diff options
authorStefan Schweizer <>2006-04-30 09:39:47 +0000
committerStefan Schweizer <>2006-04-30 09:39:47 +0000
commit52ace168e47e104487205455faf3cbe99591f50d (patch)
tree93c5fe74e78416fed92229d1c9b1e0e60dabca37 /app-text/ghostscript-esp
parentstable amd64 (diff)
Cvs drop which includes the krgb fix, include fontconfig patch, bug 104512, fix kpdf print preview, bug 126705, also include the ubuntu patch
(Portage version: 2.1_pre9-r5)
Diffstat (limited to 'app-text/ghostscript-esp')
9 files changed, 761 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/ChangeLog b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/ChangeLog
index 3a304b1402fc..0ee6354d5354 100644
--- a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
# ChangeLog for app-text/ghostscript-esp
# Copyright 2002-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/ghostscript-esp/ChangeLog,v 1.23 2006/04/23 09:45:33 flameeyes Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/ghostscript-esp/ChangeLog,v 1.24 2006/04/30 09:39:47 genstef Exp $
+*ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430 (30 Apr 2006)
+ 30 Apr 2006; Stefan Schweizer <>
+ files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-bsd.patch,
+ files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-fPIC.patch,
+ +files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-build.patch,
+ +files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-destdir.diff,
+ +files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-ps2epsi-esp.diff,
+ +files/ghostscript-esp-fontconfig.patch,
+ +ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430.ebuild:
+ Cvs drop which includes the krgb fix, include fontconfig patch, bug 104512,
+ fix kpdf print preview, bug 126705, also include the ubuntu patch
23 Apr 2006; Diego Pettenò <>
diff --git a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/digest-ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430 b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/digest-ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..31704d47df8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/digest-ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+MD5 2fbae60417d42779f6488ab897dcaaf6 acro5-cmaps-2001.tar.gz 631653
+RMD160 c723afc2207157a434988b46bcf0a458281c29a4 acro5-cmaps-2001.tar.gz 631653
+SHA256 80abec481fd4b5e59ac3d3f5790542dbfabe3c9269a6ac17064160d6dab38ee4 acro5-cmaps-2001.tar.gz 631653
+MD5 a3bf430a7e21cd82401258a2ec3b8afb adobe-cmaps-200204.tar.gz 4360486
+RMD160 14f436cb2869788f249c0eaf5dd6a31295c5ada7 adobe-cmaps-200204.tar.gz 4360486
+SHA256 510f29086630db1a581ab77e46c3a6b9b4ee4bf8c7717c209e5125794a59480a adobe-cmaps-200204.tar.gz 4360486
+MD5 10714fced522f4922b78989b21133fc7 espgs-8.15.1_p20060430-source.tar.bz2 8501375
+RMD160 0e386705337f9348a08a886e544738f826335e92 espgs-8.15.1_p20060430-source.tar.bz2 8501375
+SHA256 342773230bdd8f5661a89176880098918bfdd0e53357389c2a051f982de027aa espgs-8.15.1_p20060430-source.tar.bz2 8501375
+MD5 fcd47a90e8d71d03f6c53c4ba7698b24 ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-ubuntu4.patch.bz2 23402
+RMD160 577f3c4d7ef541ccc90b53536748f30ab4db3dc7 ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-ubuntu4.patch.bz2 23402
+SHA256 05032ac9986620594394e20ca2de1d0a2cb0c49c06dbaadb0bc17ed57d8ebc47 ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-ubuntu4.patch.bz2 23402
diff --git a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-bsd.patch b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-bsd.patch
index a988ef0b66f4..e85d32458267 100644
--- a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-bsd.patch
+++ b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-bsd.patch
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
---- espgs-8.15.1/
-+++ espgs-8.15.1/
+--- espgs-8.15.1/src/
++++ espgs-8.15.1/src/
@@ -742,8 +742,16 @@
DYNAMIC_LIBS="-rdynamic -ldl"
diff --git a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-fPIC.patch b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-fPIC.patch
