diff options
authorJoe Peterson <>2009-06-23 17:37:10 +0000
committerJoe Peterson <>2009-06-23 17:37:10 +0000
commit002cecf13e8c1fe87fbee5910d5ff35bd4d63a86 (patch)
tree56f4ce207754ffe886e09d08f2916618f6125a10 /media-sound
parentEAPI=2 (diff)
Add new version 7.3.3
(Portage version: x86_64)
Diffstat (limited to 'media-sound')
9 files changed, 1211 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/media-sound/squeezecenter/ChangeLog b/media-sound/squeezecenter/ChangeLog
index 20239532d923..eea8c1cbf11e 100644
--- a/media-sound/squeezecenter/ChangeLog
+++ b/media-sound/squeezecenter/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
# ChangeLog for media-sound/squeezecenter
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/squeezecenter/ChangeLog,v 1.40 2009/04/10 05:41:46 lavajoe Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/squeezecenter/ChangeLog,v 1.41 2009/06/23 17:37:10 lavajoe Exp $
+*squeezecenter-7.3.3 (23 Jun 2009)
+ 23 Jun 2009; Joe Peterson <>
+ +squeezecenter-7.3.3.ebuild,
+ +files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-aac-transcode-gentoo.patch,
+ +files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-build-perl-modules-gentoo.patch,
+ +files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-json-xs-gentoo.patch,
+ +files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-mDNSResponder-gentoo.patch,
+ +files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave.patch,
+ +files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave-2.patch,
+ +files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave-3.patch:
+ Add new version 7.3.3
10 Apr 2009; Joe Peterson <>
diff --git a/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-aac-transcode-gentoo.patch b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-aac-transcode-gentoo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..de0f6bd2e1e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-aac-transcode-gentoo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+--- convert.conf.old 2009-06-17 10:48:13.000000000 +0100
++++ convert.conf 2009-06-17 10:48:13.000000000 +0100
+@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
+ [faad] -q -w -f 1 $FILE$ | [lame] --silent -q $QUALITY$ $BITRATE - -
+ mov mp3 * *
+- # FRB:{BITRATE=-B %B}D:{RESAMPLE=--resample %D}
+- [mov123] $FILE$ | [lame] -s 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ $RESAMPLE$ -v $BITRATE$ -r --big-endian - -
++ # FB:{BITRATE=-B %B}D:{RESAMPLE=--resample %D}
++ [faad] -q -w -f 2 $FILE$ | [lame] -s 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ $RESAMPLE$ -v $BITRATE$ -r --big-endian - -
+ alc mp3 * *
+ # FB:{BITRATE=-B %B}D:{RESAMPLE=--resample %D}
+@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@
+ # IF
+ [faad] -q -w -f 2 -b 1 -s 44100 $FILE$
+-mov aif * *
+- # FR
+- [mov123] $FILE$
++mov wav * *
++ # F
++ [faad] -q -w -f 2 $FILE$
+ wma wma * *
+ -
+@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@
+ [faad] -q -w -f 1 $FILE$ | [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --ignore-chunk-sizes -
+ mov flc * *
+- # FR
+- [mov123] $FILE$ | [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --endian big --sign signed --channels 2 --bps 16 --sample-rate 44100 -
++ # F
++ [faad] -q -w -f 2 $FILE$ | [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0 --endian little --sign signed --channels 2 --bps 16 --sample-rate 44100 -
+ alc flc * *
+ # F
diff --git a/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-build-perl-modules-gentoo.patch b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-build-perl-modules-gentoo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b40f1fcb6e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-build-perl-modules-gentoo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+--- Bin/ 2009-06-17 10:48:13.513324795 +0100
++++ Bin/ 2009-05-26 12:37:27.147159782 +0100
+@@ -21,25 +21,12 @@
+ # NOTE: If you change this in a future version of SC, create a new
+ # versioned directory under vendor/src for all files for that version
+-my $SOURCE = '';
+ my $dlext = $Config{'dlext'};
+ # The list of all the packages needed.
+ my %packages = (
+ 'Class::XSAccessor::Array' => 'Class-XSAccessor-Array-0.05.tar.gz',
+- 'Compress::Zlib' => 'Compress-Zlib-1.41.tar.gz',
+- 'DBI' => 'DBI-1.604.tar.gz',
+- 'DBD::mysql' => 'DBD-mysql-3.0002.tar.gz',
+- 'Digest::SHA1' => 'Digest-SHA1-2.11.tar.gz',
+- 'Encode::Detect' => 'Encode-Detect-1.00.tar.gz',
+- 'JSON::XS' => 'JSON-XS-1.5.tar.gz',
+- 'HTML::Parser' => 'HTML-Parser-3.48.tar.gz',
+ 'POE::XS::Queue::Array' => 'POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.002.tar.gz',
+- 'Template' => 'Template-Toolkit-2.15.tar.gz',
+- 'Time::HiRes' => 'Time-HiRes-1.86.tar.gz',
+- 'XML::Parser::Expat' => 'XML-Parser-2.34.tar.gz',
+- 'YAML::Syck' => 'YAML-Syck-0.64.tar.gz',
+- 'GD' => 'GD-2.35.tar.gz',
+ );
+ # Don't need Class::C3::XS if you're running 5.10
+@@ -197,36 +184,16 @@
+ }
+ }
++ # Utilise AutoXS::Header as we need that to support the following builds.
++ chdir($pwd) or die "Couldn't change to $pwd : $!";
++ # Include this when performing the following builds.
++ $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} = cwd() . "/AutoXS-Header-0.03/lib";
+ for my $package (@packages) {
+ chdir($pwd) or die "Couldn't change to $pwd : $!";
+- print "\nDownloading $package to: $pwd\n";
+- # Remove any previous version.
+- unlink $package;
+- if ($downloadUsing eq 'lwp') {
+- LWP::Simple::getstore("$SOURCE/$package?view=auto", $package);
+- } elsif ($downloadUsing =~ /curl$/) {
+- `$downloadUsing --silent -o $package $SOURCE/$package?view=auto`;
+- } else {
+- `$downloadUsing -q -O $package $SOURCE/$package?view=auto`;
+- }
+- unless (-r $package) {
+- print "Something looks wrong - I couldn't read $pwd/$package, which I just downloaded.\n";
+- }
+- print "Uncompressing..\n";
+- `gzip -d < $package | tar xvf -`;
+- unlink $package;
++ print "\nBuilding $package\n";
+ # Just the directory name.
