diff options
authorHans de Graaff <>2019-03-14 06:55:55 +0100
committerHans de Graaff <>2019-03-14 06:55:55 +0100
commit2632e0268923b8cabbba7856f37e5e6b27069e21 (patch)
treefd63e96d24273b75dee894e180268d6aaec7adee /dev-lang
parentdev-ruby/hoe: add 3.17.2 (diff)
dev-lang/ruby: add 2.5.4, 2.6.2
Signed-off-by: Hans de Graaff <> Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.62, Repoman-2.3.11
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang')
4 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest b/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest
index 1c6d7d24dd76..2588f8680ed7 100644
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
DIST ruby-2.3.8.tar.xz 11465792 BLAKE2B b9c8ef5c943872e3d1426c30cbd720acc66d17cc7bc926f3294e68f17fbc78edef42f6496295800c3d4efd3ae441730723bfcfbc1111e46239359930622697d9 SHA512 06373050e6c1af9cb6a5863aef878b21c8a45fd0e68414e3d546cb73ec3028207d3acc0a9326428f172b9347a30bbe69a16f9dc0bdb739161d677adb2d888095
DIST ruby-2.4.5.tar.xz 10064712 BLAKE2B 0846125e617b43ea302b4c5309b20503577937865d445a6fee766323a188aa552d3a13740c3d38c7be812b19bffb2474021cb7b368cc144d51ea771552f62769 SHA512 658f676c623109f4c7499615e191c98c3dd72cfcaeeaf121337d0b8a33c5243145edd50ec5e2775f988e3cd19788984f105fa165e3049779066566f67172c1b4
DIST ruby-2.5.3.tar.xz 11453336 BLAKE2B 66c59448a23c22796b43f04a1f84359386b7bee7163da4255426ea75b1c7af0a7a7142991b870a75a72ded56ac49f47c51bc162ebf2be2af0d1b1608b60c02df SHA512 6dcae0e8d0bacdb2cbde636e2030596308b5af53f2eb85d3adccb67b02e6f8f9751e8117d12f8484829fdd9d995f6e327f701d9b433bcf94f1f59d13a1fd7518
+DIST ruby-2.5.4.tar.xz 11493016 BLAKE2B 6fa56a32962738a731f5604375d0f2db2e16d71fc568e6c01eb61928ae1dbec6a51455237f51e2be5b2a17a89f4d1ff896afb21f10ba7b8336aa3599756eeeee SHA512 e72294e549d09510f20c808d26a0d21ef0ee2616d8598980a42db260d45340e5c259ac65e5478a8b086042ff6ba7d8447a6c8115454ffe977c4f63175ab89062
DIST ruby-2.6.0.tar.xz 11918536 BLAKE2B f51fe57c1ff83d99c834f29d1bcc8e847f7a4cd3a10e202391327373d9d803fcc356d210cc07b9038915039a7462c0263fa7567b63366d1ab6273b9a82e651d1 SHA512 c56eaf85ef7b79deb34ee4590b143c07f4fc83eb79775290761aee5a7c63374659613538a41f25706ed6e19e49d5c67a1014c24d17f29948294c7abd0b0fcea8
DIST ruby-2.6.1.tar.xz 11872964 BLAKE2B 789d1a174b02538e92a66372814b8be45f30187f99df15922e3dd899222fd5feea196ed0a352a19246d8c822e0eb97e8f4ff8229a6c00ac5c60cb214460b7289 SHA512 fb36289a955f0596c683cdadf1e4a9a9fd35222b1e1c6160c2e7cd82e5befd40a7aa4361e55f7a8f83c06ee899ec493821c7db34a60c4ac3bca0e874d33ef1a9
+DIST ruby-2.6.2.tar.xz 11889840 BLAKE2B 817919c078869c2ad8d5c9d8c8b7ee77e8b0e3339c2ef662a94a666a859f762fa63c6f8534027abd368e91fe4e3e1fe68fa984cbf12f76cff8c0c66f0114914f SHA512 13f7d7b483a037378eac4bf4bebddc21d69f4e19e6bbb397dd53e7518037ae9a3aa5b41fc20bf1fe410803c6efc3a6a65a65af47648d3a93713f75cfe885326a
DIST ruby-patches-2.3.8-r1.tar.bz2 3030 BLAKE2B 7c1e80ff0569a03672f53820c665933056b46bcf791c9132cb9f358f72df693749f02da65ca7469c3dd0f652d7dc7bfaa03dccd4eb900562361876023fb65b42 SHA512 54cc3f2bfd1967b8558736e5a5240b886a56b22defca5813f45b1f4dca9af169b4d59d60b327ec8411e824970ac6da1cec53cfc31833403742e9d6941e5a78f1
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/files/2.5/011-no-gems.patch b/dev-lang/ruby/files/2.5/011-no-gems.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2ebe064c8ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/ruby/files/2.5/011-no-gems.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+--- a/tool/rbinstall.rb.~1~ 2017-10-30 06:45:20.000000000 +0100
++++ b/tool/rbinstall.rb 2017-12-25 11:06:53.340432435 +0100
+@@ -700,10 +700,10 @@
+ # :startdoc:
+ install?(:ext, :comm, :gem, :'default-gems', :'default-gems-comm') do
+- install_default_gem('lib', srcdir)
++ # Gems are unbundled in Gentoo
