diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/kdevelop')
6 files changed, 30 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog b/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog
index 9d629631baec..8710ead0daa8 100644
--- a/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-util/kdevelop
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog,v 1.176 2009/05/25 19:50:57 tampakrap Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/kdevelop/ChangeLog,v 1.177 2009/06/04 16:41:27 tampakrap Exp $
+ 04 Jun 2009; Theo Chatzimichos <>
+ +files/kdevelop-3.5-gcc4.4.patch, -files/kdevelop-3.5.0-scope.patch,
+ -files/kdevelop-3.5.1_fix_missing_output.patch, kdevelop-3.5.4-r1.ebuild:
+ Apply gcc 4.4 patch, bug 272638
25 May 2009; Theo Chatzimichos <>
-kdevelop-3.5.0.ebuild, -kdevelop-3.5.1.ebuild, -kdevelop-3.5.2.ebuild,
diff --git a/dev-util/kdevelop/Manifest b/dev-util/kdevelop/Manifest
index eaf7d57da599..f0aa4e66e220 100644
--- a/dev-util/kdevelop/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/kdevelop/Manifest
@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
Hash: SHA1
+AUX kdevelop-3.5-gcc4.4.patch 458 RMD160 6da289856eeb528fddbfa48cac5629689e6a97c1 SHA1 23f591b79982ce31a1974b6c11e346e5522da9de SHA256 9038e8a693c5ae684b2d3ed564bcecb913cabe25811ce64fd34e854274642a1e
AUX kdevelop-3.5-lexer.patch 510 RMD160 e113f4e01c05704fd06870139e66729bfcd6601c SHA1 baeef6d2af05c2f45d1b0c840c8a3b878a500e3b SHA256 00e723b0c6a9a615b75dde6bf26b78c6200e855c1b51ad0fc5548b0704585c59
AUX kdevelop-3.5-parallel.patch 603 RMD160 138fb288a2c0c157f5be2760319449f8c6bcc576 SHA1 816250066e394c9a77c451dc64450cfc052dda69 SHA256 0a54a7e23db4c447d65082055c9bd198828bf1f792b02d63185df829bae40198
-AUX kdevelop-3.5.0-scope.patch 3722 RMD160 342fd6bc3ed07aa2c39a27fedce02cc247280a25 SHA1 e3d30bd0ec7be8c830d525a83c4bd7622167db6e SHA256 9183f191163048aa481769ea620d81f89ba2d8e4d7b33ce6bd55f1c5400eeeef
-AUX kdevelop-3.5.1_fix_missing_output.patch 1460 RMD160 9c0f7f367fd2ae4399cf442bc36f5c16b72b8272 SHA1 71a8d86e2365f8794c0263c603d0281f3886d608 SHA256 504d1d208781e7ae67be4240c1acbe5e0e5723d56948f1f81b932edd42292cd0
DIST kdevelop-3.5-patchset-01.tar.bz2 28386 RMD160 4f7fd0317f1ce6f9e44bcdb20768473ee7b9a9cb SHA1 66e29714f6cc09293c8ad20e875df50c28657001 SHA256 b226bbd5d8f5aa22b9afdebd50befcc95df7e09868be7158d4c735df16306d7f
DIST kdevelop-3.5.2-post-rev823459.diff.tar.bz2 4397 RMD160 03c4a7d2d0cfbbc8838c7ff8b9da181017fdb42a SHA1 665859106dfe0c20eab53ea55be1a62cf75249fa SHA256 6271a72c7991d4b2bc9728b00e9153c32a19d3fe513152793dd908336bd57788
DIST kdevelop-3.5.2.tar.bz2 8422999 RMD160 fd4ab60b9ae79c0a65ce550c2ffed2f195be648c SHA1 b6a3c055977e2bb4b9904008ddb01e7e406dff7f SHA256 872f6787212b95cc11f6f0b02b93f8162447a9e5abf1d0ccccaac6d2e9431720
DIST kdevelop-3.5.4.tar.bz2 9571281 RMD160 63282181bf8c66a556b451973d077a04d028db7e SHA1 4b51f23b26705de61fdbffa5f0ce31ff71586eed SHA256 51ea20606111f8cfaa8878951ab313199d6fdc0f920f3dcd53fd8f4bcf8de318
DIST kdevelop-3.9.91.tar.bz2 2634061 RMD160 0023b6caf49657c94ca4b48007ef2d0c35d11c94 SHA1 4a3efa96066a5a0f39b65fbddb95115f23852141 SHA256 ea57e272d6161e5d152f322e0c4713acddcc4218e06c26bb486214a6aee74fb9
EBUILD kdevelop-3.5.2-r1.ebuild 3918 RMD160 ca03e383c866d2464ca143d782a4175dfe6a43e2 SHA1 818134f688da28a9d2c6aed1e64c57b5f3d0f934 SHA256 db55faf9bef2ba3ffc89aa6a2628f71629b9bd396df08038be9200132bcb5dc1
-EBUILD kdevelop-3.5.4-r1.ebuild 3864 RMD160 0c47dc9420eb8a63f628db81be29c315fcf3c8a9 SHA1 e88365fa05801fb9c05918a0d65cf2e40731c69a SHA256 86937970d6c6a9b9612146f6614b3f1e460fe6d44be59c2349333d1762b2f992
+EBUILD kdevelop-3.5.4-r1.ebuild 3905 RMD160 b72964998c21f5d83a42cfc094d4ca1025b651de SHA1 708ed55dbfac98bd28eecb45b4627f3453459bc6 SHA256 18d232b0411b84f446b54eef5d92f6bfe8e734bf8efa2165ebf28194830b39b1
