diff options
authorMichael Stewart <>2006-10-24 04:21:45 +0000
committerMichael Stewart <>2006-10-24 04:21:45 +0000
commitba894a6fa0cbe00775b9574b7bfd8088a3df84de (patch)
tree29288ea3f07169f5c918a2504ef2f8c07a88b11c /net-www/mod_gzip
parentNew revision that uses the eclass to build rather then upstreams broken Makef... (diff)
New revision that uses the eclass to build rather then upstreams broken Makefile. Also added documentation. Removed unused files.
(Portage version: 2.1.2_pre2-r5) (Unsigned Manifest commit)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-www/mod_gzip')
5 files changed, 11 insertions, 818 deletions
diff --git a/net-www/mod_gzip/Manifest b/net-www/mod_gzip/Manifest
index 5b6efc241586..5844cac58506 100644
--- a/net-www/mod_gzip/Manifest
+++ b/net-www/mod_gzip/Manifest
@@ -2,35 +2,23 @@ AUX 10_mod_gzip.conf 15221 RMD160 28b8c7c193deea67f8f94b478c51f88e69704c60 SHA1
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SHA256 1d9707099c8c94e75bfe7c28ef2d061587b774db73dc433b998050e5d4b3d2ea files/10_mod_gzip.conf 15221
-AUX changes.txt 6897 RMD160 69a46f6f40533d01b6c3a7b14fcf38b3925c8760 SHA1 6089a2e74091a3a630b5836c7c1e90e46c0d0e44 SHA256 bc9da451d9c27967919503145d91bc4672cb8c35038190e2f0615df4c4f420a7
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-AUX commands.txt 8231 RMD160 f548c5c87e20826d549a24e04d702e66f3454dca SHA1 b1b9e1745346dbbbfec6724d1e49b66b168678f9 SHA256 4ad06eebe004232520b1d9576c3905464c9dd06ba0af310e89d298957a2715d3
-MD5 67b10b917047747e0f209ae0317e8099 files/commands.txt 8231
-RMD160 f548c5c87e20826d549a24e04d702e66f3454dca files/commands.txt 8231
-SHA256 4ad06eebe004232520b1d9576c3905464c9dd06ba0af310e89d298957a2715d3 files/commands.txt 8231
AUX mod-gzip-debug.patch 1188 RMD160 d917e7da0beee0e73c1ec7fd172f81ef00469b08 SHA1 47890ed15ddd50e98b5610eb373c9a31df1d2311 SHA256 332cb29c21ca3ac4c29e4bf26f9adc69acb6a7185c7d6e2b0c25bc4893612fdf
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RMD160 d917e7da0beee0e73c1ec7fd172f81ef00469b08 files/mod-gzip-debug.patch 1188
SHA256 332cb29c21ca3ac4c29e4bf26f9adc69acb6a7185c7d6e2b0c25bc4893612fdf files/mod-gzip-debug.patch 1188
-AUX mod_gzip.conf 1241 RMD160 daa5e8779553056c2e4094890fcf192f06640595 SHA1 f25b47e556dcc6f727bf2ea4e5144408efe67f11 SHA256 6c0914a5110f8e9103973c4f37ea41e41c3e2816694e45a92eb0579c2390bf66
-MD5 c4d61ea98a91194088f7c3f0d06d4221 files/mod_gzip.conf 1241
-RMD160 daa5e8779553056c2e4094890fcf192f06640595 files/mod_gzip.conf 1241
-SHA256 6c0914a5110f8e9103973c4f37ea41e41c3e2816694e45a92eb0579c2390bf66 files/mod_gzip.conf 1241
-AUX mod_gzip.conf-new 14806 RMD160 e3ad7ce02a9cb3fb318fb1060ae9f34a4f1d7679 SHA1 693668bd798d6e925897c4bf47cc517aa5d27cf4 SHA256 574f32c15b874856d14d26a22571db0159cf224348d87b182fa10200fbca3fdf
-MD5 b9bd0a6347f53825260617a14e3f1935 files/mod_gzip.conf-new 14806
-RMD160 e3ad7ce02a9cb3fb318fb1060ae9f34a4f1d7679 files/mod_gzip.conf-new 14806
-SHA256 574f32c15b874856d14d26a22571db0159cf224348d87b182fa10200fbca3fdf files/mod_gzip.conf-new 14806