+ end
+ install?(:ext, :arch, :gem, :'default-gems', :'default-gems-arch') do
+- install_default_gem('ext', srcdir)
++ # Gems are unbundled in Gentoo
+ end
+ def load_gemspec(file)
+@@ -765,68 +755,7 @@
+ end
+ install?(:ext, :comm, :gem, :'bundled-gems') do
+- gem_dir = Gem.default_dir
+- directories = Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories(gem_dir, :mode => $dir_mode)
+- prepare "bundled gems", gem_dir, directories
+- install_dir = with_destdir(gem_dir)
+- installed_gems = {}
+- options = {
+- :install_dir => install_dir,
+- :bin_dir => with_destdir(bindir),
+- :domain => :local,
+- :ignore_dependencies => true,
+- :dir_mode => $dir_mode,
+- :data_mode => $data_mode,
+- :prog_mode => $prog_mode,
+- :wrappers => true,
+- :format_executable => true,
+- }
+- gem_ext_dir = "#$extout/gems/#{CONFIG['arch']}"
+- extensions_dir = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub("", gem_dir, gem_dir).extensions_dir
+- Gem::Specification.each_gemspec([srcdir+'/gems/*']) do |path|
+- spec = load_gemspec(path)
+- next unless spec.platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY
+- next unless spec.full_name == path[srcdir.size..-1][/\A\/gems\/([^\/]+)/, 1]
+- spec.extension_dir = "#{extensions_dir}/#{spec.full_name}"
+- if = "#{gem_ext_dir}/#{spec.full_name}")
+- spec.extensions[0] ||= "-"
+- end
+- ins =, options)
+- puts "#{INDENT}#{} #{spec.version}"
+- ins.install
+- File.chmod($data_mode, File.join(install_dir, "specifications", "#{spec.full_name}.gemspec"))
+- unless spec.extensions.empty?
+- install_recursive(ext, spec.extension_dir)
+- end
+- installed_gems[spec.full_name] = true
+- end
+- installed_gems, gems = Dir.glob(srcdir+'/gems/*.gem').partition {|gem| installed_gems.key?(File.basename(gem, '.gem'))}
+- unless installed_gems.empty?
+- install installed_gems, gem_dir+"/cache"
+- end
+- next if gems.empty?
+- if defined?(Zlib)
+- Gem.instance_variable_set(:@ruby, with_destdir(File.join(bindir, ruby_install_name)))
+- silent =
+- gems.each do |gem|
+- inst =, options)
+- inst.spec.extension_dir = with_destdir(inst.spec.extension_dir)
+- begin
+- Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.use_ui(silent) {inst.install}
+- rescue Gem::InstallError => e
+- next
+- end
+- gemname = File.basename(gem)
+- puts "#{INDENT}#{gemname}"
+- end
+- # fix directory permissions
+- # TODO: Gem.install should accept :dir_mode option or something
+- File.chmod($dir_mode, *Dir.glob(install_dir+"/**/"))
+- # fix .gemspec permissions
+- File.chmod($data_mode, *Dir.glob(install_dir+"/specifications/*.gemspec"))
+- else
+- puts "skip installing bundled gems because of lacking zlib"
+- end
++ # Gems are unbundled in Gentoo
+ end
+ parse_args()
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-2.5.4.ebuild b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-2.5.4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..813475e31ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-2.5.4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit autotools flag-o-matic multilib
+MY_P="${PN}-$(ver_cut 1-3)"
+SLOT=$(ver_cut 1-2)
+MY_SUFFIX=$(ver_rs 1 '' ${SLOT})
+DESCRIPTION="An object-oriented scripting language"
+LICENSE="|| ( Ruby-BSD BSD-2 )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="berkdb debug doc examples gdbm ipv6 jemalloc libressl +rdoc rubytests socks5 +ssl static-libs tk xemacs"
+ berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= )
+ gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:= )
+ jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc )
+ ssl? (
+ !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
+ libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl )
+ )
+ socks5? ( >=net-proxy/dante-1.1.13 )
