diff options
authorJörg Bornkessel <>2013-03-31 10:31:41 +0000
committerJörg Bornkessel <>2013-03-31 10:31:41 +0000
commitc3b3b64e30b6a15e8e45ad70728f9b844d23173a (patch)
tree7d66bc52d19932426ef6c6a974b626242b7a3582 /media-video
parentStable for sparc, wrt bug #457358 (diff)
bump, major release
(Portage version: i686, unsigned Manifest commit)
Diffstat (limited to 'media-video')
5 files changed, 467 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/media-video/vdr/ChangeLog b/media-video/vdr/ChangeLog
index 9bcaea15523d..68ce2a6d7940 100644
--- a/media-video/vdr/ChangeLog
+++ b/media-video/vdr/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for media-video/vdr
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/vdr/ChangeLog,v 1.168 2013/03/17 16:05:16 hwoarang Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/vdr/ChangeLog,v 1.169 2013/03/31 10:31:40 hd_brummy Exp $
+*vdr-2.0.0 (31 Mar 2013)
+ 31 Mar 2013; Joerg Bornkessel <> +vdr-2.0.0.ebuild,
+ +files/vdr-2.0.0_gentoo.patch, +files/channel_alternative.conf, metadata.xml:
+ bump, major release
17 Mar 2013; Markos Chandras <> metadata.xml:
Add proxy-maintainers to metadata.xml
diff --git a/media-video/vdr/files/channel_alternative.conf b/media-video/vdr/files/channel_alternative.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fb9088f0c439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/vdr/files/channel_alternative.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Alternative channel configuration file
+# Syntax: original channel id;alternative channel id
+# Example: C-62499-10007-12003;C-0-196-14
+# this means, if channel C-62499-10007-12003 is
+# not available for a recording, vdr will try to
+# use channel C-0-196-14
+# lines beginning with '#' are ignored
diff --git a/media-video/vdr/files/vdr-2.0.0_gentoo.patch b/media-video/vdr/files/vdr-2.0.0_gentoo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f263c8a4c311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/vdr/files/vdr-2.0.0_gentoo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+disabled compile from included plugins, we dont support this way on gentoo
+support for linguas handling
+fixed install an multicore cpu
+changed path to install header files in own dir vdr, libsi
+Signed-of-by: Joerg Bornkessel <> (2013/03/30)
+diff -Naur vdr-1.7.42.orig/Makefile vdr-1.7.42/Makefile
+--- vdr-1.7.42.orig/Makefile 2013-03-30 21:19:19.000000000 +0100
++++ vdr-1.7.42/Makefile 2013-03-30 21:24:47.000000000 +0100
+@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
+ VDRVERSION = $(shell sed -ne '/define VDRVERSION/s/^.*"\(.*\)".*$$/\1/p' config.h)
+ APIVERSION = $(shell sed -ne '/define APIVERSION/s/^.*"\(.*\)".*$$/\1/p' config.h)
+-all: vdr i18n plugins
++all: vdr i18n
+ # Implicit rules:
+@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
+ PODIR = po
+ LOCALEDIR = locale
+-I18Npo = $(wildcard $(PODIR)/*.po)
++I18Npo = $(foreach dir,$(LINGUAS),$(wildcard $(PODIR)/$(dir)*.po))
+ I18Nmo = $(addsuffix .mo, $(foreach file, $(I18Npo), $(basename $(file))))
+ I18Nmsgs = $(addprefix $(LOCALEDIR)/, $(addsuffix /LC_MESSAGES/, $(notdir $(foreach file, $(I18Npo), $(basename $(file))))))
+ I18Npot = $(PODIR)/vdr.pot
+@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
+ install-i18n: i18n
+ @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LOCDIR)
++ @(cd $(LOCALEDIR); for linguas in $(LINGUAS); do [ "$$linguas" = "en" ] && continue; cp -r --parents $$linguas* $(DESTDIR)$(LOCDIR); done)
+ # The 'include' directory (for plugins):
+@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
+ # Install the files (note that 'install-pc' must be first!):
