diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-electronics')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/sci-electronics/eagle/Manifest b/sci-electronics/eagle/Manifest
index 4c751787aa0c..703da782c65e 100644
--- a/sci-electronics/eagle/Manifest
+++ b/sci-electronics/eagle/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
-DIST 48599533 BLAKE2B 9412464dec7f3dee0944bfa588c5d9d1c8fd35316d1acc95b3cfdad2347b42c6a04e63230dadc08fb16e3483d25948d0244f9f7facbcbbfe74ddbbc5d5d7fbb3 SHA512 ef25fe7910a89e80b0c4c2d8a8f80269474510d5bd9250c6a2751ac198e7a5b4c687a30d1d784a86196589377ef7df527ff8cfa2a747c4f6e0f85496c3a180ab
DIST 51488593 BLAKE2B e1556b7abe6fb405632015f39bdd8e8c61891ebab7e3f59d41aaa0c6ecaea2f050ced62552656a2311542fee497dbe8fbe43c958a8e76a9b00217c430f678072 SHA512 7ebe73bcd71857c5b8087e911ebfc45507715725abab15b80c9800476128790f8e373d01c52c05a87102597d355390ca0687964eff74af1283b162fba8dbb53b
-DIST 48248700 BLAKE2B e7d8a7a23e0023159d626203bba2cf195fad3eac54b9b72947c9e72e7bb3f3534ce2545857ce76e70302eb1d2042cc30f9c327fc2a5a4dd4287e82aef4393dc6 SHA512 bd158b25ed682c63405b90358f82ffcb0903c7f5e5ae81737efcb56b6074a78125de31909c64f31a5f4bab7727c63b6aa0c7af0f6440793010f7f6de3f92f681
DIST 51108322 BLAKE2B 1458199821328e811632cdb7457f256b9d97c40005c0ce71eb65d9c3f75049618e76e0c7e3cbb2e3171649bb412270409fd601bfe6f51c79c6cc3d01c12fcf66 SHA512 1f0b38be16b87f67f64709e7e39b888592240d98cdcb7b81ee77f236d9cdea5127e661db5cff470d9673f8247bea49732be3b443cdc5fbd1dca34e26896a6770
diff --git a/sci-electronics/eagle/eagle-7.3.0-r1.ebuild b/sci-electronics/eagle/eagle-7.3.0-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a814f7ecec99..000000000000
--- a/sci-electronics/eagle/eagle-7.3.0-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="CadSoft EAGLE schematic and printed circuit board (PCB) layout editor"
- x86? (${PN}/program/${PV%\.[0-9]}/${PN}-lin32-${PV}.run )
- amd64? (${PN}/program/${PV%\.[0-9]}/${PN}-lin64-${PV}.run )"
-KEYWORDS="-* amd64 x86"
-RESTRICT="mirror bindist"
- sys-libs/glibc
- || ( <dev-libs/openssl-1.1 dev-libs/openssl-compat:1.0.0 )
- >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.8-r1
- >=media-libs/freetype-
- >=media-libs/fontconfig-2.10.92
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libX11
- >=x11-libs/libXrender-0.9.8
- >=x11-libs/libXrandr-1.4.2
- >=x11-libs/libXcursor-1.1.14
- >=x11-libs/libXi-1.7.2
- net-print/cups
- x11-libs/libxcb
-# Append ${PV} since that's what upstream installs to
-case "${LINGUAS}" in
- *de*)
- MY_LANG="de";;
- *)
- MY_LANG="en";;
-src_unpack() {
- # Extract the built-in .tar.bz2 file starting at __DATA__
- sed -e '1,/^__DATA__$/d' "${DISTDIR}/${A}" | tar xj || die "unpacking failed"
-src_install() {
- local installdir="/opt/eagle"
- # Set MY_LANG for this function only since UPDATE_zh and README_zh
- # don't exist
- [[ ${LINGUAS} == *zh* ]] && MY_INST_LANG="zh" || MY_INST_LANG="${MY_LANG}"
- # Install the documentation
- cd doc/
- local pattern="^((README|UPDATE)_${MY_LANG}|library_${MY_LANG}\.txt)$"
- for docs in README_* UPDATE_* library_*.txt; do
- if [[ $docs =~ $pattern ]]; then
- dodoc $docs
- fi
- rm -f $docs
- done
- doman eagle.1
- rm eagle.1
- # Install extra documentation if requested
- pattern="^((tutorial|manual|generate-3d-idf-data)_|(connect-device-split-symbol|make-symbol-device-package-bsdl-2011)-)${MY_LANG}.pdf$"
- if use doc; then
- cd ulp/
- for docs in generate-3d-idf-data_*.pdf connect-device-split-symbol-*.pdf make-symbol-device-package-bsdl-2011-*.pdf; do
- if [[ ! $docs =~ $pattern ]]; then
- rm $docs
- fi
- done
- cd ../
- for docs in manual_* tutorial_*; do
- if [[ ! $docs =~ $pattern ]]; then
- rm $docs
- fi
- done
- else
- rm {elektro-tutorial,manual_*,tutorial_*,layer-setup_designrules}.pdf
- rm -rf ulp/
- fi
- rm -f license*.txt eagle.dtd
- cd "${S}"
- insinto $installdir
- doins -r .
- fperms 0755 ${installdir}/bin/eagle
- # Install wrapper (suppressing leading tabs)
- # see bug #188368 or
- exeinto /opt/bin
- newexe "${FILESDIR}/eagle_wrapper_script" eagle
- # Finally, append the path of the eagle binary respecting $installdir and any
- # arguments passed to the script (thanks Denilson)
- echo "${installdir}/bin/eagle" '"$@"' >> "${D}/opt/bin/eagle"
- echo -e "ROOTPATH=${installdir}/bin\nPRELINK_PATH_MASK=${installdir}" > "${S}/90eagle-${PV}"
- doenvd "${S}/90eagle-${PV}"
- # Create desktop entry
- newicon bin/${PN}icon50.png ${PF}-icon50.png
- make_desktop_entry "${EPREFIX}/opt/bin/eagle" "CadSoft EAGLE Layout Editor" ${PF}-icon50 "Graphics;Electronics"
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Run \`env-update && source /etc/profile\` from within \${ROOT}"
- elog "now to set up the correct paths."
- elog "You must first run eagle as root to invoke product registration."
- echo
- ewarn "Due to some necessary changes in the data structure, once you edit"
- ewarn "a file with version 7.x you will no longer be able to edit it"
- ewarn "with versions prior to 7.0!"
- ewarn
- ewarn "Please read /usr/share/doc/${PF}/UPDATE_${MY_LANG} if you are upgrading from a version prior 7.x!"