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authorStefan Jones <>2002-12-27 17:22:13 +0000
committerStefan Jones <>2002-12-27 17:22:13 +0000
commit016a9b97e8768b547b9d9dc3b724e448d014da75 (patch)
treebd2dab2a11532e417d44b4a88c2ceff31518074c /licenses
parentunmasking for perl 5.8 (diff)
The 4F License
Diffstat (limited to 'licenses')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/licenses/4F b/licenses/4F
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eeec0be57f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/licenses/4F
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+DT { font-weight: bold; }
+<B>Revision:</B> 2 November 2, 2002
+This license is (C) Copyright 2002 Lameter Corporation,
+7131 Cabernet Ave, Newark, CA 94560, United States of America,
+Distribution of exact copies of this license agreement is allowed and must
+be redistributed with all modifications and enhancements to this product.
+The text of section 1 might be changed if this license agreement is
+to be applied by a copyright holder for another software product.
+Please contact the license holder(s) for details.
+<P>Note that this license is in its early stages of formulation. It will most likely be refined in the next weeks.
+Ultimately a non-profit should be the license holder and not a commercial entity. It might take awhile until
+the necessary organization and funds are available to start such a non-profit organization.
+Comments are appreciated. Please respond to</P>
+<H1>SECTION ONE: The software under the 4F License</H1>
+<DT>Name of the Software Product<DD>uPM - Micro Package Manager
+<DT>Short Description<DD>uPM is a package management system with source build and archive maintenance capability
+<DT>License Holder<DD>Lameter International Corporation, 7131 Cabernet Ave, Newark, CA 94560,
+<DT>Distribution License<DD>4F Class D
+<H1>SECTION TWO: The 4F License</H1>
+<P>The aim of this license is not to restrict your rights. <i>4F Licensing</i> was developed to preserve the four freedoms when using a software product:
+<LI>The freedom to obtain and review the source code for the software product. The <i>4F license</i> requires that the source be made
+available for software products distributed under 4F licenses.
+<LI>The freedom to redistribute the source code and the binary. The <i>4F license</i> gives anyone the right to redistribute
+the source as well as the binaries.
+<LI>The freedom to modify the source code and redistribute the modifications.
+<LI>The freedom to use software for any purpose by any person.
+<P><i>4F Licensing</i> protects your and other persons rights to make use of these freedoms.
+Redistribution is only allowed if the person you are distributing to will also have the Four Freedoms.
+A 4F License becomes invalid if those rights are not given. And this license is the only legal justification for the
+use, modification and deployment of this software.
+<P>We have chosen not to use the typical terms <b>Free Software</b> or <b>Open Source Software</b>
+because both terms have led to a wrong understanding of this type of licensing in the past.
+The concern of free or open source licensing is <b>not</b> to get the software for free
+(meaning one does not have to pay any money for it) but to preserve the Four Freedoms.
+The term <b>Free Software</b> typically leads to that misunderstanding.
+The term <b>Open Source</b> often seems to avoid mentioning the Four Freedoms that need to be preserved.
+It also gives rise to the misunderstanding that the access and ability to view the source code is sufficient.
+We have chosen the term 4F (long <i>Four Freedoms</i>) because it does not have the baggage of the other terms
+and clearly expresses the purpose of <i>Free</i> or <i>Open Source</i> Licenses.
+<i>4F Licensing</i> allows different grades
+of protection of these rights. If a <i>4F licensed</i> product is combined with other products the four freedoms might no
+longer be applicable to the whole. <i>4F licensing</i> defines CLASSES of protection. A later class requires that the requirements of all earlier classes be fulfilled too. The following classes exist:
+<TR><TD>A</TD><TD><B>No protection</B>.
+The sourcecode might be modified and redistributed under other licenses at will.
+4F Class A licenses are similar to BSD licensed code.
+The only provision is that credit is given to the authors of the code in the final product.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD>B</TD><TD><B>Protection for the software product itself</B>.