DIST mod_gzip- 137394 RMD160 60499f6189c9b4e25657b27c272caf6243b64262 SHA1 b430dca7216ccb85c06bde972e508919d112ab1b SHA256 db9dd1c621f86d19145a2d7e9ad255f54fad067924744926478f9e72e8deaef5
EBUILD mod_gzip- 807 RMD160 e42018d338d3b8fb311f89d9e4217134eb3e11c4 SHA1 a70cc55436015ce8225a12979c0487c8aa082e53 SHA256 e8d3d574a8c431fa2adb6b1e194858269ab9f2099752168a595cbfda48dadfbe
MD5 d4afaf638d8dc953e23a914be34d7b32 mod_gzip- 807
RMD160 e42018d338d3b8fb311f89d9e4217134eb3e11c4 mod_gzip- 807
SHA256 e8d3d574a8c431fa2adb6b1e194858269ab9f2099752168a595cbfda48dadfbe mod_gzip- 807
-MISC ChangeLog 4617 RMD160 599512bd0f838ec6dde3ea6844e3cb5b629cc219 SHA1 0bbae35d02a27e574a7e5ce082245be76578d3f0 SHA256 13bf31a53b564f09807b35f6b7ce511885ccddda8da421dec71b5d57a1330673
-MD5 cf4811b1328f0a46f89c74acbd105f60 ChangeLog 4617
-RMD160 599512bd0f838ec6dde3ea6844e3cb5b629cc219 ChangeLog 4617
-SHA256 13bf31a53b564f09807b35f6b7ce511885ccddda8da421dec71b5d57a1330673 ChangeLog 4617
+EBUILD mod_gzip- 896 RMD160 bd739687594d77a633cec5250e3e7e5cae40e0c4 SHA1 bf586286f99ea582259234d34ace8c04f44b8f93 SHA256 2a16cebf7790a45aee87f6454e6eefc33e1a09d981906cf4923b609090f01e70
+MD5 3ff32fcce0285774bcb12fc7dd2cf46e mod_gzip- 896
+RMD160 bd739687594d77a633cec5250e3e7e5cae40e0c4 mod_gzip- 896
+SHA256 2a16cebf7790a45aee87f6454e6eefc33e1a09d981906cf4923b609090f01e70 mod_gzip- 896
+MISC ChangeLog 4967 RMD160 00bc80996f7567b0a5698066094781868254b8dc SHA1 0ed2d25327720600c2cabba12dd23181b209c3a0 SHA256 f7c2850e90799a3dbbcc1900ac7148110304d4b53f9843fb37642da0ad376ac2
+MD5 7fd6ff875282f083dd8107cf20427416 ChangeLog 4967
+RMD160 00bc80996f7567b0a5698066094781868254b8dc ChangeLog 4967
+SHA256 f7c2850e90799a3dbbcc1900ac7148110304d4b53f9843fb37642da0ad376ac2 ChangeLog 4967
MISC metadata.xml 225 RMD160 bda2a37318fe59c2d423998dd7817253fc493170 SHA1 f081b5931c96fb2c20a3716c3e21fe90271ba659 SHA256 90d3c7bce2e4e46d8829373266e043282f7fd6b8a7c5e4473e479857d41c0f5a
MD5 5378dc04cd9046259e555b9fd9614e39 metadata.xml 225
RMD160 bda2a37318fe59c2d423998dd7817253fc493170 metadata.xml 225
@@ -38,3 +26,6 @@ SHA256 90d3c7bce2e4e46d8829373266e043282f7fd6b8a7c5e4473e479857d41c0f5a metadata
MD5 860c2419e983fb6191fe4a1dff214692 files/digest-mod_gzip- 247
RMD160 ca359eff52e79b8c489f60a14328bcb6c2d238e8 files/digest-mod_gzip- 247
SHA256 fcc4abd25df0588e8e2edd6599bf9b5fcc34124d9d1afc57b170e6925385a1a7 files/digest-mod_gzip- 247
+MD5 860c2419e983fb6191fe4a1dff214692 files/digest-mod_gzip- 247
+RMD160 ca359eff52e79b8c489f60a14328bcb6c2d238e8 files/digest-mod_gzip- 247
+SHA256 fcc4abd25df0588e8e2edd6599bf9b5fcc34124d9d1afc57b170e6925385a1a7 files/digest-mod_gzip- 247
diff --git a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/changes.txt b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/changes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dc4335950d7..000000000000
--- a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/changes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-CHANGES in Version
-* mod_gzip_can_negotiate Yes
-This new httpd.conf directive is probably the most
-important new feature.
