diff options
authorAlin Năstac <>2007-08-31 08:44:55 +0000
committerAlin Năstac <>2007-08-31 08:44:55 +0000
commit48f6c60fd0f356e3cdd27ad0cb84d9a20a804e51 (patch)
treeaed7ef123573eb4546e75a4fb658833df83b5ec6 /net-dialup/ppp/ppp-2.4.4-r4.ebuild
parentMask ppp-2.4.4-r12 (diff)
Use gtk+-2 library (#189350). Add support for /etc/ppp/ip-{up,down}.d directories (#190143).
(Portage version:
Diffstat (limited to 'net-dialup/ppp/ppp-2.4.4-r4.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/net-dialup/ppp/ppp-2.4.4-r4.ebuild b/net-dialup/ppp/ppp-2.4.4-r4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e729a3c10f8..000000000000
--- a/net-dialup/ppp/ppp-2.4.4-r4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dialup/ppp/ppp-2.4.4-r4.ebuild,v 1.17 2007/08/25 14:31:37 vapier Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs linux-info
-DESCRIPTION="Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)"
- mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-20061124.tar.gz
- dhcp? ( )"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86"
-IUSE="activefilter atm dhcp eap-tls gtk ipv6 mppe-mppc pam radius"
-DEPEND="activefilter? ( >=virtual/libpcap-0.9.4 )
- atm? ( net-dialup/linux-atm )
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- gtk? ( =x11-libs/gtk+-1* )
- eap-tls? ( net-misc/curl >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7 )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use mppe-mppc; then
- echo
- ewarn "The mppe-mppc flag overwrites the pppd native MPPE support with MPPE-MPPC"
- ewarn "patch developed by Jan Dubiec."
- ewarn "The resulted pppd will work only with patched kernels with version <= 2.6.14."
- ewarn "You could obtain the kernel patch from MPPE-MPPC homepage:"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "CAUTION: MPPC is a U.S. patented algorithm!"
- ewarn "Ask yourself if you really need it and, if you do, consult your lawyer first."
- ebeep
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/make-vars.patch"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/mpls.patch"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/killaddr-smarter.patch"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/wait-children.patch"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/maxoctets-2Glimit.patch"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/defaultgateway.patch"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/mschapv2-initialize-response.patch"
- use eap-tls && {
- # see for more info
- einfo "Enabling EAP-TLS support"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/eaptls-0.7-gentoo.patch"
- use mppe-mppc || epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/eaptls-mppe-0.7.patch"
- }
- use mppe-mppc && {
- einfo "Enabling MPPE-MPPC support"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/mppe-mppc-1.1.patch"
- use eap-tls && epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/eaptls-mppe-0.7-with-mppc.patch"
- }
- use atm && {
- einfo "Enabling PPPoATM support"
- sed -i "s/^#HAVE_LIBATM=yes/HAVE_LIBATM=yes/" pppd/plugins/pppoatm/Makefile.linux
- }
- use activefilter || {
- einfo "Disabling active filter"
- sed -i "s/^FILTER=y/#FILTER=y/" pppd/Makefile.linux
- }
- use pam && {
- einfo "Enabling PAM"
- sed -i "s/^#USE_PAM=y/USE_PAM=y/" pppd/Makefile.linux
- }
- use ipv6 && {
- einfo "Enabling IPv6"
- sed -i "s/#HAVE_INET6/HAVE_INET6/" pppd/Makefile.linux
- }
- einfo "Enabling CBCP"
- sed -i "s/^#CBCP=y/CBCP=y/" pppd/Makefile.linux
- use dhcp && {
- # copy the ppp-dhcp plugin files
- einfo "Copying ppp-dhcp plugin files..."
