diff options
authorAzamat H. Hackimov <>2018-07-12 01:11:23 +0300
committerTony Vroon <>2018-07-13 10:27:11 +0100
commit81314cd16c5799e482ba4c20d3f5f4dee3136e88 (patch)
treeffb6c8f5e53495cc910093a59e3199a8689ce785 /games-emulation/hatari
parentgames-emulation/hatari: version bump to 2.1.0 (diff)
games-emulation/hatari: remove old
Removed old games.eclass based version Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.40, Repoman-2.3.9
Diffstat (limited to 'games-emulation/hatari')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/games-emulation/hatari/Manifest b/games-emulation/hatari/Manifest
index 8f2de08f3877..e061a3037e68 100644
--- a/games-emulation/hatari/Manifest
+++ b/games-emulation/hatari/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-DIST hatari-1.8.0.tar.bz2 1985358 BLAKE2B 12fc000dd04c0f0dcead0b6713837a0d4c02df5ecdab9c2d4d2d91bd4cf6f8657acf2d97649a5704b646fae4fefe0626300e297b9e8698e7b8b72854d37b7097 SHA512 498a6636eef78e85a4715e9df169d928ce97c0548145a95b41aa3aae28817b8e843de1d1390893863be05e4e9981c89236571ab2eb9239faad23b711542e4fa0
DIST hatari-2.1.0.tar.bz2 4072778 BLAKE2B 934ab28e799d0d13c26c291005513511367eb2ddbeda0f9756c19f10fa9e6bb8e10451057fa7e0b49a30e3f562eb5f327057d324b2a92e09b1115f63132dca97 SHA512 d1fbf6e60e2df2c43d070bee6a9c1dc93c36a8ea7f75bbf2a67790840952661cee136ebccd6b2ed523ef9b7b56391e058384f2e3f46acb609bb362cac05b9753
diff --git a/games-emulation/hatari/files/hatari-1.8.0-gentoo-docdir.patch b/games-emulation/hatari/files/hatari-1.8.0-gentoo-docdir.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 715fb189143f..000000000000
--- a/games-emulation/hatari/files/hatari-1.8.0-gentoo-docdir.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- hatari-1.6.1/python-ui/
-+++ hatari-1.6.1/python-ui/
-@@ -97,9 +97,7 @@
- # first try whether there are local Hatari docs in standard place
- # for this Hatari/UI version
- sep = os.sep
-- path = self.get_binary_path("hatari")
-- path = sep.join(path.split(sep)[:-2]) # remove "bin/hatari"
-- path = path + sep + "share" + sep + "doc" + sep + "hatari" + sep
-+ path = "@DOCDIR@"
- if os.path.exists(path + "manual.html"):
- return path
- # if not, point to latest Hatari HG version docs
diff --git a/games-emulation/hatari/files/hatari-1.8.0-gentoo.patch b/games-emulation/hatari/files/hatari-1.8.0-gentoo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f10d6d9e3ce..000000000000
--- a/games-emulation/hatari/files/hatari-1.8.0-gentoo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
---- hatari-1.4.0.orig/src/paths.c
-+++ hatari-1.4.0/src/paths.c
-@@ -109,71 +109,6 @@
- free(pTmpName);
- }
-- * Locate the directory where the hatari executable resides
-- */
--static char *Paths_InitExecDir(const char *argv0)
-- char *psExecDir; /* Path string where the hatari executable can be found */
-- /* Allocate memory for storing the path string of the executable */
-- psExecDir = malloc(FILENAME_MAX);
-- if (!psExecDir)
-- {
-- fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory (Paths_Init)\n");
-- exit(-1);
-- }
-- /* Determine the bindir...
