From a58838ed7c67c0a8216954533cf76e3118d1134e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Preston Cody Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 21:54:40 +0000 Subject: adding in the minimal phpgacl code. this is all that is necessary for a functioning phpgcal setup. (pretty sweet eh?) minor touchup to user.php adding favicon.ico b/c apache seems to want it. svn path=/trunk/; revision=355 --- scire/favicon.ico | Bin 0 -> 894 bytes scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/Hashed_Cache_Lite.php | 184 ++ scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/LICENSE | 458 +++ scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/Lite.php | 615 ++++ scire/phpgacl/gacl.class.php | 629 ++++ scire/phpgacl/gacl_api.class.php | 3899 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ scire/user.php | 16 +- 7 files changed, 5795 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) create mode 100644 scire/favicon.ico create mode 100644 scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/Hashed_Cache_Lite.php create mode 100644 scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/LICENSE create mode 100644 scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/Lite.php create mode 100644 scire/phpgacl/gacl.class.php create mode 100644 scire/phpgacl/gacl_api.class.php diff --git a/scire/favicon.ico b/scire/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d01a39 Binary files /dev/null and b/scire/favicon.ico differ diff --git a/scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/Hashed_Cache_Lite.php b/scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/Hashed_Cache_Lite.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..894952f --- /dev/null +++ b/scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/Hashed_Cache_Lite.php @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +_cacheDir.$group.'/'.substr($encoded_id,0,3); + $this->_create_dir_structure($dir); + + $this->_file = $dir.'/'.$encoded_id; + } + + /** + * Create full directory structure, Ripped straight from the Smarty Template engine. + * Version: 2.3.0 + * Copyright: 2001,2002 ispi of Lincoln, Inc. + * + * @param string $dir Full directory. + * @access private + */ + function _create_dir_structure($dir) + { + if (!@file_exists($dir)) { + $dir_parts = preg_split('![\/]+!', $dir, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); + $new_dir = ($dir{0} == DIR_SEP) ? DIR_SEP : ''; + foreach ($dir_parts as $dir_part) { + $new_dir .= $dir_part; + if (!file_exists($new_dir) && !mkdir($new_dir, 0771)) { + Cache_Lite::raiseError('Cache_Lite : problem creating directory \"$dir\" !', -3); + return false; + } + $new_dir .= DIR_SEP; + } + } + } + + function _remove_dir_structure($dir,$remove_dir = false) + { + if (in_array(substr($dir,-1),array(DIR_SEP,'/','\\'))) { + $dir = substr($dir,0,-1); + } + + if (!($dh = opendir($dir))) { + $this->raiseError('Cache_Lite : Unable to open cache directory !', -4); + return false; + } + + while ($file = readdir($dh)) { + if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { + continue; + } + $file = $dir . DIR_SEP . $file; + if (is_dir($file)) { + $this->_remove_dir_structure($file,true); + continue; + } + if (is_file($file)) { + if (!@unlink($file)) { + closedir($dh); + $this->raiseError('Cache_Lite : Unable to remove cache !', -3); + return false; + } + continue; + } + } + + closedir($dh); + + if ($remove_dir) { + clearstatcache(); + if (!@rmdir($dir)) { + $this->raiseError('Cache_Lite : Unable to remove cache directory !', -4); + return false; + } + } + + return true; + } + + /** + * Clean the cache + * + * if no group is specified all cache files will be destroyed + * else only cache files of the specified group will be destroyed + * + * @param string $group name of the cache group + * @return boolean true if no problem + * @access public + */ + function clean($group = false) + { + if ($group) { + $motif = $this->_cacheDir.$group.'/'; + + if ($this->_memoryCaching) { + foreach ($this->_memoryCachingArray as $key => $value) { + if (strpos($key, $motif, 0)) { + unset($this->_memoryCachingArray[$key]); + } + } + $this->_memoryCachingCounter = count($this->_memoryCachingArray); + if ($this->_onlyMemoryCaching) { + return true; + } + } + + return $this->_remove_dir_structure($motif); + } + + if ($this->_memoryCaching) { + $this->_memoryCachingArray = array(); + $this->_memoryCachingCounter = 0; + if ($this->_onlyMemoryCaching) { + return true; + } + } + + if (!($dh = opendir($this->_cacheDir))) { + $this->raiseError('Cache_Lite : Unable to open cache directory !', -4); + return false; + } + + while ($file = readdir($dh)) { + if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { + continue; + } + $file = $this->_cacheDir . $file; + if (is_dir($file) && !$this->_remove_dir_structure($file,true)) { + return false; + } + } + + return true; + } +} + +// end of script diff --git a/scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/LICENSE b/scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27950e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,458 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS diff --git a/scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/Lite.php b/scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/Lite.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3341fb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/scire/phpgacl/Cache_Lite/Lite.php @@ -0,0 +1,615 @@ + +* +* @package Cache_Lite +* @category Caching +* @version $Id: Lite.php,v 1.1 2004/11/08 00:47:05 ipso Exp $ +* @author Fabien MARTY +*/ + +define('CACHE_LITE_ERROR_RETURN', 1); +define('CACHE_LITE_ERROR_DIE', 8); + +class Cache_Lite +{ + + // --- Private properties --- + + /** + * Directory where to put the cache files + * (make sure to add a trailing slash) + * + * @var string $_cacheDir + */ + var $_cacheDir = '/tmp/'; + + /** + * Enable / disable caching + * + * (can be very usefull for the debug of cached scripts) + * + * @var boolean $_caching + */ + var $_caching = true; + + /** + * Cache lifetime (in seconds) + * + * @var int $_lifeTime + */ + var $_lifeTime = 3600; + + /** + * Enable / disable fileLocking + * + * (can avoid cache corruption under bad circumstances) + * + * @var boolean $_fileLocking + */ + var $_fileLocking = true; + + /** + * Timestamp of the last valid cache + * + * @var int $_refreshTime + */ + var $_refreshTime; + + /** + * File name (with path) + * + * @var string $_file + */ + var $_file; + + /** + * Enable / disable write control (the cache is read just after writing to detect corrupt entries) + * + * Enable write control will lightly slow the cache writing but not the cache reading + * Write control can detect some corrupt cache files but maybe it's not a perfect control + * + * @var boolean $_writeControl + */ + var $_writeControl = true; + + /** + * Enable / disable read control + * + * If enabled, a control key is embeded in cache file and this key is compared with the one + * calculated after the reading. + * + * @var boolean $_writeControl + */ + var $_readControl = true; + + /** + * Type of read control (only if read control is enabled) + * + * Available values are : + * 'md5' for a md5 hash control (best but slowest) + * 'crc32' for a crc32 hash control (lightly less safe but faster, better choice) + * 'strlen' for a length only test (fastest) + * + * @var boolean $_readControlType + */ + var $_readControlType = 'crc32'; + + /** + * Pear error mode (when raiseError is called) + * + * (see PEAR doc) + * + * @see setToDebug() + * @var int $_pearErrorMode + */ + var $_pearErrorMode = CACHE_LITE_ERROR_RETURN; + + /** + * Current cache id + * + * @var string $_id + */ + var $_id; + + /** + * Current cache group + * + * @var string $_group + */ + var $_group; + + /** + * Enable / Disable "Memory Caching" + * + * NB : There is no lifetime for memory caching ! + * + * @var boolean $_memoryCaching + */ + var $_memoryCaching = false; + + /** + * Enable / Disable "Only Memory Caching" + * (be carefull, memory caching is "beta quality") + * + * @var boolean $_onlyMemoryCaching + */ + var $_onlyMemoryCaching = false; + + /** + * Memory caching array + * + * @var array $_memoryCachingArray + */ + var $_memoryCachingArray = array(); + + /** + * Memory caching counter + * + * @var int $memoryCachingCounter + */ + var $_memoryCachingCounter = 0; + + /** + * Memory caching limit + * + * @var int $memoryCachingLimit + */ + var $_memoryCachingLimit = 1000; + + /** + * File Name protection + * + * if set to true, you can use any cache id or group name + * if set to false, it can be faster but cache ids and group names + * will be used directly in cache file names so be carefull with + * special characters... + * + * @var boolean $fileNameProtection + */ + var $_fileNameProtection = true; + + /** + * Enable / disable automatic serialization + * + * it can be used to save directly datas which aren't strings + * (but it's slower) + * + * @var boolean $_serialize + */ + var $_automaticSerialization = false; + + // --- Public methods --- + + /** + * Constructor + * + * $options is an assoc. Available options are : + * $options = array( + * 'cacheDir' => directory where to put the cache files (string), + * 'caching' => enable / disable caching (boolean), + * 'lifeTime' => cache lifetime in seconds (int), + * 'fileLocking' => enable / disable fileLocking (boolean), + * 'writeControl' => enable / disable write control (boolean), + * 'readControl' => enable / disable read control (boolean), + * 'readControlType' => type of read control 'crc32', 'md5', 'strlen' (string), + * 'pearErrorMode' => pear error mode (when raiseError is called) (cf PEAR doc) (int), + * 'memoryCaching' => enable / disable memory caching (boolean), + * 'onlyMemoryCaching' => enable / disable only memory caching (boolean), + * 'memoryCachingLimit' => max nbr of records to store into memory caching (int), + * 'fileNameProtection' => enable / disable automatic file name protection (boolean), + * 'automaticSerialization' => enable / disable automatic serialization (boolean) + * ); + * + * @param array $options options + * @access public + */ + function Cache_Lite($options = array(NULL)) + { + $availableOptions = array('automaticSerialization', 'fileNameProtection', 'memoryCaching', 'onlyMemoryCaching', 'memoryCachingLimit', 'cacheDir', 'caching', 'lifeTime', 'fileLocking', 'writeControl', 'readControl', 'readControlType', 'pearErrorMode'); + foreach($options as $key => $value) { + if(in_array($key, $availableOptions)) { + $property = '_'.$key; + $this->$property = $value; + } + } + $this->_refreshTime = time() - $this->_lifeTime; + } + + /** + * Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it + * + * @param string $id cache id + * @param string $group name of the cache group + * @param boolean $doNotTestCacheValidity if set to true, the cache validity won't be tested + * @return string data of the cache (or false if no cache available) + * @access public + */ + function get($id, $group = 'default', $doNotTestCacheValidity = false) + { + $this->_id = $id; + $this->_group = $group; + $data = false; + if ($this->_caching) { + $this->_setFileName($id, $group); + if ($this->_memoryCaching) { + if (isset($this->_memoryCachingArray[$this->_file])) { + if ($this->_automaticSerialization) { + return unserialize($this->_memoryCachingArray[$this->_file]); + } else { + return $this->_memoryCachingArray[$this->_file]; + } + } else { + if ($this->_onlyMemoryCaching) { + return false; + } + } + } + if ($doNotTestCacheValidity) { + if (file_exists($this->_file)) { + $data = $this->_read(); + } + } else { + if ((file_exists($this->_file)) && (@filemtime($this->_file) > $this->_refreshTime)) { + $data = $this->_read(); + } + } + if (($data) and ($this->_memoryCaching)) { + $this->_memoryCacheAdd($this->_file, $data); + } + if (($this->_automaticSerialization) and (is_string($data))) { + $data = unserialize($data); + } + return $data; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Save some data in a cache file + * + * @param string $data data to put in cache (can be another type than strings if automaticSerialization is on) + * @param string $id cache id + * @param string $group name of the cache group + * @return boolean true if no problem + * @access public + */ + function save($data, $id = NULL, $group = 'default') + { + if ($this->_caching) { + if ($this->_automaticSerialization) { + $data = serialize($data); + } + if (isset($id)) { + $this->_setFileName($id, $group); + } + if ($this->_memoryCaching) { + $this->_memoryCacheAdd($this->_file, $data); + if ($this->_onlyMemoryCaching) { + return true; + } + } + if ($this->_writeControl) { + if (!$this->_writeAndControl($data)) { + @touch($this->_file, time() - 2*abs($this->_lifeTime)); + return false; + } else { + return true; + } + } else { + return $this->_write($data); + } + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Remove a cache file + * + * @param string $id cache id + * @param string $group name of the cache group + * @return boolean true if no problem + * @access public + */ + function remove($id, $group = 'default') + { + $this->_setFileName($id, $group); + if ($this->_memoryCaching) { + if (isset($this->_memoryCachingArray[$this->_file])) { + unset($this->_memoryCachingArray[$this->_file]); + $this->_memoryCachingCounter = $this->_memoryCachingCounter - 1; + } + if ($this->_onlyMemoryCaching) { + return true; + } + } + if (!@unlink($this->_file)) { + $this->raiseError('Cache_Lite : Unable to remove cache !', -3); + return false; + } + return true; + } + + /** + * Clean the cache + * + * if no group is specified all cache files will be destroyed + * else only cache files of the specified group will be destroyed + * + * @param string $group name of the cache group + * @return boolean true if no problem + * @access public + */ + function clean($group = false) + { + if ($this->_fileNameProtection) { + $motif = ($group) ? 'cache_'.md5($group).'_' : 'cache_'; + } else { + $motif = ($group) ? 'cache_'.$group.'_' : 'cache_'; + } + if ($this->_memoryCaching) { + while (list($key, $value) = each($this->_memoryCachingArray)) { + if (strpos($key, $motif, 0)) { + unset($this->_memoryCachingArray[$key]); + $this->_memoryCachingCounter = $this->_memoryCachingCounter - 1; + } + } + if ($this->_onlyMemoryCaching) { + return true; + } + } + if (!($dh = opendir($this->_cacheDir))) { + $this->raiseError('Cache_Lite : Unable to open cache directory !', -4); + return false; + } + while ($file = readdir($dh)) { + if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..')) { + $file = $this->_cacheDir . $file; + if (is_file($file)) { + if (strpos($file, $motif, 0)) { + if (!@unlink($file)) { + $this->raiseError('Cache_Lite : Unable to remove cache !', -3); + return false; + } + } + } + } + } + return true; + } + + /** + * Set to debug mode + * + * When an error is found, the script will stop and the message will be displayed + * (in debug mode only). + * + * @access public + */ + function setToDebug() + { + $this->_pearErrorMode = CACHE_LITE_ERROR_DIE; + } + + /** + * Set a new life time + * + * @param int $newLifeTime new life time (in seconds) + * @access public + */ + function setLifeTime($newLifeTime) + { + $this->_lifeTime = $newLifeTime; + $this->_refreshTime = time() - $newLifeTime; + } + + /** + * + * @access public + */ + function saveMemoryCachingState($id, $group = 'default') + { + if ($this->_caching) { + $array = array( + 'counter' => $this->_memoryCachingCounter, + 'array' => $this->_memoryCachingState + ); + $data = serialize($array); + $this->save($data, $id, $group); + } + } + + /** + * + * @access public + */ + function getMemoryCachingState($id, $group = 'default', $doNotTestCacheValidity = false) + { + if ($this->_caching) { + if ($data = $this->get($id, $group, $doNotTestCacheValidity)) { + $array = unserialize($data); + $this->_memoryCachingCounter = $array['counter']; + $this->_memoryCachingArray = $array['array']; + } + } + } + + /** + * Return the cache last modification time + * + * BE CAREFUL : THIS METHOD IS FOR HACKING ONLY ! + * + * @return int last modification time + */ + function lastModified() { + return filemtime($this->_file); + } + + /** + * Trigger a PEAR error + * + * To improve performances, the PEAR.php file is included dynamically. + * The file is so included only when an error is triggered. So, in most + * cases, the file isn't included and perfs are much better. + * + * @param string $msg error message + * @param int $code error code + * @access public + */ + function raiseError($msg, $code) + { + include_once('PEAR.php'); + PEAR::raiseError($msg, $code, $this->_pearErrorMode); + } + + // --- Private methods --- + + /** + * + * @access private + */ + function _memoryCacheAdd($id, $data) + { + $this->_memoryCachingArray[$this->_file] = $data; + if ($this->_memoryCachingCounter >= $this->_memoryCachingLimit) { + list($key, $value) = each($this->_memoryCachingArray); + unset($this->_memoryCachingArray[$key]); + } else { + $this->_memoryCachingCounter = $this->_memoryCachingCounter + 1; + } + } + + /** + * Make a file name (with path) + * + * @param string $id cache id + * @param string $group name of the group + * @access private + */ + function _setFileName($id, $group) + { + if ($this->_fileNameProtection) { + $this->_file = ($this->_cacheDir.'cache_'.md5($group).'_'.md5($id)); + } else { + $this->_file = $this->_cacheDir.'cache_'.$group.'_'.$id; + } + } + + /** + * Read the cache file and return the content + * + * @return string content of the cache file + * @access private + */ + function _read() + { + $fp = @fopen($this->_file, "rb"); + if ($this->_fileLocking) @flock($fp, LOCK_SH); + if ($fp) { + clearstatcache(); // because the filesize can be cached by PHP itself... + $length = @filesize($this->_file); + $mqr = get_magic_quotes_runtime(); + set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); + if ($this->_readControl) { + $hashControl = @fread($fp, 32); + $length = $length - 32; + } + $data = @fread($fp, $length); + set_magic_quotes_runtime($mqr); + if ($this->_fileLocking) @flock($fp, LOCK_UN); + @fclose($fp); + if ($this->_readControl) { + $hashData = $this->_hash($data, $this->_readControlType); + if ($hashData != $hashControl) { + @touch($this->_file, time() - 2*abs($this->_lifeTime)); + return false; + } + } + return $data; + } + $this->raiseError('Cache_Lite : Unable to read cache !', -2); + return false; + } + + /** + * Write the given data in the cache file + * + * @param string $data data to put in cache + * @return boolean true if ok + * @access private + */ + function _write($data) + { + $fp = @fopen($this->_file, "wb"); + if ($fp) { + if ($this->_fileLocking) @flock($fp, LOCK_EX); + if ($this->_readControl) { + @fwrite($fp, $this->_hash($data, $this->_readControlType), 32); + } + $len = strlen($data); + @fwrite($fp, $data, $len); + if ($this->_fileLocking) @flock($fp, LOCK_UN); + @fclose($fp); + return true; + } + $this->raiseError('Cache_Lite : Unable to write cache !', -1); + return false; + } + + /** + * Write the given data in the cache file and control it just after to avoir corrupted cache entries + * + * @param string $data data to put in cache + * @return boolean true if the test is ok + * @access private + */ + function _writeAndControl($data) + { + $this->_write($data); + $dataRead = $this->_read($data); + return ($dataRead==$data); + } + + /** + * Make a control key with the string containing datas + * + * @param string $data data + * @param string $controlType type of control 'md5', 'crc32' or 'strlen' + * @return string control key + * @access private + */ + function _hash($data, $controlType) + { + switch ($controlType) { + case 'md5': + return md5($data); + case 'crc32': + return sprintf('% 32d', crc32($data)); + case 'strlen': + return sprintf('% 32d', strlen($data)); + default: + $this->raiseError('Unknown controlType ! (available values are only \'md5\', \'crc32\', \'strlen\')', -5); + } + } + +} + +?> diff --git a/scire/phpgacl/gacl.class.php b/scire/phpgacl/gacl.class.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8832a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/scire/phpgacl/gacl.class.php @@ -0,0 +1,629 @@ + +*/ +class gacl { + /* + --- phpGACL Configuration path/file --- + */ + var $config_file = './gacl.ini.php'; + + /* + --- Private properties --- + */ + /** @var boolean Enables Debug output if true */ + var $_debug = FALSE; +# var $_debug = True; + /* + --- Database configuration. --- + */ + /** @var string Prefix for all the phpgacl tables in the database */ + var $_db_table_prefix = 'gacl_'; + + /** @var string The database type, based on available ADODB connectors - mysql, postgres7, sybase, oci8po See here for more: */ + var $_db_type = ''; + + /** @var string The database server */ + var $_db_host = ''; + + /** @var string The database user name */ + var $_db_user = ''; + + /** @var string The database user password */ + var $_db_password = ''; + + /** @var string The database name */ + var $_db_name = ''; + + /** @var object An ADODB database connector object */ + var $_db = ''; + + /* + * NOTE: This cache must be manually cleaned each time ACL's are modified. + * Alternatively you could wait for the cache to expire. + */ + + /** @var boolean Caches queries if true */ + var $_caching = FALSE; + + /** @var boolean Force cache to expire */ + var $_force_cache_expire = TRUE; + + /** @var string The directory for cache file to eb written (ensure write permission are set) */ + var $_cache_dir = '/tmp/phpgacl_cache'; // NO trailing slash + + /** @var int The time for the cache to expire in seconds - 600 == Ten Minutes */ + var $_cache_expire_time=600; + + /** @var string A switch to put acl_check into '_group_' mode */ + var $_group_switch = '_group_'; + + /** + * Constructor + * @param array An arry of options to oeverride the class defaults + */ + function gacl($options = NULL) { + + $available_options = array('db','debug','items_per_page','max_select_box_items','max_search_return_items','db_table_prefix','db_type','db_host','db_user','db_password','db_name','caching','force_cache_expire','cache_dir','cache_expire_time'); + + //Values supplied in $options array overwrite those in the config file. + if ( file_exists($this->config_file) ) { + $config = parse_ini_file($this->config_file); + + if ( is_array($config) ) { + $gacl_options = array_merge($config, $options); + } + + unset($config); + } + + if (is_array($options)) { + foreach ($options as $key => $value) { + $this->debug_text("Option: $key"); + + if (in_array($key, $available_options) ) { + $this->debug_text("Valid Config options: $key"); + $property = '_'.$key; + $this->$property = $value; + } else { + $this->debug_text("ERROR: Config option: $key is not a valid option"); + } + } + } + + require_once( ADODB_DIR .'/'); + require_once( ADODB_DIR .'/'); + + //Use NUM for slight performance/memory reasons. + //Leave this in for backwards compatibility with older ADODB installations. + //If your using ADODB v3.5+ feel free to comment out the following line if its giving you problems. + $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_NUM; + + if (is_object($this->_db)) { + $this->db = &$this->_db; + } else { + $this->db = ADONewConnection($this->_db_type); + $this->db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM); + $this->db->PConnect($this->_db_host, $this->_db_user, $this->_db_password, $this->_db_name); + } + $this->db->debug = $this->_debug; + + if ( $this->_caching == TRUE ) { + if (!class_exists('Hashed_Cache_Lite')) { + require_once(dirname(__FILE__) .'/Cache_Lite/Hashed_Cache_Lite.php'); + } + + /* + * Cache options. We default to the highest performance. If you run in to cache corruption problems, + * Change all the 'false' to 'true', this will slow things down slightly however. + */ + + $cache_options = array( + 'caching' => $this->_caching, + 'cacheDir' => $this->_cache_dir.'/', + 'lifeTime' => $this->_cache_expire_time, + 'fileLocking' => TRUE, + 'writeControl' => FALSE, + 'readControl' => FALSE, + 'memoryCaching' => TRUE, + 'automaticSerialization' => FALSE + ); + $this->Cache_Lite = new Hashed_Cache_Lite($cache_options); + } + + return true; + } + + /** + * Prints debug text if debug is enabled. + * @param string THe text to output + * @return boolean Always returns true + */ + function debug_text($text) { + + if ($this->_debug) { + echo "$text