index 60802b41b35f..e4e0da53bd55 100644
--- a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-fPIC.patch
+++ b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1-fPIC.patch
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
---- 2005-09-22 19:14:28.000000000 +0200
-+++ 2006-02-07 21:31:16.000000000 +0100
+--- src/ 2005-09-22 19:14:28.000000000 +0200
++++ src/ 2006-02-07 21:31:16.000000000 +0100
@@ -726,9 +726,9 @@
diff --git a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-build.patch b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-build.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..78991a084a6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-build.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- espgs-8.15.1_p9999/src/unix-dll.mak.orig 2006-04-29 23:36:28.000000000 +0200
++++ espgs-8.15.1_p9999/src/unix-dll.mak 2006-04-29 23:33:57.000000000 +0200
+@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
+ # Normal shared object
+ so: SODIRS
+ # Debug shared object
+ # Note that this is in the same directory as the normal shared
diff --git a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-destdir.diff b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-destdir.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7b791a7ab3fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-destdir.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+diff -urN espgs-8.15.1.orig/addons/addons.mak espgs-8.15.1/addons/addons.mak
+--- espgs-8.15.1.orig/addons/addons.mak 2005-08-16 10:07:21.000000000 +0000
++++ espgs-8.15.1/addons/addons.mak 2005-11-03 11:57:30.000000000 +0000
+@@ -953,9 +953,9 @@
+ $(GLCC) $(O_)$@ $(C_) $(JAPSRC)dviprlib.c
+ extra-dmprt-install:
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(JAPSRC) $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)$(D)lib || exit 1
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(JAPSRC) $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)$(D)lib || exit 1
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(JAPSRC)escp_24.src $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)$(D)lib || exit 1
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(JAPSRC) $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)$(D)lib || exit 1
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(JAPSRC) $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)$(D)lib || exit 1
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(JAPSRC)escp_24.src $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)$(D)lib || exit 1
+@@ -1095,7 +1095,7 @@
+ extra-upp-install:
+ for f in $(ADSRC)uniprint$(D)*.upp; do \
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)$(D)lib || exit 1; \
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)$(D)lib || exit 1; \
+ done
+ ### ------------ Build/Install special features ------------ ###
+diff -urN espgs-8.15.1.orig/pstoraster/cups.mak espgs-8.15.1/pstoraster/cups.mak
+--- espgs-8.15.1.orig/pstoraster/cups.mak 2005-02-21 16:17:00.000000000 +0000
++++ espgs-8.15.1/pstoraster/cups.mak 2005-11-03 11:57:30.000000000 +0000
+@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
+ cups_= $(GLOBJ)gdevcups.$(OBJ)
+-CUPSSERVER= $(install_prefix)`cups-config --serverbin`
+-CUPSCONFIG= $(install_prefix)`cups-config --serverroot`
+-CUPSDATA= $(install_prefix)`cups-config --datadir`
++CUPSSERVER= $(DESTDIR)`cups-config --serverbin`
++CUPSCONFIG= $(DESTDIR)`cups-config --serverroot`
++CUPSDATA= $(DESTDIR)`cups-config --datadir`
+ $(DD) $(cups_) $(GLD)
+ $(ADDMOD) $(DD)cups -lib cupsimage -lib cups
+diff -urN espgs-8.15.1.orig/src/all-arch.mak espgs-8.15.1/src/all-arch.mak
+--- espgs-8.15.1.orig/src/all-arch.mak 2005-01-23 03:49:47.000000000 +0000
++++ espgs-8.15.1/src/all-arch.mak 2005-11-03 11:57:30.000000000 +0000
+@@ -298,24 +298,24 @@
+ # Remove the old gs binary first, so as to preserve the previous
+ # gs-x.yy version, if any.