+ my ($packageDir) = ($package =~ /(\S+?)\.tar\.gz/);
+--- Slim/ 2009-06-17 10:48:13.000000000 +0100
++++ Slim/ 2009-06-17 10:48:13.581149121 +0100
+@@ -176,7 +176,6 @@
+ print "The following modules failed to load: $failed\n\n";
+- print "To download and compile them, please run: $libPath/Bin/ $failed\n\n";
+ print "Exiting..\n";
+ exit;
diff --git a/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-json-xs-gentoo.patch b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-json-xs-gentoo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..507f1580e421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-json-xs-gentoo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+--- Slim/Formats/ 2009-03-23 20:59:53.000000000 +0000
++++ Slim/Formats/ 2009-06-17 10:48:13.000000000 +0100
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
+ use strict;
+ use File::Slurp;
+ use HTML::Entities;
+-use JSON::XS qw(from_json);
++use JSON::XS::VersionOneAndTwo;
+ use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
+ use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape);
+ use XML::Simple;
+--- Slim/Plugin/LastFM/ 2009-03-23 21:44:12.045581972 +0000
++++ Slim/Plugin/LastFM/ 2009-06-17 10:48:13.000000000 +0100
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ use strict;
+ use base qw(Slim::Player::Protocols::HTTP);
+-use JSON::XS qw(from_json);
++use JSON::XS::VersionOneAndTwo;
+ use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape_utf8);
+ use Slim::Player::Playlist;
+--- Slim/Plugin/Sirius/ 2009-03-23 21:44:12.000000000 +0000
++++ Slim/Plugin/Sirius/ 2009-06-17 10:48:13.547934811 +0100
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+ use Slim::Utils::Timers;
+ use HTTP::Request;
+-use JSON::XS qw(from_json);
++use JSON::XS::VersionOneAndTwo;
+ use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape);
+ my $log = Slim::Utils::Log->addLogCategory( {
diff --git a/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-mDNSResponder-gentoo.patch b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-mDNSResponder-gentoo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6cb5739c37f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-mDNSResponder-gentoo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- Slim/Networking/ 2009-03-10 21:09:33.000000000 +0000
++++ Slim/Networking/ 2009-03-10 21:09:33.000000000 +0000
+@@ -131,11 +131,10 @@
+ my ($name, $port) = @$data;
++ print CONF "\n";
+ print CONF "$name\n";
+ print CONF "$service\n";
+- print CONF "TXT\n";
+ print CONF "$port\n";
+- print CONF "\n";
+ }
+ close(CONF);
diff --git a/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave-2.patch b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave-2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..934aa5c836bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave-2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Index: Slim/Player/
+--- Slim/Player/ (revision 26719)
++++ Slim/Player/ (revision 26720)
+@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
+ );
+ sub dBToFixed {
++ my $client = shift;
+ my $db = shift;
+ # Map a floating point dB value to a 16.16 fixed point value to
+@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@
+ # With new style volume, let's try -49.5dB as the lowest
+ # value.
+ my $db = ($volume - 100)/2;
+- $newGain = dBToFixed($db);
++ $newGain = $client->dBToFixed($db);
+ }
+ my $data = pack('NNCCNN', $oldGain, $oldGain, $prefs->client($client)->get('digitalVolumeControl'), $preamp, $newGain, $newGain);
+@@ -203,6 +204,9 @@
+ sub hasDigitalOut {
+ return 0;
+ }
++sub hasPowerControl {
++ return 0;
+ sub pcm_sample_rates {
+ my $client = shift;
diff --git a/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave-3.patch b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave-3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3634fd3a3079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave-3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: Slim/Player/
+--- Slim/Player/ (revision 25815)
++++ Slim/Player/ (revision 25816)
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
+ my $newvolume = shift;
+ my $volume = $client->Slim::Player::Client::volume($newvolume, @_);
+- my $preamp = 255 - int(2 * $prefs->client($client)->get('preampVolumeControl'));
++ my $preamp = 255 - int(2 * ($prefs->client($client)->get('preampVolumeControl') || 0));
+ if (defined($newvolume)) {
+ # Old style volume:
diff --git a/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave.patch b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3ade990a358e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/squeezecenter/files/squeezecenter-7.3.3-squeezeslave.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+Index: Slim/Networking/
+--- Slim/Networking/ (revision 25808)
++++ Slim/Networking/ (revision 25809)
+@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@
+ } elsif ($deviceids[$deviceid] eq 'squeezeslave') {
+ $client_class = 'Slim::Player::SqueezeSlave';
+- $display_class = 'Slim::Display::NoDisplay';
++ $display_class = 'Slim::Display::Text';
+ } elsif ($deviceids[$deviceid] eq 'squeezeplay' || $deviceids[$deviceid] eq 'controller') {
+Index: Slim/Player/
+--- Slim/Player/ (revision 25808)
++++ Slim/Player/ (revision 25809)
+@@ -36,22 +36,9 @@
+ our $defaultPrefs = {
+ 'replayGainMode' => 0,
+ 'minSyncAdjust' => 30, # ms
++ 'maxBitrate' => 0, # no bitrate limiting
+ };
+-# Keep track of direct stream redirects
+-our $redirects = {};
+-sub new {
+- my $class = shift;
+- my $client = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+- bless $client, $class;
+- return $client;
+ sub initPrefs {
+ my $client = shift;
+@@ -74,7 +61,7 @@
+ sub modelName { 'Squeezeslave' }
+-sub hasIR { return 0; }
++sub hasIR { 1 }
+ # in order of preference based on whether we're connected via wired or wireless...
