# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$

# This file requires >=portage-2.1.1
# New entries go on top.

# James Le Cuirot <chewi@gentoo.org> (2 Jan 2016)
# Incorrectly depends on gjdoc, which is going to be
# last-rited. Doesn't actually install the javadocs in this ebuild
# version anyway. Unfortunately this will also prevent the other HTML
# docs from installing. Sorry about that.
=net-dns/libidn-1.30 doc

# NP-Hardass <NP-Hardass@gentoo.org> (1 Jan 2016)
# USE flag is renamed to postscript, mask the old flag #564422
# to notify users.  This entry may be removed after 30 days
app-text/atril ps

# Ian Delaney <idella4@gentoo.org> (28 Dec 2015)
# proxy maintainer excludes dep uchardet from the build
# of mpv temporarily
media-video/mpv uchardet

# Manuel Rüger <mrueg@gentoo.org> (24 Dec 2015)
# media-tv/xawtv is masked for removal
net-im/ayttm webcam

# Brian Evans <grknight@gentoo.org> (17 Dec 2015)
# Drizzle is slated for removal
sys-cluster/gearmand drizzle

# Sergey Popov <pinkbyte@gentoo.org> (7 Dec 2015)
# IPoE driver does not build properly
net-dialup/accel-ppp ipoe

# Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (6 Dev 2015)
# Requires unreleased dependencies
=kde-apps/gwenview-15.08* kipi raw

# Patrice Clement <monsieurp@gentoo.org> (27 Nov 2015)
# Unsastified dependencies are upsetting repoman. Needs investigation.
app-arch/cfv bittorrent

# Pawel Hajdan jr <phajdan.jr@gentoo.org> (19 Nov 2015)
# GN build for Chromium is still experimental.
www-client/chromium gn

# Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> (14 Nov 2015)
# MMAL is only available on the Raspberry Pi:
# Mask it globally, unmask it on arm.
media-video/ffmpeg mmal

# Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (13 Nov 2015)
# Requires unreleased dependencies
kde-frameworks/knotifications speech
kde-frameworks/ktextwidgets speech

# Rick Farina <zerochaos@gentoo.org> (06 Oct 2015)
# forward porting this patch is non-trivial, mask for now
>=net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-2.5 wimax

# Nathan Phillip Brink <binki@gentoo.org> (26 Sep 2015)
# git useflag requires dev-libs/libgit2 which few arches support
dev-util/geany-plugins git

# Pawel Hajdan jr <phajdan.jr@gentoo.org> (25 Sep 2015)
# Upstream gtk3 support is experimental:
# https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=132847
www-client/chromium gtk3

# Justin Lecher <jlec@gentoo.org> (22 Sep 2015)
# Downloads files during installation
# https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=533876
>=sci-libs/vtk-6.1.0 examples

# Brian Evans <grknight@gentoo.org (14 Sep 2015)
# Mask new USE flags for mariadb which all arches do not yet have dependencies
>=dev-db/mariadb-10.1.0 mroonga sst-xtrabackup galera

# Fabian Groffen <grobian@gentoo.org> (08 Sep 2015)
# GnuTLS support is currently broken/causes hang, bug #559834
# http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3772
>=mail-client/mutt-1.5.23-r8 gnutls

# Jason Zaman <perfinion@gentoo.org> (06 Sep 2015)
# This is for cgmanager which is linux only.
# Unmasked in default/linux/package.use.mask.
sys-auth/consolekit cgroups

# Mike Gilbert <floppym@gentoo.org> (05 Sep 2015)
# sys-boot/gnu-efi is not supported on all archs.
sys-apps/systemd gnuefi

# Manuel Rüger <mrueg@gentoo.org> (03 Sep 2015)
# Mask USE=ruby for packages that solely rely on the soon to be deprecated
# ruby 1.9
# See bug #547828
<app-mobilephone/obexftp-0.24 ruby
# See bug #541648
<dev-libs/Ice-3.6 ruby
# See bug #547768
<net-irc/epic5-1.1.10-r1 ruby
# See bug #547832
sci-libs/gdal ruby
# See bug #547834
<sys-apps/paludis-2.4.0 ruby
# See bug #480574
media-libs/mlt ruby

# Andreas K. Huettel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (1 Sep 2015)
# Currently broken upstream. We still hope it will get fixed.
app-office/libreoffice telepathy

# Johannes Huber <johu@gentoo.org> (28 Aug 2015)
# Dependency not in tree yet
kde-apps/kaccounts-integration kdepim

# Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetromino@gentoo.org> (27 Aug 2015)
# PDF generation fails due to missing dependencies and the general brokenness
# of gtkdoc-pkpdf, bug #552356
=net-libs/gnutls-2.12.23-r6 doc
=net-libs/gnutls-3.3.15 doc

# Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (27 Aug 2015)
# Unreleased dependencies
=kde-apps/dolphin-15.08* thumbnail

# James Le Cuirot <chewi@gentoo.org> (18 Aug 2015)
# gcc[awt] is only used by gcj-jdk[awt] and that isn't needed by
# anything in the tree. The toolchain folks aren't keen to support it
# and it should probably only be used if you really know what you're
# doing *and* your name is gnu_andrew. ;) See bug #531900.
sys-devel/gcc awt
dev-java/gcj-jdk awt

# Johannes Huber <johu@gentoo.org> (18 Aug 2015)
# No consumer for Qt5 build, qt4/qt5 switch causes conflicts.
# Qt5 only version will come back with kde-apps/akonadi.
app-office/akonadi-server qt5

# Heather Cynede <cynede@gentoo.org> (13 Aug 2015)
# mono currently fails with doc most likely because of xattr
# Gentoo bug: 554484
>=dev-lang/mono-3.12.1 doc

# Ben de Groot <yngwin@gentoo.org> (12 Aug 2015)
# Seems to link correctly, but fails to run. Bug #557354.
=media-sound/qsampler-0.3.1 libgig

# James Le Cuirot <chewi@gentoo.org> (29 Jul 2015)
# JavaFX and the browser plugin are not included on some platforms.
dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin javafx nsplugin
dev-java/oracle-jre-bin javafx nsplugin

# Manuel Rüger <mrueg@gentoo.org> (05 Jul 2015)
# app-text/migemo is masked because it fails for ruby20
app-text/cmigemo emacs
www-client/w3m migemo

# Gilles Dartiguelongue <eva@gentoo.org> (25 May 2015)
# webkit fails to build with USE=wayland, bug #549228
# https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=142879
# https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=136831
>=net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.8 wayland

# Johannes Huber <johu@gentoo.org> (31 Nay 2015)
# No released version available
kde-plasma/plasma-workspace prison

# Matthias Maier <tamiko@gentoo.org> (27 May 2015)
# mask lcms use flag for old dcraw versions that depends on lcms:0
=media-gfx/dcraw-9.10 lcms

# Mike Gilbert <floppym@gentoo.org> (16 May 2015)
# dev-lang/python[berkdb] fails with recent multilib sys-libs/db (bug 519584).
dev-lang/python berkdb
net-nds/nsscache nssdb
www-apps/venus test

# Jason Zaman <perfinion@gentoo.org> (08 May 2015)
# java wrappers fail to build (bug #548858)
=app-admin/setools-3.3.8-r7 java

# Matthias Maier <tamiko@gentoo.org> (03 May 2015)
# mask use flag until #546126 is resolved
>=app-emulation/libvirt-1.2.14 wireshark-plugins

# James Le Cuirot <chewi@gentoo.org> (05 Apr 2015)
# dev-java/sun-j2me-bin is going away.
dev-java/proguard j2me

# Lars Wendler <polynomial-c@gentoo.org> (19 Mar 2015)
# >=games-strategy/freeciv-2.5.0 requires >=dev-lang/lua-5.2
# No stable qt5 yet.
games-strategy/freeciv system-lua qt5

# Brian Evans <grknight@gentoo.org> (17 Mar 2015)
# Mask the cluster flag for deprecation. Use dev-db/mysql-cluster if
# you need NDB.
dev-db/mariadb cluster
dev-db/mariadb-galera cluster
dev-db/mysql cluster
dev-db/percona-server cluster

# Ben de Groot <yngwin@gentoo.org> (15 Mar 2015)
# Mask bdplus support and unmask on arches where libbdplus is keyworded.
media-libs/libbluray bdplus

# Michael Sterrett <mr_bones_@gentoo.org> (09 Mar 2015)
# Mask qt5 support until qt5 is stable so as to not
# hold up making yabause stable.
games-emulation/yabause qt5

# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (01 Mar 2015)
# pidgin-opensteamworks is only available for amd64, ppc32 and x86
net-im/telepathy-connection-managers steam

# Andreas K. Huettel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (27 Feb 2015)
# Mask atlas support since atlas is not in the main tree yet
sci-libs/armadillo atlas

# Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetromino@gentoo.org> (18 Feb 2015)
# Experimental backend, plus it requires openvg support in mesa which is
# now disabled in >=mesa-10.4 (bug #536434)
x11-libs/cairo openvg

# Andrew Savchenko <bircoph@gentoo.org> (11 Feb 2015)
# Cluster code is still under development, only base functionality
# is implemented. Masking for testing and evaluation.
app-admin/clsync cluster mhash