+ install-binary:
+- -$(RM) $(BINDIR)/$(GS)
++ -$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$(GS)
+ @$(MAKE) $(ARGS) install GS=$(GS) XLIBDIRS=$(XLIBDIRSALL) ; \
+ d=`pwd` ; \
+ d=`basename $$d` ; \
+ d=`echo $$d | sed -e s/gs/gs-/` ; \
+- $(RM) $(BINDIR)/$$d ; \
+- ln $(BINDIR)/$(GS) $(BINDIR)/$$d ; \
+- ls -l $(BINDIR)/$(GS) $(BINDIR)/$$d
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$$d ; \
++ ln $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$(GS) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$$d ; \
++ ls -l $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$(GS) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$$d
+ install-binary-gnu-readline:
+- -$(RM) $(BINDIR)/$(GS)
++ -$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$(GS)
+ d=`pwd` ; \
+ d=`basename $$d` ; \
+ d=`echo $$d | sed -e s/gs/gs-/` ; \
+- $(RM) $(BINDIR)/$$d ; \
+- ln $(BINDIR)/$(GS) $(BINDIR)/$$d ; \
+- ls -l $(BINDIR)/$(GS) $(BINDIR)/$$d
++ $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$$d ; \
++ ln $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$(GS) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$$d ; \
++ ls -l $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$(GS) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$$d
+ install-fontmap:
+ @d=`pwd` ; \
+@@ -323,14 +323,14 @@
+ d=`echo $$d | sed -e s/gs//` ; \
+ if test -f $(GS_SRC_DIR)/ ; \
+ then \
+- if test -f $(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ ; \
++ if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ ; \
+ then \
+ true ; \
+ else \
+- mv $(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/Fontmap $(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ ; \
++ mv $(DESTDIR)$(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/Fontmap $(DESTDIR)$(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ ; \
+ fi ; \
+- $(CP) $(GS_SRC_DIR)/ $(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/Fontmap ; \
+- ls -l $(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/Fontmap* ; \
++ $(CP) $(GS_SRC_DIR)/ $(DESTDIR)$(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/Fontmap ; \
++ ls -l $(DESTDIR)$(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/Fontmap* ; \
+ fi
+ install-pdfsec:
+@@ -339,9 +339,9 @@
+ d=`echo $$d | sed -e s/gs//` ; \
+ if test -f $(GS_SRC_DIR)/lib/ ; \
+ then \
+- $(MV) $(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ $(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ ; \
+- $(CP) lib/ $(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ ; \
+- $(CHMOD) 664 $(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ ; \
++ $(MV) $(DESTDIR)$(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ $(DESTDIR)$(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ ; \
++ $(CP) lib/ $(DESTDIR)$(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ ; \
++ $(CHMOD) 664 $(DESTDIR)$(GS_SHARE_DIR)/$$d/lib/ ; \
+ fi
+ #=======================================================================
+diff -urN espgs-8.15.1.orig/src/macos-fw.mak espgs-8.15.1/src/macos-fw.mak
+--- espgs-8.15.1.orig/src/macos-fw.mak 2005-01-19 04:08:41.000000000 +0000
++++ espgs-8.15.1/src/macos-fw.mak 2005-11-03 11:57:30.000000000 +0000
+@@ -103,19 +103,19 @@
+ install-so: so
+- -mkdir $(prefix)
+- -mkdir $(datadir)
+- -mkdir $(gsdir)
+- -mkdir $(gsdatadir)
+- -mkdir $(bindir)
+- -mkdir $(libdir)
+- $(RM_) $(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME)
+- ln -s $(GS_SONAME_MAJOR_MINOR) $(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME)
+- $(RM_) $(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME_MAJOR)
+- ln -s $(GS_SONAME_MAJOR_MINOR) $(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME_MAJOR)
++ -mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)
++ -mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)
++ -mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(gsdir)
++ -mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)
++ -mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
++ -mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
++ $(RM_) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME)
++ ln -s $(GS_SONAME_MAJOR_MINOR) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME)
++ $(RM_) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME_MAJOR)
+ soinstall: install-so install-scripts install-data
+@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@
+ cp -r doc $(GS_FRAMEWORK)/Versions/Current
+ framework_install : framework
+- rm -rf $(prefix)
+- cp -r $(GS_FRAMEWORK) $(prefix)
++ rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)
++ cp -r $(GS_FRAMEWORK) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)
+ # Make the build directories
+diff -urN espgs-8.15.1.orig/src/unix-dll.mak espgs-8.15.1/src/unix-dll.mak
+--- espgs-8.15.1.orig/src/unix-dll.mak 2005-01-19 04:08:41.000000000 +0000
++++ espgs-8.15.1/src/unix-dll.mak 2005-11-03 11:57:30.000000000 +0000
+@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
+ install-so: so
+- -mkdir -p $(prefix)
+- -mkdir -p $(datadir)
+- -mkdir -p $(gsdir)
+- -mkdir -p $(gsdatadir)
+- -mkdir -p $(bindir)
+- -mkdir -p $(libdir)
+- $(RM_) $(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME)
+- ln -s $(GS_SONAME_MAJOR_MINOR) $(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME)
+- $(RM_) $(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME_MAJOR)
+- ln -s $(GS_SONAME_MAJOR_MINOR) $(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME_MAJOR)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsdir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
++ $(RM_) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME)
++ ln -s $(GS_SONAME_MAJOR_MINOR) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME)
++ $(RM_) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME_MAJOR)
+ soinstall: install-so install-scripts install-data
+diff -urN espgs-8.15.1.orig/src/unixinst.mak espgs-8.15.1/src/unixinst.mak
+--- espgs-8.15.1.orig/src/unixinst.mak 2005-09-22 17:03:45.000000000 +0000
++++ espgs-8.15.1/src/unixinst.mak 2005-11-03 11:57:30.000000000 +0000
+@@ -28,24 +28,24 @@
+ # rules, just in case bindir or scriptdir is a subdirectory of any of these.