+ tk? (
+ dev-lang/tcl:0=[threads]
+ dev-lang/tk:0=[threads]
+ )
+ dev-libs/libyaml
+ virtual/libffi:=
+ sys-libs/readline:0=
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ >=app-eselect/eselect-ruby-20171225
+ >=dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.2.0:2.5[ruby_targets_ruby25]
+ >=dev-ruby/minitest-5.10.3[ruby_targets_ruby25]
+ >=dev-ruby/net-telnet-0.1.1[ruby_targets_ruby25]
+ >=dev-ruby/power_assert-1.1.1[ruby_targets_ruby25]
+ >=dev-ruby/rake-12.3.0[ruby_targets_ruby25]
+ >=dev-ruby/test-unit-3.2.7[ruby_targets_ruby25]
+ >=dev-ruby/xmlrpc-0.3.0[ruby_targets_ruby25]
+ virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby25]
+ >=dev-ruby/json-2.0.2[ruby_targets_ruby25]
+ rdoc? ( >=dev-ruby/rdoc-5.1.0[ruby_targets_ruby25] )
+ xemacs? ( app-xemacs/ruby-modes )"
+src_prepare() {
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${SLOT}/{001,005,011}*.patch
+ einfo "Unbundling gems..."
+ cd "$S"
+ # Remove bundled gems that we will install via PDEPEND, bug
+ # 539700. Use explicit version numbers to ensure rm fails when they
+ # change so we can update dependencies accordingly.
+ rm -f gems/{did_you_mean-1.2.0,minitest-5.10.3,net-telnet-0.1.1,power_assert-1.1.1,rake-12.3.0,test-unit-3.2.7,xmlrpc-0.3.0}.gem || die
+ einfo "Removing bundled libraries..."
+ rm -fr ext/fiddle/libffi-3.2.1 || die
+ eapply_user
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local modules= myconf=
+ # -fomit-frame-pointer makes ruby segfault, see bug #150413.
+ filter-flags -fomit-frame-pointer
+ # In many places aliasing rules are broken; play it safe
+ # as it's risky with newer compilers to leave it as it is.
+ append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
+ # SuperH needs this
+ use sh && append-flags -mieee
+ # Socks support via dante
+ if use socks5 ; then
+ # Socks support can't be disabled as long as SOCKS_SERVER is
+ # set and socks library is present, so need to unset
+ # SOCKS_SERVER in that case.
+ fi
+ # Increase GC_MALLOC_LIMIT if set (default is 8000000)
+ if [ -n "${RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT}" ] ; then
+ fi
+ # ipv6 hack, bug 168939. Needs --enable-ipv6.
+ use ipv6 || myconf="${myconf} --with-lookup-order-hack=INET"
+ # Determine which modules *not* to build depending in the USE flags.
+ if ! use berkdb ; then
+ modules="${modules},dbm"
+ fi
+ if ! use gdbm ; then
+ modules="${modules},gdbm"
+ fi
+ if ! use ssl ; then
+ modules="${modules},openssl"
+ fi
+ if ! use tk ; then
+ modules="${modules},tk"
+ fi
+ # Provide an empty LIBPATHENV because we disable rpath but we do not
+ # need LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default since that breaks USE=multitarget
+ # #564272
+ INSTALL="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/install -c" LIBPATHENV="" econf \
+ --program-suffix=${MY_SUFFIX} \
+ --with-soname=ruby${MY_SUFFIX} \
+ --docdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${P} \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --enable-pthread \
+ --disable-rpath \
+ --with-out-ext="${modules}" \
+ $(use_with jemalloc jemalloc) \
+ $(use_enable socks5 socks) \
+ $(use_enable doc install-doc) \
+ --enable-ipv6 \
+ $(use_enable static-libs static) \
+ $(use_enable static-libs install-static-library) \
+ $(use_with static-libs static-linked-ext) \
+ $(use_enable debug) \
+ ${myconf} \
+ --enable-option-checking=no \
+ || die "econf failed"
+src_compile() {
+ emake V=1 EXTLDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" || die "emake failed"
+src_test() {
+ emake -j1 V=1 test || die "make test failed"
+ elog "Ruby's make test has been run. Ruby also ships with a make check"
+ elog "that cannot be run until after ruby has been installed."
