diff options
authorThomas Beierlein <>2017-06-24 12:58:30 +0200
committerThomas Beierlein <>2017-06-24 12:58:30 +0200
commitc896d4c2e257eaef2695cd89445084fbf5aef70e (patch)
tree207e7fa85cc40be1ca6f7e44b3b03c0e34c30614 /media-radio/unixcw
parentdrop old (diff)
Drop old
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.6, Repoman-2.3.2
Diffstat (limited to 'media-radio/unixcw')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/media-radio/unixcw/Manifest b/media-radio/unixcw/Manifest
index dcc85630ca4e..7fcd0442475b 100644
--- a/media-radio/unixcw/Manifest
+++ b/media-radio/unixcw/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-DIST unixcw-3.4.2.tar.gz 730461 SHA256 ace7d16cfc8f84ffe041de6774baa0727ed0230657cf8a93cb4addf1cb4e8b2a SHA512 118e4f7fcca78713e5be5aa2faccec4e26979e95dcc300bf259534bb417eee7b21591ecb778467591b1a3b61c9ede18f229f88cd1bba2d6bc54f4d410096e0c9 WHIRLPOOL e8959ccb6eca32f4d468dbdb1add61dad6be30b453369385a1c857309ea89d052e4ef5577c4e17f101a79ee762f10ead3ec1fae72a394455ac473c4758fe0e3c
-DIST unixcw-3.5.0.tar.gz 739258 SHA256 82c455b67c6444165ec59f75bc29ad0665b79d70489bd09e3166fd1ccde718e6 SHA512 82128656dce56558f4a41be394afd1579f9de43f170c695e09e25e231b8416993b1cb94215325b39645391b2a43ede8119291efad284fecc35eb8a753669e8ec WHIRLPOOL 3c6dd3bcfa4d43f114938a1048e04f21a63199bb7c291e415e5b035dfe6c59031c60760ad65721cea84ee942ef6263f1938fa9093e6ab6c620875433b415c878
DIST unixcw-3.5.1.tar.gz 740331 SHA256 63b6253e29083e1e27c65150f580792aab912c989ae2d47c6df16e80cc79e07e SHA512 b59499723d810a537a2f5ab2b4b34c83a1c8c815af82a60ba29f4d9cee445525e530136f4e202db6b87305ac7a818fa6e59214a45c6bffce299eb50b58c866e1 WHIRLPOOL d9ff9ea9548852c68f6948e4aa630cb58ae8487161723361644c4f7b93708123ca2e82e6860be33156ae15db482a6fc7eb6ae81792783f6f47c7e2ff08d05be6
diff --git a/media-radio/unixcw/unixcw-3.4.2.ebuild b/media-radio/unixcw/unixcw-3.4.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 05f04ab96464..000000000000
--- a/media-radio/unixcw/unixcw-3.4.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib
-DESCRIPTION="A package of programs that fit together to form a morse code tutor program"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ppc x86"
-IUSE="alsa ncurses pulseaudio suid qt4"
-RDEPEND="ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:* )
- qt4? ( dev-qt/qtgui:4[qt3support] )
- alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )"
- virtual/pkgconfig
- sys-devel/libtool
- !<=app-misc/cw-1.0.16-r1"
-src_prepare() {
- append-cflags -std=gnu99
-src_configure() {
- econf --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- $(use_enable pulseaudio ) \
- $(use_enable alsa ) \
- $(use_enable ncurses cwcp ) \
- $(use_enable qt4 xcwcp )
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- prune_libtool_files
- dodoc ChangeLog NEWS README
- if ! use suid ; then
- fperms 711 /usr/bin/cw
- if use ncurses ; then
- fperms 711 /usr/bin/cwcp
- fi
- if use qt4 ; then
- fperms 711 /usr/bin/xcwcp
- fi
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use suid ; then
- ewarn "You have choosen to install 'cw', 'cwcp' and 'xcwcp' setuid"
- ewarn "by setting USE=suid."
- ewarn "Be aware that this is a security risk and not recommended."
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "These files do only need root access if you want to use the"
- ewarn "PC speaker for morse sidetone output. You can alternativly"
- ewarn "drop USE=suid and use sudo."