+ install-exec: STDDIRS $(GS_XE)
+- -mkdir -p $(datadir)
+- -mkdir -p $(install_prefix)$(gsdir)
+- -mkdir -p $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)
+- -mkdir -p $(bindir)
+- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(GS_XE) $(bindir)/$(GS)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsdir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
++ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(GS_XE) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(GS)
+ install-scripts: $(PSLIBDIR)/gsnd
+- -mkdir -p $(datadir)
+- -mkdir -p $(install_prefix)$(gsdir)
+- -mkdir -p $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)
+- -mkdir -p $(scriptdir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsdir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(scriptdir)
+ $(SH) -c 'for f in \
+ gsbj gsdj gsdj500 gslj gslp gsnd \
+ bdftops dumphints dvipdf eps2eps font2c \
+ pdf2dsc pdf2ps pdfopt pf2afm pfbtopfa printafm \
+ ps2ascii ps2epsi ps2pdf ps2pdf12 ps2pdf13 ps2pdf14 ps2pdfwr ps2ps wftopfa \
+ ;\
+- do if ( test -f $(PSLIBDIR)/$$f ); then $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(PSLIBDIR)/$$f $(scriptdir); fi;\
++ do if ( test -f $(PSLIBDIR)/$$f ); then $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(PSLIBDIR)/$$f $(DESTDIR)$(scriptdir); fi;\
+ done'
+ PSRESDIR=$(PSLIBDIR)/../Resource
+@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@
+ # one file from each subdirectory just as a sanity check.
+ install-libdata:
+- -mkdir -p $(datadir)
+- -mkdir -p $(install_prefix)$(gsdir)
+- -mkdir -p $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)
+- -mkdir -p $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)/lib
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsdir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)/lib
+ $(SH) -c 'for f in \
+ Fontmap Fontmap.GS cidfmap \
+ FAPIcidfmap FAPIconfig FAPIfontmap xlatmap \
+@@ -80,24 +80,24 @@
+ \
+ \
+ escp_24.src ;\
+- do if ( test -f $(PSLIBDIR)/$$f ); then $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PSLIBDIR)/$$f $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)/lib; fi;\
++ do if ( test -f $(PSLIBDIR)/$$f ); then $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PSLIBDIR)/$$f $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)/lib; fi;\
+ done'
+ $(SH) -c 'for f in $(PSLIBDIR)/gs_*.ps $(PSLIBDIR)/pdf*.ps;\
+- do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)/lib ;\
++ do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)/lib ;\
+ done'
+ $(SH) -c 'for f in $(PSLIBDIR)/*.ppd $(PSLIBDIR)/*.rpd $(PSLIBDIR)/*.upp $(PSLIBDIR)/*.xbm $(PSLIBDIR)/*.xpm;\
+- do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)/lib ;\
++ do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)/lib ;\
+ done'
+ # install the default resource files
+ # copy in every category (directory) but CVS
+ install-resdata: $(PSRESDIR)/Decoding/Unicode
+- -mkdir -p $(datadir)
+- -mkdir -p $(install_prefix)$(gsdir)
+- -mkdir -p $(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)/Resource
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsdir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)/Resource
+ $(SH) -c 'for dir in $(RES_CATEGORIES); do \
+- rdir=$(install_prefix)$(gsdatadir)/Resource/$$dir ; \
++ rdir=$(DESTDIR)$(gsdatadir)/Resource/$$dir ; \
+ test -d $$rdir || mkdir -p $$rdir ; \
+ for file in $(PSRESDIR)/$$dir/*; do \
+ if test -f $$file; then $(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $$rdir ; fi \
+@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@
+ Psfiles.htm Public.htm Readme.htm Release.htm \
+ Source.htm Tester.htm Unix-lpr.htm Use.htm Xfonts.htm
+ install-doc: $(PSDOCDIR)/News.htm
+- -mkdir -p $(install_prefix)$(docdir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
+ $(SH) -c 'for f in $(DOC_PAGES) ;\