-If 'mod_gzip_can_negotiate' command is set to 'Yes'
-then mod_gzip will essentially 'take over' some of
-the duties of mod_negotiate and will automatically
-check for static pre-existing compressed versions
-of requested file(s).
-In other words... if the user requests 'filename.html'
-and there happens to already be a pre-compressed
-version of that page named 'filename.html.gz' then
-mod_gzip will immediately return the pre-compressed
-version rather than perform a dynamic compression
-of the file.
-The delivery of the pre-compressed version of the file
-is still subject to the same 'rules' that govern the
-delivery of compressed data to a user-agent. The user-agent
-must have indicated it is capable of receiving compressed
-content and the file/mime type itself must be one of the
-valid mod_gzip 'inclusion' items specified using the
-normal mod_gzip_item_include/exclude statements.
-The 'mod_negotiate' module for Apache does not currently
-have the 'smarts' that mod_gzip does with regards to
-evaluating user-agents and inbound request headers and while it
-is (sometimes) able to 'negotiate' for static compressed versions
-of files it does not have anything comparable to the safety checks
-or the include/exclude item filtering logic that mod_gzip has.
-It is much 'safer' to set the 'mod_gzip_can_negotiate'
-flag to 'Yes' and let mod_gzip check for ( and deliver )
-static compressed versions of files than it is to let
-mod_negotiate make the same decisions.
-If mod_gzip finds a pre-compressed version of a requested
-file and all the filtering and safety checks allow that
-static compressed version to be delivered back to the
-client then the mod_gzip 'result' string in the access.log
-file will be...
-In this case... 'DECLINED' does not mean that no compressed
-data was returned. It means that mod_gzip has screened the
-request according to its filtering logic and has concluded
-that is is OK for Apache itself to flow the pre-compressed
-version back to the user-agent. 'DECLINED' means it was
-not 'dynamically' compressed and 'STATIC_GZ_FOUND' means
-a pre-compressed version was returned to the user-agent.
-In the cases where a user-agent has specifically requested
-a filename.html.gz file then the result string will be...
-Which means that mod_gzip simply 'passed' on the transaction.
-* 'mod_gzip_command_version' directive has returned.
-The mod_gzip 'command' interface is back but now it
-has a different 'twist'. For security reasons you must
-now specify yourself what the 'command' is for certain
-functions like 'Get version'.
-This way... only you will know what the command is so
-you can test your own site(s). The command(s) can be
-different strings for each Virtual Host, if desired.
-To enable mod_gzip to do the 'version' command just
-add this to your httpd.conf file...
-mod_gzip_command_version mod_gzip_show_version
-The 'mod_gzip_show_version' string can be anything you
-like and this is the 'command' that you can now send
-to your server to have it respond with mod_gzip version
-information as an HTML response page.
-Example: Using the above command definition all you have
-to do to get the Server to provide the mod_gzip version
-information ( and whether or not mod_gzip is enabled
-for that location ) is type this into your browser...
-If you have added the 'mod_gzip_command_version' config
-parameter to 'your_server_name' httpd.conf file then
-you will not get a '404 File not found'... you will get this...
-mod_gzip is available on this Server...
-mod_gzip_version =
-mod_gzip_on = Yes
-If mod_gzip is installed but is not 'on' for whatever
-location is requested ( based on Virtual Server name )
-then this will also be indicated with 'mod_gzip_on = No'
-in the response.
-This is a good way to tell 3 things...