\n"; + } + + return true; + } + + /** + * Prints database debug text if debug is enabled. + * @param string The name of the function calling this method + * @return string Returns an error message + */ + function debug_db($function_name = '') { + if ($function_name != '') { + $function_name .= ' (): '; + } + + return $this->debug_text ($function_name .'database error: '. $this->db->ErrorMsg() .' ('. $this->db->ErrorNo() .')'); + } + + /** + * Wraps the actual acl_query() function. + * + * It is simply here to return TRUE/FALSE accordingly. + * @param string The ACO section value + * @param string The ACO value + * @param string The ARO section value + * @param string The ARO section + * @param string The AXO section value (optional) + * @param string The AXO section value (optional) + * @param integer The group id of the ARO ??Mike?? (optional) + * @param integer The group id of the AXO ??Mike?? (optional) + * @return boolean TRUE if the check succeeds, false if not. + */ + function acl_check($aco_section_value, $aco_value, $aro_section_value, $aro_value, $axo_section_value=NULL, $axo_value=NULL, $root_aro_group=NULL, $root_axo_group=NULL) { + $acl_result = $this->acl_query($aco_section_value, $aco_value, $aro_section_value, $aro_value, $axo_section_value, $axo_value, $root_aro_group, $root_axo_group); + + return $acl_result['allow']; + } + + /** + * Wraps the actual acl_query() function. + * + * Quick access to the return value of an ACL. + * @param string The ACO section value + * @param string The ACO value + * @param string The ARO section value + * @param string The ARO section + * @param string The AXO section value (optional) + * @param string The AXO section value (optional) + * @param integer The group id of the ARO (optional) + * @param integer The group id of the AXO (optional) + * @return string The return value of the ACL + */ + function acl_return_value($aco_section_value, $aco_value, $aro_section_value, $aro_value, $axo_section_value=NULL, $axo_value=NULL, $root_aro_group=NULL, $root_axo_group=NULL) { + $acl_result = $this->acl_query($aco_section_value, $aco_value, $aro_section_value, $aro_value, $axo_section_value, $axo_value, $root_aro_group, $root_axo_group); + + return $acl_result['return_value']; + } + + /** + * Handles ACL lookups over arrays of AROs + * @param string The ACO section value + * @param string The ACO value + * @param array An named array of arrays, each element in the format aro_section_value=>array(aro_value1,aro_value1,...) + * @return mixed The same data format as inputted. + \*======================================================================*/ + function acl_check_array($aco_section_value, $aco_value, $aro_array) { + /* + Input Array: + Section => array(Value, Value, Value), + Section => array(Value, Value, Value) + + */ + + if (!is_array($aro_array)) { + $this->debug_text("acl_query_array(): ARO Array must be passed"); + return false; + } + + foreach($aro_array as $aro_section_value => $aro_value_array) { + foreach ($aro_value_array as $aro_value) { + $this->debug_text("acl_query_array(): ARO Section Value: $aro_section_value ARO VALUE: $aro_value"); + + if( $this->acl_check($aco_section_value, $aco_value, $aro_section_value, $aro_value) ) { + $this->debug_text("acl_query_array(): ACL_CHECK True"); + $retarr[$aro_section_value][] = $aro_value; + } else { + $this->debug_text("acl_query_array(): ACL_CHECK False"); + } + } + } + + return $retarr; + + } + + /** + * The Main function that does the actual ACL lookup. + * @param string The ACO section value + * @param string The ACO value + * @param string The ARO section value + * @param string The ARO section + * @param string The AXO section value (optional) + * @param string The AXO section value (optional) + * @param string The value of the ARO group (optional) + * @param string The value of the AXO group (optional) + * @param boolean Debug the operation if true (optional) + * @return array Returns as much information as possible about the ACL so other functions can trim it down and omit unwanted data. + */ + function acl_query($aco_section_value, $aco_value, $aro_section_value, $aro_value, $axo_section_value=NULL, $axo_value=NULL, $root_aro_group=NULL, $root_axo_group=NULL, $debug=NULL) { + + $cache_id = 'acl_query_'.$aco_section_value.'-'.$aco_value.'-'.$aro_section_value.'-'.$aro_value.'-'.$axo_section_value.'-'.$axo_value.'-'.$root_aro_group.'-'.$root_axo_group.'-'.$debug; + + $retarr = $this->get_cache($cache_id); + + if (!$retarr) { + /* + * Grab all groups mapped to this ARO/AXO + */ + $aro_group_ids = $this->acl_get_groups($aro_section_value, $aro_value, $root_aro_group, 'ARO'); + + if (is_array($aro_group_ids) AND !empty($aro_group_ids)) { + $sql_aro_group_ids = implode(',', $aro_group_ids); + } + + if ($axo_section_value != '' AND $axo_value != '') { + $axo_group_ids = $this->acl_get_groups($axo_section_value, $axo_value, $root_axo_group, 'AXO'); + + if (is_array($axo_group_ids) AND !empty($axo_group_ids)) { + $sql_axo_group_ids = implode(',', $axo_group_ids); + } + } + + /* + * This query is where all the magic happens. + * The ordering is very important here, as well very tricky to get correct. + * Currently there can be duplicate ACLs, or ones that step on each other toes. In this case, the ACL that was last updated/created + * is used. + * + * This is probably where the most optimizations can be made. + */ + + $order_by = array(); + + $query = ' + SELECT,a.allow,a.return_value + FROM '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl a + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco_map ac ON'; + + if ($aro_section_value != $this->_group_switch) { + $query .= ' + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_map ar ON'; + } + + if ($axo_section_value != $this->_group_switch) { + $query .= ' + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_map ax ON'; + } + + /* + * if there are no aro groups, don't bother doing the join. + */ + if (isset($sql_aro_group_ids)) { + $query .= ' + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups_map arg ON + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups rg ON'; + } + + // this join is necessary to weed out rules associated with axo groups + $query .= ' + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups_map axg ON'; + + /* + * if there are no axo groups, don't bother doing the join. + * it is only used to rank by the level of the group. + */ + if (isset($sql_axo_group_ids)) { + $query .= ' + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups xg ON'; + } + + //Move the below line to the LEFT JOIN above for PostgreSQL's sake. + //AND + $query .= ' + WHERE a.enabled=1 + AND (ac.section_value='. $this->db->quote($aco_section_value) .' AND ac.value='. $this->db->quote($aco_value) .')'; + + // if we are querying an aro group + if ($aro_section_value == $this->_group_switch) { + // if acl_get_groups did not return an array + if ( !isset ($sql_aro_group_ids) ) { + $this->debug_text ('acl_query(): Invalid ARO Group: '. $aro_value); + return FALSE; + } + + $query .= ' + AND IN ('. $sql_aro_group_ids .')'; + + $order_by[] = '(rg.rgt-rg.lft) ASC'; + } else { + $query .= ' + AND ((ar.section_value='. $this->db->quote($aro_section_value) .' AND ar.value='. $this->db->quote($aro_value) .')'; + + if ( isset ($sql_aro_group_ids) ) { + $query .