# Ben de Groot <yngwin@gentoo.org> (07 Feb 2015)
# Mask for all arches, can be unmasked on arm once keyworded there
games-board/stockfish armv7

# Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> (03 Feb 2015)
# Requires unreleased version of dev-libs/soprano
app-office/akonadi-server qt5

# Brian Evans <grknight@gentoo.org> (02 Feb 2015)
# Masked for dev-php/PEAR-MDB2_Driver_sqlite last rites Bug 538584
dev-php/PHPonTrax sqlite

# Brian Evans <grknight@gentoo.org> (22 Jan 2015)
# PHP module split into dev-php/ming-php which is still ~arch
<media-libs/ming-0.4.5 php

# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (25 Dec 2014)
# Requires non-keyworded >=libevent-2.1, bug #533540.
www-servers/pshs ssl

# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (30 Nov 2014)
# Not supported at the moment. DirectFB lacks multilib support,
# and we have to decide if we want it.
x11-libs/cairo directfb

# Brian Evans <grknight@gentoo.org> (29 Nov 2014)
# Strongly recommened by upstream to disable lzo and zlib due to memory leaks
# https://github.com/groonga/groonga/issues/6 (Japanese)
app-text/groonga lzo zlib

# Jeroen Roovers <jer@gentoo.org> (18 Nov 2014)
# Requires dev-lang/lua-5.2 (bug #253269)
net-analyzer/nmap system-lua

# Patrick Lauer <patrick@gentoo.org> (17 Nov 2014)
# libnsfb is temporarily broken, so mask useflag until things work
=www-client/netsurf-3.2 fbcon

# Patrick Lauer <patrick@gentoo.org> (08 Nov 2014)
# razorqt has been masked for removal
x11-misc/lightdm razor

# Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org> (21 Oct 2014)
# Most targets do not support ASAN/etc... #504200.
sys-devel/gcc sanitize

# Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> (19 Oct 2014)
# swfdec is masked for removal, bug #525834
dev-libs/DirectFB swfdec

# Tim Harder <radhermit@gentoo.org> (10 Oct 2014)
# Masked since skype isn't stable
net-im/bitlbee skype

# Sergey Popov <pinkbyte@gentoo.org> (01 Oct 2014)
# Mask multislot USE flag for packages, where it breaks
# metadata cache consistency.
# See bugs #507808, #507810 and #507814
sys-devel/autoconf	multislot
sys-devel/binutils	multislot
sys-devel/gcc		multislot

# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (15 Sep 2014)
# Unsuccessful version bump of net-libs/libzrtpcpp, seems to cause
# undefined references few layers deeper. Need further investigation,
# if anybody cares.
net-libs/ortp zrtp

# Johannes Huber <johu@gentoo.org> (14 Sep 2014)
# Masked until dev-libs/extra-cmake-modules is in tree.
dev-libs/libattica qt5

# Johannes Huber <johu@gentoo.org> (12 Sep 2014)
# Segmentation fault, needs further investigation.
media-sound/tomahawk qt5

# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (06 Sep 2014)
# Mask the removed/deprecated flags for old ebuilds that do not use
# the python-r1 eclass.
sys-apps/portage python_targets_pypy2_0 python_targets_python2_6 python_targets_python3_2

# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (06 Sep 2014)
# (on behalf of Python team)
# Keep 3.2 enabled to ease the migration.
dev-lang/python-exec -python_targets_python3_2 -python_single_target_python3_2

# Rick Farina <zerochaos@gentoo.org> (26 Aug 2014)
# mirisdr does not seem to like making releases
<net-wireless/gr-osmosdr-9999 mirisdr

# Maxim Koltsov <maksbotan@gentoo.org> (05 Aug 2014)
# net-libs/tox is in mva overlay only ATM
app-leechcraft/lc-azoth sarin

# Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org> (04 Aug 2014)
# Mask flashrom drivers that only work on x86 due to in/out asm insns #454024
sys-apps/flashrom atahpt nic3com nicnatsemi nicrealtek rayer_spi satamv

# Brian Evans <grknight@gentoo.org> (30 Jul 2014)
# Mask embedded due to upstream not supporting
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1236873
dev-db/percona-server embedded

# Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> (27 Jul 2014)
# Mask due bug #414903
media-video/mplayer dxr3

# Thomas Sachau <tommy@gentoo.org> (30 Jun 2014)
# Mask pixman USE flag of dev-libs/efl for future removal, bug 501074
dev-libs/efl pixman

# Jeroen Roovers <jer@gentoo.org> (20 Jun 2014)
# net-libs/adns is going away (bug #513982)
net-analyzer/wireshark libadns

# Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org> (06 Jun 2014)
# Needs hardmasked lua-5.2
www-servers/mongoose lua

# Manuel Rüger <mrueg@gentoo.org> (05 Jun 2014)
# Fails to build with net-libs/libotr-4.0.0
net-im/climm otr

# Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> (01 Jun 2014)
# Needs hardmasked lua-5.2
>=media-plugins/grilo-plugins-0.2.12 lua

# Rick Farina <zerochaos@gentoo.org> (30 Dec 2015)
# mask test use flag since tests do not pass
# mask development use flag since most of it isn't packaged (or useful)
net-analyzer/metasploit development test

# Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> (14 May 2014)
# Documentation generation needs APIviz which is not in the Portage tree yet.
# Tracked in Gentoo bug #509602.
dev-java/jboss-logging doc

# Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> (02 May 2014)
# Bluetooth support in MATE has incompatibilities with recent BlueZ versions.
# If you want to try to get this working, unmask net-wireless/mate-bluetooth as
# well as the bluetooth USE flag on mate-extra/mate-user-share; I can't support
# this until the relevant upstreams have moved forward with their compatibility.
# https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=508086
# https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-bluetooth/issues/22
# http://mate-desktop.org/blog/2014-03-11-mate-desktop-singing-the-bluez
mate-base/mate bluetooth
mate-extra/mate-user-share bluetooth

# Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> (26 Apr 2014)
# Depends on long time obsolete goi, bug #508742
=x11-misc/lightdm-1.4* introspection

# Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto <jmbsvicetto@gentoo.org> (24 Apr 2014)
# It's only supported on amd64
dev-db/mariadb tokudb

# Lars Wendler <polynomial-c@gentoo.org> (23 Apr 2014)
# Not working on 64bit systems
media-sound/lmms vst

# Markos Chandras <hwoarang@gentoo.org> (20 Apr 2014)
# Fails to build with recent polarssl (>=1.3). Bug #503604
media-video/rtmpdump polarssl

# Alexey Shvetsov <alexxy@gentoo.org> (16 Apr 2014)
# libehca only works on ppc*
sys-infiniband/ofed ofed_drivers_ehca

# Andreas K. Huettel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (12 Apr 2014)
# Upstream regularly forgets to update the bindings after changes in API,
# leading to build failures. This is becoming more and more painful...
>=kde-apps/marble- python

# Julian Ospald <hasufell@gentoo.org> (06 Apr 2014)
# broken wrt #501582
<net-misc/openvpn-9999 polarssl

# Manuel Rüger <mrueg@gentoo.org> (07 Mar 2014)
# Mask ruby18-only compatible flags
# Bugs: 483104, 483102
=dev-ruby/rubygems-1.8* server
<media-libs/libcaca-0.99_beta19 ruby
=dev-vcs/subversion-1.7* ruby
media-sound/podcatcher bittorrent

# Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org> (03 Feb 2014)
# Upstream says to not use this for now.
dev-libs/elfutils threads

# Mike Gilbert <floppym@gentoo.org> (01 Feb 2014)
# Build failures (bug 499072)
=www-client/chromium-33* aura

# Andreas K. Huettel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (4 Jan 2014)
# Mask until dependencies are keyworded (bug 497068)
dev-vcs/git mediawiki

# Sergey Popov <pinkbyte@gentoo.org> (27 Dec 2013)
# Mask because Boost.Context library does not work on most of arches
dev-libs/boost context

# Gilles Dartiguelongue <eva@gentoo.org> (23 Dec 2013)
# Gstreamer support fails to build due to libtool shortcomings when using
# an intermediate library as a dependency of another libtool target dependency.
# Since this is new and unused yet, keep it masked for now and check
# with upstream if there is something that can be done to fix the issue.
media-libs/cogl gstreamer

# Pawel Hajdan jr <phajdan.jr@gentoo.org> (13 Nov 2013)
# Depends on masked dev-lang/v8
dev-db/drizzle v8

# Andrey Grozin <grozin@gentoo.org> (12 Nov 2013)
# berkdb support works only for sys-libs/db-6.0 which is masked
sci-physics/reduze berkdb

# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (10 Nov 2013)
# (on behalf of python@)
# USE=sandbox is not done properly in Gentoo and results in crippled
# PyPy install that is not usable for non-sandbox clients (and there are
# no real sandbox clients right now). Masked until the flag is
# re-implemented or dropped. For more details, bug #429372.
dev-python/pypy sandbox
dev-python/pypy3 sandbox

# Julian Ospald <hasufell@gentoo.org> (27 Oct 2013)
# luajit is in ~arch, prepare for minetest stabilization
games-action/minetest luajit

# Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <chithanh@gentoo.org> (13 Oct 2013)
# Masked for security bug #472280, CVE 2013-1872
<=media-libs/mesa-9.0.3 video_cards_intel video_cards_i965

# Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> (7 Sep 2013)
# Dependency (www-servers/mongrel) currently only
# works with Ruby 1.8; so, masking Ruby 1.9 USE flag
# until Ruby 1.9 support is added to mongrel.
net-proxy/swiftiply ruby_targets_ruby19

# Jeff Horelick <jdhore@gentoo.org> (1 Sep 2013)
# Dependency (media-libs/libsidplayfp) only keyworded
# on x86 and amd64. Will unmask there.
>=media-plugins/audacious-plugins-3.4 sid

# Julian Ospald <hasufell@gentoo.org> (31 Aug 2013)
# Randomly breaks consumers at runtime. Do not report
# gentoo bugs.
media-libs/libsdl2 custom-cflags

# Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <chithanh@gentoo.org> (22 Aug 2013)
# Causes build to fail, issue is being discussed with upstream
>=www-plugins/gnash-0.8.10_p20130822 openvg

# Tim Harder <radhermit@gentoo.org> (13 Aug 2013)
# Related deps dev-lang/luajit and dev-scheme/racket are not keyworded by most arches.
app-editors/vim luajit racket
app-editors/gvim luajit racket

# Kacper Kowalik <xarthisius@gentoo.org> (09 Aug 2013)
# Doesn't work on most profiles. Easier to mask here and
# unmask in particular profiles
sys-apps/hwloc cuda gl opencl

# Samuli Suominen <ssuominen@gentoo.org> (07 Aug 2013)
# There is no support for recent app-pda/libimobiledevice wrt bug #471920
# Upstream removed entire support in future release:
# https://code.google.com/p/clementine-player/source/detail?r=3d434f1c881890dd77fea6d0e3de3afc86971196
# Remove this entry once <=media-sound/clementine-1.1.1 has left the building
media-sound/clementine ios
<media-sound/clementine-1.2.0 ipod

# Ben de Groot <yngwin@gentoo.org> (07 Aug 2013)
# Newer lightdm doesn't work with current razorqt-lightdm-greeter, bug 479734
>=x11-misc/lightdm-1.5.0 razor

# Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <chithanh@gentoo.org> (13 Jul 2013)
# GL/GLES support in cairo is mutually exclusive, bug #428770.
x11-libs/cairo gles2
dev-libs/weston rpi
<dev-libs/weston-1.9.0 gles2

# Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> (03 Jul 2013)
# The idea behind using libunwind there is to avoid needing to link to libgcc_s
# and have a C++ stack without gcc with libcxx.
# However, in any case, clang links its binaries to libgcc_s, hence at the
# moment there is not much point in enabling this.
sys-libs/libcxxrt libunwind

# Sergey Popov <pinkbyte@gentoo.org> (08 Jun 2013)
# mask because requires unstable depends not ready for the stabilization
app-leechcraft/leechcraft-meta unstable

# Kacper Kowalik <xarthisius@gentoo.org> (19 May 2013)
# Fails to build, haven't had time to debug
app-doc/doxygen sqlite

# Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> (08 May 2013)
# On behalf of Pavel Sanda <ps@twin.jikos.cz>
# Lyx is currently not working with subversion 1.7 and needs 1.6.
app-office/lyx subversion

# Christian Faulhammer <fauli@gentoo.org> (08 May 2013)
# Will not build successfully yet
mail-client/claws-mail gtk3

# Bernard Cafarelli <voyageur@gentoo.org> (04 Apr 2013)
# Broken for now (segmentation fault on play)
gnustep-apps/cynthiune flac

# Richard Freeman <rich0@gentoo.org> (24 Mar 2013)
# Dependency is masked for buffer overflows for now
app-text/yagf cuneiform
dev-python/pyocr cuneiform

# Michael Weber <xmw@gentoo.org> (23 Mar 2013)
# Does not build.
=media-libs/oyranos-0.9.4* fltk

# Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <chithanh@gentoo.org> (19 Mar 2013)
# Depends on special llvm-3.2 branch from tstellar
=media-libs/mesa-9.1* r600-llvm-compiler video_cards_radeonsi

# Christoph Junghans <ottxor@gentoo.org> (10 Mar 2013)
# log4cxx has known memory leaking issues wrt bug #287697,
# unmask when log4cxx is fixed and stable.
media-sound/google-musicmanager log

# Tom Wijsman <TomWij@gentoo.org> (10 Mar 2013)
# Experimental, masked until it compiles and works.
media-libs/avidemux-core system-ffmpeg