+ sub formats {
+@@ -130,6 +117,17 @@
+ }
+ }
++sub canDoReplayGain {
++ my $client = shift;
++ my $replay_gain = shift;
++ if (defined($replay_gain)) {
++ return $client->dBToFixed($replay_gain);
++ }
++ return 0;
+ sub volume {
+ my $client = shift;
+ my $newvolume = shift;
+@@ -304,4 +302,28 @@
+ }
++# We need to implement this to allow us to receive SETD commands
++# and we need SETD to support custom display widths
++sub directBodyFrame {
++ return 1;
++# Allow the player to define it's display width
++sub playerSettingsFrame {
++ my $client = shift;
++ my $data_ref = shift;
++ my $value;
++ my $id = unpack('C', $$data_ref);
++ # New SETD command 0xfe for display width
++ if ($id == 0xfe) {
++ $value = (unpack('CC', $$data_ref))[1];
++ if ($value > 10 && $value < 200) {
++ $client->display->widthOverride(1, $value);
++ $client->update;
++ }
++ }
+ 1;
+Index: Slim/Display/
+--- Slim/Display/ (revision 25808)
++++ Slim/Display/ (revision 25809)
+@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
+ L<Slim::Display::Text>
+- Display code for text (character) based displays: Slimp3, SB1
+- - 40 character x 2 lines
++ Display code for text (character) based displays: Slimp3, SB1, squeezeslave
++ - 40 (or client controlled) character x 2 lines
+ - server side animation
+ =cut
+@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
+ my $scroll_pad_scroll = 6; # chars of padding between scrolling text
+ my $scroll_pad_ticker = 8; # chars of padding in ticker mode
++my $defaultWidth = 40; # default character width of display (unless client tells us otherwise)
+ our $defaultPrefs = {
+ 'doublesize' => 0,
+ 'offDisplaySize' => 0,
+@@ -44,34 +46,7 @@
+ 'playingDisplayModes' => [0..5]
+ };
+-# Display Modes
+-my @modes = (
+- # mode 0
+- { desc => ['BLANK'],
+- bar => 0, secs => 0, width => 40, },
+- # mode 1
+- { desc => ['ELAPSED'],
+- bar => 0, secs => 1, width => 40, },
+- # mode 2
+- { desc => ['REMAINING'],
+- bar => 0, secs => -1, width => 40, },
+- # mode 3
+- { desc => ['PROGRESS_BAR'],
+- bar => 1, secs => 0, width => 40, },
+- # mode 4
+- { desc => ['ELAPSED', 'AND', 'PROGRESS_BAR'],
+- bar => 1, secs => 1, width => 40, },
+- # mode 5
+- { desc => ['REMAINING', 'AND', 'PROGRESS_BAR'],
+- bar => 1, secs => -1, width => 40, },
+- # mode 6
+- bar => 1, secs => 0, width => 40, fullness => 1, },
+-my $nmodes = $#modes;
+ sub initPrefs {
+ my $display = shift;
+@@ -101,7 +76,8 @@
+ }
+ sub displayWidth {
+- return 40;
++ my $display = shift;
++ return $display->widthOverride || $defaultWidth;
+ }
+ sub vfdmodel {
+@@ -109,7 +85,6 @@
+ my $client = $display->client;
+ if ($client->isa('Slim::Player::SLIMP3')) {
+ if ($client->revision >= 2.2) {
+ my $mac = $client->macaddress();
+ if ($mac eq '00:04:20:03:04:e0') {
+@@ -124,7 +99,8 @@
+ } else {
+ return 'noritake-katakana';
+ }
++ } elsif ($client->isa('Slim::Player::SqueezeSlave')) {
++ return 'squeezeslave';
+ } else {
+ # Squeezebox 1
+ return 'noritake-european';
+@@ -198,11 +174,11 @@
+ $sc->{newscroll} = 0;
+ $sc->{present} = 1;
+- # force initialisation of cache if size = 0 (used to init cache)
+- if ($sc->{ssize} != 40) {
+- $sc->{ssize} = 40;
++ # force (re)initialisation of cache if size changed
++ if ($sc->{ssize} != $display->displayWidth) {
+ $sc->{double} = 0;
+ $sc->{changed} = 1;
++ $sc->{ssize} = $display->displayWidth;
+ }
+ # check display hash for text size definitions
+@@ -232,12 +208,13 @@
+ if ($sc->{changed}) {
+ foreach my $l (0..1) {
+ $sc->{line}[$l] = undef; $sc->{linetext}[$l] = ''; $sc->{linefinish}[$l] = 0;
+- $sc->{overlay}[$l] = undef; $sc->{overlaytext}[$l] = ''; $sc->{overlaystart}[$l] = 40;
++ $sc->{overlay}[$l] = undef; $sc->{overlaytext}[$l] = ''; $sc->{overlaystart}[$l] = $display->displayWidth;
+ $sc->{center}[$l] = undef; $sc->{centertext}[$l] = '';
+ }
+ $sc->{scroll} = 0;
+ $sc->{scrollline} = undef;
+ }
+ if (!$scroll) {
+ $sc->{scroll} = 0;
+ $sc->{scrollline} = undef;
+@@ -298,17 +275,17 @@
+ } else {
+ $sc->{overlaytext}[$l] = '';
+ }
+- if (lineLength($sc->{overlaytext}[$l]) > 40 ) {
+- $sc->{overlaytext}[$l] = subString($sc->{overlaytext}[$l], 0, 40);
+- $sc->{overlaystart}[$l] = 40;
++ if (lineLength($sc->{overlaytext}[$l]) > $display->displayWidth ) {
++ $sc->{overlaytext}[$l] = subString($sc->{overlaytext}[$l], 0, $display->displayWidth);
++ $sc->{overlaystart}[$l] = $display->displayWidth;
+ } else {
+- $sc->{overlaystart}[$l] = 40 - lineLength($sc->{overlaytext}[$l]);
++ $sc->{overlaystart}[$l] = $display->displayWidth - lineLength($sc->{overlaytext}[$l]);
+ }
+ $sc->{changed} = 1;
+ } elsif (!defined($screen->{overlay}[$l]) && defined($sc->{overlay}[$l])) {
+ $sc->{overlay}[$l] = undef;
+ $sc->{overlaytext}[$l] = '';
+- $sc->{overlaystart}[$l] = 40;
++ $sc->{overlaystart}[$l] = $display->displayWidth;
+ $sc->{changed} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -320,22 +297,22 @@
+ $sc->{center}[$l] = $screen->{center}[$l];
+ next if ($double && $l == 0);
+ if (!$double) {
+- my $len = lineLength($sc->{center}[$l]);
+- if ($len < 39) {
+- $sc->{centertext}[$l] = ' ' x ((40 - $len)/2) . $screen->{center}[$l] .
+- ' ' x (40 - $len - int((40 - $len)/2));
++ my $len = lineLength($screen->{center}[$l]);
++ if ($len < $display->displayWidth - 1) {
++ $sc->{centertext}[$l] = ' ' x (($display->displayWidth - $len)/2) . $screen->{center}[$l] .