- tar -xzf "${DISTDIR}/ppp-dhcpc.tgz" -C pppd/plugins/ \
- && sed -i -e 's/SUBDIRS := rp-pppoe/SUBDIRS := rp-pppoe dhcp/' pppd/plugins/Makefile.linux \
- || die "ppp-dhcp plugin addition failed"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/dhcp-make-vars.patch"
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patch/dhcp-sys_error_to_strerror.patch"
- }
- # Set correct libdir
- sed -i -e "s:/lib/pppd:/$(get_libdir)/pppd:" \
- pppd/{pathnames.h,pppd.8}
- use radius && {
- #set the right paths in radiusclient.conf
- sed -i -e "s:/usr/local/etc:/etc:" \
- -e "s:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:" pppd/plugins/radius/etc/radiusclient.conf
- #set config dir to /etc/ppp/radius
- sed -i -e "s:/etc/radiusclient:/etc/ppp/radius:g" \
- pppd/plugins/radius/{*.8,*.c,*.h} \
- pppd/plugins/radius/etc/*
- }
-src_compile() {
- export CC="$(tc-getCC)"
- export AR="$(tc-getAR)"
- append-ldflags $(bindnow-flags)
- econf || die "configuration failed"
- emake COPTS="${CFLAGS} -D_GNU_SOURCE" || die "compile failed"
- #build pppgetpass
- cd contrib/pppgetpass
- if use gtk; then
- emake -f Makefile.linux || die "failed to build pppgetpass"
- else
- emake pppgetpass.vt || die "failed to build pppgetpass"
- fi
-pkg_preinst() {
- if use radius && [ -d "${ROOT}/etc/radiusclient" ] && has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.4.3-r5"; then
- ebegin "Copy /etc/radiusclient to /etc/ppp/radius"
- cp -pPR "${ROOT}/etc/radiusclient" "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/radius"
- eend $?
- fi
-src_install() {
- local y
- for y in chat pppd pppdump pppstats
- do
- doman ${y}/${y}.8
- dosbin ${y}/${y}
- done
- chmod u+s-w "${D}/usr/sbin/pppd"
- dosbin pppd/plugins/rp-pppoe/pppoe-discovery
- dodir /etc/ppp/peers
- insinto /etc/ppp
- insopts -m0600
- newins etc.ppp/pap-secrets pap-secrets.example
- newins etc.ppp/chap-secrets chap-secrets.example
- insopts -m0644
- doins etc.ppp/options
- insopts -m0755
- doins "${FILESDIR}/ip-up"
- doins "${FILESDIR}/ip-down"
- if use pam; then
- insinto /etc/pam.d
- insopts -m0644
- newins pppd/ppp.pam ppp || die "not found ppp.pam"
- fi
- local PLUGINS_DIR=/usr/$(get_libdir)/pppd/$(awk -F '"' '/VERSION/ {print $2}' pppd/patchlevel.h)
- #closing " for syntax coloring
- insinto "${PLUGINS_DIR}"
- insopts -m0755
- doins pppd/plugins/ || die " not build"
- doins pppd/plugins/ || die " not build"
- doins pppd/plugins/ || die " not build"
- doins pppd/plugins/ || die " not build"
- doins pppd/plugins/rp-pppoe/ || die " not build"
- if use atm; then
- doins pppd/plugins/pppoatm/ || die " not build"
- fi
- if use dhcp; then
- doins pppd/plugins/dhcp/ || die " not build"
- fi
- if use radius; then
- doins pppd/plugins/radius/ || die " not build"
- doins pppd/plugins/radius/ || die " not build"
- doins pppd/plugins/radius/ || die " not build"
- #Copy radiusclient configuration files (#92878)
- insinto /etc/ppp/radius
- insopts -m0644
- doins pppd/plugins/radius/etc/{dictionary*,issue,port-id-map,radiusclient.conf,realms,servers}
- doman pppd/plugins/radius/pppd-radius.8
- doman pppd/plugins/radius/pppd-radattr.8
- fi
- insinto /etc/modules.d
- insopts -m0644
- newins "${FILESDIR}/modules.ppp" ppp
- if use mppe-mppc; then
- sed -i -e 's/ppp_mppe/ppp_mppe_mppc/' "${D}/etc/modules.d/ppp"
- fi
- dodoc PLUGINS README* SETUP Changes-2.3 FAQ
- dodoc "${FILESDIR}/README.mpls"
- dosbin scripts/pon
- dosbin scripts/poff
- dosbin scripts/plog
- doman scripts/pon.1
- # Adding misc. specialized scripts to doc dir
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/scripts/chatchat
- doins scripts/chatchat/*
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/scripts
- doins scripts/*
- if use gtk; then
- dosbin contrib/pppgetpass/{pppgetpass.vt,pppgetpass.gtk}
- newsbin contrib/pppgetpass/ pppgetpass
- else
- newsbin contrib/pppgetpass/pppgetpass.vt pppgetpass
- fi
- doman contrib/pppgetpass/pppgetpass.8
-pkg_postinst() {
- if get_version ; then
- echo
- ewarn "If the following test report contains a missing kernel configuration option that you need,"
- ewarn "you should reconfigure and rebuild your kernel before running pppd."
