# ChangeLog for net-misc/openssh # Copyright 2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/openssh/ChangeLog,v 1.17 2002/07/25 13:57:18 lostlogic Exp $ *openssh-3.4_p1-r3 (04 July 2002) 25 Jul 2002; Nicholas Jones openssh-3.4_p1-r3.ebuild : Bopped Brandon on the head. Added -passwords to the end of --with-md5 No version bump as this doesn't affect most people, and those who need it can just rsync and emerge. 09 Jul 2002; Brandon Low openssh-3.4_p1-r3.ebuild : New revision enables md5 passwords, please test and let me know how it goes so I can unmask. Thanks. *openssh-3.4_p1-r2 (04 July 2002) 09 Jul 2002; phoen][x openssh-3.4_p1-r2.ebuild : Added KEYWORDS. 04 July 2002; Brandon Low openssh-3.4_p1-r2.ebuild : Fixes problem of /var/empty being removed if immediately do emerge openssh emerge openssh. Not an urgent upgrade, but recommended. *openssh-3.4_p1-r1 (02 July 2002) 02 July 2002; Brandon Low openssh-3.4_p1-r1.ebuild : This closes bugs 4169, 4170, and 4193. This new ebuild changes the sshd user from whatever it may be to UID 22, this shouldn't mean anything to most people because no scripts, nor programs use the sshd UID directly (for that matter it is only referenced during authentication of new logins via ssh). However if for some reason your system does have things that were owned by user sshd, you will need to change their UID. *openssh-3.4_p1 (26 June 2002) 26 June 2002; Brandon Low : New version closes soon to be released security hole, PLEASE upgrade immediately according to the changelogs, this new version closes several possible holes found during a massive audit of the code. *openssh-3.3_p1 (22 June 2002) 22 June 2002; Donny Davies : Chase latest release. Starting with this version sshd uses a new privelaged process separation scheme. See the docs for more info. *openssh-3.2.3_p1-1 (5 June 2002) 5 June 2002; Gabriele Giorgetti : New revision. Changes submitted by Alson van der Meulen gentoo@alm.xs4all.nl within bug #3391 were added. Bug closed/fixed. *openssh-3.2.3_p1 (30 May 2002) 30 May 2002; Arcady Genkin : Update to 3.2.3. *openssh-3.2.2_p1 (18 May 2002) 18 May 2002; Donny Davies : Chase latest release + update openssl dependency. *openssh-3.1_p1-r2 (03 Apr 2002) 03 Apr 2002; Daniel Robbins files/sshd.pam: new pam sshd file to use pam_stack, pam_nologin and pam_shells, as well as use pam_unix instead of pam_pwdb. Added updated shadow dependency if pam is enabled (to depend upon our new shadow with the pam_pwdb to pam_unix conversion). *openssh-3.1_p1 (7 Mar 2002) 15 Mar 2002; Bruce A. Locke files/sshd.rc6 files/sshd.rc5 : ssh1 keygen requires a new option in the initscripts 13 Mar 2002; M.Schlemmer openssh-3.1_p1-r1.ebuild : Update rc-script not to fail on restart if there is open sessions. 7 Mar 2002; F.Meyndert openssh-3.1_p1.ebuild : Updated openssh to version 3.1 that fixes a nasty off by one bug in all previous version. That caused a local root hole. *openssh-3.0.2_p1-r1 (1 Feb 2002) 1 Feb 2002; G.Bevin ChangeLog : Added initial ChangeLog which should be updated whenever the package is updated in any way. This changelog is targetted to users. This means that the comments should well explained and written in clean English. The details about writing correct changelogs are explained in the skel.ChangeLog file which you can find in the root directory of the portage repository.