++ ' ' x ($display->displayWidth - $len - int(($display->displayWidth - $len)/2));
+ } else {
+- $sc->{centertext}[$l] = subString($sc->{center}[$l] . ' ', 0 ,40);
++ $sc->{centertext}[$l] = subString($screen->{center}[$l] . ' ', 0, $display->displayWidth);
+ }
+ } else {
+ my ($center1, $center2) = Slim::Display::Lib::TextVFD::doubleSize($client,$screen->{center}[1]);
+ my $len = lineLength($center1);
+- if ($len < 39) {
+- $sc->{centertext}[0] = ' ' x ((40 - $len)/2) . $center1 . ' ' x (40 - $len - int((40 - $len)/2));
+- $sc->{centertext}[1] = ' ' x ((40 - $len)/2) . $center2 . ' ' x (40 - $len - int((40 - $len)/2));
++ if ($len < $display->displayWidth - 1) {
++ $sc->{centertext}[0] = ' ' x (($display->displayWidth - $len)/2) . $center1 . ' ' x ($display->displayWidth - $len - int(($display->displayWidth - $len)/2));
++ $sc->{centertext}[1] = ' ' x (($display->displayWidth - $len)/2) . $center2 . ' ' x ($display->displayWidth - $len - int(($display->displayWidth - $len)/2));
+ } else {
+- $sc->{centertext}[0] = subString($center1 . ' ', 0 ,40);
+- $sc->{centertext}[1] = subString($center2 . ' ', 0 ,40);
++ $sc->{centertext}[0] = subString($center1 . ' ', 0 ,$display->displayWidth);
++ $sc->{centertext}[1] = subString($center2 . ' ', 0 ,$display->displayWidth);
+ }
+ }
+ $sc->{changed} = 1;
+@@ -426,11 +403,11 @@
+ $sc->{scrollstart} = 0;
+ if ($scroll == 1) {
+ # normal wrapped text scrolling
+- $scrolltext .= ' ' x $scroll_pad_scroll . subString($scrolltext, 0, 40);
++ $scrolltext .= ' ' x $scroll_pad_scroll . subString($scrolltext, 0, $display->displayWidth);
+ $sc->{scrollend} = $sc->{linefinish}[$l] + $scroll_pad_scroll;
+ } else {
+ # don't wrap text - scroll to end only
+- $sc->{scrollend} = $sc->{linefinish}[$l] - 40;
++ $sc->{scrollend} = $sc->{linefinish}[$l] - $display->displayWidth;
+ }
+ if (!$double || $l == 0) {
+@@ -472,7 +449,7 @@
+ my $line2 = $$line2start . $$line2end;
+ $display->killAnimation();
+- $display->pushUpdate([\$line1, \$line2, 0, 5, 40, 0.02]);
++ $display->pushUpdate([\$line1, \$line2, 0, 4, $display->displayWidth, 0.02]);
+ }
+ sub pushRight {
+@@ -489,7 +466,7 @@
+ my $line2 = $$line2end . $$line2start;
+ $display->killAnimation();
+- $display->pushUpdate([\$line1, \$line2, 40, -5, 0, 0.02]);
++ $display->pushUpdate([\$line1, \$line2, $display->displayWidth, -4, 0, 0.02]);
+ }
+ sub pushUp {
+@@ -536,9 +513,12 @@
+ my ($line1, $line2, $offset, $delta, $end, $deltatime) = @$params;
+ $offset += $delta;
++ # With custom widths, offset may not be a factor of the width, so fix up to avoid problems!
++ $offset=$end if ($delta > 0 && $offset > $end);
++ $offset=$end if ($delta < 0 && $offset < $end);
+- my $screenline1 = subString($$line1, $offset, 40);
+- my $screenline2 = subString($$line2, $offset, 40);
++ my $screenline1 = subString($$line1, $offset, $display->displayWidth);
++ my $screenline2 = subString($$line2, $offset, $display->displayWidth);
+ Slim::Display::Lib::TextVFD::vfdUpdate($display->client, $screenline1, $screenline2);
+@@ -556,7 +536,7 @@
+ my $render = $display->render($display->renderCache());
+ my $line1 = ${$render->{screen1}->{lineref}[1]};
+- my $line2 = ' ' x 40;
++ my $line2 = ' ' x $display->displayWidth;
+ Slim::Display::Lib::TextVFD::vfdUpdate($display->client, $line1, $line2);
+@@ -569,7 +549,7 @@
+ my $display = shift;
+ my $render = $display->render($display->renderCache());
+- my $line1 = ' ' x 40;
++ my $line1 = ' ' x $display->displayWidth;
+ my $line2 = ${$render->{screen1}->{lineref}[0]};
+ Slim::Display::Lib::TextVFD::vfdUpdate($display->client, $line1, $line2);
+@@ -598,12 +578,37 @@
+ }
+ sub modes {
++ my $display = shift;
++ # Display Modes
++ my @modes = (
++ # mode 0
++ { desc => ['BLANK'],
++ bar => 0, secs => 0, width => $display->displayWidth, },
++ # mode 1
++ { desc => ['ELAPSED'],
++ bar => 0, secs => 1, width => $display->displayWidth, },
++ # mode 2
++ { desc => ['REMAINING'],
++ bar => 0, secs => -1, width => $display->displayWidth, },
++ # mode 3
++ { desc => ['PROGRESS_BAR'],
++ bar => 1, secs => 0, width => $display->displayWidth, },
++ # mode 4
++ { desc => ['ELAPSED', 'AND', 'PROGRESS_BAR'],
++ bar => 1, secs => 1, width => $display->displayWidth, },
++ # mode 5