+The Four Freedoms must be preserved for all modifications of the source code that are distributed.
+The product might be combined (f.e. linked into) other software that is licensed differently.
+The combination of other software plus the software product might not preserve the Four Freedoms.
+Class B licensing is similar to the protection offered by the LGPL.
+<TR><TD>C</TD><TD><B>Program (Executable) protection</B>.
+The Four Freedoms must be preserved for all binaries generated.
+If a piece of software is used for the generation of a binary
+then all sourcecode that was used to generate the binary and all shared
+objects loaded must also be made available under the Four Freedoms.
+If this is not possible then the combination or the production
+of the binary is not permitted under this license.
+<TR><TD>D</TD><TD><B>Media / Site protection.</B>.
+The software might not be distributed on media combined with software not preserving
+the four freedoms. This means that publication on a CD that contains non 4F compliant software is not
+permitted. The medium and all content must be sharable under the Four Freedoms principle.
+The same is true for publication of ftp sites.
+Publication on ftp sites that also distribute non 4F compliant software is not permitted.
+CDs and ftp site contents must be freely redistributable and modifiable in order to satisfy Class D.
+<TR><TD>E</TD><TD><B>System protection.</B>.
+The Four Freedoms must be preserved for all software installed under the same Operating System and all software
+used to install the system and any software on it.
+The license becomes invalid if software is present under the installation
+with the same operating system that contain software not conformant to 4F licensing.
+Specifically this prohibits installation of proprietary software (such as Microsoft Software) under the same installed
+operating system as a Class E product.
+<TR><TD>F</TD><TD><B>Organizational protection</B>. The software might not be used by an organization/group/corporation that
+is combining the use of the software so licensed with software that does not provide the Four Freedoms.
+<TR><TD>G</TD><TD><B>Protection for program interaction</B>. The software must be deployed in such a way that it does not interact (transfer data to/from, use documents formatted by) non 4F compliant software.</TD></TR>
+4F licensing aims to be conforming to the DFSG (Debian Free Software Guidelines, the OSI criteria
+for free software licenses (Open Source Initiative see and the free software criteria of the
+Free Software Foundation (The GNU project see
+Only Classes A-C are compliant with the criteria of the those organizations since protection against loss of the Four Freedoms by aggregation is only permitted for binaries.
+<H1>SECTION THREE: Warranty</H1>
+The software is provided and licensed free of charge therefore there is no
+warranty for the software to the extent permitted by applicable law.
+This license is void in legal context where a law makes the copyright holder
+or any contributor provide a warranty for this software that was provided free of charge.
+There is no warranty unless otherwise stated in writing by the copyright holders.
+The software is provides "as-is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed
+or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability
+and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk of using this software
+is with the user of this program. Should this software fail then the user will
+assume the cost of all necessary services, repairs, corrections or whatever
+else is necessary to remedy the situation.
+<H1>SECTION FOUR: Liability</H1>
+In no event unless required by applicable law or agree to in writing will any
+copyright holder, or any other party who may have modified and/or redistributed
+the software under the regulations of this license be liable to you for damages
+including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out
+of the use or inability to use the software (including but not limited to loss
+of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by the user or
+third parties or a failure of the software to operate with any other software), even
+if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+This license is void if the above limitations are rendered ineffective by law or
+judicial decision.
+<H1>SECTION FIVE: Definition of Terms</H1>
+<DT>4F Conformant License<DD>
+A conformant license is a license that is conformant to the Free Software/Open Source principles.
+OSI accredited licenses (see are
+4F conformant. So is any license that allows the exercise
+of the Four Freedoms. Examples of conformant licenses are:
+<LI>4F Licenses
+<LI>GPL (is a 4F Class C compliant license)
+<LI>LGPL (is a 4F Class B compliant license)
+<LI>BSD (is a 4F Class A compliant license)
+<LI>Public Domain (is 4F Class A compliant)