# Pawel Hajdan jr <phajdan.jr@gentoo.org> (07 Mar 2013)
# Experimental, breaks WebSQL. Please report sites broken
# by enabling this flag.
www-client/chromium system-sqlite

# Justin Lecher <jlec@gentoo.org> (21 Feb 2013)
# cuda only works on x86 and amd64
sci-libs/cholmod cuda
sci-libs/flann cuda

# Julian Ospald <hasufell@gentoo.org> (20 Feb 2013)
# Unsupported and experimental.
# NP-Hardass <NP-Hardass@gentoo.org> (18 Jun 2015)
# Change to <10
<net-misc/teamviewer-10 system-wine

# Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> (15 Feb 2013)
# Needs a huge patch to build against recent releases of FFmpeg/libav.
# Mask it until upstream fixes it. Bug #417869
<media-sound/audacity-2.1.0 ffmpeg

# Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetromino@gentoo.org> (30 Dec 2012)
# sys-apps/biosdevname is keyworded only for amd64/x86
# systemd keyworded only for amd64/arm/x86
sys-kernel/dracut dracut_modules_biosdevname dracut_modules_systemd

# Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetromino@gentoo.org> (30 Dec 2012)
# chromium and mono are keyworded only on a few arches
gnome-extra/zeitgeist-datasources chromium tomboy

# Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetromino@gentoo.org> (27 Dec 2012)
# Incompatible with evolution-data-server-3.6, blocks upgrade to gnome-3.6
# See bug #436460 and https://git.gnome.org/browse/tracker/log/?h=evo-new-api
app-misc/tracker eds

# Christoph Jungans <ottxor@gentoo.org> (26 Dec 2012)
# cuda/openmm/mkl only works on x86/amd64
sci-chemistry/gromacs cuda mkl openmm

# Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org> (13 Jun 2012)
# Mask USE=pypy* for sys-apps/portage, since pypy has limited KEYWORDS.
sys-apps/portage pypy pypy2_0

# Jory A. Pratt <anarchy@gentoo.org> (15 Dec 2012)
# PGO is known to be busted with most configurations
www-client/firefox pgo

# Sergey Popov <pinkbyte@gentoo.org> (26 Nov 2012)
# PDF docs building failed with sandbox violation
media-libs/opencolorio pdf

# Diego Elio Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org> (3 Nov 2012)
# Requires net-dns/unbound which is not keyworded by most arches
net-libs/gnutls dane

# Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> (1 Nov 2012)
# dev-ml/ocamlduce requires ocaml-3 and there has been no upstream release to
# support ocaml-4. Mask useflags requiring it so that we can mask ocamlduce and
# unmask ocaml-4.
dev-ml/tyxml ocamlduce
www-servers/ocsigen ocamlduce
dev-ml/eliom ocamlduce

# Pawel Hajdan jr <phajdan.jr@gentoo.org> (28 Sep 2012)
# Causes problems with old NVidia drivers, bug #413637.
<www-client/chromium-32.0.1700.19 tcmalloc

# Diego Elio Pettenò (27 Aug 2012)
# The libpci access is only used for linux.
net-analyzer/net-snmp pci

# Diego Elio Pettenò (20 Aug 2012)
# The prevent-removal USE flag is only implemented for Linux.
sys-auth/pam_mktemp prevent-removal

# Ben de Groot <yngwin@gentoo.org> (30 Jul 2012)
# fontconfig-infinality dependency not yet keyworded on most arches
media-libs/freetype infinality

# James Le Cuirot <chewi@gentoo.org> (20 May 2015)
# Mask this in conjunction with the above.
dev-java/icedtea infinality

# Ralph Sennhauser <sera@gentoo.org> (18 Jul 2012)
# Requires masked eclipse-sdk.
dev-lang/icc eclipse
dev-lang/idb eclipse

# Diego Elio Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org> (16 Jul 2012)
# Stop glibc/uclibc from using iconv in blender
media-gfx/blender iconv

# Rick Farina <zerochaos@gentoo.org> (05 July 2012)
# cuda is available on x86/amd64 only
app-crypt/johntheripper cuda

# Mike Gilbert <floppym@gentoo.org> (29 Jun 2012)
# sys-fs/zfs is not available everywhere.
sys-boot/grub libzfs

# Andreas K. Huettel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (03 Jun 2012)
# needs libpqxx-3* which is not in the tree anymore
app-office/calligra postgres

# Michael Weber<xmw@gentoo.org>  (02 Jun 2012)
# Not fit for production (bug 404403, comment #5)
dev-db/firebird client

# Andreas K. Huettel <dilfridge@gentoo.org> (25 Mai 2012)
# Requires icc which does not emerge (distfile unavailable)
media-libs/opencv ipp

# Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <chithanh@gentoo.org> (02 May 2012)
# Causes crashes and build failures, not needed by any package, bug #412177
x11-libs/cairo qt4

# Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetromino@gentoo.org> (12 Apr 2012)
# Temporary mask-in-base, unmask-in-arch for dev-python/mako keywording for
# gobject-introspection[doctool], bug #411761
dev-libs/gobject-introspection doctool

# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org> (11 Apr 2012)
# JIT compilation in libzpaq generates code for x86/amd64.
app-arch/libzpaq jit

# Arun Raghavan <ford_prefect@gentoo.org> (28 Mar 2012)
# webrtc-audio-processing is only supported on x86/amd64. Possibly arm can be
# added.
# Arun Raghavan <ford_prefect@gentoo.org> (24 May 2012)
# Mask xen USE flag by default, unmask on x86/amd64 where it is supported.
media-sound/pulseaudio webrtc-aec xen

# Samuli Suominen <ssuominen@gentoo.org> (20 Mar 2012)
# This is for udev-acl. Unmasked in default/linux/package.use.mask.
sys-auth/consolekit acl

# Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <chithanh@gentoo.org> (25 Feb 2012)
# directfb build issues, bug #405817.
www-plugins/gnash directfb

# Bernard Cafarelli <voyageur@gentoo.org> (08 Feb 2012)
# libobjc2/clang experimental support
>=gnustep-base/gnustep-make-2.6.2 libobjc2

# Christoph Junghans <ottxor@gentoo.org> (04 Feb 2012)
# mips only use flags
>=sci-libs/fftw-3 zbus

# Samuli Suominen <ssuominen@gentoo.org> (10 Jan 2012)
# This is required only for Linux, so mask it here and unmask in
# default/linux/package.use.mask. Bug 354923.
app-arch/libarchive e2fsprogs

# Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetromino@gentoo.org> (09 Jan 2012)
# jsc JIT compilation is supported only on amd64/arm/x86 and their prefixes, so
# it's masked here and unmasked in individual profiles (bug #396313).
net-libs/webkit-gtk jit
www-client/epiphany jit
www-client/midori jit

# Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org> (06 Dec 2011)
# No one should be mucking with libssp unless they really know what they're
# doing.  Force extra work on the smart peeps to protect the not-so-smart.
sys-devel/gcc libssp

# Samuli Suominen <ssuominen@gentoo.org> (06 Dec 2011)
# NuppelVideo is available on x86 only
media-video/transcode nuv pic

# Davide Pesavento <pesa@gentoo.org> (30 Nov 2011)
# The QML (V4) and JSC JITs are supported only on amd64/arm/x86, so
# mask the flag here and unmask it in the appropriate arch profiles.
dev-qt/qtdeclarative jit
dev-qt/qtscript jit
dev-qt/qtwebkit jit

# Samuli Suominen <ssuominen@gentoo.org> (25 Nov 2011)
# Expose USE="suid" for USE="svga" only for x86 users,
# see arch/x86/package.use.mask
www-client/links suid

# Kacper Kowalik <xarthisius@gentoo.org> (09 Nov 2011)
# pathdb works only as a SIGSEGV generator, mask until upstream
# fixes it bug #385683
dev-lang/path64 debugger

# Samuli Suominen <ssuominen@gentoo.org> (16 Oct 2011)
# Mask libbluray support here, and enable it per arch instead
gnome-base/gvfs bluray

# Pawel Hajdan jr <phajdan.jr@gentoo.org> (12 Oct 2011)
# Upstream support before 27.x not ready:
# https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=32757
<www-client/chromium-27.0.1448.0 pulseaudio

# Nirbheek Chauhan <nirbheek@gentoo.org> (17 Sep 2011)
# Systemtap is not keyworded on anything except amd64/x86
# Temporarily mask instead of dropping keywords, bug 384647
dev-libs/glib systemtap

# Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org> (10 Jul 2011)
# PPS should work on all arches, but only keyworded on amd64/x86
>=net-misc/ntp-4.2.6_p3-r1 parse-clocks

# Andrey Grozin <grozin@gentoo.org> (29 Mar 2011)
# dev-lang/swig-2.0.2 with -octave generated .cpp files
# incompatible with >=sci-mathematics/octave-3.4.0
sci-libs/mathgl octave

# Luca Barbato <lu_zero@gentoo.org> (28 Mar 2011)
# Mask mplayer2 arch specific flags
media-video/mplayer2 bluray

# Diego E. Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org> (27 Mar 2011)
# Mask pdnsd's Linux-specific USE flags.
net-dns/pdnsd isdn urandom

# Raúl Porcel <armin76@gentoo.org> (13 Feb 2011)
# Masked until devs know how to use repoman
<media-video/mplayer-9999 bluray

