diff options
authorMatthew Thode <>2024-09-22 15:24:41 -0500
committerMatthew Thode <>2024-09-22 15:37:04 -0500
commit2551e1943d204f0e78894e5d4580289867c95240 (patch)
tree2e9afb4193a779d635c391eee6a2b7a336a68299 /app-admin
parentkde-plasma/kscreen: Add missing dev-qt/qtbase[X] USEdep (diff)
app-admin/puppet: add 7.33.0
Signed-off-by: Matthew Thode <>
Diffstat (limited to 'app-admin')
2 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app-admin/puppet/Manifest b/app-admin/puppet/Manifest
index c8a2bdc1a3f3..86a41d3f70f1 100644
--- a/app-admin/puppet/Manifest
+++ b/app-admin/puppet/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
DIST puppet-7.28.0.tar.gz 2827538 BLAKE2B 65f25d9de60ed1b511acb5c9d72370198f68f3158cfede2ffda90ee23ebcfecfdabcf35459d1a048c3a204e13611f67852028233e4da4b9ed2ea08cad07a37c9 SHA512 d570452ceec764c657f4678f7179400d30f8513766edc6f020db35c3a4246c1d857615a647ca481920a7d1a40cf9a15057432468ccd4697e4335dca55e121faa
+DIST puppet-7.33.0.tar.gz 1514101 BLAKE2B 6029862352710d1d427600697ab759d50854d17c02e47fbd7ec78929e0589bda507c6424c8c0e7de47a62754f5e180da5538823fe4c849c161649982f6b360ab SHA512 1f2e987cc39f25bda73f9228f20a2ddfd8e0b501c933da3ec4cb5a08cfe9ffe41e11e7bd679c039ed0acd45fe1d60f332b06e3be7653c207852677c39731cceb
DIST puppet-8.5.1.tar.gz 1565085 BLAKE2B f352f9f70e090c4a32edd45ced5c01ed4eff891fb46c0f2d753ceeba43250960356ceb2d9047e7308732585ec114c5f728ec29a65b6a08348b74a9709ec92a89 SHA512 f1d661c34fc7c1381c6422ff7e027fdf4554a69939f5db926bf8a61a89583090fb8d28151f90093d3ca8037950ed911b0a5c7b8677a80ede72e83d9cbf89af7f
DIST puppet-8.6.0.tar.gz 1567398 BLAKE2B 749cc055c6797e5715907fdb768264774efba62e4681733a59a457cfda9dd2682990a96331cc04d313a367e32b820ce351fb103e19891976e900d99c30ca7ba5 SHA512 b08d59b4ec79fec5f3dd2d37c9b6a9f016cf25068e507866ab8d545f59792b9af84e302675182a0318c792814f0bff2bf052c8953b6b44c5441fa2c692a9f04d
diff --git a/app-admin/puppet/puppet-7.33.0.ebuild b/app-admin/puppet/puppet-7.33.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2664b1eab85c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-admin/puppet/puppet-7.33.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+USE_RUBY="ruby27 ruby30 ruby31"
+inherit ruby-fakegem systemd tmpfiles
+DESCRIPTION="A system automation and configuration management software"
+LICENSE="Apache-2.0 GPL-2"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86"
+IUSE="augeas diff doc emacs ldap rrdtool selinux shadow sqlite vim-syntax"
+ruby_add_rdepend "
+ dev-ruby/hiera
+ dev-ruby/json:=
+ dev-ruby/semantic_puppet
+ >=dev-ruby/facter-3.0.0
+ dev-ruby/concurrent-ruby
+ augeas? ( dev-ruby/ruby-augeas )
+ diff? ( dev-ruby/diff-lcs )
+ doc? ( dev-ruby/rdoc )
+ ldap? ( dev-ruby/ruby-ldap )
+ shadow? ( dev-ruby/ruby-shadow )
+ sqlite? ( dev-ruby/sqlite3 )
+ virtual/ruby-ssl
+ dev-ruby/hocon"
+ruby_add_bdepend "
+ doc? ( dev-ruby/yard )
+ test? (
+ dev-ruby/mocha
+ dev-ruby/rack
+ dev-ruby/rspec-its
+ )"
+# this should go in the above lists, but isn't because of test deps not being keyworded
+# dev-ruby/rspec-collection_matchers
+ rrdtool? ( >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.23[ruby] )
+ selinux? (
+ sys-libs/libselinux[ruby]
+ sec-policy/selinux-puppet
+ )
+ vim-syntax? ( >=app-vim/puppet-syntax-3.0.1 )
+ >=app-portage/eix-0.18.0
+ acct-user/puppet
+ acct-group/puppet"
+PDEPEND="emacs? ( >=app-emacs/puppet-mode-0.3-r1 )"
+all_ruby_prepare() {
+ # fix systemd path
+ eapply -p0 "${FILESDIR}/puppet-systemd.patch"
+each_ruby_install() {
+ each_fakegem_install
+# dosym "/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems/$(ruby_get_version)/gems/${P}" \
+# "/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems/$(ruby_get_version)/gems/${PN}"
+all_ruby_install() {
+ all_fakegem_install
+ # systemd stuffs
+ systemd_dounit "${WORKDIR}/all/${P}/ext/systemd/puppet.service"
+ # tmpfiles stuff
+ newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}/tmpfiles.d-2" "puppet.conf"
+ # openrc init stuff
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/puppet.init puppet
+ keepdir /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl
+ keepdir /var/lib/puppet/facts
+ keepdir /var/lib/puppet/files
+ fowners -R puppet:puppet /var/lib/puppet
+ fperms 0750 /var/lib/puppet
+ fperms 0750 /etc/puppetlabs
+ fperms 0750 /etc/puppetlabs/puppet
+ fperms 0750 /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl
+ fowners -R :puppet /etc/puppetlabs
+ fowners -R :puppet /var/lib/puppet
+ # ext and examples files
+ for f in $(find ext examples -type f) ; do
+ docinto "$(dirname ${f})"
+ dodoc "${f}"
+ done
+pkg_postinst() {
+ tmpfiles_process puppet.conf
+ elog
+ elog "Please, *don't* include the --ask option in EMERGE_EXTRA_OPTS as this could"
+ elog "cause puppet to hang while installing packages."
+ elog
+ elog "Portage Puppet module with Gentoo-specific resources:"
+ elog ""
+ elog
+ elog "If updating from puppet 5 to 6, keep in mind that webrick (server/master)"
+ elog "suppert was removed for >=6.x, please migrate to puppetserver if you have"
+ elog "not already done so."
+ elog