diff options
authorChristian Heim <>2007-10-03 13:50:22 +0000
committerChristian Heim <>2007-10-03 13:50:22 +0000
commit2adbe1dacd66d56a265da18c1452eea635af27a4 (patch)
parentForgot to commit mask change for bug-buddy (diff)
Revision bump, containing a fix for #193796.
Package-Manager: portage-
5 files changed, 525 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog b/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog
index f38ed16de7c4..bf9cc9f278d5 100644
--- a/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog
+++ b/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for media-sound/alsa-driver
# Copyright 2002-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog,v 1.275 2007/09/17 17:32:37 phreak Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog,v 1.276 2007/10/03 13:50:21 phreak Exp $
+*alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1 (03 Oct 2007)
+ 03 Oct 2007; Christian Heim <>
+ +files/alsa-driver-1.0.14-seq_file.patch, +alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1.ebuild:
+ Revision bump, containing a fix for #193796.
*alsa-driver-1.0.15_rc2 (17 Sep 2007)
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/Manifest b/media-sound/alsa-driver/Manifest
index 8f651d363c08..f331a96a9cd2 100644
--- a/media-sound/alsa-driver/Manifest
+++ b/media-sound/alsa-driver/Manifest
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ AUX alsa-driver-1.0.11-kernel-2.6.17.patch 953 RMD160 8790da12c78912a4dec53f2878
MD5 5e6246cc8148d4938810985fef9fc6c2 files/alsa-driver-1.0.11-kernel-2.6.17.patch 953
RMD160 8790da12c78912a4dec53f287838846e303a18dd files/alsa-driver-1.0.11-kernel-2.6.17.patch 953
SHA256 517f494c5fe3039d62a18268f2c3d03cbcd6b2bff09771bfaafd439c39642c2c files/alsa-driver-1.0.11-kernel-2.6.17.patch 953
+AUX alsa-driver-1.0.14-seq_file.patch 10470 RMD160 5a0c3d066211ef7597c9c5ed8c232f27183a1244 SHA1 70bde8e7ba010f77eb7bbd1ac3510d410ace7203 SHA256 39543da8f308c05af2f4507b75b9d8a353b7bc24c8c96e0b64e8e25e58e78564
+MD5 cc40f799d1e16222a9fb621bf9237b2c files/alsa-driver-1.0.14-seq_file.patch 10470
+RMD160 5a0c3d066211ef7597c9c5ed8c232f27183a1244 files/alsa-driver-1.0.14-seq_file.patch 10470
+SHA256 39543da8f308c05af2f4507b75b9d8a353b7bc24c8c96e0b64e8e25e58e78564 files/alsa-driver-1.0.14-seq_file.patch 10470
AUX alsa-driver-1.0.14_rc2-tumbler-ppc.patch 1105 RMD160 ae270a067ba51e4e580373465d698dd8aa872c5f SHA1 c4dd46e302417272b1123fc435d742e89677ee8d SHA256 1c154e2235697383fae4b06a0d3ec9e5c437188481711e639a186d0d920aeb76
MD5 e755c981c442750f6ecbc088ba86d9ba files/alsa-driver-1.0.14_rc2-tumbler-ppc.patch 1105
RMD160 ae270a067ba51e4e580373465d698dd8aa872c5f files/alsa-driver-1.0.14_rc2-tumbler-ppc.patch 1105
@@ -23,6 +27,10 @@ EBUILD alsa-driver-1.0.13.ebuild 5053 RMD160 b545351412e7222692d3e4746ff23fc2937
MD5 76be0e2298225b626343ad9c17d672ca alsa-driver-1.0.13.ebuild 5053
RMD160 b545351412e7222692d3e4746ff23fc29377a32a alsa-driver-1.0.13.ebuild 5053