+- do if ( test -f $(PSDOCDIR)/$$f ); then $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PSDOCDIR)/$$f $(install_prefix)$(docdir); fi;\
++ do if ( test -f $(PSDOCDIR)/$$f ); then $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PSDOCDIR)/$$f $(DESTDIR)$(docdir); fi;\
+ done'
+ # install the man pages for each locale
+@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@
+ MAN1_LINKS_PS2PDF=ps2pdf12 ps2pdf13
+ MAN1_LINKS_GSLP=gsbj gsdj gsdj500 gslj
+ install-man: $(PSMANDIR)/gs.1
+- $(SH) -c 'test -d $(mandir) || mkdir -p $(mandir)'
++ $(SH) -c 'test -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir) || mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)'
+ $(SH) -c 'for d in $(MAN_LCDIRS) ;\
+- do man1dir=$(mandir)/$$d/man$(man1ext) ;\
++ do man1dir=$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/$$d/man$(man1ext) ;\
+ ( test -d $$man1dir || mkdir -p $$man1dir ) ;\
+ for f in $(PSMANDIR)/$$d/*.1 ;\
+ do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $$man1dir ;\
+@@ -158,18 +158,18 @@
+ # install the example files
+ install-examples:
+- -mkdir -p $(install_prefix)$(exdir)
++ -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(exdir)
+ for f in \
+ \
+ golfer.eps tiger.eps \
+ ridt91.eps ;\
+- do $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PSEXDIR)/$$f $(install_prefix)$(exdir) ;\
++ do $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PSEXDIR)/$$f $(DESTDIR)$(exdir) ;\
+ done
+ install-shared: $(GS_SHARED_OBJS)
+ if test "x$(GS_SHARED_OBJS)" != x; then \
+- mkdir -p $(gssharedir); \
++ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gssharedir); \
+ for obj in $(GS_SHARED_OBJS); do \
+- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$obj $(gssharedir)/; \
++ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$obj $(DESTDIR)$(gssharedir)/; \
+ done; \
+ fi
diff --git a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-ps2epsi-esp.diff b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-ps2epsi-esp.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..58b7297b501a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430-ps2epsi-esp.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- lib/ps2epsi.orig 2006-04-30 08:11:51.000000000 +0200
++++ lib/ps2epsi 2006-04-30 08:13:11.000000000 +0200
+@@ -6,11 +6,6 @@
+ fi
+ tmpfile=`mktemp ${TMPDIR-/tmp}/ps2epsi.XXXXXX`
+-rm -f $tmpfile
+-if test -e $tmpfile; then
+- echo "$0: Our temporary file $tmpfile already exists." 1>&2
+- exit 1
+ trap "rm -rf $tmpfile" 0 1 2 3 7 13 15
+ export outfile
diff --git a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-fontconfig.patch b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-fontconfig.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..694dc1328055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/files/ghostscript-esp-fontconfig.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+--- espgs-8.15.1/src/ 2006-04-29 13:59:03.000000000 +0200
++++ espgs-8.15.1/src/ 2006-04-29 13:59:08.000000000 +0200
+@@ -173,6 +173,13 @@
+ fi
++PKG_CHECK_MODULES([FONTCONFIG], [fontconfig], [have_fontconfig=yes], [have_fontconfig=no])
++if test "x$have_fontconfig" = "xyes"; then
++ AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_FONTCONFIG, 1, [Defines if your system has the libfontconfig library])
+ dnl --------------------------------------------------
+ dnl Check for libraries
+ dnl --------------------------------------------------
+--- espgs-8.15.1/src/gp_unix.c.orig 2006-04-29 13:59:03.000000000 +0200
++++ espgs-8.15.1/src/gp_unix.c 2006-04-29 13:59:08.000000000 +0200
+@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@
+ #include "gsexit.h"
+ #include "gp.h"
++#include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
+ /*
+ * This is the only place in Ghostscript that calls 'exit'. Including
+ * <stdlib.h> is overkill, but that's where it's declared on ANSI systems.