-- * Start with empty string, then try to use OS specific functions,
-- * and finally analyze the PATH variable if it has not been found yet. */
-- psExecDir[0] = '\0';
--#if defined(__linux__)
-- {
-- int i;
-- /* On Linux, we can analyze the symlink /proc/self/exe */
-- i = readlink("/proc/self/exe", psExecDir, FILENAME_MAX);
-- if (i > 0)
-- {
-- char *p;
-- psExecDir[i] = '\0';
-- p = strrchr(psExecDir, '/'); /* Search last slash */
-- if (p)
-- *p = 0; /* Strip file name from path */
-- }
-- }
--//#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(__CEGCC__)
--// /* On Windows we can use GetModuleFileName for getting the exe path */
--// GetModuleFileName(NULL, psExecDir, FILENAME_MAX);
-- /* If we do not have the execdir yet, analyze argv[0] and the PATH: */
-- if (psExecDir[0] == 0)
-- {
-- if (strchr(argv0, PATHSEP) == 0)
-- {
-- /* No separator in argv[0], we have to explore PATH... */
-- Paths_GetExecDirFromPATH(argv0, psExecDir, FILENAME_MAX);
-- }
-- else
-- {
-- /* There was a path separator in argv[0], so let's assume a
-- * relative or absolute path to the current directory in argv[0] */
-- char *p;
-- strncpy(psExecDir, argv0, FILENAME_MAX);
-- psExecDir[FILENAME_MAX-1] = 0;
-- p = strrchr(psExecDir, PATHSEP); /* Search last slash */
-- if (p)
-- *p = 0; /* Strip file name from path */
-- }
-- }
-- return psExecDir;
- /**
- * Initialize the users home directory string
- * and Hatari's home directory (~/.hatari)
-@@ -226,8 +161,6 @@
- */
- void Paths_Init(const char *argv0)
- {
-- char *psExecDir; /* Path string where the hatari executable can be found */
- /* Init working directory string */
- if (getcwd(sWorkingDir, FILENAME_MAX) == NULL)
- {
-@@ -238,27 +171,11 @@
- /* Init the user's home directory string */
- Paths_InitHomeDirs();
-- /* Get the directory where the executable resides */
-- psExecDir = Paths_InitExecDir(argv0);
-- /* Now create the datadir path name from the bindir path name: */
-- if (psExecDir && strlen(psExecDir) > 0)
-- {
-- snprintf(sDataDir, sizeof(sDataDir), "%s%c%s",
-- }
-- else
-- {
-- /* bindir could not be determined, let's assume datadir is relative
-- * to current working directory... */
-- strcpy(sDataDir, BIN2DATADIR);
-- }
-+ strcpy(sDataDir, BIN2DATADIR);
- /* And finally make a proper absolute path out of datadir: */
- File_MakeAbsoluteName(sDataDir);
-- free(psExecDir);
- /* fprintf(stderr, " WorkingDir = %s\n DataDir = %s\n UserHomeDir = %s\n HatariHomeDir = %s\n",
- sWorkingDir, sDataDir, sUserHomeDir, sHatariHomeDir); */
- }
diff --git a/games-emulation/hatari/hatari-1.8.0.ebuild b/games-emulation/hatari/hatari-1.8.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ec9601e1835..000000000000
--- a/games-emulation/hatari/hatari-1.8.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs cmake-utils python-single-r1 games
-DESCRIPTION="Atari ST emulator"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
- media-libs/libsdl[X,sound,video]
- sys-libs/readline:0
- media-libs/libpng:0
- sys-libs/zlib"
- virtual/pkgconfig"
- dev-python/pygtk[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- games-emulation/emutos"
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gentoo.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gentoo-docdir.patch
-pkg_setup() {
- games_pkg_setup
- python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- cmake-utils_src_prepare
- # build with newer zlib (bug #387829)
- sed -i -e '1i#define OF(x) x' src/includes/unzip.h || die
- sed -i -e '/Encoding/d' ./python-ui/hatariui.desktop || die
- sed -i -e "s/python/${EPYTHON}/" tools/ || die
- sed -i \
- -e "s%conf=.*$%conf=\"${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR}\"%" \
- -e "s%path=.*$%path=\"${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}/hatariui\"%" \
- python-ui/hatariui || die
- sed -i -e "s#@DOCDIR@#/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/#" python-ui/ || die
- rm -f doc/CMakeLists.txt
-src_configure() {
- mycmakeargs=(
- "-DICONDIR=/usr/share/pixmaps"
- "-DDESKTOPDIR=/usr/share/applications"
- "-DMANDIR=/usr/share/man/man1"
- "-DDOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- )
- cmake-utils_src_configure
-src_install() {
- DOCS="readme.txt doc/*.txt" cmake-utils_src_install
- dohtml -r doc/
- python_fix_shebang "${ED%/}"/usr/share/games/hatari/{hatariui,hconsole}/
- prepgamesdirs
-pkg_postinst() {
- games_pkg_postinst
- echo
- elog "You need a TOS ROM to run hatari. EmuTOS, a free TOS implementation,"
- elog "has been installed in $(games_get_libdir) with a .img extension (there"
- elog "are several from which to choose)."
- elog
- elog "Another option is to go to and get a real TOS:"
- elog ""
- elog
- elog "The first time you run hatari, you should configure it to find the"
- elog "TOS you prefer to use. Be sure to save your settings."
- echo