= ' OR IN ('. $sql_aro_group_ids .')'; + + $order_by[] = '(CASE WHEN ar.value IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) DESC'; + $order_by[] = '(rg.rgt-rg.lft) ASC'; + } + + $query .= ')'; + } + + + // if we are querying an axo group + if ($axo_section_value == $this->_group_switch) { + // if acl_get_groups did not return an array + if ( !isset ($sql_axo_group_ids) ) { + $this->debug_text ('acl_query(): Invalid AXO Group: '. $axo_value); + return FALSE; + } + + $query .= ' + AND IN ('. $sql_axo_group_ids .')'; + + $order_by[] = '(xg.rgt-xg.lft) ASC'; + } else { + $query .= ' + AND ('; + + if ($axo_section_value == '' AND $axo_value == '') { + $query .= '(ax.section_value IS NULL AND ax.value IS NULL)'; + } else { + $query .= '(ax.section_value='. $this->db->quote($axo_section_value) .' AND ax.value='. $this->db->quote($axo_value) .')'; + } + + if (isset($sql_axo_group_ids)) { + $query .= ' OR IN ('. $sql_axo_group_ids .')'; + + $order_by[] = '(CASE WHEN ax.value IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) DESC'; + $order_by[] = '(xg.rgt-xg.lft) ASC'; + } else { + $query .= ' AND axg.group_id IS NULL'; + } + + $query .= ')'; + } + + /* + * The ordering is always very tricky and makes all the difference in the world. + * Order (ar.value IS NOT NULL) DESC should put ACLs given to specific AROs + * ahead of any ACLs given to groups. This works well for exceptions to groups. + */ + + $order_by[] = 'a.updated_date DESC'; + + $query .= ' + ORDER BY '. implode (',', $order_by) . ' + '; + + // we are only interested in the first row + $rs = $this->db->SelectLimit($query, 1); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('acl_query'); + return FALSE; + } + + $row =& $rs->FetchRow(); + + /* + * Return ACL ID. This is the key to "hooking" extras like pricing assigned to ACLs etc... Very useful. + */ + if (is_array($row)) { + // Permission granted? + // This below oneliner is very confusing. + //$allow = (isset($row[1]) AND $row[1] == 1); + + //Prefer this. + if ( isset($row[1]) AND $row[1] == 1 ) { + $allow = TRUE; + } else { + $allow = FALSE; + } + + $retarr = array('acl_id' => &$row[0], 'return_value' => &$row[2], 'allow' => $allow); + } else { + // Permission denied. + $retarr = array('acl_id' => NULL, 'return_value' => NULL, 'allow' => FALSE); + } + + /* + * Return the query that we ran if in debug mode. + */ + if ($debug == TRUE) { + $retarr['query'] = &$query; + } + + //Cache data. + $this->put_cache($retarr, $cache_id); + } + + $this->debug_text("acl_query(): ACO Section: $aco_section_value ACO Value: $aco_value ARO Section: $aro_section_value ARO Value $aro_value ACL ID: ". $retarr['acl_id'] .' Result: '. $retarr['allow']); + return $retarr; + } + + /** + * Grabs all groups mapped to an ARO. You can also specify a root_group for subtree'ing. + * @param string The section value or the ARO or ACO + * @param string The value of the ARO or ACO + * @param integer The group id of the group to start at (optional) + * @param string The type of group, either ARO or AXO (optional) + */ + function acl_get_groups($section_value, $value, $root_group=NULL, $group_type='ARO') { + + switch(strtolower($group_type)) { + case 'axo': + $group_type = 'axo'; + $object_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + $group_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + $group_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_axo_map'; + break; + default: + $group_type = 'aro'; + $object_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + $group_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + $group_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_aro_map'; + break; + } + + //$profiler->startTimer( "acl_get_groups()"); + + //Generate unique cache id. + $cache_id = 'acl_get_groups_'.$section_value.'-'.$value.'-'.$root_group.'-'.$group_type; + + $retarr = $this->get_cache($cache_id); + + if (!$retarr) { + + // Make sure we get the groups + $query = ' + SELECT DISTINCT'; + + if ($section_value == $this->_group_switch) { + $query .= ' + FROM ' . $group_table . ' g1,' . $group_table . ' g2'; + + $where = ' + WHERE g1.value=' . $this->db->quote( $value ); + } else { + $query .= ' + FROM '. $object_table .' o,'. $group_map_table .' gm,'. $group_table .' g1,'. $group_table .' g2'; + + $where = ' + WHERE (o.section_value='. $this->db->quote($section_value) .' AND o.value='. $this->db->quote($value) .') + AND gm.'. $group_type .' + AND'; + } + + /* + * If root_group_id is specified, we have to narrow this query down + * to just groups deeper in the tree then what is specified. + * This essentially creates a virtual "subtree" and ignores all outside groups. + * Useful for sites like sourceforge where you may seperate groups by "project". + */ + if ( $root_group != '') { + //It is important to note the below line modifies the tables being selected. + //This is the reason for the WHERE variable. + $query .= ','. $group_table .' g3'; + + $where .= ' + AND g3.value='. $this->db->quote( $root_group ) .' + AND ((g2.lft BETWEEN g3.lft AND g1.lft) AND (g2.rgt BETWEEN g1.rgt AND g3.rgt))'; + } else { + $where .= ' + AND (g2.lft <= g1.lft AND g2.rgt >= g1.rgt)'; + } + + $query .= $where; + + // $this->debug_text($query); + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('acl_get_groups'); + return FALSE; + } + + $retarr = array(); + + //Unbuffered query? + while (!$rs->EOF) { + $retarr[] = reset($rs->fields); + $rs->MoveNext(); + } + + //Cache data. + $this->put_cache($retarr, $cache_id); + } + + return $retarr; + } + + /** + * Uses PEAR's Cache_Lite package to grab cached arrays, objects, variables etc... + * using unserialize() so it can handle more then just text string. + * @param string The id of the cached object + * @return mixed The cached object, otherwise FALSE if the object identifier was not found + */ + function get_cache($cache_id) { + + if ( $this->_caching == TRUE ) { + $this->debug_text("get_cache(): on ID: $cache_id"); + + if ( is_string($this->Cache_Lite->get($cache_id) ) ) { + return unserialize($this->Cache_Lite->get($cache_id) ); + } + } + + return false; + } + + /** + * Uses PEAR's Cache_Lite package to write cached arrays, objects, variables etc... + * using serialize() so it can handle more then just text string. + * @param mixed A variable to cache + * @param string The id of the cached variable + */ + function put_cache($data, $cache_id) { + + if ( $this->_caching == TRUE ) { + $this->debug_text("put_cache(): Cache MISS on ID: $cache_id"); + + return $this->Cache_Lite->save(serialize($data), $cache_id); + } + + return false; + } +} +?> diff --git a/scire/phpgacl/gacl_api.class.php b/scire/phpgacl/gacl_api.class.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70833fc --- /dev/null +++ b/scire/phpgacl/gacl_api.class.php @@ -0,0 +1,3899 @@ + + * + */ + +class gacl_api extends gacl { + + /* + * + * Misc helper functions. + * + */ + + /** + * showarray() + * + * Dump all contents of an array in HTML (kinda) + * + * @param array + * + */ + function showarray($array) { + echo "
+		var_dump($array);
+		echo "