+@@ -220,16 +226,193 @@
+ * building a custom fontmap file.
+ */
++/* Mangle the FontConfig family and style information into a
++ * PostScript font name */
++static void makePSFontName(char* family, int weight, int slant, char *buf, int bufsize)
++ int bytesCopied, length, i;
++ const char *slantname, *weightname;
++ switch (slant) {
++ case FC_SLANT_ROMAN: slantname=""; break;;
++ case FC_SLANT_OBLIQUE: slantname="Oblique"; break;;
++ case FC_SLANT_ITALIC: slantname="Italic"; break;;
++ default: slantname="Unknown"; break;;
++ }
++ switch (weight) {
++ case FC_WEIGHT_MEDIUM: weightname=""; break;;
++ case FC_WEIGHT_LIGHT: weightname="Light"; break;;
++ case FC_WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD: weightname="Demi"; break;;
++ case FC_WEIGHT_BOLD: weightname="Bold"; break;;
++ case FC_WEIGHT_BLACK: weightname="Black"; break;;
++ default: weightname="Unknown"; break;;
++ }
++ length = strlen(family);
++ if (length >= bufsize)
++ length = bufsize;
++ /* Copy the family name, stripping spaces */
++ bytesCopied=0;
++ for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
++ if (family[i] != ' ')
++ buf[bytesCopied++] = family[i];
++ if ( ((slant != FC_SLANT_ROMAN) || (weight != FC_WEIGHT_MEDIUM)) \
++ && bytesCopied < bufsize )
++ {
++ buf[bytesCopied] = '-';
++ bytesCopied++;
++ if (weight != FC_WEIGHT_MEDIUM)
++ {
++ length = strlen(family);
++ if ((length + bytesCopied) >= bufsize)
++ length = bufsize - bytesCopied - 1;
++ strncpy(buf+bytesCopied, weightname, length);
++ bytesCopied += length;
++ }
++ if (slant != FC_SLANT_ROMAN)
++ {
++ length = strlen(family);
++ if ((length + bytesCopied) >= bufsize)
++ length = bufsize - bytesCopied - 1;
++ strncpy(buf+bytesCopied, slantname, length);
++ bytesCopied += length;
++ }
++ }
++ buf[bytesCopied] = '\0';
++/* State struct for font iteration - passed as an opaque 'void*' through the rest of gs */
++typedef struct {
++ int index; /* current index of iteration over font_list */
++ FcConfig* fc; /* FontConfig library handle */
++ FcFontSet* font_list; /* FontConfig font list */
++ char name[255]; /* name of last font */
++} unix_fontenum_t;
+ void *gp_enumerate_fonts_init(gs_memory_t *mem)
+ {
++ unix_fontenum_t *state = (unix_fontenum_t *)malloc(sizeof(unix_fontenum_t));
++ if (state == NULL)
++ return NULL; /* Failed to allocate state */
++ state->index = 0;
++ state->fc = NULL;
++ state->font_list = NULL;
++ /* Load the fontconfig library */
++ state->fc = FcInitLoadConfigAndFonts();
++ if (state->fc == NULL) {
++ free(state);
++ state = NULL;
++ dlprintf("destroyed state - fontconfig init failed");
++ return NULL; /* Failed to open fontconfig library */
++ }
++ /* load the font set that we'll iterate over */
++ FcPattern *pat = FcPatternBuild(NULL,
++ FC_OUTLINE, FcTypeBool, 1,
++ FC_SCALABLE, FcTypeBool, 1,
++ NULL);
++ FcObjectSet* os = FcObjectSetBuild(FC_FILE, FC_OUTLINE, FC_FAMILY, FC_WEIGHT, FC_SLANT, 0);
++ state->font_list = FcFontList(0, pat, os);