SHA256 1f85e1013ebc73b71be96b2e0b9c78aa81a466d8d188483e43591bf84e513821 alsa-driver-1.0.13.ebuild 5053
+EBUILD alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1.ebuild 7047 RMD160 085a9db0d4b08117546d0ef9b10c1794be6c556f SHA1 58fa4cd8c211b758ee127a83481cd3a4813255f1 SHA256 27628c21ebf8fbc75071ecfe301418a27e213f8536fa9bd1ef6a9904563392d2
+MD5 74ba14ae9d4fb809ecd314c3b9693bc7 alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1.ebuild 7047
+RMD160 085a9db0d4b08117546d0ef9b10c1794be6c556f alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1.ebuild 7047
+SHA256 27628c21ebf8fbc75071ecfe301418a27e213f8536fa9bd1ef6a9904563392d2 alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1.ebuild 7047
EBUILD alsa-driver-1.0.14.ebuild 6967 RMD160 95858f2bdbcc02248477919570f77ecfa169681a SHA1 cd2bb07cd25974dd26f24444b420715f742a20c9 SHA256 61e8bf2156648de11183d2ebf7ff7369bc764e27dcba5486c593247749657e0b
MD5 d21e8f309f09e3238f5bdeb36344cfaa alsa-driver-1.0.14.ebuild 6967
RMD160 95858f2bdbcc02248477919570f77ecfa169681a alsa-driver-1.0.14.ebuild 6967
@@ -51,10 +59,10 @@ EBUILD alsa-driver-9999.ebuild 6607 RMD160 c9ba6d45ef438a5c0e3c7033001f807006d35
MD5 a848bdd54e898bd3a9328968f56e236c alsa-driver-9999.ebuild 6607
RMD160 c9ba6d45ef438a5c0e3c7033001f807006d355c9 alsa-driver-9999.ebuild 6607
SHA256 21f7540dd1a8c7ba197fc739ef9e252c572449f76bf7ba2eefd9e2460465dd22 alsa-driver-9999.ebuild 6607
-MISC ChangeLog 47449 RMD160 96ce00f1ff6c269c1680c9b6f3f1000fe2bee2ec SHA1 a5217c63f52e4825e9067408b3d53077ff48b932 SHA256 5c64b756d5b2a94b0d16aa1f8e67363ed8507632919c7998af7c6db0feb1d0a9
-MD5 8cd44e7434eeb5dd5cb45a6abae8b5d4 ChangeLog 47449
-RMD160 96ce00f1ff6c269c1680c9b6f3f1000fe2bee2ec ChangeLog 47449
-SHA256 5c64b756d5b2a94b0d16aa1f8e67363ed8507632919c7998af7c6db0feb1d0a9 ChangeLog 47449
+MISC ChangeLog 47660 RMD160 0ecd285d622933851ed6c4c77909690dea62c7ed SHA1 361ef5d3f6827e245e8e031e77c37a108bf486ef SHA256 a1a80580fe705b0179ea6f35a864d7913f756ca6ef0f64777c37cbd9a6090c5f
+MD5 21494dda2e44640a788a2757f17592e2 ChangeLog 47660
+RMD160 0ecd285d622933851ed6c4c77909690dea62c7ed ChangeLog 47660
+SHA256 a1a80580fe705b0179ea6f35a864d7913f756ca6ef0f64777c37cbd9a6090c5f ChangeLog 47660
MISC metadata.xml 220 RMD160 e49f8bb330d1798cd2c8ee5335cef1784f0d7ccb SHA1 1b895fe6cae4b8eab08ba1a6a1212baf4b4b4105 SHA256 8570ef11cd59b0d8edb71e78eecaec423616836b10eacb86bee0de941f0ae054
MD5 7c52acc7d4fe40bac97d3198a43dcbd6 metadata.xml 220
RMD160 e49f8bb330d1798cd2c8ee5335cef1784f0d7ccb metadata.xml 220
@@ -65,6 +73,9 @@ SHA256 45a8c562fbfcf8f05cb4ff799d55c3aa6506ef33539cbfd159a9d24bd634f553 files/di
MD5 0344afd7bf64fd13878a008e3d520555 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14 262
RMD160 0d55c65feb917aa6b96030d863773f01309d8235 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14 262
SHA256 8a989ed4567638f0374445a4eba48f5b5a9bb29b6c28aa043687e9f55c20ebb3 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14 262
+MD5 0344afd7bf64fd13878a008e3d520555 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1 262