++ { desc => ['REMAINING', 'AND', 'PROGRESS_BAR'],
++ bar => 1, secs => -1, width => $display->displayWidth, },
++ # mode 6
++ bar => 1, secs => 0, width => $display->displayWidth, fullness => 1, },
++ );
+ return \@modes;
+ }
+-sub nmodes {
+- return $nmodes;
++sub nmodes { 6 }
+ sub scrollUpdateDisplay {
+ # update scrolling for character display
+@@ -637,11 +642,11 @@
+ } else {
+ # both lines scrolling
+ if ($padlen) {
+- $line1 = subString(${$scroll->{scrollline1ref}} . $pad, $scroll->{offset}, 40);
+- $line2 = subString(${$scroll->{scrollline2ref}} . $pad, $scroll->{offset}, 40);
++ $line1 = subString(${$scroll->{scrollline1ref}} . $pad, $scroll->{offset}, $display->displayWidth);
++ $line2 = subString(${$scroll->{scrollline2ref}} . $pad, $scroll->{offset}, $display->displayWidth);
+ } else {
+- $line1 = subString(${$scroll->{scrollline1ref}}, $scroll->{offset}, 40);
+- $line2 = subString(${$scroll->{scrollline2ref}}, $scroll->{offset}, 40);
++ $line1 = subString(${$scroll->{scrollline1ref}}, $scroll->{offset}, $display->displayWidth);
++ $line2 = subString(${$scroll->{scrollline2ref}}, $scroll->{offset}, $display->displayWidth);
+ }
+ }
+Index: Slim/Display/Lib/
+--- Slim/Display/Lib/ (revision 25808)
++++ Slim/Display/Lib/ (revision 25809)
+@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
+ my $vfdReset = $vfdCodeCmd . $vfdCommand{"INCSC"} . $vfdCodeCmd . $vfdCommand{"HOME"};
+-my $spaces = ' ' x 40;
+ my %symbolmap = (
+ 'katakana' => {
+@@ -86,6 +85,13 @@
+ 'rightarrow' => chr(0x7e),
+ 'hardspace' => chr(0x20),
+ 'solidblock' => chr(0x1f),
++ },
++ 'squeezeslave' => { # These are from an Imon VFD, but squeezeslave can remap for other types
++ 'rightarrow' => chr(0x10),
++ 'hardspace' => chr(0x20),
++ 'solidblock' => chr(0x0B),
++ 'notesymbol' => chr(0x91),
++ 'bell' => chr(0x98),
+ }
+ );
+@@ -121,6 +127,21 @@
+ 'Zbottom' => '/',
+ 'leftvbar' => '|',
+ 'rightvbar' => '|',
++ 'rightprogress0' => ']',
++ 'rightprogress1' => ']',
++ 'rightprogress2' => ']',
++ 'rightprogress3' => ']',
++ 'rightprogress4' => ']',
++ 'leftprogress0' => '[',
++ 'leftprogress1' => '[',
++ 'leftprogress2' => '[',
++ 'leftprogress3' => '[',
++ 'leftprogress4' => '[',
++ 'middleprogress0' => ' ',
++ 'middleprogress1' => '.',
++ 'middleprogress2' => ':',
++ 'middleprogress3' => '!',
++ 'middleprogress4' => '|',
+ );
+ sub vfdUpdate {
+@@ -133,6 +154,9 @@
+ my $cur = -1;
+ my $pos;
++ my $displaywidth = $client->display->displayWidth;
++ my $spaces = ' ' x $displaywidth;
+ # convert to the VFD char set
+ my $lang = $client->vfdmodel;
+ if (!$lang) {
+@@ -225,8 +249,10 @@
+ my $encodedCustom = "\x1F" . $custom . "\x1F";
+- if ($usedCustom < 8) { # Room to add this one
++ my $maxCustom = $lang eq "squeezeslave" ? 0 : 8; # squeezeslave doesn't allow any custom character definitions
++ if ($usedCustom < $maxCustom) { # Room to add this one
+ while(defined $customUsed{$nextChr}) {
+ $nextChr = chr(ord($nextChr)+1);
+@@ -266,7 +292,6 @@
+ delete $newCustom{$custom};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($lang eq 'european') {
+ # why can't we all just get along?
+ $line =~ tr{\x1f\x92\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa8\xa9\xab\xad\xaf \xbb\xbf \xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf \xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf \xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef \xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff}
+@@ -275,8 +300,9 @@
+ # translate iso8859-1 to vfd charset
+ $line =~ tr{\x1f\x92\x0e\x0f\x5c\x70\x7e\x7f\xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff}
+ {\xff\x27\x19\x7e\x8c\xf0\x8e\x8f\x20\x98\xec\x92\xeb\x5c\x98\x8f\xde\x63\x61\x3c\xa3\x2d\x72\xb0\xdf\xb7\x32\x33\x60\xe4\xf1\x94\x2c\x31\xdf\x3e\x25\x25\x25\x3f\x81\x81\x82\x82\x80\x81\x90\x99\x45\x45\x45\x45\x49\x49\x49\x49\x44\xee\x4f\x4f\x4f\x4f\x86\x78\x30\x55\x55\x55\x8a\x59\x70\xe2\x84\x83\x84\x84\xe1\x84\x91\x99\x65\x65\x65\x65\x69\x69\x69\x69\x95\xee\x6f\x6f\x6f\x6f\xef\xfd\x88\x75\x75\x75\xf5\x79\xf0\x79};
+- } elsif ($lang eq 'latin1') {
++ } elsif (($lang eq 'latin1') || ($lang eq 'squeezeslave')) {
+ # golly, the latin1 character map _is_ latin1. Also, translate funky windows apostrophes to legal ones.