# Justin Lecher <jlec@gentoo.org> (17 Nov 2010)
# Upstream didn't release patches for aria yet
>=sci-chemistry/cns-1.3 aria

# Alex Legler <a3li@gentoo.org> (1 Sep 2010)
# This feature is marked as experimental by upstream.
dev-lang/ruby-enterprise fastthreading

# Nirbheek Chauhan <nirbheek@gentoo.org> (26 Jun 2010)
# Inter-process communication doesn't work on anything except x86/amd64/arm
# due to lack of atomic ops, bug 325185
www-client/firefox ipc

# Tomas Touceda <chiiph@gentoo.org> (13 Apr 2010)
# Masked because libsvm module is broken with this release on every arch.
dev-lisp/clisp svm

# Tomáš Chvátal <scarabeus@gentoo.org> (4 Apr 2010)
# Masked because tools pulled in are not supported on most archs.
sys-power/pm-utils video_cards_intel video_cards_radeon

# Diego E. Pettenò <flameeyes@gmail.com> (18 Jan 2010)
# Don't use system-wide mode unless you *really* know what you're doing.
# Keep it masked here so that I don't need to manage two versions every time.
media-sound/pulseaudio system-wide

# Jeremy Olexa <darkside@gentoo.org> (10 Jan 2010)
# Upsteam doesn't support ioctl backend and neither does Gentoo. ioctl USE flag
# will eventually be removed unless the backend is re-written by upstream. bug
# 299674
>net-misc/wicd- ioctl

# Tomáš Chvátal <scarabeus@gentoo.org> (6 Jan 2010)
# Still not really functional, upstream requires not building it.
x11-libs/cairo gallium

# Alexey Shvetsov <alexxy@gentoo.org> (3 Dec 2009)
# Mask very experimental mpi use flag dfor gamess
sci-chemistry/gamess mpi

# Mounir Lamouri <volkmar@gentoo.org> (07 Nov 2009)
# Mask cuda for k3d. Works only on amd64/x86. Bug 267264
media-gfx/k3d cuda

# Tomáš Chvátal <scarabeus@gentoo.org> (27 Oct 2009)
# Broken on so many setups it is just insane.
# Unmask if you really know what you are doing.
<sys-apps/groff-1.20.1-r2 linguas_ja

# Samuli Suominen <ssuominen@gentoo.org> (09 Oct 2009)
# log4cxx has known memory leaking issues wrt bug #287697,
# unmask when log4cxx is fixed and stable.
app-misc/strigi log

# Jean-Noël Rivasseau <elvanor@gentoo.org> (23 Sep 2009)
# X use flag only for amd64/x86, bug 285951.
media-gfx/iscan X

# Tomáš Chvátal <scarabeus@gentoo.org> (10 Sep 2009)
# quakeforge has video_cards_tdfx enabled only for x86
games-fps/quakeforge video_cards_tdfx

# Tomas Chvatal <scarabeus@gentoo.org> (31 Jan 2009)
# mask cuda for boinc. Works only on amd64 and x86
sci-misc/boinc cuda

# Robert Buchholz <rbu@gentoo.org> (16 Aug 2008)
# TLS needs dev-libs/cryptlib, which is x86 only
dev-python/kaa-base tls

# Serkan Kaba <serkan@gentoo.org> (20 Jul 2008)
# Java is not supported in most of the arches enchant is keyworded
app-text/enchant zemberek

dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin nsplugin
dev-java/ibm-jre-bin nsplugin

# These are for BSD only
net-proxy/squid ipf-transparent pf-transparent
app-admin/sshguard ipfilter

# Linking against libnfsidmap requires libs in /usr #149472
sys-apps/acl nfs

# Christian Faulhammer <opfer@gentoo.org> (14 Jan 2008)
# only works on x86, where this will be unmasked
dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin alsa
dev-java/ibm-jre-bin alsa

# Raúl Porcel <armin76@gentoo.org> (09 Nov 2008)
# CPU opts: This needs amd64, x86 and ppc on some of them
# dvdnav: hard masked dependency
media-video/mplayer cpudetection custom-cpuopts bindist

# Alexis Ballier <aballier@gentoo.org> <16 Feb 2011>
# Win32 specific useflags for vlc. Can be used for cross-compiling.
media-video/vlc direct2d directx dshow dxva2 waveout wingdi
# Mac OSX / iPhone OS specific useflags
media-video/vlc audioqueue ios-vout macosx macosx-audio macosx-dialog-provider macosx-eyetv macosx-quartztext macosx-qtkit macosx-vout
# media-library does not build
media-video/vlc media-library