\n"; + } + + /** + * count_all() + * + * Recursively counts elements in an array and sub-arrays. + * + * This is different from count($arg, COUNT_RECURSIVE) + * in PHP >= 4.2.0, which includes sub-arrays in the count. + * + * @return int The returned count is a count of all scalar elements found. + * + * @param array Array to count + */ + function count_all($arg = NULL) { + switch (TRUE) { + case is_scalar($arg): + case is_object($arg): + // single object + return 1; + case is_array($arg): + // call recursively for all elements of $arg + $count = 0; + foreach ($arg as $val) { + $count += $this->count_all($val); + } + return $count; + } + return FALSE; + } + + /** + * get_version() + * + * Grabs phpGACL version from the database. + * + * @return string Version of phpGACL + */ + function get_version() { + $query = "select value from ".$this->_db_table_prefix."phpgacl where name = 'version'"; + $version = $this->db->GetOne($query); + + return $version; + } + + /** + * get_schema_version() + * + * Grabs phpGACL schema version from the database. + * + * @return string Schema Version + */ + function get_schema_version() { + $query = "select value from ".$this->_db_table_prefix."phpgacl where name = 'schema_version'"; + $version = $this->db->GetOne($query); + + return $version; + } + + /* + * + * ACL + * + */ + + /** + * consolidated_edit_acl() + * + * Add's an ACL but checks to see if it can consolidate it with another one first. + * + * This ONLY works with ACO's and ARO's. Groups, and AXO are excluded. + * As well this function is designed for handling ACLs with return values, + * and consolidating on the return_value, in hopes of keeping the ACL count to a minimum. + * + * A return value of false must _always_ be handled outside this function. + * As this function will remove AROs from ACLs and return false, in most cases + * you will need to a create a completely new ACL on a false return. + * + * @return bool Special boolean return value. See note. + * + * @param string ACO Section Value + * @param string ACO Value + * @param string ARO Section Value + * @param string ARO Value + * @param string Return Value of ACL + */ + function consolidated_edit_acl($aco_section_value, $aco_value, $aro_section_value, $aro_value, $return_value) { + + $this->debug_text("consolidated_edit_acl(): ACO Section Value: $aco_section_value ACO Value: $aco_value ARO Section Value: $aro_section_value ARO Value: $aro_value Return Value: $return_value"); + + $acl_ids = array(); + + if (empty($aco_section_value) ) { + $this->debug_text("consolidated_edit_acl(): ACO Section Value ($aco_section_value) is empty, this is required!"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($aco_value) ) { + $this->debug_text("consolidated_edit_acl(): ACO Value ($aco_value) is empty, this is required!"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($aro_section_value) ) { + $this->debug_text("consolidated_edit_acl(): ARO Section Value ($aro_section_value) is empty, this is required!"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($aro_value) ) { + $this->debug_text("consolidated_edit_acl(): ARO Value ($aro_value) is empty, this is required!"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($return_value) ) { + $this->debug_text("consolidated_edit_acl(): Return Value ($return_value) is empty, this is required!"); + return false; + } + + //See if a current ACL exists with the current objects, excluding return value + $current_acl_ids = $this->search_acl($aco_section_value, $aco_value, $aro_section_value, $aro_value, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); + //showarray($current_acl_ids); + + if (is_array($current_acl_ids)) { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Found current ACL_IDs, counting ACOs"); + + foreach ($current_acl_ids as $current_acl_id) { + //Check to make sure these ACLs only have a single ACO mapped to them. + $current_acl_array = &$this->get_acl($current_acl_id); + + //showarray($current_acl_array); + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Current Count: ".$this->count_all($current_acl_array['aco']).""); + + if ( $this->count_all($current_acl_array['aco']) == 1) { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): ACL ID: $current_acl_id has 1 ACO."); + + //Test to see if the return values match, if they do, no need removing or appending ARO. Just return true. + if ($current_acl_array['return_value'] == $return_value) { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): ACL ID: $current_acl_id has 1 ACO, and the same return value. No need to modify."); + return true; + } + + $acl_ids[] = $current_acl_id; + } + + } + } + + //showarray($acl_ids); + $acl_ids_count = count($acl_ids); + + //If acl_id's turns up more then one ACL, lets remove the ARO from all of them in hopes to + //eliminate any conflicts. + if (is_array($acl_ids) AND $acl_ids_count > 0) { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Removing specified ARO from existing ACL."); + + foreach ($acl_ids as $acl_id) { + //Remove ARO from current ACLs, so we don't create conflicting ACLs later on. + if (!$this->shift_acl($acl_id, array($aro_section_value => array($aro_value)) ) ) { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Error removing specified ARO from ACL ID: $acl_id"); + return false; + } + } + } else { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Didn't find any current ACLs with a single ACO. "); + } + //unset($acl_ids); + $acl_ids = array(); + unset($acl_ids_count); + + //At this point there should be no conflicting ACLs, searching for an existing ACL with the new values. + $new_acl_ids = $this->search_acl($aco_section_value, $aco_value, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $return_value); + $new_acl_count = count($new_acl_ids); + //showarray($new_acl_ids); + + if (is_array($new_acl_ids)) { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Found new ACL_IDs, counting ACOs"); + + foreach ($new_acl_ids as $new_acl_id) { + //Check to make sure these ACLs only have a single ACO mapped to them. + $new_acl_array = &$this->get_acl($new_acl_id); + //showarray($new_acl_array); + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): New Count: ".$this->count_all($new_acl_array['aco']).""); + if ( $this->count_all($new_acl_array['aco']) == 1) { + + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): ACL ID: $new_acl_id has 1 ACO, append should be able to take place."); + $acl_ids[] = $new_acl_id; + } + + } + } + + //showarray($acl_ids); + $acl_ids_count = count($acl_ids); + + if (is_array($acl_ids) AND $acl_ids_count == 1) { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Appending specified ARO to existing ACL."); + + $acl_id=$acl_ids[0]; + + if (!$this->append_acl($acl_id, array($aro_section_value => array($aro_value)) ) ) { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Error appending specified ARO to ACL ID: $acl_id"); + return false; + } + + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Hot damn, ACL consolidated!"); + return true; + } elseif($acl_ids_count > 1) { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Found more then one ACL with a single ACO. Possible conflicting ACLs."); + return false; + } elseif ($acl_ids_count == 0) { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): No existing ACLs found, create a new one."); + + if (!$this->add_acl( array( $aco_section_value => array($aco_value) ), + array( $aro_section_value => array($aro_value) ), + NULL, + NULL, + NULL, + TRUE, + TRUE, + $return_value, + NULL) + ) { + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Error adding new ACL for ACO Section: $aco_section_value ACO Value: $aco_value Return Value: $return_value"); + return false; + } + + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): ADD_ACL() successfull, returning True."); + return true; + } + + $this->debug_text("add_consolidated_acl(): Returning false."); + return false; + } + + /** + * search_acl() + * + * Searches for ACL's with specified objects mapped to them. + * + * NULL values are included in the search, if you want to ignore + * for instance aro_groups use FALSE instead of NULL. + * + * @return array containing ACL IDs if search is successful + * + * @param string ACO Section Value + * @param string ACO Value + * @param string ARO Section Value + * @param string ARO Value + * @param string ARO Group Name + * @param string AXO Section Value + * @param string AXO Value + * @param string AXO Group Name + * @param string Return Value + */ + function search_acl($aco_section_value=NULL, $aco_value=NULL, $aro_section_value=NULL, $aro_value=NULL, $aro_group_name=NULL, $axo_section_value=NULL, $axo_value=NULL, $axo_group_name=NULL, $return_value=NULL) { + $this->debug_text("search_acl(): aco_section_value: $aco_section_value aco_value: $aco_value, aro_section_value: $aro_section_value, aro_value: $aro_value, aro_group_name: $aro_group_name, axo_section_value: $axo_section_value, axo_value: $axo_value, axo_group_name: $axo_group_name, return_value: $return_value"); + + $query = ' + SELECT + FROM '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl a'; + + $where_query = array(); + + // ACO + if ($aco_section_value !