++ # squeezeslave uses latin1 too
+ $line =~ tr{\x92}
+ {\x26};
+ };
+@@ -287,9 +313,10 @@
+ my $vfdmodel = $client->vfdmodel();
+ # force the display out of 4 bit mode if it got there somehow, then set the brightness
++ # not used for Squeezeslave
+ if ( $vfdmodel =~ 'futaba') {
+ $vfddata .= $vfdCodeCmd . $vfdBrightFutaba[$brightness];
+- } else {
++ } elsif ( $vfdmodel ne 'squeezeslave') {
+ $vfddata .= $noritakeBrightPrelude . $vfdBright[$brightness];
+ }
+@@ -310,17 +337,17 @@
+ $line =~ s/(.)/$vfdCodeChar$1/gos;
+ # split the line in two and move the cursor to the second line
+- $line = substr($line, 0, 80) . $vfdCodeCmd . $vfdCommand{"HOME2"} . substr($line, 80);
++ $line = substr($line, 0, 2 * $displaywidth) . $vfdCodeCmd . $vfdCommand{"HOME2"} . substr($line, 2 * $displaywidth);
+ $vfddata .= $line;
+ # set the cursor
+ if ($cur >= 0) {
+- if ($cur < 40) {
++ if ($cur < $displaywidth) {
+ $vfddata .= $vfdCodeCmd.(pack 'C', (0b10000000 + $cur));
+ } else {
+- $vfddata .= $vfdCodeCmd.(pack 'C', (0b11000000 + $cur - 40));
++ $vfddata .= $vfdCodeCmd.(pack 'C', (0b11000000 + $cur - $displaywidth));
+ }
+ # turn on the cursor
diff --git a/media-sound/squeezecenter/squeezecenter-7.3.3.ebuild b/media-sound/squeezecenter/squeezecenter-7.3.3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cd8d85547de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/squeezecenter/squeezecenter-7.3.3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/squeezecenter/squeezecenter-7.3.3.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/06/23 17:37:10 lavajoe Exp $
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Logitech SqueezeCenter music server"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="lame wavpack musepack alac ogg bonjour flac avahi aac"
+ mirror://gentoo/SqueezeCenter-AutoXS-Header-0.03.tar.gz
+ mirror://gentoo/SqueezeCenter-Class-XSAccessor-Array-0.05.tar.gz
+ mirror://gentoo/SqueezeCenter-POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.002.tar.gz"
+# Note: virtual/perl-Module-Build necessary because of SC bug#5882
+# (
+ dev-perl/File-Which
+ virtual/perl-Module-Build
+ virtual/logger
+ virtual/mysql
+ avahi? ( net-dns/avahi )
+ "
+# Note: dev-perl/GD necessary because of SC bug#6143
+# (
+ dev-perl/File-Which
+ virtual/logger
+ virtual/mysql
+ avahi? ( net-dns/avahi )
+ >=dev-lang/perl-5.8.8
+ >=dev-perl/GD-2.35
+ >=virtual/perl-Compress-Zlib-2.015
+ >=dev-perl/YAML-Syck-1.05
+ >=dev-perl/DBD-mysql-4.00.5
+ >=dev-perl/DBI-1.607
+ >=dev-perl/Digest-SHA1-2.11
+ >=dev-perl/Encode-Detect-1.01
+ >=dev-perl/HTML-Parser-3.56
+ >=dev-perl/JSON-XS-
+ >=dev-perl/Template-Toolkit-2.19
+ >=virtual/perl-Time-HiRes-1.97.15
+ >=dev-perl/XML-Parser-2.36
+ >=dev-perl/Cache-Cache-1.04
+ >=dev-perl/Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08
+ >=dev-perl/Class-Inspector-1.23
+ >=dev-perl/File-Next-1.02
+ >=virtual/perl-File-Temp-0.20
+ >=dev-perl/File-Which-0.05
+ >=perl-core/i18n-langtags-0.35
+ >=dev-perl/IO-String-1.08
+ >=dev-perl/Log-Log4perl-1.13
+ >=dev-perl/libwww-perl-5.805
+ >=perl-core/CGI-3.29
+ >=dev-perl/TimeDate-1.16
+ >=dev-perl/Math-VecStat-0.08
+ >=dev-perl/Net-DNS-0.63
+ >=dev-perl/Net-IP-1.25
+ >=dev-perl/Path-Class-0.16
+ >=dev-perl/SQL-Abstract-1.22
+ >=dev-perl/SQL-Abstract-Limit-0.12
+ >=dev-perl/URI-1.35
+ >=dev-perl/XML-Simple-2.18
+ >=perl-core/version-0.76
+ >=dev-perl/Carp-Clan-5.9
+ >=dev-perl/Readonly-1.03
+ >=dev-perl/Carp-Assert-0.20
+ >=dev-perl/Class-Virtual-0.06
+ >=dev-perl/File-Slurp-9999.13
+ >=dev-perl/Exporter-Lite-0.02
+ >=dev-perl/Tie-IxHash-1.21
+ >=virtual/perl-Module-Pluggable-3.6
+ >=dev-perl/Archive-Zip-1.23
+ lame? ( media-sound/lame )
+ alac? ( media-sound/alac_decoder )
+ wavpack? ( media-sound/wavpack )
+ bonjour? ( net-misc/mDNSResponder )
+ flac? (
+ media-libs/flac
+ media-sound/sox
+ )
+ musepack? ( media-sound/musepack-tools )
+ ogg? ( media-sound/sox )
+ aac? ( media-libs/faad2 )
+ "
+# Selected contents of SqueezeCenter's local CPAN collection that we include
+# in the installation. This removes duplication of CPAN modules. (See Gentoo
+# bug #251494).
+ Class/XSAccessor/
+ POE/XS/Queue/
+ Class/Accessor/
+ Class/
+ Class/
+ Class/Data/
+ Algorithm/
+ Data/
+ DBIx/
+ File/
+ Net/UPnP/
+ Net/
+ POE/Queue/
+ Proc/Background/
+ Proc/
+ Text/Unidecode/
+ Text/
+ Tie/Cache/LRU/
+ Tie/Cache/
+ Tie/
+ Tie/
+ URI/
+ PAR/
+ "
+pkg_setup() {
+ # Sox has optional OGG and FLAC support, so make sure it has that included
+ # if required
+ if use ogg; then
+ if ! built_with_use media-sound/sox ogg; then
+ eerror "media-sound/sox not built with USE=ogg"
+ die "SqueezeCenter needs media-sound/sox to be built with USE=ogg"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if use flac; then
+ if ! built_with_use media-sound/sox flac; then
+ eerror "media-sound/sox not built with USE=flac"
+ die "SqueezeCenter needs media-sound/sox to be built with USE=flac"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Create the user and group if not already present
+ enewgroup squeezecenter
+ enewuser squeezecenter -1 -1 "/dev/null" squeezecenter
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ # Apply patches
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PF}-mDNSResponder-gentoo.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PF}-build-perl-modules-gentoo.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PF}-aac-transcode-gentoo.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PF}-json-xs-gentoo.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PF}-squeezeslave.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PF}-squeezeslave-2.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PF}-squeezeslave-3.patch"
+src_compile() {
+ einfo "Building required Perl modules (some warnings are normal here) ..."
+ echo -e "\n${S}\n${WORKDIR}" | Bin/ || die "Unable to build Perl modules"
+src_install() {
+ # The main Perl executables
+ exeinto /usr/sbin
+ newexe squeezecenter-server
+ newexe squeezecenter-scanner
+ newexe squeezecenter-cleanup
+ # Get the Perl package name and version
+ eval `perl '-V:package'`
+ eval `perl '-V:version'`
+ # The custom OS module for Gentoo - provides OS-specific path details
+ cp "${FILESDIR}/" "Slim/Utils/OS/" || die "Unable to install Gentoo custom OS module"
+ # The server Perl modules
+ dodir "/usr/lib/${package}/vendor_perl/${version}"
+ cp -r Slim "${D}/usr/lib/${package}/vendor_perl/${version}" || die "Unable to install server Perl modules"
+ # Compiled CPAN module go under lib as they are arch-specific
+ dodir "/usr/lib/squeezecenter/CPAN"
+ cp -r CPAN/arch "${D}/usr/lib/squeezecenter/CPAN" || die "Unable to install compiled CPAN modules"
+ # Preseve some of the SqueezeCenter-packaged CPAN modules that Gentoo
+ # doesn't provide ebuilds for.