+ elog
+ if use rubytests; then
+ elog "You have enabled rubytests, so they will be installed to"
+ elog "/usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/test. To run them you must be a user other"
+ elog "than root, and you must place them into a writeable directory."
+ elog "Then call: "
+ elog
+ elog "ruby${MY_SUFFIX} -C /location/of/tests runner.rb"
+ else
+ elog "Enable the rubytests USE flag to install the make check tests"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ # Remove the remaining bundled gems. We do this late in the process
+ # since they are used during the build to e.g. create the
+ # documentation.
+ rm -rf ext/json || die
+ # Ruby is involved in the install process, we don't want interference here.
+ unset RUBYOPT
+ local MINIRUBY=$(echo -e 'include Makefile\ngetminiruby:\n\t@echo $(MINIRUBY)'|make -f - getminiruby)
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
+ RUBYLIB="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"
+ for d in $(find "${S}/ext" -type d) ; do
+ done
+ emake V=1 DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
+ # Remove installed rubygems and rdoc copy
+ rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}/rubygems" || die "rm rubygems failed"
+ rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"gem"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
+ rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"/rdoc* || die "rm rdoc failed"
+ rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"{ri,rdoc}"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install-doc || die "make install-doc failed"
+ fi
+ if use examples; then
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ doins -r sample
+ fi
+ dodoc ChangeLog NEWS doc/NEWS* README* || die
+ if use rubytests; then
+ pushd test
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/test
+ doins -r .
+ popd
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if [[ ! -n $(readlink "${EROOT}"usr/bin/ruby) ]] ; then
+ eselect ruby set ruby${MY_SUFFIX}
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "To switch between available Ruby profiles, execute as root:"
+ elog "\teselect ruby set ruby(23|24|...)"
+ elog
+pkg_postrm() {
+ eselect ruby cleanup
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-2.6.2.ebuild b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-2.6.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9ab0d7c1a5d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-2.6.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit autotools flag-o-matic multilib
+MY_P="${PN}-$(ver_cut 1-3)"
+SLOT=$(ver_cut 1-2)
+MY_SUFFIX=$(ver_rs 1 '' ${SLOT})
+DESCRIPTION="An object-oriented scripting language"
+LICENSE="|| ( Ruby-BSD BSD-2 )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="berkdb debug doc examples gdbm ipv6 jemalloc jit libressl +rdoc rubytests socks5 +ssl static-libs tk xemacs"
+ berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= )
+ gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:= )
+ jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc )
+ jit? ( || ( sys-devel/gcc:* sys-devel/clang:* ) )
+ ssl? (
+ !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
+ libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl )
+ )
+ socks5? ( >=net-proxy/dante-1.1.13 )
+ tk? (
+ dev-lang/tcl:0=[threads]
+ dev-lang/tk:0=[threads]
+ )
+ dev-libs/libyaml
+ virtual/libffi:=
+ sys-libs/readline:0=
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ >=app-eselect/eselect-ruby-20171225
+ >=dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.2.1[ruby_targets_ruby26]
+ >=dev-ruby/minitest-5.11.3[ruby_targets_ruby26]
+ >=dev-ruby/net-telnet-0.2.0[ruby_targets_ruby26]
+ >=dev-ruby/power_assert-1.1.3[ruby_targets_ruby26]
+ >=dev-ruby/rake-12.3.2[ruby_targets_ruby26]
+ >=dev-ruby/test-unit-3.2.9[ruby_targets_ruby26]
+ >=dev-ruby/xmlrpc-0.3.0[ruby_targets_ruby26]
+ virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby26]
+ >=dev-ruby/bundler-1.17.2[ruby_targets_ruby26]
+ >=dev-ruby/json-2.0.2[ruby_targets_ruby26]
+ rdoc? ( >=dev-ruby/rdoc-5.1.0[ruby_targets_ruby26] )
+ xemacs? ( app-xemacs/ruby-modes )"
+src_prepare() {
+ # 005 does not compile bigdecimal and is questionable because it
+ # compiles ruby in a non-standard way, may be dropped
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}"/2.6/010*.patch
+ einfo "Unbundling gems..."
+ cd "$S"
+ # Remove bundled gems that we will install via PDEPEND, bug
+ # 539700.
+ rm -fr gems/* || die
+ einfo "Removing bundled libraries..."
+ rm -fr ext/fiddle/libffi-3.2.1 || die
+ eapply_user
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ local modules= myconf=
+ # -fomit-frame-pointer makes ruby segfault, see bug #150413.