== FALSE AND $aco_value !== FALSE) { + $query .= ' + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco_map ac ON'; + + if ($aco_section_value == NULL AND $aco_value == NULL) { + $where_query[] = '(ac.section_value IS NULL AND ac.value IS NULL)'; + } else { + $where_query[] = '(ac.section_value='. $this->db->quote($aco_section_value) .' AND ac.value='. $this->db->quote($aco_value) .')'; + } + } + + // ARO + if ($aro_section_value !== FALSE AND $aro_value !== FALSE) { + $query .= ' + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_map ar ON'; + + if ($aro_section_value == NULL AND $aro_value == NULL) { + $where_query[] = '(ar.section_value IS NULL AND ar.value IS NULL)'; + } else { + $where_query[] = '(ar.section_value='. $this->db->quote($aro_section_value) .' AND ar.value='. $this->db->quote($aro_value) .')'; + } + } + + // AXO + if ($axo_section_value !== FALSE AND $axo_value !== FALSE) { + $query .= ' + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_map ax ON'; + + if ($axo_section_value == NULL AND $axo_value == NULL) { + $where_query[] = '(ax.section_value IS NULL AND ax.value IS NULL)'; + } else { + $where_query[] = '(ax.section_value='. $this->db->quote($axo_section_value) .' AND ax.value='. $this->db->quote($axo_value) .')'; + } + } + + // ARO Group + if ($aro_group_name !== FALSE) { + $query .= ' + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups_map arg ON + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups rg ON'; + + if ($aro_group_name == NULL) { + $where_query[] = '( IS NULL)'; + } else { + $where_query[] = '('. $this->db->quote($aro_group_name) .')'; + } + } + + // AXO Group + if ($axo_group_name !== FALSE) { + $query .= ' + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups_map axg ON + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups xg ON'; + + if ($axo_group_name == NULL) { + $where_query[] = '( IS NULL)'; + } else { + $where_query[] = '('. $this->db->quote($axo_group_name) .')'; + } + } + if ($return_value != FALSE) { + if ($return_value == NULL) { + $where_query[] = '(a.return_value IS NULL)'; + } else { + $where_query[] = '(a.return_value='. $this->db->quote($return_value) .')'; + } + } + + if (count($where_query) > 0) { + $query .= ' + WHERE '. implode (' AND ', $where_query); + } + + return $this->db->GetCol($query); + } + + /** + * append_acl() + * + * Appends objects on to a specific ACL. + * + * @return bool TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. + * + * @param int ACL ID # + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Array of Group IDs + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Array of Group IDs + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + */ + function append_acl($acl_id, $aro_array=NULL, $aro_group_ids=NULL, $axo_array=NULL, $axo_group_ids=NULL, $aco_array=NULL) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): ACL_ID: $acl_id"); + + $update = 0; + + if (empty($acl_id)) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): No ACL_ID specified! ACL_ID: $acl_id"); + return false; + } + + //Grab ACL data. + $acl_array = &$this->get_acl($acl_id); + + //Append each object type seperately. + if (is_array($aro_array) AND count($aro_array) > 0) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Appending ARO's"); + + while (list($aro_section_value,$aro_value_array) = @each($aro_array)) { + foreach ($aro_value_array as $aro_value) { + if ( count($acl_array['aro'][$aro_section_value]) != 0 ) { + if (!in_array($aro_value, $acl_array['aro'][$aro_section_value])) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): ARO Section Value: $aro_section_value ARO VALUE: $aro_value"); + $acl_array['aro'][$aro_section_value][] = $aro_value; + $update=1; + } else { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Duplicate ARO, ignoring... "); + } + } else { //Array is empty so add this aro value. + $acl_array['aro'][$aro_section_value][] = $aro_value; + $update = 1; + } + } + } + } + + if (is_array($aro_group_ids) AND count($aro_group_ids) > 0) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Appending ARO_GROUP_ID's"); + + while (list(,$aro_group_id) = @each($aro_group_ids)) { + if (!is_array($acl_array['aro_groups']) OR !in_array($aro_group_id, $acl_array['aro_groups'])) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): ARO Group ID: $aro_group_id"); + $acl_array['aro_groups'][] = $aro_group_id; + $update = 1; + } else { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Duplicate ARO_Group_ID, ignoring... "); + } + } + } + + if (is_array($axo_array) AND count($axo_array) > 0) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Appending AXO's"); + + while (list($axo_section_value,$axo_value_array) = @each($axo_array)) { + foreach ($axo_value_array as $axo_value) { + if (!in_array($axo_value, $acl_array['axo'][$axo_section_value])) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): AXO Section Value: $axo_section_value AXO VALUE: $axo_value"); + $acl_array['axo'][$axo_section_value][] = $axo_value; + $update = 1; + } else { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Duplicate AXO, ignoring... "); + } + + } + } + } + + if (is_array($axo_group_ids) AND count($axo_group_ids) > 0) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Appending AXO_GROUP_ID's"); + while (list(,$axo_group_id) = @each($axo_group_ids)) { + if (!is_array($acl_array['axo_groups']) OR !in_array($axo_group_id, $acl_array['axo_groups'])) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): AXO Group ID: $axo_group_id"); + $acl_array['axo_groups'][] = $axo_group_id; + $update = 1; + } else { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Duplicate ARO_Group_ID, ignoring... "); + } + } + } + + if (is_array($aco_array) AND count($aco_array) > 0) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Appending ACO's"); + + while (list($aco_section_value,$aco_value_array) = @each($aco_array)) { + foreach ($aco_value_array as $aco_value) { + if (!in_array($aco_value, $acl_array['aco'][$aco_section_value])) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): ACO Section Value: $aco_section_value ACO VALUE: $aco_value"); + $acl_array['aco'][$aco_section_value][] = $aco_value; + $update = 1; + } else { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Duplicate ACO, ignoring... "); + } + } + } + } + + if ($update == 1) { + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Update flag set, updating ACL."); + //function edit_acl($acl_id, $aco_array, $aro_array, $aro_group_ids=NULL, $axo_array=NULL, $axo_group_ids=NULL, $allow=1, $enabled=1, $return_value=NULL, $note=NULL) { + return $this->edit_acl($acl_id, $acl_array['aco'], $acl_array['aro'], $acl_array['aro_groups'], $acl_array['axo'], $acl_array['axo_groups'], $acl_array['allow'], $acl_array['enabled'], $acl_array['return_value'], $acl_array['note']); + } + + //Return true if everything is duplicate and no ACL id updated. + $this->debug_text("append_acl(): Update flag not set, NOT updating ACL."); + return true; + } + + /** + * shift_acl() + * + * Opposite of append_acl(). Removes objects from a specific ACL. (named after PHP's array_shift()) + * + * @return bool TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. + * + * @param int ACL ID # + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Array of Group IDs + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Array of Group IDs + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + */ + function shift_acl($acl_id, $aro_array=NULL, $aro_group_ids=NULL, $axo_array=NULL, $axo_group_ids=NULL, $aco_array=NULL) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): ACL_ID: $acl_id"); + + $update = 0; + + if (empty($acl_id)) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): No ACL_ID specified! ACL_ID: $acl_id"); + return false; + } + + //Grab ACL data. + $acl_array = &$this->get_acl($acl_id); + + //showarray($acl_array); + //Remove each object type seperately. + if (is_array($aro_array) AND count($aro_array) > 0) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Removing ARO's"); + + while (list($aro_section_value,$aro_value_array) = @each($aro_array)) { + foreach ($aro_value_array as $aro_value) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): ARO Section Value: $aro_section_value ARO VALUE: $aro_value"); + + //Only search if aro array contains data. + if ( count($acl_array['aro'][$aro_section_value]) != 0 ) { + $aro_key = array_search($aro_value, $acl_array['aro'][$aro_section_value]); + + if ($aro_key !