-1. Is mod_gzip installed and functioning correctly.
-2. What version is it?
-3. Is mod_gzip turned 'on' for the requested 'location' (Server)?
-The command interface will check the entire URI for the
-command pickup string so, if you desire, you can do this
-as well...
-The command string does not have to be part of the URI filename
-and can be included as a query parm following any filename.
-You will not receive the file... you will get the mod_gzip
-command result page instead.
-This might work better for some who want to add the 'command'
-link to existing pages since, if mod_gzip is not installed
-on 'your_server_name', Apache will still try to locate and
-return the page called 'dummypage.html' which might be better
-for some scenarios than a '404 Not found' response.
-* New 'uri' include/exclude record type added...
-The existing 'type' names for inclusion/exclusion should
-be adequate for just about anything but one or two
-scenarios involving complicated uses of 'ScriptAlias'
-have surfaced which could probably benefit from doing
-a keyword lookup on the URI itself and not the filename
-or mime type.
-To that end there is now a new 'type' name that can used...
-mod_gzip_item_include uri .*foo.*
-This will cause all requests for URIs with the characters 'foo'
-in it to be 'included'.
-NOTE: You can use either 'uri' or 'url' as the record type name.
-Using the 'file' pickup type is still the best ( and most accurate )
-thing to do so using the new 'uri' pickup is 'swim at your own risk'.
-It should work fine if used properly.
-* In-memory compression option is back on.
-The 'in-memory' compression option which was temporarily
-disabled in the prior version is now back on. The
-'mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size xxxx' config parameter is
-what sets the maximum size of a source object ( in bytes )
-that can/will be compressed completely in memory.
-If the 'mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size' value is either
-ZERO or not specified then the 'in-memory' compression
-option is effectively disabled and will not be used.
-Due to one remaining problem with some OS'es being unable
-to use allocations greater than 64k the maximum value
-is limited to 60,000 bytes ( allowing for some overspill ).
-60,000 bytes is perfectly adequate for most responses.
-Anything larger than that probably SHOULD use a workfile.
-Next version will allow any size to be used but be forewarned
-that testing has already shown that on a busy Server anything
-over 60k should probably not use the 'in-memory' option anyway
-since a busy Server needs all the memory it can get spread across
-hundreds of transactions per second to keep the performance up.
-* mod_gzip_item_include/exclude description updated.
-Used to report...
-Now correctly reports...
diff --git a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/commands.txt b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/commands.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cbb327803857..000000000000
--- a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/commands.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-NOTE: This documentation applies to mod-gzip
-version(s) ( and above ).
-mod_gzip uses the existing Apache 'notes' method to allow you
-to add information to your existing Apache access.log file(s).
-The following special 'LogFormat' will show only the compression
-rate achieved. If a file as not compressed a 'dash' or a ZERO
-will print instead of the number...
-LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b
-mod_gzip: %{mod_gzip_compression_ratio}npct."
-The following special 'LogFormat' will show all the details
-about a compressed file...
-LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b
-mod_gzip: %{mod_gzip_result}n
-In order to actually use any special 'LogFormat' you must specify
-it as a 'CustomLog' entry using the following Apache directive...
-CustomLog logs/access.log common_with_mod_gzip_info2
-Warning: If you have more than one 'CustomLog' entry defined then
-you will get more than 1 log entry for each page requested from
-the Server. Unless you desire multiple log entries for each
-request then make sure there is only one active 'CustomLog' entry
-in your httpd.conf file.
-See the Apache documentation itself for more information about
-how to use the 'LogFormat' and 'CustomLog' directives.
-These are the mod_gzip configuration directives that can be
-added to your existing Apache httpd.conf configuration file...
-mod_gzip_on [Yes/No]
-Yes=mod_gzip will handle requests. No=mod_gzip is disabled.
-mod_gzip_add_header_count [Yes/No]
-Yes=Add header byte counts to Common Log Format output total(s).
-mod_gzip_keep_workfiles [Yes/No]
-Yes=Keep any work files used. No=Automatically delete any work files used.
-Only set this to 'Yes' for debugging purposes.
