# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/celery/celery-3.0.15.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/03/11 08:50:11 patrick Exp $ EAPI="4" # Not broken but unsupported; dev-python/redis-py doesn't # support python3 which is a dep in tests. pypy fails just 1 test PYTHON_TESTS_RESTRICTED_ABIS="3.* 2.7-pypy-*" PYTHON_DEPEND="*:2.7" RESTRICT_PYTHON_ABIS="2.[5-6]" SUPPORT_PYTHON_ABIS="1" DISTUTILS_SRC_TEST="nosetests" inherit distutils eutils DESCRIPTION="Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing." HOMEPAGE="http://celeryproject.org/ http://pypi.python.org/pypi/celery" SRC_URI="mirror://pypi/${PN:0:1}/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="BSD" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="doc examples sql test" # jython would need: threadpool, simplejson # python2.5 would need: ordereddict, test? unittest2 # python2.6 would need: multiprocessing, test? simplejson RDEPEND=">=dev-python/kombu-2.4.7 <dev-python/kombu-3.0 sql? ( dev-python/sqlalchemy ) dev-python/python-dateutil >=dev-python/anyjson-0.3.3 virtual/pyparsing >=dev-python/billiard- dev-python/pytz " DEPEND="${RDEPEND} test? ( dev-python/gevent >=dev-python/mock-0.7.0 virtual/python-unittest2 dev-python/pyopenssl dev-python/nose-cover3 dev-python/sqlalchemy dev-python/pymongo dev-python/redis-py dev-db/redis ) doc? ( dev-python/docutils dev-python/sphinx dev-python/jinja dev-python/sphinxcontrib-issuetracker dev-python/sqlalchemy ) dev-python/setuptools" src_test() { testing() { nosetests --py3where build-${PYTHON_ABI}/lib/${PN}/tests } python_execute_function testing } src_compile() { distutils_src_compile dodocs() { echo "test $PYTHON_ABI" if [[ "${PYTHON_ABI}" == "2.7" ]]; then mkdir docs/.build || die PYTHONPATH="${S}/doc:${S}/build-${PYTHON_ABI}"/lib emake -C docs html fi } use doc && python_execute_function dodocs } src_install() { distutils_src_install --install-scripts="/usr/bin" # Main celeryd init.d and conf.d newinitd "${FILESDIR}/celery.initd" celery newconfd "${FILESDIR}/celery.confd" celery if use examples; then insinto usr/share/doc/${P}/ doins -r examples fi use doc && dohtml -r docs/.build/html/ }