diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-java/commons-chain')
4 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-java/commons-chain/Manifest b/dev-java/commons-chain/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5fc02c6d8927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/commons-chain/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+DIST 316195 SHA256 6c13dd2c5fddffc6e955a702eb8767d9ebb8e3aa1f8d696bf2933a77a8c13ad3 SHA512 454cc3c00deb78f0c07e01ea5e2be9ea1210b7a0162e2490e5aba0df0788e1661aed88e4c4ac83e9f2046f62bdf063ecb7af7d3d49b7e87056aded1d5c1dad4b WHIRLPOOL aa2b6e2253493289f0e4599af71c1bf1361aa4cf17720f1498d6b991fee1bad963db6d307ab052b2b99f9d2e073d967e06ee54b45debf045b558a20ae24593d7
diff --git a/dev-java/commons-chain/commons-chain-1.2.ebuild b/dev-java/commons-chain/commons-chain-1.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..39cccd08e661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/commons-chain/commons-chain-1.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source"
+inherit java-pkg-2 java-ant-2
+DESCRIPTION="API exposing the Chain of Responsability design pattern - by the ASF"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+# Too many missing imports from javax.servlet.* which cause the
+# "compile-tests" target to fail compiling.
+# I gave up on it after wasting nearly half a day.
+ dev-java/mojarra:2.2
+ dev-java/portletapi:2.0
+ dev-java/commons-logging:0
+ java-virtuals/servlet-api:3.0"
+ commons-logging
+ commons-digester
+ portletapi-2.0
+ mojarra-2.2
+ servlet-api-3.0
+java_prepare() {
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-build.xml build.xml
+src_install() {
+ java-pkg_newjar "${S}"/target/${P}.jar commons-chain.jar
+ if use doc; then
+ java-pkg_dohtml -r "${S}"/target/site/apidocs/
+ fi
+ if use source; then
+ java-pkg_dosrc "${S}"/src/*
+ fi
diff --git a/dev-java/commons-chain/files/commons-chain-1.2-build.xml b/dev-java/commons-chain/files/commons-chain-1.2-build.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1ef9f3813c7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/commons-chain/files/commons-chain-1.2-build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project name="commons-chain-1.2" default="package" basedir=".">
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Build environment properties -->
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <property file="${user.home}/.m2/"/>
+ <property file=""/>
+ <property name="" value="commons-chain-1.2"/>
+ <property name="" value="target"/>
+ <property name="" value="${}/classes"/>
+ <property name="" value="src/java"/>
+ <property name="" value="."/>
+ <property name="" value="${}/test-classes"/>
+ <property name="" value="src/test"/>
+ <property name="" value="src/test"/>
+ <property name="maven.test.reports" value="${}/test-reports"/>
+ <property name="maven.reporting.outputDirectory" value="${}/site"/>
+ <property name="maven.repo.local" value="${user.home}/.m2/repository"/>
+ <property name="maven.settings.offline" value="false"/>
+ <property name="maven.settings.interactiveMode" value="true"/>
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Defining classpaths -->
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <path id="build.classpath">
+ </path>
+ <path id="build.test.classpath">
+ </path>
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Cleaning up target -->
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <target name="clean" description="Clean the output directory">
+ <delete dir="${}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Compilation target -->
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <target name="compile" description="Compile the code">
+ <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+ <javac destdir="${}"
+ encoding="iso-8859-1"
+ nowarn="false"
+ debug="true"
+ optimize="false"
+ deprecation="true"
+ target="1.6"
+ verbose="false"
+ fork="false"
+ source="1.6">
+ <src>
+ <pathelement location="${}"/>
+ </src>
+ <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
+ </javac>
+ <mkdir dir="${}/META-INF"/>
+ <copy todir="${}/META-INF">
+ <fileset dir="${}">
+ <include name="NOTICE.txt"/>
+ <include name="LICENSE.txt"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Test-compilation target -->
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <target name="compile-tests"
+ depends="compile"
+ description="Compile the test code"
+ unless="maven.test.skip">
+ <mkdir dir="${}"/>
+ <javac destdir="${}"
+ encoding="iso-8859-1"
+ nowarn="false"
+ debug="true"
+ optimize="false"
+ deprecation="true"
+ target="1.6"
+ verbose="false"
+ fork="false"
+ source="1.6">
+ <src>
+ <pathelement location="${}"/>
+ </src>
+ <classpath>
+ <path refid="build.test.classpath"/>
+ <pathelement location="${}"/>
+ </classpath>
+ </javac>
+ <copy todir="${}">
+ <fileset dir="${}">
+ <include name="**/*.xml"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Run all tests -->
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <target name="test"
+ depends="compile-tests"
+ unless="junit.skipped"
+ description="Run the test cases">
+ <mkdir dir="${maven.test.reports}"/>
+ <junit printSummary="yes" haltonerror="true" haltonfailure="true" fork="true" dir=".">
+ <sysproperty key="basedir" value="."/>
+ <formatter type="xml"/>
+ <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
+ <classpath>
+ <path refid="build.test.classpath"/>
+ <pathelement location="${}"/>
+ <pathelement location="${}"/>
+ </classpath>
+ <batchtest todir="${maven.test.reports}" unless="test">
+ <fileset dir="${}">
+ <include name="**/Test*.java"/>
+ <include name="**/*"/>
+ <include name="**/*"/>
+ <exclude name="**/*Abstract*"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </batchtest>
+ <batchtest todir="${maven.test.reports}" if="test">
+ <fileset dir="${}">
+ <include name="**/${test}.java"/>
+ <exclude name="**/*Abstract*"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </batchtest>
+ </junit>
+ </target>
+ <target name="test-junit-present">
+ <available classname="junit.framework.Test" property="junit.present" classpathref="build.test.classpath"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="test-junit-status"
+ depends="test-junit-present">
+ <condition property="junit.missing">
+ <and>
+ <isfalse value="${junit.present}"/>
+ <isfalse value="${maven.test.skip}"/>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="junit.skipped">
+ <or>
+ <isfalse value="${junit.present}"/>
+ <istrue value="${maven.test.skip}"/>
+ </or>
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Javadoc target -->
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <target name="javadoc" description="Generates the Javadoc of the application">
+ <javadoc sourcepath="${}"
+ packagenames="*"
+ destdir="${maven.reporting.outputDirectory}/apidocs"
+ access="protected"
+ old="false"
+ verbose="false"
+ encoding="iso-8859-1"
+ version="true"
+ use="true"
+ author="true"
+ splitindex="false"
+ nodeprecated="false"
+ nodeprecatedlist="false"
+ notree="false"
+ noindex="false"
+ nohelp="false"
+ nonavbar="false"
+ serialwarn="false"
+ charset="ISO-8859-1"
+ source="1.3"
+ linksource="true"
+ failonerror="false"
+ breakiterator="false">
+ <link href=""/>
+ <link href=""/>
+ <link href=""/>
+ </javadoc>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Package target -->
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <target name="package" depends="compile" description="Package the application">
+ <jar jarfile="${}/${}.jar"
+ compress="true"
+ index="false"
+ basedir="${}"
+ excludes="**/package.html"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <!-- A dummy target for the package named after the type it creates -->
+ <!-- ====================================================================== -->
+ <target name="jar" depends="package" description="Builds the jar for the application"/>
diff --git a/dev-java/commons-chain/metadata.xml b/dev-java/commons-chain/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7303cef96964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/commons-chain/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <herd>java</herd>