+RMD160 0d55c65feb917aa6b96030d863773f01309d8235 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1 262
+SHA256 8a989ed4567638f0374445a4eba48f5b5a9bb29b6c28aa043687e9f55c20ebb3 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1 262
MD5 28d9b8b0d667802a060f3d2619046d22 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14_rc1 271
RMD160 b09664e66f08a3af26e8c36ce1c03eba90c06704 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14_rc1 271
SHA256 2fcc9c3a03d7cb5056f3254204a82ed8d48ff5c5c58a8447ebeeb609654fb4c8 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14_rc1 271
@@ -84,9 +95,9 @@ MD5 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e files/digest-alsa-driver-9999 0
RMD160 9c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31 files/digest-alsa-driver-9999 0
SHA256 e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 files/digest-alsa-driver-9999 0
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1.ebuild b/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0234de192004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/10/03 13:50:21 phreak Exp $
+inherit autotools linux-mod flag-o-matic eutils multilib
+DESCRIPTION="Advanced Linux Sound Architecture kernel modules"
+if [[ ${MY_P} == ${MY_P/_p*/} ]]; then
+ SRC_URI="mirror://alsaproject/driver/${MY_P}.tar.bz2"
+else # Gentoo snapshots
+ SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${MY_P}.tar.bz2"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+IUSE="oss debug midi"
+IUSE_CARDS="seq-dummy dummy virmidi mtpav mts64 serial-u16550 mpu401
+loopback portman2x4 pcsp ad1848-lib cs4231-lib adlib ad1816a ad1848
+als100 azt2320 cmi8330 cs4231 cs4232 cs4236 dt019x es968 es1688 es18xx
+gusclassic gusextreme gusmax interwave interwave-stb opl3sa2
+opti92x-ad1848 opti92x-cs4231 opti93x miro sb8 sb16 sbawe sgalaxy
+sscape wavefront pc98-cs4232 msnd-pinnacle ad1889 als300 als4000
+ali5451 atiixp atiixp-modem au8810 au8820 au8830 azt3328 bt87x ca0106
+cmipci cs4281 cs46xx cs5535audio darla20 gina20 layla20 darla24 gina24
+layla24 mona mia echo3g indigo indigoio indigodj emu10k1 emu10k1x
+ens1370 ens1371 es1938 es1968 fm801 fm801-tea575x hda-intel hdsp hdspm
+ice1712 ice1724 intel8x0 intel8x0m korg1212 maestro3 mixart nm256
+pcxhr riptide rme32 rme96 rme9652 sonicvibes trident via82xx
+via82xx-modem vx222 ymfpci pdplus asihpi powermac aoa
+aoa-fabric-layout aoa-onyx aoa-tas aoa-toonie aoa-soundbus
+aoa-soundbus-i2s sa11xx-uda1341 armaaci s3c2410 pxa2xx-i2sound au1x00
+usb-audio usb-usx2y vxpocket pdaudiocf sun-amd7930 sun-cs4231 sun-dbri
+harmony soc at91-soc at91-soc-eti-b1-wm8731 pxa2xx-soc
+pxa2xx-soc-corgi pxa2xx-soc-spitz pxa2xx-soc-poodle pxa2xx-soc-tosa"
+for iuse_card in ${IUSE_CARDS}; do
+ IUSE="${IUSE} alsa_cards_${iuse_card}"
+ !media-sound/snd-aoa"
+ ~media-sound/alsa-headers-${PV}
+ virtual/linux-sources
+ sys-apps/debianutils"
+pkg_setup() {
+ # By default, drivers for all supported cards will be compiled.