-mod_gzip_dechunk [Yes/No]
-Yes=Allow removal of 'Transfer-encoding: chunked' when necessary.
-Certain 'Back-end' CGI processors such as PHP4 and ColdFusion are
-always returning responses using 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked'.
-In order for these responses to be compressed you should set this
-directive to 'Yes' which will allow mod_gzip to remove the
-'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' if/when it is necessary to do so.
-mod_gzip_min_http [ 1000 or 1001 or ???? ]
-Minimum HTTP protocol value to support. 1000 = HTTP/1.0 1001 = HTTP/1.1
-If a browser or User-Agent does not report itself as being capable
-of doing the 'minimum' HTTP level then no compression will be sent.
-The directive uses the same 'numeric' protocol numbers used internally
-by Apache itself.
-mod_gzip_minimum_file_size [bytes]
-Minimum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression.
-mod_gzip_maximum_file_size [bytes]
-Maximum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression.
-mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size [bytes]
-Maximum size ( bytes ) to use for in-memory compression.
-mod_gzip_temp_dir [Win32=c:\pathname UNIX=/pathname]
-The directory to use for work files and compression cache.
-The directory must already exist and have the correct
-read/write permissions for the user/group name(s) used by
-the Server while it is running.
-Do not add a slash to the end of the directory pathname.
-If not specifed, the default for Windows is "c:\temp" and the
-default for UNIX is "/tmp".
-mod_gzip_item_include ARG1 ARG2
-ARG2=[Name of item to INCLUDE in list of things that should be compressed]
-mod_gzip_item_exclude ARG1 ARG2
-ARG2=[Name of item to EXCLUDE from list of things that should be compressed]
-mod_gzip_command_version [string]
-User defined pickup string to use for mod_gzip version command.
-mod_gzip_can_negotiate [Yes/No]
-Yes=Negotiate/send static compressed versions of files No=Do not negotiate.
-The following commands are no longer supported...
-You can always simply 'ask' any Apache Web Server to show you all
-the modules installed and print a list of all the directives
-available for each module.
-"mod_info" is the Apache standard module that supplies the information.
-This is a text based reprint of the Apache documentation
-page for mod_info taken from a copy of Apache 1.3.12..
-Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3
-Module mod_info
-This module is contained in the mod_info.c file.
-It provides a comprehensive overview of the server configuration
-including all installed modules and directives in the
-configuration files.
-This module is not compiled into the server by default.
-It is only available in Apache 1.1 and later.
-To enable it, add the following line to the server build
-Configuration file, and rebuild the server:
-AddModule modules/standard/mod_info.o
-To configure it, add the following to your access.conf file.
-<Location /server-info>
-SetHandler server-info
-You may wish to add a <Limit> clause inside the location directive
-to limit access to your server configuration information.
-Once configured, the server information is obtained by accessing
-Note that the configuration files are read by the module at run-time,
-and therefore the display may not reflect the running server's active
-configuration if the files have been changed since the server was last
-reloaded. Also, the configuration files must be readable by the user
-as which the server is running (see the User directive), or else the
-directive settings will not be listed.
-It should also be noted that if mod_info is compiled into the server,
-its handler capability is available in all configuration files,
-including per-directory files (e.g., .htaccess).
-This may have security-related ramifications for your site.
-Syntax: AddModuleInfo module-name string
-Context: server config, virtual host
-Status: base
-Module: mod_browser
-Compatibility: Apache 1.3 and above
-This allows the content of string to be shown as HTML interpreted,
-Additional Information for the module module-name. Example:
-AddModuleInfo mod_auth.c
-'See <A HREF="">
-If both mod_gzip and mod_info are installed and you send the
-following request to the Server...
-...then this is what you should see in the mod_gzip section
-of the report...
-Yes=mod_gzip will handle requests. No=mod_gzip is disabled.
-Yes=Add header byte counts to Common Log Format output total(s).
-Yes=Keep any work files used. No=Automatically delete any work files used.
-Yes=Allow removal of 'Transfer-encoding: chunked' when necessary.
-Minimum HTTP protocol value to support. 1000 = HTTP/1.0 1001 = HTTP/1.1
-Minimum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression.