EBUILD kdevelop-3.9.91.ebuild 1097 RMD160 747bc3fffae733823b685b0262a9e1335156dc77 SHA1 0cdea04de10868363d3f393ca1bf1a7a981b579d SHA256 2ba214db38d587707d20ce56cacad97bb752c9090ff53e9bc8331179f4eb36b8
-MISC ChangeLog 27255 RMD160 a6d1a1229ada7f0fa0a4454ab5609585a47d105d SHA1 964ffc98db24fe2850285a7b0b92927f52241bb7 SHA256 1a0719b7d3582c32ecaaae77316b2c7f737112c825eab3afc920a6341bd1fd99
+MISC ChangeLog 27493 RMD160 bb08f60f09b9da5a27301da6767c6bfd05322f7e SHA1 bc7ed1ff6f04404e03cb28e0ff1b11b0f7488044 SHA256 1b5c09ddf74aa09d1200b003af91313c004176348da00789bcfc4b26836e85a5
MISC metadata.xml 774 RMD160 302bfcd12495aacf01ffc4bdb03943b3af2353bd SHA1 ab99a32d6791631b9d256c1244a2962fcd853cd5 SHA256 88046dbf5f297870614fb4907fe6c88bbc7ddc11966fe793aa6e9d2370c013bc
Version: GnuPG v2.0.11 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/dev-util/kdevelop/files/kdevelop-3.5-gcc4.4.patch b/dev-util/kdevelop/files/kdevelop-3.5-gcc4.4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fbd0fd1a886c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/kdevelop/files/kdevelop-3.5-gcc4.4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- kdevelop-3.5.4/lib/antlr/antlr/CharScanner.hpp 2007-11-30 23:36:49.000000000 +0100
++++ kdevelop-3.5.4/lib/antlr/antlr/CharScanner.hpp 2009-06-04 17:16:55.000000000 +0200
+@@ -19,11 +19,7 @@
+ #endif
+ #include <cstring>
+-#if ( _MSC_VER == 1200 )
+-// VC6 seems to need this
+-// note that this is not a standard C++ include file.
+-# include <stdio.h>
++#include <cstdio>
+ #include <antlr/TokenStream.hpp>
+ #include <antlr/RecognitionException.hpp>
diff --git a/dev-util/kdevelop/files/kdevelop-3.5.0-scope.patch b/dev-util/kdevelop/files/kdevelop-3.5.0-scope.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cd50da7bc60c..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/kdevelop/files/kdevelop-3.5.0-scope.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
---- branches/kdevelop/3.5/buildtools/qmake/scope.h 2007/10/11 19:47:17 724230
-+++ branches/kdevelop/3.5/buildtools/qmake/scope.h 2007/10/11 19:48:00 724231
-@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
- // runs through the statements until stopHere is found (or the end is reached, if stopHere is 0),
- // using the given list as startvalue
- // Changes the list using the +=, -=, = operations accordingly
-- void calcValuesFromStatements( const QString& variable, QStringList& result, bool, QMake::AST* stopHere = 0, bool fetchFromParent = true ) const;
-+ void calcValuesFromStatements( const QString& variable, QStringList& result, bool, QMake::AST* stopHere = 0, bool fetchFromParent = true, bool setDefault = true ) const;
- // Check wether the two operators are compatible
- static bool isCompatible( const QString& op1, const QString& op2);
-@@ -255,8 +255,6 @@
- QString replaceWs(QString);
-- // All different subscopes of this scope, the key is the "position" at which the scope starts
-- QMap<QString, Scope*> m_subProjects;
- // The "position" inside the parent scope that this scope starts at
- unsigned int m_num;
---- branches/kdevelop/3.5/buildtools/qmake/scope.cpp 2007/10/11 19:47:17 724230
-+++ branches/kdevelop/3.5/buildtools/qmake/scope.cpp 2007/10/11 19:48:00 724231
-@@ -325,13 +325,13 @@
- return result;
- }
--void Scope::calcValuesFromStatements( const QString& variable, QStringList& result, bool checkIncParent, QMake::AST* stopHere, bool fetchFromParent ) const
-+void Scope::calcValuesFromStatements( const QString& variable, QStringList& result, bool checkIncParent, QMake::AST* stopHere, bool fetchFromParent, bool setDefault ) const
- {
- if( !m_root )
- return;
- /* For variables that we don't know and which are not QT/CONFIG find the default value */
-- if( m_defaultopts
-+ if( setDefault && m_defaultopts
- && m_defaultopts->variables().findIndex(variable) != -1