+ for ITEM in ${CPANKEEP}; do
+ dodir "/usr/lib/squeezecenter/CPAN/$(dirname ${ITEM})"
+ cp -r "CPAN/${ITEM}" "${D}/usr/lib/squeezecenter/CPAN/${ITEM}" || die "Unable to preserve CPAN item ${ITEM}"
+ done
+ # Various directories of architecture-independent static files
+ dodir "${SHAREDIR}"
+ cp -r Firmware "${D}/${SHAREDIR}" || die "Unable to install firmware"
+ cp -r Graphics "${D}/${SHAREDIR}" || die "Unable to install Graphics"
+ cp -r HTML "${D}/${SHAREDIR}" || die "Unable to install HTML"
+ cp -r IR "${D}/${SHAREDIR}" || die "Unable to install IR"
+ cp -r SQL "${D}/${SHAREDIR}" || die "Unable to install SQL"
+ # Architecture-dependent static files
+ dodir "${LIBDIR}"
+ cp -r lib/* "${D}/${LIBDIR}" || die "Unable to install architecture-dependent files"
+ # Strings and version identification
+ insinto "${SHAREDIR}"
+ doins strings.txt
+ doins revision.txt
+ # Documentation
+ dodoc Changelog*.html
+ dodoc Installation.txt
+ dodoc License*.txt
+ newdoc "${FILESDIR}/Gentoo-plugins-README.txt" Gentoo-plugins-README.txt
+ # Configuration files
+ insinto /etc/squeezecenter
+ doins convert.conf
+ doins types.conf
+ doins modules.conf
+ # Install init scripts
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/squeezecenter.conf.d" squeezecenter
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/squeezecenter.init.d" squeezecenter
+ # Install default preferences
+ insinto /var/lib/squeezecenter/prefs
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/squeezecenter.prefs" squeezecenter.prefs
+ fowners squeezecenter:squeezecenter /var/lib/squeezecenter/prefs
+ fperms 770 /var/lib/squeezecenter/prefs
+ # Install the SQL configuration scripts
+ insinto "${SHAREDIR}/SQL/mysql"
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/dbdrop-gentoo.sql"
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/dbcreate-gentoo.sql"
+ # Initialize run directory (where the PID file lives)
+ dodir /var/run/squeezecenter
+ fowners squeezecenter:squeezecenter /var/run/squeezecenter
+ fperms 770 /var/run/squeezecenter
+ # Initialize server cache directory
+ dodir /var/lib/squeezecenter/cache
+ fowners squeezecenter:squeezecenter /var/lib/squeezecenter/cache
+ fperms 770 /var/lib/squeezecenter/cache
+ # Initialize the log directory
+ dodir /var/log/squeezecenter
+ fowners squeezecenter:squeezecenter /var/log/squeezecenter
+ fperms 770 /var/log/squeezecenter
+ touch "${D}/var/log/squeezecenter/server.log"
+ touch "${D}/var/log/squeezecenter/scanner.log"
+ touch "${D}/var/log/squeezecenter/perfmon.log"
+ fowners squeezecenter:squeezecenter /var/log/squeezecenter/server.log
+ fowners squeezecenter:squeezecenter /var/log/squeezecenter/scanner.log
+ fowners squeezecenter:squeezecenter /var/log/squeezecenter/perfmon.log
+ # Initialise the user-installed plugins directory
+ dodir "${NEWPLUGINSDIR}"
+ # Install logrotate support
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/squeezecenter.logrotate.d" squeezecenter
+ # Install Avahi support (if USE flag is set)
+ if use avahi; then
+ insinto /etc/avahi/services
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/avahi-squeezecenter.service" squeezecenter.service
+ fi
+sc_starting_instr() {
+ elog "SqueezeCenter can be started with the following command:"
+ elog "\t/etc/init.d/squeezecenter start"
+ elog ""
+ elog "SqueezeCenter can be automatically started on each boot with the"
+ elog "following command:"
+ elog "\trc-update add squeezecenter default"
+ elog ""
+ elog "You might want to examine and modify the following configuration"
+ elog "file before starting SqueezeCenter:"
+ elog "\t/etc/conf.d/squeezecenter"
+ elog ""
+ # Discover the port number from the preferences, but if it isn't there
+ # then report the standard one.
+ httpport=$(gawk '$1 == "httpport:" { print $2 }' "${ROOT}${LIVE_PREFS}" 2>/dev/null)
+ elog "You may access and configure SqueezeCenter by browsing to:"
+ elog "\thttp://localhost:${httpport:-9000}/"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # FLAC and LAME are quite useful (but not essential) for SqueezeCenter -
+ # if they're not enabled then make sure the user understands that.
+ if ! use flac; then
+ ewarn "'flac' USE flag is not set. Although not essential, FLAC is required"
+ ewarn "for playing lossless WAV and FLAC (for Squeezebox 1), and for"
+ ewarn "playing other less common file types (if you have a Squeezebox 2, 3,"
+ ewarn "Receiver or Transporter)."
+ ewarn "For maximum flexibility you are recommended to set the 'flac' USE flag".
+ ewarn ""
+ fi
+ if ! use lame; then
+ ewarn "'lame' USE flag is not set. Although not essential, LAME is"
+ ewarn "required if you want to limit the bandwidth your Squeezebox or"
+ ewarn "Transporter uses when streaming audio."
+ ewarn "For maximum flexibility you are recommended to set the 'lame' USE flag".
+ ewarn ""
+ fi
+ # Album art requires PNG and JPEG support from GD, so if it's not there
+ # then warn the user. It's not mandatory as the user may not be using
+ # album art.