-Maximum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression.
-Maximum size ( bytes ) to use for in-memory compression.
-The directory to use for work files and compression cache.
-ARG2=[Name of item to INCLUDE in list of things that should be compressed]
-ARG2=[Name of item to EXCLUDE from list of things that should be compressed]
-User defined pickup string to use for mod_gzip version command.
-Yes=Negotiate/send static compressed versions of files No=Do not negotiate.
-Configuration directive no longer supported.
-Configuration directive no longer supported.
-Configuration directive no longer supported.
-Configuration directive no longer supported.
-Configuration directive no longer supported.
-End of document.
diff --git a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/mod_gzip.conf b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/mod_gzip.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 21570135ef20..000000000000
--- a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/mod_gzip.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/mod_gzip/files/mod_gzip.conf,v 1.4 2004/07/18 04:23:53 dragonheart Exp $
-<IfModule mod_gzip.c>
-mod_gzip_on Yes
-mod_gzip_dechunk Yes
-mod_gzip_minimum_file_size 300
-mod_gzip_maximum_file_size 0
-mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 100000
-mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No
-mod_gzip_temp_dir /tmp
-mod_gzip_min_http 1001
-#enable this if you want the informational page function.
-#mod_gzip_command_version mod_gzip_show_version
-mod_gzip_item_include file \.html$
-mod_gzip_item_include file \.htm$
-mod_gzip_item_include file \.jsp$
-mod_gzip_item_include file \.php$
-mod_gzip_item_include file \.pl$
-mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text/.*
-mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application/x-httpd-php
-mod_gzip_item_include mime ^httpd/unix-directory$
-mod_gzip_item_include handler ^perl-script$
-mod_gzip_item_include handler ^server-status$
-mod_gzip_item_include handler ^server-info$
-mod_gzip_item_include handler "jserv-servlet"
-mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.css$
-mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.js$
-mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.wml$
-mod_gzip_item_exclude mime ^image/.*
diff --git a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/mod_gzip.conf-new b/net-www/mod_gzip/files/mod_gzip.conf-new
deleted file mode 100644
index ea930df4c02f..000000000000
--- a/net-www/mod_gzip/files/mod_gzip.conf-new
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-### Apache configuration directives ###
-### for mod_gzip ###
-### loading the module ###
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# load DLL / Win32:
-# LoadModule gzip_module modules/ApacheModuleGzip.dll
-# load DSO / UNIX:
-# LoadModule gzip_module modules/
-# (none of both if module has been compiled in statically;
-# the exact file name may depend upon the exact compilation method used
-# for this module)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-<IfModule mod_gzip.c>
-### responsibilities ###
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# use mod_gzip at all?
- mod_gzip_on Yes
-# (you can especially enable mod_gzip inside the central server
-# configuration but disable it inside some directories ot virtual
-# hosts by using this directive.)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-### statically precompressed files ###
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# let mod_gzip perform 'partial content negotiation'?
- mod_gzip_can_negotiate Yes
-# (if this option is active and a static file is to be served in com-
-# pressed for, then mod_gzip will look for a static precompressed
-# version of this file with a defined additional extension - see next
-# directive - which would be delivered with priority. This would allow
-# for avoiding to repeatedly compress the same static file and thus
-# saving CPU time.
-# No dynamic caching of this file is provided; currently the user
-# himself is responsible for creating and updating the precompressed
-# file's content.
-# From version mod_gzip automatically recognizes whether
-# a statically precompressed file is older than its uncompressed
-# original and in this case will serve the content of the original
-# file in uncompressed form - as to rather serve correct data than
-# outdated ones ...)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# extension (suffix) for statically precompressed files
-mod_gzip_static_suffix .gz
-AddEncoding gzip .gz
-# (effect: see previous directive; this string will be appended to the
-# name of the original file.
-# be sure to configure the encoding 'gzip' for this extension as well,
-# because mod_gzip doesn't serve the content itself but simply generates
-# an Apache internal redirection to this URL. Therefore the remaining
-# Apache configuration is responsible for setting the 'Content-Encoding'
-# header properly ...