- && ( variable == "TEMPLATE" || variable == "QT" || KnownVariables.findIndex(variable) == -1 || variable == "CONFIG" ) )
- {
-@@ -379,6 +379,42 @@
- }
- }
- }
-+ }else if( ast->nodeType() == QMake::AST::IncludeAST )
-+ {
-+ QMake::IncludeAST* iast = static_cast<QMake::IncludeAST*>(ast);
-+ QValueList<unsigned int> l = m_scopes.keys();
-+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < l.count(); ++i )
-+ {
-+ int num = l[ i ];
-+ if( m_scopes.contains( num ) )
-+ {
-+ Scope* s = m_scopes[num];
-+ if( s && s->scopeType() == IncludeScope && s->m_incast == iast )
-+ {
-+ s->calcValuesFromStatements( variable, result, false, 0, false, false );
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }else if( ast->nodeType() == QMake::AST::ProjectAST )
-+ {
-+ QMake::ProjectAST* past = static_cast<QMake::ProjectAST*>(ast);
-+ if( past->isFunctionScope() || past->isScope() )
-+ {
-+ QValueList<unsigned int> l = m_scopes.keys();
-+ for( unsigned int i = 0; i < l.count(); ++i )
-+ {
-+ int num = l[ i ];
-+ if( m_scopes.contains( num ) )
-+ {
-+ Scope* s = m_scopes[num];
-+ if( s && s->m_root == past && s->m_root->scopedID == past->scopedID )
-+ {
-+ s->calcValuesFromStatements( variable, result, false, 0, false, false );
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
- }
- }
diff --git a/dev-util/kdevelop/files/kdevelop-3.5.1_fix_missing_output.patch b/dev-util/kdevelop/files/kdevelop-3.5.1_fix_missing_output.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e2a74825ff94..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/kdevelop/files/kdevelop-3.5.1_fix_missing_output.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-Index: parts/outputviews/makewidget.cpp
---- parts/outputviews/makewidget.cpp (Revision 780035)
-+++ parts/outputviews/makewidget.cpp (Revision 780036)
-@@ -532,28 +532,31 @@
- {
- QString sline;
- bool forceCLocale = KConfigGroup( kapp->config(), "MakeOutputWidget" ).readBoolEntry( "ForceCLocale", true );
- if( forceCLocale )
- sline = QString::fromAscii( stdoutbuf+line );
- else
- sline = QString::fromLocal8Bit( stdoutbuf+line );
-- stdoutbuf.truncate(0);
- if ( !appendToLastLine( sline ) )
- m_directoryStatusFilter.processLine( sline );
-+ stdoutbuf.truncate(0);
- }
- void MakeWidget::insertStderrLine( const QCString& line )
- {
- QString sline;
- bool forceCLocale = KConfigGroup( kapp->config(), "MakeOutputWidget" ).readBoolEntry( "ForceCLocale", true );
- if( forceCLocale ) {
- sline = QString( stderrbuf+line );
- }
- else
- sline = QString::fromLocal8Bit( stderrbuf+line );
-+ if ( !appendToLastLine( sline ) )
-+ m_errorFilter.processLine( sline );
- stderrbuf.truncate(0);
-- if ( !appendToLastLine( line ) )
-- m_errorFilter.processLine( line );
- }
- void MakeWidget::slotProcessExited(KProcess *)
-@@ -832,7 +835,7 @@
- void MakeWidget::storePartialStdoutLine(const QCString & line)
- {
-- stderrbuf += line;
-+ stdoutbuf += line;
- }
- #include "makewidget.moc"
diff --git a/dev-util/kdevelop/kdevelop-3.5.4-r1.ebuild b/dev-util/kdevelop/kdevelop-3.5.4-r1.ebuild
index 7d6011e6c976..dd0409113731 100644
--- a/dev-util/kdevelop/kdevelop-3.5.4-r1.ebuild
+++ b/dev-util/kdevelop/kdevelop-3.5.4-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/kdevelop/kdevelop-3.5.4-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2009/05/25 19:50:57 tampakrap Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/kdevelop/kdevelop-3.5.4-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2009/06/04 16:41:27 tampakrap Exp $
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ DEPEND="${DEPEND}
need-kde 3.5
-PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/kdevelop-3.5-lexer.patch"
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/kdevelop-3.5-gcc4.4.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/kdevelop-3.5-lexer.patch"
"${WORKDIR}/" )