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Turba is the Horde contact management application. It is a production 
level address book, and makes heavy use of the Horde framework to 
provide integration with IMP and other Horde applications.

Turba is a complete basic contact management application. SQL, LDAP, and 
Horde Preferences backends are available and are well tested. You can 
define the fields in your address books in a very flexible way, just by 
changing the config files. You can import/export from/to Pine, Mulberry, 
CSV, TSV, and vCard contacts. You can create distribution lists from 
your addressbooks, which are handled transparently by IMP and other 
Horde applications. And there are Horde API functions to add and search 
for contacts.

Additional backends are easy to add - all you need to do is to implement 
a Turba_Driver subclass that implements a few simple methods and talks 
to your storage method of choice.