-# prior to version this value was not configurable.)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# automatic updates for statically precompressed files
-mod_gzip_update_static No
-# (if set to 'Yes', this directive (being new in version would
-# cause mod_gzip to automatically update an outdated version of any
-# statically precompressed file during the request, i. e. compress the
-# originally requested file and overwrite the precompressed variant
-# file with it!
-# for each automatic update of this type, mod_gzip will write a message
-# of the severity 'notice' into the Apache error_log.
-# while doing so, mod_gzip will directly read the original file's content.
-# therefore this content cannot be interpreted by any other Apache module
-# during the request. this might possibly not be what you want - hopefully
-# it will be what most users want, because it works fast this way.
-# use this configuration with a lot of care, and be sure that you don't
-# inadvertantly cause valuable files within the URL tree to be overwritten.
-# this isn't a feature to be used for mass hosting servers, especially
-# because mod_gzip might experience access control problems there - the
-# userid the Apache processes are running under need to have write access
-# to the precompressed files of all users, which may not automatically be
-# the case.)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-### bureaucracy ###
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# display status for mod_gzip
-mod_gzip_command_version '/mod_gzip_status'
-# (defines an URL to display the status of mod_gzip; can be specified
-# individually for each installation and protected against access via
-# <Location> section for privacy reasons)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The status display will look like this:
-# mod_gzip is available...
-# mod_gzip_version =
-# mod_gzip_on = Yes/No
-# and thus will provide information about
-# - mod_gzip being installed at the server and working correctly,
-# - which version has been installed and
-# - whether mod_gzip has been set 'active' for this Location
-# (-> mod_gzip_on)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-### data management ###
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Working directory for temporary files and the compression cache
-# if not specified, the following default values are used:
-# [Win32=c:\temp], [UNIX=/tmp]
-# mod_gzip_temp_dir /tmp
-# (This directory must already exist and the userid being used for
-# running the Apache server must have read and write access to this
-# directory.
-# Unlike other Apache directives an absolute path name must be specified
-# here; a relative value will not be interpreted relatively to ServerRoot.
-# This pastname must NOT be terminated with '/'.
-# For maximum performance this directory should be located on a RAM disk,
-# if the file system isn't already being cached efficiently
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Save temporary work files [Yes, No]
-mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No
-# (one file per HTTP request - set to 'yes' for debugging purpose only!)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-### file sizes ###
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# minimum size (in bytes) for files to be compressed
-mod_gzip_minimum_file_size 500
-# (for very small files compression will produce only small absolute gains
-# [you will still save about 50% of the content, but some additional
-# 500 bytes of HTTP and TCP headers will always remain uncompressed],
-# but still produce CPU load for both client and server)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# maximum size (in bytes) for files to be compressed
-mod_gzip_maximum_file_size 500000
-# (for very large files compression may eventually take rather long and
-# thus delay the start of the transmission.
-# Furthermode a limitation at this point prevents the server from
-# producing output of unlimited size in case of some endless loop
-# inside a CGI script - or even trying to compress streaming data -
-# which might otherwise cause the creation of a temporary file of
-# any size and even fill up the whole hard disk.
-# On the other hand, compression will have a much more perceivable
-# subjective effect for large files ... so be sure to fine-tune this
-# according to your requirements.)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# maximum size (in bytes) for files to be compressed in memory
-mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 60000
-# (larger files will be compressed into the temp file directory; adapt
-# this value to your server's available main memory.
-# In mod_gzip 1.3.19.x larger values will automatically be limited to
-# 60000 because some operating systems are said to have problems
-# allocating more than 64 kb of memory at a time.
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-### requirements ###
-# (see chapter about caching for problems when using these directives.)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Required HTTP version of the client
-# Possible values: 1000 = HTTP/1.0, 1001 = HTTP/1.1, ...
-# This directive uses the same numeric protocol values as Apache does
-# internally
-mod_gzip_min_http 1000
-# (By using this directive you may exclude old browsers, search engines
-# etc. from the compression procedure: if the user agent doesn't
-# declare itself capable of understanding at least the HTTP level
-# specified here, only uncompressed data will be delivered - no matter
-# what else it claims to be able to. The value of '1001' will especially
-# exclude Netscape 4.x. and a lot of proxy servers.)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# HTTP methods to be handled
-# Possible values: 'GET', 'POST' or a list of both values.
