You are almost done! 0. Setup the db. 1. Restart Apache 2. Login on http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/${VHOST_APPDIR} and finish the installation. IMPORTANT: the web installer will complain that configuration.php is not writeable. When you are done, create configuration.php in ${MY_INSTALLDIR} and copy the generated configuration into it. Then execute the following: # cd ${MY_INSTALLDIR} # chown apache:apache configuration.php # chmod u+w configuration.php 3. (Stolen from , which you should also read) CONFIGURE MOS You can now launch your browser and point it to your MOS site e.g. http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/${VHOST_APPDIR} -> Main Site http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/${VHOST_APPDIR}/administrator -> Admin You can log into Admin using the username 'admin' along with the password that was generated or you chose during the web based install. Enjoy Mambo!