+ # If you want to only compile for specific card(s), set ALSA_CARDS
+ # environment to a space-separated list of drivers that you want to build.
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # env ALSA_CARDS='emu10k1 intel8x0 ens1370' emerge alsa-driver
+ #
+ local PNP_DRIVERS="interwave interwave-stb"
+ local PNP_ERROR="Some of the drivers you selected require PnP support in your kernel (${PNP_DRIVERS}). Either enable PnP in your kernel or trim which drivers get compiled using ALSA_CARDS in /etc/make.conf."
+ local ISA_DRIVERS="cs4232 msnd-pinnacle cs4231-lib adlib ad1816a ad1848 als100 azt2320
+ cmi8330 cs4231 cs4236 dt019x es968 es1688 es18xx gusclassic gusextreme gusmax
+ interwave interwave-stb opl3sa2 opti92x-ad1848 opti92x-cs4231 opti93x miro sb8
+ sb16 sbawe sb16_csp sgalaxy sscape wavefront"
+ local ISA_ERROR="Some of the drivers you selected require ISA support in your kernel ($(echo $ISA_DRIVERS)). Either enable ISA in your kernel or trim which drivers get compiled using ALSA_CARDS in /etc/make.conf."
+ local FW_DRIVERS="darla20 gina20 layla20 darla24 gina24 layla24 mona mia echo3g indigo
+ indigoio indigodj emu10k1 korg1212 maestro3 riptide ymfpci asihpi"
+ local FW_LOADER_ERROR="Some of the drivers you selected require 'Userspace firmware loading support' in your kernel (${FW_DRIVERS}). Either enable that feature or trim which drivers get compiled using ALSA_CARDS in /etc/make.conf."
+ local PARPORT_DRIVERS="portman2x4"
+ local PARPORT_ERROR="Some if the drivers you selected require Parallel Port support (${PARPORT_DRIVERS}). Either enable that feature or trim which drivers get compiled using ALSA_CARDS in /etc/make.conf."
+ local CHECK_PNP
+ local CHECK_ISA
+ local CHECK_FW
+ for card in ${ALSA_CARDS}; do
+ if has alsa_cards_${card} ${IUSE} && use alsa_cards_${card}; then
+ has ${card} ${PNP_DRIVERS} && CHECK_PNP="PNP"
+ has ${card} ${ISA_DRIVERS} && CHECK_ISA="ISA"
+ has ${card} ${FW_DRIVERS} && CHECK_FW="FW_LOADER"
+ fi
+ done
+ local SND_ERROR="ALSA is already compiled into the kernel. This is the recommended configuration, don't emerge alsa-driver."
+ local SOUND_ERROR="Your kernel doesn't have sound support enabled."
+ local SOUND_PRIME_ERROR="Your kernel is configured to use the deprecated OSS drivers. Please disable them and re-emerge alsa-driver."
+ linux-mod_pkg_setup
+ if [[ ${PROFILE_ARCH} == "sparc64" ]] ; then
+ export CBUILD=${CBUILD-${CHOST}}
+ export CHOST="sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-seq_file.patch
+ rm "${S}"/acore/memalloc.patch
+ convert_to_m "${S}/Makefile"
+ sed -i -e 's:\(.*depmod\):#\1:' "${S}/Makefile"
+ eautoconf
+src_compile() {
+ local myABI=${ABI:-${DEFAULT_ABI}}
+ # Should fix bug #46901
+ is-flag "-malign-double" && filter-flags "-fomit-frame-pointer"
+ append-flags "-I${KV_DIR}/arch/$(tc-arch-kernel)/include"
+ econf $(use_with oss) \
+ $(use_with debug debug full) \
+ --with-kernel="${KV_DIR}" \
+ --with-build="${KV_OUT_DIR}" \
+ --with-isapnp=yes \
+ $(use_with midi sequencer) \
+ --with-cards="${ALSA_CARDS}" || die "econf failed"
+ # linux-mod_src_compile doesn't work well with alsa
+ ARCH=$(tc-arch-kernel)
+ emake LDFLAGS="$(raw-ldflags)" HOSTCC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" CC="$(tc-getCC)" || die "Make Failed"
+ ARCH=$(tc-arch)
+ ABI=${myABI}
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-modules || die "make install failed"
+ if kernel_is 2 6; then
+ # mv the drivers somewhere they won't be killed by the kernel's make modules_install
+ mv "${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound" "${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/${PN}"
+ rmdir "${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel" &> /dev/null
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog
+ elog "Remember that all mixer channels will be MUTED by default."