-mod_gzip_handle_methods GET POST
-# (By using this directive you may particularly exclude POST requests
-# from the compression procedure. There are known cases where the
-# handling of these requests by previous mod_gzip versions could cause
-# problems.
-# Before version this value was not configurable.)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-### filters ###
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# which files are to be compressed?
-# The order of processing during each of both phases is not important,
-# but to trigger the compression of a request's content this request
-# a) must match at least one include rule in each of both phases and
-# b) must not match an exclude rule in any of both phases.
-# These rules are not minimal, they are meant to serve as example only.
-# phase 1: (reqheader, uri, file, handler)
-# ========================================
-# (see chapter about caching for problems when using 'reqheader' type
-# filter rules.)
-# NO: special broken browsers which request for gzipped content
-# but then aren't able to handle it correctly
-mod_gzip_item_exclude reqheader "User-agent: Mozilla/4.0[678]"
-# JA: HTML-Dokumente
-mod_gzip_item_include file \.html$
-# NO: include files / JavaScript & CSS (due to Netscape4 bugs)
-mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.js$
-mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.css$
-# NO: already compressed files
-mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.bz2$
-mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.tbz2$
-mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.gz$
-# YES: CGI scripts
-mod_gzip_item_include file \.pl$
-mod_gzip_item_include handler ^cgi-script$
-# phase 2: (mime, rspheader)
-# ===========================
-# YES: normal HTML files, normal text files, Apache directory listings
-mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text/html$
-mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text/plain$
-mod_gzip_item_include mime ^httpd/unix-directory$
-# NO: images (GIF etc., will rarely ever save anything)
-mod_gzip_item_exclude mime ^image/
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# In fact mod_gzip is checking only the first 4 characters of the 1st
-# operand (in case of uri even the first 2 characters only, as to
-# allow for values like url).
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The table for mod_gzip_item rules (include and exclude) cannot contain
-# more than 256 entries; when this number is exceeded mod_gzip will
-# output the message "mod_gzip: ERROR: Item index is full"
-# and report a configuration error to the Apache server.
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# The directive values described here are meant to describe the requests
-# elected for compression most exactly.
-# Especially for the mime rules it has to be made clear that the HTTP
-# header 'Content-Type' (that will be checked by mod_gzip for this rule)
-# in some cases may contain not only a MIME type but additionally a
-# character set description (charset) as well.
-# If this is the case for the requests to be handled then you need to
-# remove the '$' char at the end of the corresponding value so that now
-# only the prefix of this value will be tested for matching.
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-### transfer encodings ###
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Allow mod_gzip to eliminate the HTTP header
-# 'Transfer-encoding: chunked'
-# and join the chunks to one (compressable) packet
-mod_gzip_dechunk Yes
-# (this is required for handling several types of dynamically generated
-# contents, especially for CGI and SSI pages, but also for pages produced
-# by some Java Servlet interpreters.
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-### logging ###
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Extended log format (for testing the compression effect)
-LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%V %r\" %<s %b mod_gzip: %{mod_gzip_result}n In:%{mod_gzip_input_size}n -< Out:%{mod_gzip_output_size}n = %{mod_gzip_compression_ratio}n pct." common_with_mod_gzip_info2
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Create additional log file
-CustomLog logs/mod_gzip.log common_with_mod_gzip_info2
-# (surely you can redefine your normal log file format, but you mal well
-# keep its format standard compatible for evaluation by standard web
-# analysis tools. So we just create another log file.)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Volume computation of the delivered files inside the Apache access_log:
-# count HTTP header size (in bytes) as part of total output size
-mod_gzip_add_header_count Yes
-# (This will be more than the pure document content, but it will more
-# realistically describe the total output traffic of the HTTP request)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-### proxies ###
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# sending a 'Vary' HTTP header
-mod_gzip_send_vary Yes
-# (see chapter about caching for this directive.)
-# don't change this unless you absolutely know what you are doing!
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------