@ EBUILD baselayout-1.13.0_alpha6.ebuild 9089 RMD160 81bd86a70ddcb92a16c327a6bb116
MD5 a3d7543bf1cff40c11c713edb607988c baselayout-1.13.0_alpha6.ebuild 9089
RMD160 81bd86a70ddcb92a16c327a6bb116e437880524d baselayout-1.13.0_alpha6.ebuild 9089
SHA256 8b4b67c227581f48c27c920d8e8013a383844c142ddb72157fdb0f7b4761f24a baselayout-1.13.0_alpha6.ebuild 9089
+EBUILD baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1.ebuild 9637 RMD160 713589aabbbd018372e2358fb7753cd922ddf727 SHA1 4fcbdf849004f63aa6bcad94ef4f2f73185acb20 SHA256 fd63c6648977ed3090a4af3ccb1e0ff80d2abe56065a71f6b74df3d7bab586b9
+MD5 d57bc89cd8e76f0806ee416fcca3bee3 baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1.ebuild 9637
+RMD160 713589aabbbd018372e2358fb7753cd922ddf727 baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1.ebuild 9637
+SHA256 fd63c6648977ed3090a4af3ccb1e0ff80d2abe56065a71f6b74df3d7bab586b9 baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1.ebuild 9637
EBUILD baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7.ebuild 9518 RMD160 105aaa4874e9a6c081f0606d2ff15e3267c7950e SHA1 3379ec39ef10ac2520bf7b489d3f327bb92d95ed SHA256 9b047c9bd436560f8810c65787621bd22ce37bccec75c78ec304bacba6def148
MD5 6d18f3308cdd5adf771f012a6d268fcf baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7.ebuild 9518
RMD160 105aaa4874e9a6c081f0606d2ff15e3267c7950e baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7.ebuild 9518
SHA256 9b047c9bd436560f8810c65787621bd22ce37bccec75c78ec304bacba6def148 baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7.ebuild 9518
-MISC ChangeLog 82277 RMD160 e40476d22a490d8e7a7e536d0c41173a9ec5e460 SHA1 551259054e635842fe359062176de6b1f8cb7137 SHA256 78f0ea49bb3a18134be93bb6390435046ee7ef6664581e00b888355476c2c2fa
-MD5 9d6bca3c16065b72af71d638922a9409 ChangeLog 82277
-RMD160 e40476d22a490d8e7a7e536d0c41173a9ec5e460 ChangeLog 82277
-SHA256 78f0ea49bb3a18134be93bb6390435046ee7ef6664581e00b888355476c2c2fa ChangeLog 82277
+MISC ChangeLog 82532 RMD160 1cff17ea7929b1f2d746aabc17595a571a2e3786 SHA1 1457efd97e40b92c36feefa84a5b74db90e5e4ac SHA256 8d7b4e49da00bdaeef91a60527297e1d0ff8972e307b9347d5720b1d08889f55
+MD5 0795453ae2f80bdde3ff4acf48694e91 ChangeLog 82532
+RMD160 1cff17ea7929b1f2d746aabc17595a571a2e3786 ChangeLog 82532
+SHA256 8d7b4e49da00bdaeef91a60527297e1d0ff8972e307b9347d5720b1d08889f55 ChangeLog 82532
MISC metadata.xml 164 RMD160 f43cbec30b7074319087c9acffdb9354b17b0db3 SHA1 9c213f5803676c56439df3716be07d6692588856 SHA256 f5f2891f2a4791cd31350bb2bb572131ad7235cd0eeb124c9912c187ac10ce92
MD5 9a09f8d531c582e78977dbfd96edc1f2 metadata.xml 164
RMD160 f43cbec30b7074319087c9acffdb9354b17b0db3 metadata.xml 164
@@ -177,3 +185,6 @@ SHA256 26f10758985f5017d78a84ceae30d93d7715911c0a592df250f809be0b09bc55 files/di
MD5 9adcdfe0c1713bd93bd67a6fd4e9e4cb files/digest-baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7 277
RMD160 4e7cdbd1adf20e40cef4efee0605bb6cdcf8b259 files/digest-baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7 277
SHA256 790aafb90a5186b950fee42956a5d9bf3386a6a3a74e11e4d37ecdd52292314c files/digest-baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7 277
+MD5 9adcdfe0c1713bd93bd67a6fd4e9e4cb files/digest-baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1 277
+RMD160 4e7cdbd1adf20e40cef4efee0605bb6cdcf8b259 files/digest-baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1 277
+SHA256 790aafb90a5186b950fee42956a5d9bf3386a6a3a74e11e4d37ecdd52292314c files/digest-baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1 277
diff --git a/sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1.ebuild b/sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..007fac4c81ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/baselayout/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/11/11 15:25:42 uberlord Exp $
+inherit flag-o-matic eutils toolchain-funcs multilib
+DESCRIPTION="Filesystem baselayout and init scripts"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~sparc-fbsd ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="bootstrap build pam static unicode kernel_linux kernel_FreeBSD"
+# This version of baselayout needs awk in /bin, but as we do not have
+# a c++ compiler during bootstrap, we cannot depend on it if "bootstrap"
+# or "build" are in USE.