- local ERROR_PPP="CONFIG_PPP:\t missing PPP support (REQUIRED)"
- local ERROR_PPP_ASYNC="CONFIG_PPP_ASYNC:\t missing asynchronous serial line discipline (optional, but highly recommended)"
- local WARNING_PPP_SYNC_TTY="CONFIG_PPP_SYNC_TTY:\t missing synchronous serial line discipline (optional; used by 'sync' pppd option)"
- if use activefilter ; then
- local ERROR_PPP_FILTER="CONFIG_PPP_FILTER:\t missing PPP filtering support (REQUIRED)"
- fi
- local ERROR_PPP_DEFLATE="CONFIG_PPP_DEFLATE:\t missing Deflate compression (optional, but highly recommended)"
- local ERROR_PPP_BSDCOMP="CONFIG_PPP_BSDCOMP:\t missing BSD-Compress compression (optional, but highly recommended)"
- if use mppe-mppc ; then
- local WARNING_PPP_MPPE_MPPC="CONFIG_PPP_MPPE_MPPC:\t missing MPPE/MPPC encryption/compression (optional, mostly used by PPTP links)"
- else
- local WARNING_PPP_MPPE="CONFIG_PPP_MPPE:\t missing MPPE encryption (optional, mostly used by PPTP links)"
- fi
- local WARNING_PPPOE="CONFIG_PPPOE:\t missing PPPoE support (optional needed by rp-pppoe plugin)"
- if use atm ; then
- local WARNING_PPPOATM="CONFIG_PPPOATM:\t missing PPPoA support (optional, needed by pppoatm plugin)"
- fi
- check_extra_config
- fi
- if [ ! -e "${ROOT}/dev/.devfsd" ] && [ ! -e "${ROOT}/dev/.udev" ] && [ ! -e "${ROOT}/dev/ppp" ]; then
- mknod "${ROOT}/dev/ppp" c 108 0
- fi
- if [ "$ROOT" = "/" ]; then
- [ -x /sbin/update-modules ] && /sbin/update-modules || /sbin/modules-update
- fi
- #create *-secrets files if not exists
- [ -f "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/pap-secrets" ] || \
- cp -pP "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/pap-secrets.example" "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/pap-secrets"
- [ -f "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/chap-secrets" ] || \
- cp -pP "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/chap-secrets.example" "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/chap-secrets"
- # lib name has changed
- sed -i -e "s:^" "${ROOT}/etc/ppp/options"
- if use radius && has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.4.3-r5"; then
- echo
- ewarn "As of ${PN}-2.4.3-r5, the RADIUS configuration files have moved from"
- ewarn " /etc/radiusclient to /etc/ppp/radius."
- einfo "For your convenience, radiusclient directory was copied to the new location."
- fi
- echo
- elog "Pon, poff and plog scripts have been supplied for experienced users."
- elog "Users needing particular scripts (ssh,rsh,etc.) should check out the"
- elog "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/scripts directory."