+-install: install-pc install-bin install-dirs install-conf install-doc install-plugins install-i18n install-includes
++install: install-pc install-bin install-dirs install-conf install-doc install-i18n install-includes
+ # VDR binary:
+@@ -259,11 +259,12 @@
+ install-dirs:
+ @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(VIDEODIR)
+- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)
++# @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)
+ @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CACHEDIR)
+ @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(RESDIR)
+ install-conf:
++ @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)
+ @cp -pn *.conf $(DESTDIR)$(CONFDIR)
+ # Documentation:
+@@ -290,8 +291,11 @@
+ # Includes:
+ install-includes: include-dir
+- @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)
+- @cp -pLR include/vdr include/libsi $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)
++# @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)
++# @cp -pLR include/vdr include/libsi $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)
++ @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)/vdr $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)/vdr/libsi
++ @cp -pLR include/vdr $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)
++ @cp -pLR include/libsi Make.config $(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR)/vdr
+ # pkg-config file:
diff --git a/media-video/vdr/metadata.xml b/media-video/vdr/metadata.xml
index ddc851137e43..b79c201f8707 100644
--- a/media-video/vdr/metadata.xml
+++ b/media-video/vdr/metadata.xml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
<flag name="analogtv">Add support for the analogtv plugin</flag>
+ <flag name="alternatechannel">Use alternate channel on record</flag>
<flag name="atsc">Support for NorthAmerican Broadcast ( rudimentary )</flag>
<flag name="cmdreccmdi18n">loads translated commands and reccommands files if existing</flag>
<flag name="cmdsubmenu">Allows the creation of submenus in the commands menu</flag>
@@ -29,17 +30,21 @@
<flag name="em84xx">Add support for em84xx plugin</flag>
<flag name="graphtft">support for grapftft plugin up from vdr-graphtft-0.1.7</flag>
<flag name="hardlinkcutter">Speed up cutting by hardlinking unchanged files</flag>
+ <flag name="html">Install HTML documentation</flag>
<flag name="iptv">Enables channel parameters for vdr-iptv and other input plugins</flag>
<flag name="jumpplay">Enables automatic jumping over cut marks while watching a recording</flag>
+ <flag name="jumpingseconds">skip seconds in played records</flag>
<flag name="liemikuutio">Formerly known as AIO (all-in-one) patch, adds some nice must haves, plus changes from extensions patch</flag>
<flag name="lircsettings">Allows to change lirc settings delay, freq and timeout values in OSD</flag>
<flag name="livebuffer">does timeshifting/background recording all the time, allows to rewind live TV</flag>
<flag name="lnbshare">Enables support for two or more dvb cards sharing the same cable to the lnb</flag>
<flag name="mainmenuhooks">Allows to replace main menu entries by some special plugins (like epgsearch, extrecmenu, ...)</flag>
<flag name="menuorg">Enables support for the menuorg-plugin</flag>
+ <flag name="naludump">Removes NALU fill data from h.264-Streams of TS files</flag>
<flag name="noepg">Adds code to selectively disable epg-reception for specific channels</flag>
<flag name="osdmaxitems">Support for text2skin</flag>
<flag name="parentalrating">Support Parental Rating</flag>
+ <flag name="permashift">permanent timeshift by recording live TV on hard disk, need plugin vdr-permashift</flag>
<flag name="pinplugin">Support for pin plugin</flag>