++ FcPatternDestroy(pat);
++ FcObjectSetDestroy(os);
++ if (state->font_list == NULL) {
++ free(state);
++ state = NULL;
++ return NULL; /* Failed to generate font list */
++ }
++ return (void *)state;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int gp_enumerate_fonts_next(void *enum_state, char **fontname, char **path)
+ {
++ char* psname = NULL;
++ unix_fontenum_t* state = (unix_fontenum_t *)enum_state;
++ if (state == NULL) {
++ return 0; /* gp_enumerate_fonts_init failed for some reason */
++ }
++ /* Bits of the following were borrowed from Red Hat's GS 7 FontConfig patch */
++ FcChar8* file_fc = NULL;
++ FcChar8* family_fc = NULL;
++ int outline_fc, slant_fc, weight_fc;
++ FcResult result;
++ if (state->index == state->font_list->nfont) {
++ return 0; /* we've run out of fonts */
++ }
++ FcPattern* font = state->font_list->fonts[state->index];
++ result = FcPatternGetString (font, FC_FAMILY, 0, &family_fc);
++ if (result != FcResultMatch || family_fc == NULL) {
++ dlprintf ("DEBUG: FC_FAMILY mismatch\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ result = FcPatternGetString (font, FC_FILE, 0, &file_fc);
++ if (result != FcResultMatch || file_fc == NULL) {
++ dlprintf ("DEBUG: FC_FILE mismatch\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ result = FcPatternGetBool (font, FC_OUTLINE, 0, &outline_fc);
++ if (result != FcResultMatch) {
++ dlprintf1 ("DEBUG: FC_OUTLINE failed to match on %s\n", (char*)family_fc);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ result = FcPatternGetInteger (font, FC_SLANT, 0, &slant_fc);
++ if (result != FcResultMatch) {
++ dlprintf ("DEBUG: FC_SLANT didn't match\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ result = FcPatternGetInteger (font, FC_WEIGHT, 0, &weight_fc);
++ if (result != FcResultMatch) {
++ dlprintf ("DEBUG: FC_WEIGHT didn't match\n");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ /* Gross hack to work around Fontconfig's inability to tell
++ * us the font's PostScript name - generate it ourselves.
++ * We must free the memory allocated here next time around. */
++ makePSFontName((char *)family_fc, weight_fc, slant_fc, &state->name, sizeof(state->name));
++ *fontname = &state->name;
++ /* return the font path straight out of fontconfig */
++ *path = (char*)file_fc;
++ state->index ++;
++ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void gp_enumerate_fonts_free(void *enum_state)
+ {
++ unix_fontenum_t* state = (unix_fontenum_t *)enum_state;
++ if (state != NULL) {
++ if (state->font_list != NULL)
++ FcFontSetDestroy(state->font_list);
++ free(state);
++ }
+--- espgs-8.15.1/src/ 2006-04-29 13:59:03.000000000 +0200
++++ espgs-8.15.1/src/ 2006-04-29 14:01:24.000000000 +0200
+@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
+ # Solaris may need -lnsl -lsocket -lposix4.
+ # (Libraries required by individual drivers are handled automatically.)
+ # Define the standard libraries to search at the end of linking.