+ elog "Use the 'alsamixer' program to unmute them, then save your"
+ elog "mixer settings with /etc/init.d/alsasound save"
+ elog
+ elog "If you experience problems, please try building the in-kernel"
+ elog "ALSA drivers instead. This ebuild is not recommended and is"
+ elog "likely to be removed from portage at a later date."
+ elog
+ linux-mod_pkg_postinst
+ if kernel_is 2 6 && [ -e "${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound" ]; then
+ # Cleanup if they had older alsa installed
+ for file in $(find "${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/${PN}" -type f); do
+ rm -f ${file//${KV_FULL}\/${PN}/${KV_FULL}\/kernel\/sound}
+ done
+ find "${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound" -type d -print0 | xargs --null rmdir
+ fi
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/alsa-driver-1.0.14-seq_file.patch b/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/alsa-driver-1.0.14-seq_file.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..974f638a6a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/alsa-driver-1.0.14-seq_file.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+--- a/acore/Makefile
++++ b/acore/Makefile
+@@ -36,5 +36,5 @@ init.c: init.patch $(SND_TOPDIR)/alsa-ke
+ rawmidi.c: rawmidi.patch $(SND_TOPDIR)/alsa-kernel/core/rawmidi.c
+ sound.c: sound.patch $(SND_TOPDIR)/alsa-kernel/core/sound.c
+ timer.c: timer.patch $(SND_TOPDIR)/alsa-kernel/core/timer.c
+-memalloc.c: memalloc.patch memalloc.inc1 $(SND_TOPDIR)/alsa-kernel/core/memalloc.c
++memalloc.c: memalloc.inc1 $(SND_TOPDIR)/alsa-kernel/core/memalloc.c
+ misc.c: misc.patch $(SND_TOPDIR)/alsa-kernel/core/misc.c
+--- a/alsa-kernel/core/memalloc.c
++++ b/alsa-kernel/core/memalloc.c
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++#include ""
+ /*
+ * Copyright (c) by Jaroslav Kysela <>
+ * Takashi Iwai <>
+@@ -82,7 +83,50 @@ struct snd_mem_list {
+ * Hacks
+ */
+-#if defined(__i386__)
++static void *snd_dma_alloc_coherent1(struct device *dev, size_t size,
++ dma_addr_t *dma_handle, int flags)
++ if (dev)
++ return dma_alloc_coherent(dev, size, dma_handle, flags);
++ else /* FIXME: dma_alloc_coherent does't always accept dev=NULL */
++ return pci_alloc_consistent(NULL, size, dma_handle);
++static void snd_dma_free_coherent1(struct device *dev, size_t size, void *dma_addr,
++ dma_addr_t dma_handle)
++ if (dev)
++ return dma_free_coherent(dev, size, dma_addr, dma_handle);
++ else
++ return pci_free_consistent(NULL, size, dma_addr, dma_handle);
++#undef dma_alloc_coherent
++#define dma_alloc_coherent snd_dma_alloc_coherent1
++#undef dma_free_coherent
++#define dma_free_coherent snd_dma_free_coherent1
++#endif /* < 2.6.5 */
++/* for 2.2/2.4 kernels */
++#if defined(CONFIG_PCI) || defined(CONFIG_ISA) || defined(__i386__)
++#define dma_alloc_coherent(dev,size,addr,flags) pci_alloc_consistent((struct pci_dev *)(dev),size,addr)
++#define dma_free_coherent(dev,size,ptr,addr) pci_free_consistent((struct pci_dev *)(dev),size,ptr,addr)
++#define dma_alloc_coherent(dev,size,addr,flags) sbus_alloc_consistent((struct sbus_dev *)(dev),size,addr)
++#define dma_free_coherent(dev,size,ptr,addr) sbus_free_consistent((struct sbus_dev *)(dev),size,ptr,addr)
++#error "Need a bus for dma_alloc_coherent()"
++#endif /* >= 2.6.0 */
++#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+ /*
+ * A hack to allocate large buffers via dma_alloc_coherent()
+ *
+@@ -99,6 +143,30 @@ struct snd_mem_list {
+ * so dma_mask doesn't have to be messed with.