+RDEPEND="kernel_linux? ( >=sys-apps/sysvinit-2.86-r3 )
+ !build? (
+ !bootstrap? (
+ >=sys-libs/readline-5.0-r1
+ >=app-shells/bash-3.2_p3-r1
+ kernel_linux? (
+ >=sys-apps/coreutils-5.2.1
+ )
+ kernel_FreeBSD? (
+ sys-process/fuser-bsd
+ sys-process/pidof-bsd
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ pam? ( virtual/pam )
+ !<net-misc/dhcpcd-2.0.0"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ # Fix adding ipv6 addresses to virtual interfaces and restarting postgresql
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-2380.patch"
+ # Setup unicode defaults for silly unicode users
+ if use unicode ; then
+ sed -i -e '/^UNICODE=/s:no:yes:' etc/rc.conf
+ fi
+ # SPARC does not like stty, so we disable RC_INTERACTIVE which requires it
+ # see Gentoo bug #104067.
+ if use sparc ; then \
+ sed -i -e '/^KEYMAP=/s:us:sunkeymap:' etc/conf.d/keymaps || die
+ sed -i -e '/^RC_INTERACTIVE=/s:yes:no:' etc/conf.d/rc || die
+ fi
+make_opts() {
+ # Standard options
+ local opts="DESTDIR=\"${ROOT}\" ARCH=\"$(tc-arch)\""
+ local libdir="lib"
+ [[ ${SYMLINK_LIB} == "yes" ]] && libdir=$(get_abi_LIBDIR "${DEFAULT_ABI}")
+ opts="${opts} LIB=${libdir}"
+ if use kernel_linux ; then
+ opts="${opts} OS=Linux"
+ else
+ opts="${opts} OS=BSD"
+ fi
+ use pam && opts="${opts} HAVE_PAM=1"
+ echo "${opts}"
+src_compile() {
+ use static && append-ldflags -static
+ emake $(make_opts) || die
+# Support function for remapping old wireless dns vars
+remap_dns_vars() {
+ if [[ -f "${ROOT}/etc/conf.d/$1" ]]; then
+ sed -e 's/\<domain_/dns_domain_/g' \
+ -e 's/\<mac_domain_/mac_dns_domain_/g' \
+ -e 's/\<nameservers_/dns_servers_/g' \
+ -e 's/\<mac_nameservers_/mac_dns_servers_/g' \
+ -e 's/\<searchdomains_/dns_search_domains_/g' \
+ -e 's/\<mac_searchdomains_/mac_dns_search_domains_/g' \
+ "${ROOT}/etc/conf.d/$1" > "${IMAGE}/etc/conf.d/$1"
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ # Move our makefiles to a temporay location
+ mv "${D}"/usr/share/baselayout/{Makefile,,runlevels}* "${T}"
+ # Change some vars introduced in baselayout-1.11.0 before we go stable
+ # The new names make more sense and allow nis_domain
+ # for use in baselayout-1.12.0
+ remap_dns_vars net
+ remap_dns_vars wireless
+src_install() {
+ make $(make_opts) DESTDIR="${D}" install
+ dodoc ChangeLog COPYRIGHT
+ # Should this belong in another ebuild? Like say binutils?
+ # List all the multilib libdirs in /etc/env/04multilib (only if they're
+ # actually different from the normal
+ if has_multilib_profile || [[ $(get_libdir) != "lib" || -n ${CONF_MULTILIBDIR} ]]; then
+ local libdirs="$(get_all_libdirs)" libdirs_env=
+ : ${libdirs:=lib} # it isn't that we don't trust multilib.eclass...
