# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/integrit/integrit-4.0.ebuild,v 1.4 2008/01/14 19:51:28 dertobi123 Exp $

DESCRIPTION="file integrity verification program"
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ppc x86"


src_compile() {
	econf --prefix=/usr || die
	emake || die
	emake utils || die
	cd ${S}/doc
	emake || die
	cd ${S}/hashtbl
	emake hashtest || die
	mv README README.hashtbl

src_install() {
	dosbin integrit || die
	dolib libintegrit.a
	dodoc Changes HACKING README todo.txt

	cd ${S}/utils
	dosbin i-viewdb
	dobin i-ls

	cd ${S}/hashtbl
	dolib libhashtbl.a
	insinto /usr/include
	doins hashtbl.h
	dobin hashtest
	dodoc README.hashtbl

	cd ${S}/doc
	doman i-ls.1 i-viewdb.1 integrit.1
	doinfo integrit.info

	cd ${S}/examples
	docinto examples
	dodoc *

pkg_postinst() {
	elog "It is recommended that the integrit binary is copied to a secure"
	elog "location and re-copied at runtime or run from a secure medium."
	elog "You should also create a configuration file (see examples)."