<flag name="rotor">Enable support for plugin vdr-rotor for dish-positioner.</flag>
<flag name="settime">set system time per script instead of via syscal</flag>
@@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
<flag name="timerinfo">Show with chars +/- if space on HD will suffice for a timer</flag>
<flag name="ttxtsubs">support for ttxtsubs plugin</flag>
<flag name="validinput">Signal if it is possible to go left/right in lists with chars &lt; &gt;</flag>
+ <flag name="vasarajanauloja">replacement for the liemikuutio patch, adds some nice must haves features</flag>
<flag name="volctrl">allows volume control using left/right keys</flag>
<flag name="wareagleicon">Replace original icon set in menu</flag>
<flag name="yaepg">Enables support for the plugin vdr-yaepg</flag>
diff --git a/media-video/vdr/vdr-2.0.0.ebuild b/media-video/vdr/vdr-2.0.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fe192104acdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-video/vdr/vdr-2.0.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/vdr/vdr-2.0.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/03/31 10:31:41 hd_brummy Exp $
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs
+# Switches supported by extensions-patch
+EXT_PATCH_FLAGS="alternatechannel ddepgentry dvlvidprefer graphtft
+ jumpplay jumpingseconds mainmenuhooks menuorg naludump permashift
+ pinplugin rotor setup ttxtsubs vasarajanauloja wareagleicon yaepg"
+# names of the use-flags
+# names ext-patch uses internally, here only used for maintainer checks
+IUSE="debug html vanilla dxr3 ${EXT_PATCH_FLAGS} ${EXT_PATCH_FLAGS_RENAMED}"
+DESCRIPTION="Video Disk Recorder - turns a pc into a powerful set top box for DVB"
+KEYWORDS="~arm ~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+REQUIRED_USE="setup? ( !menuorg )
+ menuorg? ( !setup )"
+ sys-libs/libcap
+ >=media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2
+ >=media-libs/freetype-2
+ setup? ( >=dev-libs/tinyxml-2.6.1[stl] )"
+ >=virtual/linuxtv-dvb-headers-5.3
+ sys-devel/gettext"
+ dev-lang/perl
+ >=media-tv/gentoo-vdr-scripts-0.2.0
+ media-fonts/corefonts"
+# pull in vdr-setup to get the xml files, else menu will not work
+PDEPEND="setup? ( >=media-plugins/vdr-setup-0.3.1-r3 )"
+CAPS="# Capabilities of the vdr-executable for use by startscript etc."
+pkg_setup() {
+ if [ -n "${VDR_LOCAL_PATCHES_DIR}" ]; then
+ eerror "Using VDR_LOCAL_PATCHES_DIR is obsolete!"
+ eerror "Please move all your patches into"
+ eerror "${EROOT}/etc/portage/patches/${CATEGORY}/${P}"
+ eerror "and remove or unset the VDR_LOCAL_PATCHES_DIR variable."
+ die
+ fi
+ use debug && append-flags -g
+ PLUGIN_LIBDIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/vdr/plugins"
+ tc-export CC CXX
+add_cap() {
+ local arg
+ for arg; do
+ CAPS="${CAPS}\n${arg}=1"
+ done
+enable_patch() {
+ local arg ARG_UPPER
+ for arg; do
+ ARG_UPPER=$(echo $arg|tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
+ echo "${ARG_UPPER} = 1" >> Make.config
+ # codesnippet to bring the extpng defines into the vdr.pc CXXFLAGS CFLAGS
+ echo "-DUSE_${ARG_UPPER}" >> "${T}"/defines.tmp
+ cat "${T}"/defines.tmp | tr \\\012 ' ' > "${T}"/defines.IUSE
+ export DEFINES_IUSE=$( cat ${T}/defines.IUSE )
+ done
+ # copy all ifdef for extensions-patch to Make.config
+ sed -e '1,/need to touch the following:/d' \
+ -e '/need to touch the following/,/^$/d' \
+ Make.config.template >> Make.config
+extensions_all_defines() {
+ # extract all possible settings for extensions-patch
+ sed -e '/^#\?[A-Z].*= 1/!d' -e 's/^#\?//' -e 's/ .*//' \
+ Make.config.template \
+ | sort \
+ | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
+lang_po() {