+ for dir in ${libdirs}; do
+ libdirs_env=${libdirs_env:+$libdirs_env:}/${dir}:/usr/${dir}:/usr/local/${dir}
+ done
+ # Special-case uglyness... For people updating from lib32 -> lib amd64
+ # profiles, keep lib32 in the search path while it's around
+ if has_multilib_profile && [ -d /lib32 -o -d /usr/lib32 ] && ! hasq lib32 ${libdirs}; then
+ libdirs_env="${libdirs_env}:/lib32:/usr/lib32:/usr/local/lib32"
+ fi
+ echo "LDPATH=\"${libdirs_env}\"" > "${D}"/etc/env.d/04multilib
+ fi
+ # rc-scripts version for testing of features that *should* be present
+ echo "Gentoo Base System version ${PV}" > "${D}"/etc/gentoo-release
+ # Remove the installed runlevels, as we don't know about $ROOT yet
+ rm -rf "${D}/etc/runlevels"
+ # Copy the make files to /usr/share/baselayout so we can re-use them in
+ # postinst, otherwise binpkg will break.
+ insinto /usr/share/baselayout
+ doins -r Makefile runlevels*
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # We need to install directories and maybe some dev nodes when building
+ # stages, but they cannot be in CONTENTS.
+ # Also, we cannot reference $S as binpkg will break so we do this.
+ if use build || use bootstrap ; then
+ make -C "${T}" $(make_opts) layout || die "failed to layout filesystem"
+ fi
+ # Make our runlevels if they don't exist
+ if [[ ! -e ${ROOT}etc/runlevels ]] ; then
+ einfo "Making default runlevels"
+ make -C "${T}" $(make_opts) runlevels_install >/dev/null
+ fi
+ if use kernel_linux ; then
+ if use build || use bootstrap ; then
+ # Create base directories
+ if [[ ! -e ${ROOT}/dev/.udev && ! -e ${ROOT}/dev/.devfsd ]] ; then
+ einfo "Creating dev nodes"
+ PATH="${ROOT}"/sbin:${PATH} make -C "${T}" $(make_opts) \
+ dev || die "failed to create /dev nodes"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # We installed some files to /usr/share/baselayout instead of /etc to stop
+ # (1) overwriting the user's settings
+ # (2) screwing things up when attempting to merge files
+ # (3) accidentally packaging up personal files with quickpkg
+ # If they don't exist then we install them
+ for x in master.passwd passwd shadow group fstab ; do
+ [[ -e "${ROOT}etc/${x}" ]] && continue
+ [[ -e "${ROOT}usr/share/baselayout/${x}" ]] || continue
+ cp -p "${ROOT}usr/share/baselayout/${x}" ${ROOT}etc
+ done
+ # Reload init to fix unmounting problems of / on next reboot.
+ # This is really needed, as without the new version of init cause init
+ # not to quit properly on reboot, and causes a fsck of / on next reboot.
+ if [[ ${ROOT} == / ]] && ! use build && ! use bootstrap; then
+ # We need to copy svcdir if it's empty
+ if [[ ! -e ${ROOT}lib/rcscripts/init.d/deptree ]] ; then
+ (
+ source "${ROOT}etc/conf.d/rc"
+ svcdir="${svcdir:-/var/lib/init.d}"
+ if [[ -e ${ROOT}${svcdir}/deptree ]] ; then
+ cp -RPp "${ROOT}${svcdir}"/* ${ROOT}lib/rcscripts/init.d
+ fi
+ )
+ fi
+ # Regenerate init.d dependency tree
+ /sbin/ --update >/dev/null
+ # Regenerate /etc/modules.conf, else it will fail at next boot
+ if [[ -x /sbin/modules-update ]] ; then
+ einfo "Updating module dependencies..."