+ if ! built_with_use dev-perl/GD jpeg || \
+ ! built_with_use dev-perl/GD png || \
+ ! built_with_use media-libs/gd jpeg || \
+ ! built_with_use media-libs/gd png; then
+ ewarn "For correct operation of album art through SqueezeCenter's web"
+ ewarn "interface the GD library and Perl module must be built with PNG"
+ ewarn "and JPEG support. If necessary you can add the following lines"
+ ewarn "to the file /etc/portage/package.use:"
+ ewarn "\tdev-perl/GD jpeg png"
+ ewarn "\tmedia-libs/gd jpeg png"
+ ewarn "And then rebuild those packages with:"
+ ewarn "\temerge --newuse dev-perl/GD media-libs/gd"
+ ewarn ""
+ fi
+ # Point user to database configuration step
+ elog "If this is a new installation of SqueezeCenter then the database"
+ elog "must be configured prior to use. This can be done by running the"
+ elog "following command:"
+ elog "\temerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
+ # Remind user to configure Avahi if necessary
+ if use avahi; then
+ elog ""
+ elog "Avahi support installed. Remember to edit the folowing file if"
+ elog "you run SqueezeCenter's web interface on a port other than 9000:"
+ elog "\t/etc/avahi/services/squeezecenter.service"
+ fi
+ elog ""
+ sc_starting_instr
+sc_remove_db_prefs() {
+ einfo "Configuring SqueezeCenter database preferences (${MY_PREFS}) ..."
+ TMPPREFS="${T}"/squeezecenter-prefs-$$
+ touch "${ROOT}${MY_PREFS}"
+ sed -e '/^dbusername:/d' -e '/^dbpassword:/d' -e '/^dbsource:/d' < "${ROOT}${MY_PREFS}" > "${TMPPREFS}"
+ mv "${TMPPREFS}" "${ROOT}${MY_PREFS}"
+ chown squeezecenter:squeezecenter "${ROOT}${MY_PREFS}"
+ chmod 660 "${ROOT}${MY_PREFS}"
+sc_update_prefs() {
+ echo "dbusername: ${MY_DBUSER}" >> "${ROOT}${MY_PREFS}"
+ echo "dbpassword: ${MY_DBUSER_PASSWD}" >> "${ROOT}${MY_PREFS}"
+ echo "dbsource: dbi:mysql:database=${MY_DBUSER};mysql_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" >> "${ROOT}${MY_PREFS}"
+pkg_config() {
+ einfo "Press ENTER to create the SqueezeCenter database and set proper"
+ einfo "permissions on it. You will be prompted for the MySQL 'root' user's"
+ einfo "password during this process (note that the MySQL 'root' user is"
+ einfo "independent of the Linux 'root' user and so may have a different"
+ einfo "password)."
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "If you already have a SqueezeCenter database set up then this"
+ einfo "process will clear the existing database (your music files will not,"
+ einfo "however, be affected)."
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "Alternatively, press Control-C to abort now..."
+ read
+ # Get the MySQL root password from the user (not echoed to the terminal)
+ einfo "The MySQL 'root' user password is required to create the"
+ einfo "SqueezeCenter user and database."
+ DONE=0
+ while [ $DONE -eq 0 ]; do
+ trap "stty echo; echo" EXIT
+ stty -echo
+ read -p "MySQL root password: " ROOT_PASSWD; echo
+ stty echo
+ trap ":" EXIT
+ echo quit | mysql --user=root --password="${ROOT_PASSWD}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && DONE=1
+ if [ $DONE -eq 0 ]; then
+ eerror "Incorrect MySQL root password, or MySQL is not running"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Get the new password for the SqueezeCenter MySQL database user, and
+ # have it re-entered to confirm it. We should trivially check it's not
+ # the same as the MySQL root password.
+ einfo "A new MySQL user will be added to own the SqueezeCenter database."
+ einfo "Please enter the password for this new user (${DBUSER})."
+ DONE=0
+ while [ $DONE -eq 0 ]; do
+ trap "stty echo; echo" EXIT
+ stty -echo
+ read -p "MySQL ${DBUSER} password: " DBUSER_PASSWD; echo
+ stty echo
+ trap ":" EXIT
+ if [ -z "$DBUSER_PASSWD" ]; then
+ eerror "The password should not be blank; try again."
+ elif [ "$DBUSER_PASSWD" == "$ROOT_PASSWD" ]; then
+ eerror "The ${DBUSER} password should be different to the root password"
+ else
+ DONE=1
+ fi
+ done
+ # Drop the existing database and user - note we don't care about errors
+ # from this as it probably just indicates that the database wasn't
+ # yet present.
+ einfo "Dropping old SqueezeCenter database and user ..."
+ sed -e "s/__DATABASE__/${DBUSER}/" -e "s/__DBUSER__/${DBUSER}/" < "${SHAREDIR}/SQL/mysql/dbdrop-gentoo.sql" | mysql --user=root --password="${ROOT_PASSWD}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ # Drop and create the SqueezeCenter user and database.
+ einfo "Creating SqueezeCenter MySQL user and database (${DBUSER}) ..."
+ sed -e "s/__DATABASE__/${DBUSER}/" -e "s/__DBUSER__/${DBUSER}/" -e "s/__DBPASSWORD__/${DBUSER_PASSWD}/" < "${SHAREDIR}/SQL/mysql/dbcreate-gentoo.sql" | mysql --user=root --password="${ROOT_PASSWD}" || die "Unable to create MySQL database and user"
+ # Remove the existing MySQL preferences from SqueezeCenter (if any).
+ sc_remove_db_prefs "${PREFS}"
+ [ -f "${LIVE_PREFS}" ] && sc_remove_db_prefs ${LIVE_PREFS}
+ # Insert the external MySQL configuration into the preferences.
+ sc_update_prefs "${PREFS}" "${DBUSER}" "${DBUSER_PASSWD}"
+ [ -f "${LIVE_PREFS}" ] && sc_update_prefs "${LIVE_PREFS}" "${DBUSER}" "${DBUSER_PASSWD}"
+ # Phew - all done. Give some tips on what to do now.
+ einfo "Database configuration complete."
+ einfo ""
+ sc_starting_instr
+pkg_preinst() {
+ # Warn the user if there are old plugins that he may need to migrate
+ if [ -d "${OLDPLUGINSDIR}" ]; then
+ if [ ! -z "$(ls ${OLDPLUGINSDIR})" ]; then
+ ewarn "Note: It appears that plugins are installed in the old location of:"
+ ewarn "${OLDPLUGINSDIR}"
+ ewarn "If these are to be used then they must be migrated to the new location:"
+ ewarn "${NEWPLUGINSDIR}"
+ ewarn ""
+ fi
+ fi