+ # Most platforms require -lpthread for the POSIX threads library;
diff --git a/app-text/ghostscript-esp/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430.ebuild b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1f3f0b3d9a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/ghostscript-esp/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/ghostscript-esp/ghostscript-esp-8.15.1_p20060430.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/04/30 09:39:47 genstef Exp $
+inherit eutils autotools flag-o-matic versionator
+DESCRIPTION="ESP Ghostscript -- an enhanced version of GPL Ghostscript with better printer support"
+PVM=$(get_version_component_range 1-2)
+SRC_URI="cjk? (
+ )
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="X cups cjk emacs gtk threads xml"
+ >=media-libs/jpeg-6b
+ >=media-libs/libpng-1.2.5
+ >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4
+ >=media-libs/tiff-3.7
+ X? ( || ( x11-libs/libXt virtual/x11 ) )
+ gtk? ( >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.0 )
+ cups? ( >=net-print/cups-1.1.20 )
+ xml? ( >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.8 )
+ media-libs/fontconfig
+ !app-text/ghostscript-gnu
+ !app-text/ghostscript-afpl"
+ cjk? ( media-fonts/arphicfonts
+ media-fonts/kochi-substitute
+ media-fonts/baekmuk-fonts )
+ media-fonts/gnu-gs-fonts-std"
+ gtk? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A/adobe-cmaps-200204.tar.gz acro5-cmaps-2001.tar.gz}
+ cd ${S}
+ # not submitted
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/ghostscript-scripts.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/ghostscript-ps2epsi.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/ghostscript-badc.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/ghostscript-pagesize.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/ghostscript-noopt.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/ghostscript-use-external-freetype.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/ghostscript-split-font-configuration.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/ijs-dirinstall.diff
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/ghostscript-gtk2.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/ghostscript-esp-fontconfig.patch
+ epatch ${WORKDIR}/${P/_p*}-ubuntu4.patch
+ # needed forward-porting
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P/_p*}-fPIC.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P/_p*}-bsd.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-destdir.diff
+ # #128647
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-ps2epsi-esp.diff
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-build.patch
+ # gentoo specific
+ if ! use gtk; then
+ sed -i "s:\$(GSSOX)::" src/*.mak || die "gsx sed failed"
+ sed -i "s:.*\$(GSSOX_XENAME)$::" src/*.mak || die "gsxso sed failed"
+ fi
+ # search path fix
+ sed -i -e "s:\$\(gsdatadir\)/lib:/usr/share/ghostscript/${PVM}/$(get_libdir):" \
+ src/ || die "sed failed"
+ sed -i -e 's:$(gsdir)/fonts:/usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript/:' \
+ src/ || die "sed failed"
+ sed -i -e "s:exdir=[^ ]*:exdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples:" \
+ src/ || die "sed failed"
+ ln -s src/ .
+ ln -s src/ .
+ cp /usr/share/automake-1.9/install-sh "${S}"
+ AT_NOELIBTOOLIZE="yes" eautoreconf
+ cd ijs
+ AT_NOELIBTOOLIZE="yes" eautoreconf
+ elibtoolize
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ myconf="--with-ijs --with-jbig2dec"
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-fontconfig --with-fontpath=/usr/share/fonts:/usr/share/fonts/ttf/zh_TW:/usr/share/fonts/ttf/zh_CN:/usr/share/fonts/arphicfonts:/usr/share/fonts/ttf/korean/baekmuk:/usr/share/fonts/baekmuk-fonts:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype:/usr/share/fonts/kochi-substitute"
+ # *-dynmic breaks compiling without X, see bug 121749
+ use X && myconf="${myconf} --enable-dynamic"
+ econf $(use_with X x) \
+ $(use_enable cups) \
+ $(use_enable threads) \
+ $(use_with xml omni) \
+ ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
+ emake -j1 || die "make failed"
+ emake so -j1 || die "make failed"
+ cd ijs
+ econf || die "econf failed"
+ emake -j1 || die "make failed"
+ cd ..
+src_install() {
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" soinstall || die "make install failed"
+ rm -fr ${D}/usr/share/ghostscript/${PVM}/doc || die
+ dodoc doc/README
+ dohtml doc/*.html doc/*.htm
+ if use emacs; then
+ insinto /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp
+ doins doc/gsdoc.el
+ fi
+ if use cjk; then
+ dodir /usr/share/ghostscript/Resource
+ dodir /usr/share/ghostscript/Resource/Font
+ dodir /usr/share/ghostscript/Resource/CIDFont
+ cd ${D}/usr/share/ghostscript/Resource
+ unpack adobe-cmaps-200204.tar.gz
+ unpack acro5-cmaps-2001.tar.gz
+ fi
+ # install ijs
+ cd ${S}/ijs
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "ijs install failed"