+ */
++#define VALID_DMA_MASK(dev) (dev)->dma_mask
++#define GET_DMA_MASK(dev) *(dev)->dma_mask
++#define SET_DMA_MASK(dev,val) (*(dev)->dma_mask = (val))
++#define GET_COHERENT_DMA_MASK(dev) (dev)->coherent_dma_mask
++#define SET_COHERENT_DMA_MASK(dev,val) ((dev)->coherent_dma_mask = (val))
++#define GET_COHERENT_DMA_MASK(dev) 0 /* dummy */
++#define SET_COHERENT_DMA_MASK(dev,val)
++#else /* 2.4.x */
++#define VALID_DMA_MASK(dev) 1
++#define GET_DMA_MASK(dev) ((struct pci_dev *)(dev))->dma_mask
++#define SET_DMA_MASK(dev,val) (((struct pci_dev *)(dev))->dma_mask = (val))
++#define GET_COHERENT_DMA_MASK(dev) ((struct pci_dev *)(dev))->consistent_dma_mask
++#define SET_COHERENT_DMA_MASK(dev,val) (((struct pci_dev *)(dev))->consistent_dma_mask = (val))
++#define GET_COHERENT_DMA_MASK(dev) 0 /* dummy */
++#define SET_COHERENT_DMA_MASK(dev,val)
+ static void *snd_dma_hack_alloc_coherent(struct device *dev, size_t size,
+ dma_addr_t *dma_handle,
+ gfp_t flags)
+@@ -106,15 +174,15 @@ static void *snd_dma_hack_alloc_coherent
+ void *ret;
+ u64 dma_mask, coherent_dma_mask;
+- if (dev == NULL || !dev->dma_mask)
++ if (dev == NULL || !VALID_DMA_MASK(dev))
+ return dma_alloc_coherent(dev, size, dma_handle, flags);
+- dma_mask = *dev->dma_mask;
+- coherent_dma_mask = dev->coherent_dma_mask;
+- *dev->dma_mask = 0xffffffff; /* do without masking */
+- dev->coherent_dma_mask = 0xffffffff; /* do without masking */
++ dma_mask = GET_DMA_MASK(dev);
++ coherent_dma_mask = GET_COHERENT_DMA_MASK(dev);
++ SET_DMA_MASK(dev, 0xffffffff); /* do without masking */
++ SET_COHERENT_DMA_MASK(dev, 0xffffffff); /* do without masking */
+ ret = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, size, dma_handle, flags);
+- *dev->dma_mask = dma_mask; /* restore */
+- dev->coherent_dma_mask = coherent_dma_mask; /* restore */
++ SET_DMA_MASK(dev, dma_mask); /* restore */
++ SET_COHERENT_DMA_MASK(dev, coherent_dma_mask) /* restore */;
+ if (ret) {
+ /* obtained address is out of range? */
+ if (((unsigned long)*dma_handle + size - 1) & ~dma_mask) {
+@@ -139,6 +207,8 @@ static void *snd_dma_hack_alloc_coherent
+ #define dma_alloc_coherent snd_dma_hack_alloc_coherent
+ #endif /* arch */
++#endif /* >= 2.4.0 */
+ /*
+ *
+@@ -158,6 +228,24 @@ static inline void dec_snd_pages(int ord
+ snd_allocated_pages -= 1 << order;
+ }
++static void mark_pages(struct page *page, int order)
++#if ! defined(__arm__) && LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 16)
++ struct page *last_page = page + (1 << order);
++ while (page < last_page)
++ SetPageReserved(page++);
++static void unmark_pages(struct page *page, int order)
++#if ! defined(__arm__) && LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 16)
++ struct page *last_page = page + (1 << order);
++ while (page < last_page)
++ ClearPageReserved(page++);