+ LING_PO=$( ls ${S}/po | sed -e "s:.po::g" | cut -d_ -f1 | tr \\\012 ' ' )
+src_prepare() {
+ # apply maintainace-patches
+ ebegin "Changing paths for gentoo"
+ local DVBDIR=/usr/include
+ local i
+ for i in ${DVB_HEADER_PATH} /usr/include/v4l-dvb-hg /usr/include; do
+ [[ -d ${i} ]] || continue
+ if [[ -f ${i}/linux/dvb/dmx.h ]]; then
+ einfo "Found DVB header files in ${i}"
+ DVBDIR=${i}
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # checking for s2api headers
+ local api_version
+ api_version=$(awk -F' ' '/define DVB_API_VERSION / {print $3}' "${DVBDIR}"/linux/dvb/version.h)
+ api_version=${api_version}*$(awk -F' ' '/define DVB_API_VERSION_MINOR / {print $3}' "${DVBDIR}"/linux/dvb/version.h)
+ if [[ ${api_version:-0} -lt 5*3 ]]; then
+ eerror "DVB header files do not contain s2api support or too old for ${P}"
+ eerror "You cannot compile VDR against old dvb-header"
+ die "DVB headers too old"
+ fi
+ cat > Make.config <<-EOT
+ #
+ # Generated by ebuild ${PF}
+ #
+ PREFIX = /usr
+ VIDEODIR = /var/vdr/video
+ LOCDIR = \$(PREFIX)/share/locale
+ INCDIR = \$(PREFIX)/include
+ # >=vdr-1.7.36-r1; parameter only used for compiletime on vdr
+ # PLUGINLIBDIR (plugin Makefile old) = LIBDIR (plugin Makefile new)
+ PCDIR = /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
+ eend 0
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}_gentoo.patch"
+ if ! use vanilla; then
+ # Now apply extensions patch
+ epatch "${WORKDIR}/${EXT_P}.patch"
+ # This allows us to start even if some plugin does not exist
+ # or is not loadable.
+ enable_patch PLUGINMISSING
+ enable_patch CHANNELBIND
+ if [[ -n ${VDR_MAINTAINER_MODE} ]]; then
+ einfo "Doing maintainer checks:"
+ # we do not support these patches
+ # (or have them already hard enabled)
+ local IGNORE_PATCHES="pluginmissing channelbind"
+ extensions_all_defines > "${T}"/new.IUSE
+ tr ' ' '\n' |sort > "${T}"/old.IUSE
+ local DIFFS=$(diff -u "${T}"/old.IUSE "${T}"/new.IUSE|grep '^[+-][^+-]')
+ if [[ -z ${DIFFS} ]]; then
+ einfo "EXT_PATCH_FLAGS is up to date."
+ else
+ ewarn "IUSE differences!"
+ local diff
+ for diff in $DIFFS; do
+ ewarn "$diff"
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+ ebegin "Enabling selected patches"
+ local flag
+ for flag in $EXT_PATCH_FLAGS; do
+ use $flag && enable_patch ${flag}
+ done
+ eend 0
+ extensions_add_make_conf
+ # add defined use-flags compile options to vdr.pc
+ -i Makefile
+ ebegin "Make depend"
+ emake .dependencies >/dev/null
+ eend $? "make depend failed"
+ fi
+ epatch_user
+ add_cap CAP_UTF8
+ echo -e ${CAPS} > "${CAP_FILE}"
+ # LINGUAS support
+ einfo "\n \t VDR supports the LINGUAS values"
+ lang_po
+ einfo "\t Please set one of this values in your sytem make.conf"
+ einfo "\t LINGUAS=\"${LING_PO}\"\n"
+ if [[ -z ${LINGUAS} ]]; then
+ einfo "\n \t No values in LINGUAS="
+ einfo "\t You will get only english text on OSD \n"
+ fi
+ strip-linguas ${LING_PO} en
+src_install() {
+ # trick makefile not to create a videodir by supplying it with an existing
+ # directory
+ einstall \
+ VIDEODIR="/" \
+ DESTDIR="${D}" \
+ || die "einstall failed"
+ keepdir "${PLUGIN_LIBDIR}"
+ keepdir "${CONF_DIR}"/plugins
+ keepdir "${CONF_DIR}"/themes
+ diropts -m0755 -ovdr -gvdr
+ keepdir /var/cache/vdr
+ if use html; then
+ dohtml *.html
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/share/vdr
+ doins "${CAP_FILE}"
+ if use alternatechannel; then
+ insinto /etc/vdr
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/channel_alternative.conf
+ fi
+ if use setup; then
+ insinto /usr/share/vdr/setup
+ doins "${S}"/menu.c
+ fi
+ chown -R vdr:vdr "${D}/${CONF_DIR}"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-1.6.0_p2-r8"
+ previous_less_than_1_6_0_p2_r8=$?
