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Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/c-analyzer/c_analyzer/variables/find.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/c-analyzer/c_analyzer/variables/find.py b/Tools/c-analyzer/c_analyzer/variables/find.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe7284fc00..00000000000
--- a/Tools/c-analyzer/c_analyzer/variables/find.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-from ..common import files
-from ..common.info import UNKNOWN
-from ..parser import (
- find as p_find,
- )
-from ..symbols import (
- info as s_info,
- find as s_find,
- )
-from .info import Variable
-# XXX need tests:
-# * vars_from_source
-def _remove_cached(cache, var):
- if not cache:
- return
- try:
- cached = cache[var.filename]
- cached.remove(var)
- except (KeyError, IndexError):
- pass
-def vars_from_binary(binfile, *,
- known=None,
- filenames=None,
- handle_id=None,
- check_filename=None,
- handle_var=Variable.from_id,
- _iter_vars=s_find.variables,
- _get_symbol_resolver=s_find.get_resolver,
- ):
- """Yield a Variable for each found Symbol.
- Details are filled in from the given "known" variables and types.
- """
- cache = {}
- resolve = _get_symbol_resolver(filenames, known,
- handle_var=handle_var,
- check_filename=check_filename,
- perfilecache=cache,
- )
- for var, symbol in _iter_vars(binfile,
- resolve=resolve,
- handle_id=handle_id,
- ):
- if var is None:
- var = Variable(symbol.id, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN)
- yield var
- _remove_cached(cache, var)
-def vars_from_source(filenames, *,
- preprocessed=None,
- known=None,
- handle_id=None,
- handle_var=Variable.from_id,
- iter_vars=p_find.variables,
- ):
- """Yield a Variable for each declaration in the raw source code.
- Details are filled in from the given "known" variables and types.
- """
- cache = {}
- for varid, decl in iter_vars(filenames or (),
- perfilecache=cache,
- preprocessed=preprocessed,
- known=known,
- handle_id=handle_id,
- ):
- var = handle_var(varid, decl)
- yield var
- _remove_cached(cache, var)