+ /**
+ * snd_malloc_pages - allocate pages with the given size
+ * @size: the size to allocate in bytes
+@@ -176,8 +264,10 @@ void *snd_malloc_pages(size_t size, gfp_
+ snd_assert(gfp_flags != 0, return NULL);
+ gfp_flags |= __GFP_COMP; /* compound page lets parts be mapped */
+ pg = get_order(size);
+- if ((res = (void *) __get_free_pages(gfp_flags, pg)) != NULL)
++ if ((res = (void *) __get_free_pages(gfp_flags, pg)) != NULL) {
++ mark_pages(virt_to_page(res), pg);
+ inc_snd_pages(pg);
++ }
+ return res;
+ }
+@@ -196,6 +286,7 @@ void snd_free_pages(void *ptr, size_t si
+ return;
+ pg = get_order(size);
+ dec_snd_pages(pg);
++ unmark_pages(virt_to_page(ptr), pg);
+ free_pages((unsigned long) ptr, pg);
+ }
+@@ -220,8 +311,10 @@ static void *snd_malloc_dev_pages(struct
+ | __GFP_NORETRY /* don't trigger OOM-killer */
+ | __GFP_NOWARN; /* no stack trace print - this call is non-critical */
+ res = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, PAGE_SIZE << pg, dma, gfp_flags);
+- if (res != NULL)
++ if (res != NULL) {
++ mark_pages(virt_to_page(res), pg);
+ inc_snd_pages(pg);
++ }
+ return res;
+ }
+@@ -236,6 +329,7 @@ static void snd_free_dev_pages(struct de
+ return;
+ pg = get_order(size);
+ dec_snd_pages(pg);
++ unmark_pages(virt_to_page(ptr), pg);
+ dma_free_coherent(dev, PAGE_SIZE << pg, ptr, dma);
+ }
+@@ -481,53 +575,55 @@ static void free_all_reserved_pages(void
+ #define SND_MEM_PROC_FILE "driver/snd-page-alloc"
+ static struct proc_dir_entry *snd_mem_proc;
+-static int snd_mem_proc_read(char *page, char **start, off_t off,
+- int count, int *eof, void *data)
++static int snd_mem_proc_read(struct seq_file *seq, void *offset)
+ {
+- int len = 0;
+ long pages = snd_allocated_pages >> (PAGE_SHIFT-12);
+ struct snd_mem_list *mem;
+ int devno;
+ static char *types[] = { "UNKNOWN", "CONT", "DEV", "DEV-SG", "SBUS" };
++ seq_printf(seq, "pages : %li bytes (%li pages per %likB)\n",
++ pages * PAGE_SIZE, pages, PAGE_SIZE / 1024);
+ mutex_lock(&list_mutex);
+- len += snprintf(page + len, count - len,
+- "pages : %li bytes (%li pages per %likB)\n",
+- pages * PAGE_SIZE, pages, PAGE_SIZE / 1024);
+ devno = 0;
+ list_for_each_entry(mem, &mem_list_head, list) {
+ devno++;
+- len += snprintf(page + len, count - len,
+- "buffer %d : ID %08x : type %s\n",
+- devno, mem->id, types[mem->]);
+- len += snprintf(page + len, count - len,
+- " addr = 0x%lx, size = %d bytes\n",
+- (unsigned long)mem->buffer.addr, (int)mem->buffer.bytes);
++ seq_printf(seq, "buffer %d : ID %08x : type %s\n",
++ devno, mem->id, types[mem->]);
++ seq_printf(seq, " addr = 0x%lx, size = %d bytes\n",
++ (unsigned long)mem->buffer.addr,
++ (int)mem->buffer.bytes);
+ }
+ mutex_unlock(&list_mutex);
+- return len;
++ return 0;