+ /sbin/modules-update force >/dev/null
+ fi
+ else
+ rm -f "${ROOT}"/etc/modules.conf
+ fi
+ # This is also written in src_install (so it's in CONTENTS), but
+ # write it here so that the new version is immediately in the file
+ # (without waiting for the user to do etc-update)
+ rm -f "${ROOT}"/etc/._cfg????_gentoo-release
+ echo "Gentoo Base System version ${PV}" > "${ROOT}"/etc/gentoo-release
+ echo
+ einfo "Please be sure to update all pending '._cfg*' files in /etc,"
+ einfo "else things might break at your next reboot! You can use 'etc-update'"
+ einfo "to accomplish this:"
+ einfo
+ einfo " # etc-update"
+ local lo="net.lo0"
+ use kernel_linux && lo="net.lo"
+ for f in ${ROOT}etc/init.d/net.*; do
+ [[ -L ${f} ]] && continue
+ echo
+ einfo "WARNING: You have older net.* files in ${ROOT}etc/init.d/"
+ einfo "They need to be converted to symlinks to ${lo}. If you haven't"
+ einfo "made personal changes to those files, you can update with the"
+ einfo "following command:"
+ einfo
+ einfo " /bin/ls ${ROOT}etc/init.d/net.* | grep -v '/${lo}$' | xargs -n1 ln -sfvn ${lo}"
+ break
+ done
+ if sed -e 's/#.*//' "${ROOT}"etc/conf.d/{net,wireless} 2>/dev/null \
+ | egrep -q '\<(domain|nameservers|searchdomains)_' ; then
+ echo
+ ewarn "You have depreciated variables in ${ROOT}etc/conf.d/net"
+ ewarn "or ${ROOT}etc/conf.d/wireless"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "domain_* -> dns_domain_*"
+ ewarn "nameservers_* -> dns_servers_*"
+ ewarn "searchdomains_* -> dns_search_domains_*"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "They have been converted for you - ensure that you"
+ ewarn "update them via 'etc-update'"
+ fi
+ if sed -e 's/#.*//' "${ROOT}"etc/conf.d/net 2>/dev/null \
+ | egrep -q '\<(ifconfig|aliases|broadcasts|netmasks|inet6|ipaddr|iproute)_'; then
+ echo
+ ewarn "You are using deprecated variables in ${ROOT}etc/conf.d/net"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "You are advised to review the new configuration variables as"
+ ewarn "found in ${ROOT}etc/conf.d/net.example as there is no"
+ ewarn "guarantee that they will work in future versions."
+ fi
+ # Remove old stuff that may cause problems.
+ if [[ -e "${ROOT}"/etc/env.d/01hostname ]] ; then
+ rm -f "${ROOT}"/etc/env.d/01hostname
+ fi
+ if [[ -e "${ROOT}"/etc/init.d/domainname ]] ; then
+ rm -f "${ROOT}"/etc/{conf.d,init.d}/domainname \
+ "${ROOT}"/etc/runlevels/*/domainname
+ echo
+ ewarn "The domainname init script has been removed in this version."
+ ewarn "Consult ${ROOT}etc/conf.d/net.example for details about how"
+ ewarn "to apply dns/nis information to the loopback interface."
+ fi
+ echo
+ ewarn "baselayout-1.13 and higher now force \$svcdir to be mounted ramdisk."
+ ewarn "If you downgrade to a lower version you'll need to copy the directory"
+ ewarn " /$(get_libdir)/rcscripts/init.d"
+ ewarn "to \$svcdir as defined in /etc/conf.d/rc"
+ ewarn " /var/lib/init.d (by default)"
+ ewarn "You should also erase /$(get_libdir)/rcscripts/init.d so that when you upgrade"
+ ewarn "again your current state is automatically copied across."
diff --git a/sys-apps/baselayout/files/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-2380.patch b/sys-apps/baselayout/files/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-2380.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a8f450067f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/baselayout/files/baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-2380.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Index: sbin/
+--- sbin/ (revision 2378)
++++ sbin/ (working copy)
+@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@
+ exit 1
+ fi
+- # We don't kill child processes if we're restarting
++ # We don't kill child processes if we're restarting
+ # This is especically important for sshd ....
+@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@
+ # Simple way to try and detect if the service use svc_{start,stop}
+ # to restart if it have a custom restart() funtion.
+- svcres=$(sed -ne '/[[:space:]]*restart[[:space:]]*()/,/}/ p' \
++ svcres=$(sed -ne '/^[[:space:]]*restart[[:space:]]*()/,/}/ p' \
+ "${myscript}" )
+ if [[ -n ${svcres} ]] ; then
+ if [[ ! ${svcres} =~ svc_stop \
+Index: sh/
+--- sh/ (revision 2378)
++++ sh/ (working copy)
+@@ -430,6 +430,10 @@
+ fi
+ done
++ # Bring the interface up if we exist
++ # We do this again as we may have been created in pre_up
++ interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_up "${iface}"
+ x="metric_${ifvar}"
+ # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
+ # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
diff --git a/sys-apps/baselayout/files/digest-baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1 b/sys-apps/baselayout/files/digest-baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ef51f1ef240b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/baselayout/files/digest-baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7-r1
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 4eb388094dfd110521c9adbbc22a78a7 baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7.tar.bz2 251963
+RMD160 e29e1eba3ff47eab72979ebe991b17312e2bb891 baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7.tar.bz2 251963
+SHA256 75ddf9c0c50baa5538a5d30d7e4125c6ad283ae5b598403a4625fdee081e3eef baselayout-1.13.0_alpha7.tar.bz2 251963