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-1.7.27"
+ previous_less_than_1_7_27=$?
+ has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-1.7.36"
+ previous_less_than_1_7_36=$?
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # correct wrong permission from earlier install
+ CACHEOWNER="$(stat -c %U /var/cache/vdr)"
+ if [ ! ${CACHEOWNER} == vdr ]; then
+ chown -R vdr:vdr "${ROOT}/var/cache/vdr"
+ fi
+ if [[ previous_less_than_1_6_0_p2_r8=$? = 0 ]] ; then
+ elog " Upgrade Info:"
+ elog " The recording format is now Transport Stream. Existing recordings in PES format"
+ elog " can still be replayed and edited, but new recordings are done in TS."
+ elog " The support for full featured DVB cards of the TT/FuSi design has been moved"
+ elog " into the new plugins 'dvbsddevice' 'dvbhddevice'. On systems that use such a card as their"
+ elog " primary device, one of this plugin now needs to be loaded when running VDR in order"
+ elog " to view live or recorded video. If the plugin is not loaded, the card will"
+ elog " be treated like a budget DVB card, and there will be no OSD or viewing"
+ elog " capability."
+ elog " The index file for TS recordings is now regenerated on-the-fly if a"
+ elog " recording is replayed that has no index. This can also be used to"
+ elog " re-create a broken index file by manually deleting the index file and then"
+ elog " replaying the recording."
+ elog " The files \"commands.conf\" and \"reccmd.conf\" can now contain nested lists of"
+ elog " commands. See man vdr.5 for information about the new file format."
+ elog " The option \"Setup/DVB/Use Dolby Digital\" now only controls whether Dolby Digital"
+ elog " tracks appear in the 'Audio' menu. Dolby Digital is always recorded"
+ elog " The default SVDRP port is now 6419"
+ fi
+ if [[ previous_less_than_1_7_27=$? = 0 ]] ; then
+ elog " In vdr releases >=vdr-1.7.27 the depricated i18n handling is removed."
+ elog " This results now in a lot of plugins which do on compile any more."
+ elog " Please visit for more infos:"
+ elog ""
+ elog " and depended bugs"
+ fi
+ if [[ previous_less_than_1_7_36=$? = 0 ]] ; then
+ elog " By default VDR is now build according to the FHS."
+ elog " Gentoo VDR still uses the standard from"
+ elog " Filesystem Hierarchy Standard"
+ elog " It is supported since beginning of VDR support"
+ elog " on Gentoo"
+ elog " Finally, there are minimal changes for the user."
+ fi
+ elog "It is a good idea to run vdrplugin-rebuild now."
+ if use setup; then
+ if ! has_version media-plugins/vdr-setup || \
+ ! egrep -q '^setup$' "${ROOT}/etc/conf.d/vdr.plugins"; then
+ echo
+ ewarn "You have compiled media-video/vdr with USE=\"setup\""
+ ewarn "It is very important to emerge media-plugins/vdr-setup now!"
+ ewarn "and you have to loaded it in /etc/conf.d/vdr.plugins"
+ fi
+ fi
+ elog "To get nice symbols in OSD we recommend to install"
+ elog "\t1. emerge media-fonts/vdrsymbols-ttf"
+ elog "\t2. select font VDRSymbolsSans in Setup"
+ elog ""
+ elog "To get an idea how to proceed now, have a look at our vdr-guide:"
+ elog "\t"