++static int snd_mem_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++ return single_open(file, snd_mem_proc_read, NULL);
+ }
+ /* FIXME: for pci only - other bus? */
+ #ifdef CONFIG_PCI
+ #define gettoken(bufp) strsep(bufp, " \t\n")
+-static int snd_mem_proc_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buffer,
+- unsigned long count, void *data)
++static ssize_t snd_mem_proc_write(struct file *file, const char __user * buffer,
++ size_t count, loff_t * ppos)
+ {
+ char buf[128];
+ char *token, *p;
+- if (count > ARRAY_SIZE(buf) - 1)
+- count = ARRAY_SIZE(buf) - 1;
++ if (count > sizeof(buf) - 1)
++ return -EINVAL;
+ if (copy_from_user(buf, buffer, count))
+ return -EFAULT;
+- buf[ARRAY_SIZE(buf) - 1] = '\0';
++ buf[count] = '\0';
+ p = buf;
+ token = gettoken(&p);
+ if (! token || *token == '#')
+- return (int)count;
++ return count;
+ if (strcmp(token, "add") == 0) {
+ char *endp;
+ int vendor, device, size, buffers;
+@@ -596,9 +692,22 @@ static int snd_mem_proc_write(struct fil
+ free_all_reserved_pages();
+ else
+ printk(KERN_ERR "snd-page-alloc: invalid proc cmd\n");
+- return (int)count;
++ return count;
+ }
++#endif /* LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2, 4, 0) */
+ #endif /* CONFIG_PCI */
++static const struct file_operations snd_mem_proc_fops = {
++ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
++ .open = snd_mem_proc_open,
++ .read = seq_read,
++#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
++ .write = snd_mem_proc_write,
++ .llseek = seq_lseek,
++ .release = single_release,
+ #endif /* CONFIG_PROC_FS */
+ /*
+@@ -609,12 +718,8 @@ static int __init snd_mem_init(void)
+ {
+ snd_mem_proc = create_proc_entry(SND_MEM_PROC_FILE, 0644, NULL);
+- if (snd_mem_proc) {
+- snd_mem_proc->read_proc = snd_mem_proc_read;
+-#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
+- snd_mem_proc->write_proc = snd_mem_proc_write;
+- }
++ if (snd_mem_proc)
++ snd_mem_proc->proc_fops = &snd_mem_proc_fops;
+ #endif
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -644,3 +749,5 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(snd_dma_reserve_buf);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(snd_malloc_pages);
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(snd_free_pages);
++#include "memalloc.inc1"
diff --git a/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1 b/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1249e22daedf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/alsa-driver/files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14-r1
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 78232c1c38db6a1f4e1d304e2cc1f660 alsa-driver-1.0.14.tar.bz2 2600096
+RMD160 2d017ed11bd037e450ffa969602f84cc104e5b72 alsa-driver-1.0.14.tar.bz2 2600096
+SHA256 4987c05fd5516f9cb36ff4b73ccb77300124423b2bd6c66260eed73317529eca alsa-driver-1.0.14.tar.bz2 2600096