- else
- elog "Be aware that 'cw', 'cwcp' and 'xcwcp' needs root access if"
- elog "you want to use the PC speaker for morse sidetone output."
- elog "You can call the programs via sudo for that (see 'man sudo')."
- fi
diff --git a/media-radio/unixcw/unixcw-3.5.0-r1.ebuild b/media-radio/unixcw/unixcw-3.5.0-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ebbca09eaee4..000000000000
--- a/media-radio/unixcw/unixcw-3.5.0-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib
-DESCRIPTION="A package of programs that fit together to form a morse code tutor program"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="alsa ncurses pulseaudio suid qt5"
-RDEPEND="ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:= )
- qt5? ( dev-qt/qtcore:5
- dev-qt/qtgui:5
- dev-qt/qtwidgets:5 )
- alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )"
- virtual/pkgconfig
- sys-devel/libtool
- !<=app-misc/cw-1.0.16-r1"
-src_prepare() {
- append-cflags -std=gnu11
- append-cxxflags -std=gnu++11
-src_configure() {
- econf --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- $(use_enable pulseaudio ) \
- $(use_enable alsa ) \
- $(use_enable ncurses cwcp ) \
- $(use_enable qt5 xcwcp )
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- prune_libtool_files
- dodoc ChangeLog NEWS README
- if ! use suid ; then
- fperms 711 /usr/bin/cw
- if use ncurses ; then
- fperms 711 /usr/bin/cwcp
- fi
- if use qt5 ; then
- fperms 711 /usr/bin/xcwcp
- fi
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use suid ; then
- ewarn "You have choosen to install 'cw', 'cwcp' and 'xcwcp' setuid"
- ewarn "by setting USE=suid."
- ewarn "Be aware that this is a security risk and not recommended."
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "These files do only need root access if you want to use the"
- ewarn "PC speaker for morse sidetone output. You can alternativly"
- ewarn "drop USE=suid and use sudo."
- else
- elog "Be aware that 'cw', 'cwcp' and 'xcwcp' needs root access if"
- elog "you want to use the PC speaker for morse sidetone output."
- elog "You can call the programs via sudo for that (see 'man sudo')."
- fi
diff --git a/media-radio/unixcw/unixcw-3.5.0.ebuild b/media-radio/unixcw/unixcw-3.5.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index befd6c63fbc0..000000000000
--- a/media-radio/unixcw/unixcw-3.5.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib
-DESCRIPTION="A package of programs that fit together to form a morse code tutor program"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ppc x86"
-IUSE="alsa ncurses pulseaudio suid qt5"
-RDEPEND="ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:= )
- qt5? ( dev-qt/qtcore:5
- dev-qt/qtgui:5
- dev-qt/qtwidgets:5 )
- alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )"
- virtual/pkgconfig
- sys-devel/libtool
- !<=app-misc/cw-1.0.16-r1"
-src_prepare() {
- append-cflags -std=gnu99
-src_configure() {
- econf --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
- $(use_enable pulseaudio ) \
- $(use_enable alsa ) \
- $(use_enable ncurses cwcp ) \
- $(use_enable qt5 xcwcp )
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- prune_libtool_files
- dodoc ChangeLog NEWS README
- if ! use suid ; then
- fperms 711 /usr/bin/cw
- if use ncurses ; then
- fperms 711 /usr/bin/cwcp
- fi
- if use qt5 ; then
- fperms 711 /usr/bin/xcwcp
- fi
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use suid ; then
- ewarn "You have choosen to install 'cw', 'cwcp' and 'xcwcp' setuid"
- ewarn "by setting USE=suid."
- ewarn "Be aware that this is a security risk and not recommended."
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "These files do only need root access if you want to use the"
- ewarn "PC speaker for morse sidetone output. You can alternativly"
- ewarn "drop USE=suid and use sudo."
- else
- elog "Be aware that 'cw', 'cwcp' and 'xcwcp' needs root access if"
- elog "you want to use the PC speaker for morse sidetone output."
- elog "You can call the programs via sudo for that (see 'man sudo')."
- fi