+ filter-flags -fomit-frame-pointer
+ # In many places aliasing rules are broken; play it safe
+ # as it's risky with newer compilers to leave it as it is.
+ append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
+ # SuperH needs this
+ use sh && append-flags -mieee
+ # Socks support via dante
+ if use socks5 ; then
+ # Socks support can't be disabled as long as SOCKS_SERVER is
+ # set and socks library is present, so need to unset
+ # SOCKS_SERVER in that case.
+ fi
+ # Increase GC_MALLOC_LIMIT if set (default is 8000000)
+ if [ -n "${RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT}" ] ; then
+ fi
+ # ipv6 hack, bug 168939. Needs --enable-ipv6.
+ use ipv6 || myconf="${myconf} --with-lookup-order-hack=INET"
+ # Determine which modules *not* to build depending in the USE flags.
+ if ! use berkdb ; then
+ modules="${modules},dbm"
+ fi
+ if ! use gdbm ; then
+ modules="${modules},gdbm"
+ fi
+ if ! use ssl ; then
+ modules="${modules},openssl"
+ fi
+ if ! use tk ; then
+ modules="${modules},tk"
+ fi
+ # Provide an empty LIBPATHENV because we disable rpath but we do not
+ # need LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default since that breaks USE=multitarget
+ # #564272
+ INSTALL="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/install -c" LIBPATHENV="" econf \
+ --program-suffix=${MY_SUFFIX} \
+ --with-soname=ruby${MY_SUFFIX} \
+ --docdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${P} \
+ --enable-shared \
+ --enable-pthread \
+ --disable-rpath \
+ --with-out-ext="${modules}" \
+ $(use_with jemalloc jemalloc) \
+ $(use_enable jit jit-support ) \
+ $(use_enable socks5 socks) \
+ $(use_enable doc install-doc) \
+ --enable-ipv6 \
+ $(use_enable static-libs static) \
+ $(use_enable static-libs install-static-library) \
+ $(use_with static-libs static-linked-ext) \
+ $(use_enable debug) \
+ ${myconf} \
+ --enable-option-checking=no \
+ || die "econf failed"
+ # Makefile is broken because it lacks -ldl
+ rm -rf ext/-test-/popen_deadlock || die
+src_compile() {
+src_test() {
+ emake -j1 V=1 test || die "make test failed"
+ elog "Ruby's make test has been run. Ruby also ships with a make check"
+ elog "that cannot be run until after ruby has been installed."
+ elog
+ if use rubytests; then
+ elog "You have enabled rubytests, so they will be installed to"
+ elog "/usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/test. To run them you must be a user other"
+ elog "than root, and you must place them into a writeable directory."
+ elog "Then call: "
+ elog
+ elog "ruby${MY_SUFFIX} -C /location/of/tests runner.rb"
+ else
+ elog "Enable the rubytests USE flag to install the make check tests"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ # Remove the remaining bundled gems. We do this late in the process
+ # since they are used during the build to e.g. create the
+ # documentation.
+ rm -rf ext/json || die
+ rm -rf lib/bundler* lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec || die
+ # Ruby is involved in the install process, we don't want interference here.
+ unset RUBYOPT
+ local MINIRUBY=$(echo -e 'include Makefile\ngetminiruby:\n\t@echo $(MINIRUBY)'|make -f - getminiruby)
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
+ RUBYLIB="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"
+ for d in $(find "${S}/ext" -type d) ; do
+ done
+ # Create directory for the default gems
+ local gem_home="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems/${RUBYVERSION}"
+ mkdir -p "${D}/${gem_home}" || die "mkdir gem home failed"
+ emake V=1 DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install || die "make install failed"
+ # Remove installed rubygems and rdoc copy
+ rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}/rubygems" || die "rm rubygems failed"
+ rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"gem"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
+ rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"/rdoc* || die "rm rdoc failed"
+ rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"{bundle,bundler,ri,rdoc}"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install-doc || die "make install-doc failed"
+ fi
+ if use examples; then
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ doins -r sample
+ fi
+ dodoc ChangeLog NEWS doc/NEWS* README* || die
+ if use rubytests; then
+ pushd test
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}-${SLOT}/test
+ doins -r .
+ popd
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if [[ ! -n $(readlink "${EROOT}"usr/bin/ruby) ]] ; then
+ eselect ruby set ruby${MY_SUFFIX}
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "To switch between available Ruby profiles, execute as root:"
+ elog "\teselect ruby set ruby(23|24|...)"
+ elog
+pkg_postrm() {
+ eselect ruby cleanup