Gentoo Tcltk Project Tcl3D offers the 3D functionality of OpenGL and other 3D libraries at the Tcl scripting level. The Tcl3D package currently consists of the following modules: Tcl3D core module tcl3dOgl Enhanced Togl widget, a Tk widget for displaying OpenGL content. Wrapper for core OpenGL functionality (GL Version 3.0, GLU Version 1.2) and OpenGL extensions. Tcl3D utility library: Math functions, standard shapes, stop watch, demo support. Tcl3D optional modules tcl3dCg Wrapper for NVidia's Cg shading language. * tcl3dSDL Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Library. tcl3dFTGL Wrapper for the OpenGL Font Rendering Library. tcl3dGl2ps Wrapper for the OpenGL To Postscript library. * tcl3dOde Wrapper for the Open Dynamics Engine. tcl3dGauges Tcl3D package for displaying gauges.