== FALSE) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Removing ARO. ($aro_key)"); + unset($acl_array['aro'][$aro_section_value][$aro_key]); + $update = 1; + } else { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): ARO doesn't exist, can't remove it."); + } + } + + } + } + } + + if (is_array($aro_group_ids) AND count($aro_group_ids) > 0) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Removing ARO_GROUP_ID's"); + + while (list(,$aro_group_id) = @each($aro_group_ids)) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): ARO Group ID: $aro_group_id"); + $aro_group_key = array_search($aro_group_id, $acl_array['aro_groups']); + + if ($aro_group_key !== FALSE) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Removing ARO Group. ($aro_group_key)"); + unset($acl_array['aro_groups'][$aro_group_key]); + $update = 1; + } else { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): ARO Group doesn't exist, can't remove it."); + } + } + } + + if (is_array($axo_array) AND count($axo_array) > 0) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Removing AXO's"); + + while (list($axo_section_value,$axo_value_array) = @each($axo_array)) { + foreach ($axo_value_array as $axo_value) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): AXO Section Value: $axo_section_value AXO VALUE: $axo_value"); + $axo_key = array_search($axo_value, $acl_array['axo'][$axo_section_value]); + + if ($axo_key !== FALSE) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Removing AXO. ($axo_key)"); + unset($acl_array['axo'][$axo_section_value][$axo_key]); + $update = 1; + } else { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): AXO doesn't exist, can't remove it."); + } + } + } + } + + if (is_array($axo_group_ids) AND count($axo_group_ids) > 0) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Removing AXO_GROUP_ID's"); + + while (list(,$axo_group_id) = @each($axo_group_ids)) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): AXO Group ID: $axo_group_id"); + $axo_group_key = array_search($axo_group_id, $acl_array['axo_groups']); + + if ($axo_group_key !== FALSE) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Removing AXO Group. ($axo_group_key)"); + unset($acl_array['axo_groups'][$axo_group_key]); + $update = 1; + } else { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): AXO Group doesn't exist, can't remove it."); + } + } + } + + if (is_array($aco_array) AND count($aco_array) > 0) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Removing ACO's"); + + while (list($aco_section_value,$aco_value_array) = @each($aco_array)) { + foreach ($aco_value_array as $aco_value) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): ACO Section Value: $aco_section_value ACO VALUE: $aco_value"); + $aco_key = array_search($aco_value, $acl_array['aco'][$aco_section_value]); + + if ($aco_key !== FALSE) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Removing ACO. ($aco_key)"); + unset($acl_array['aco'][$aco_section_value][$aco_key]); + $update = 1; + } else { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): ACO doesn't exist, can't remove it."); + } + } + } + } + + if ($update == 1) { + //We know something was changed, so lets see if no ACO's or no ARO's are left assigned to this ACL, if so, delete the ACL completely. + //$this->showarray($acl_array); + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): ACOs: ". $this->count_all($acl_array['aco']) ." AROs: ".$this->count_all($acl_array['aro']).""); + + if ( $this->count_all($acl_array['aco']) == 0 + OR ( $this->count_all($acl_array['aro']) == 0 + AND ( $this->count_all($acl_array['axo']) == 0 OR $acl_array['axo'] == FALSE) + AND (count($acl_array['aro_groups']) == 0 OR $acl_array['aro_groups'] == FALSE) + AND (count($acl_array['axo_groups']) == 0 OR $acl_array['axo_groups'] == FALSE) + ) ) { + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): No ACOs or ( AROs AND AXOs AND ARO Groups AND AXO Groups) left assigned to this ACL (ID: $acl_id), deleting ACL."); + + return $this->del_acl($acl_id); + } + + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Update flag set, updating ACL."); + + return $this->edit_acl($acl_id, $acl_array['aco'], $acl_array['aro'], $acl_array['aro_groups'], $acl_array['axo'], $acl_array['axo_groups'], $acl_array['allow'], $acl_array['enabled'], $acl_array['return_value'], $acl_array['note']); + } + + //Return true if everything is duplicate and no ACL id updated. + $this->debug_text("shift_acl(): Update flag not set, NOT updating ACL."); + return true; + } + + /** + * get_acl() + * + * Grabs ACL data. + * + * @return bool FALSE if not found, or Associative Array with the following items: + * + * - 'aco' => Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * - 'aro' => Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * - 'axo' => Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * - 'aro_groups' => Array of Group IDs + * - 'axo_groups' => Array of Group IDs + * - 'acl_id' => int ACL ID # + * - 'allow' => int Allow flag + * - 'enabled' => int Enabled flag + * - 'return_value' => string Return Value + * - 'note' => string Note + * + * @param int ACL ID # + */ + function get_acl($acl_id) { + + $this->debug_text("get_acl(): ACL_ID: $acl_id"); + + if (empty($acl_id)) { + $this->debug_text("get_acl(): No ACL_ID specified! ACL_ID: $acl_id"); + return false; + } + + //Grab ACL information + $query = "select id, allow, enabled, return_value, note from ".$this->_db_table_prefix."acl where id = ".$acl_id.""; + $acl_row = $this->db->GetRow($query); + + // return false if not found + if (!$acl_row) { + $this->debug_text("get_acl(): No ACL found for that ID! ACL_ID: $acl_id"); + return false; + } + + list($retarr['acl_id'], $retarr['allow'], $retarr['enabled'], $retarr['return_value'], $retarr['note']) = $acl_row; + + //Grab selected ACO's + $query = "select distinct a.section_value, a.value,, from ".$this->_db_table_prefix."aco_map a, ".$this->_db_table_prefix."aco b, ".$this->_db_table_prefix."aco_sections c + where ( a.section_value=b.section_value AND a.value = b.value) AND b.section_value=c.value AND a.acl_id = $acl_id"; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + $rows = $rs->GetRows(); + + $retarr['aco'] = array(); + while (list(,$row) = @each($rows)) { + list($section_value, $value, $section, $aco) = $row; + $this->debug_text("Section Value: $section_value Value: $value Section: $section ACO: $aco"); + + $retarr['aco'][$section_value][] = $value; + + } + //showarray($aco); + + //Grab selected ARO's + $query = "select distinct a.section_value, a.value,, from ".$this->_db_table_prefix."aro_map a, ".$this->_db_table_prefix."aro b, ".$this->_db_table_prefix."aro_sections c + where ( a.section_value=b.section_value AND a.value = b.value) AND b.section_value=c.value AND a.acl_id = $acl_id"; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + $rows = $rs->GetRows(); + + $retarr['aro'] = array(); + while (list(,$row) = @each($rows)) { + list($section_value, $value, $section, $aro) = $row; + $this->debug_text("Section Value: $section_value Value: $value Section: $section ARO: $aro"); + + $retarr['aro'][$section_value][] = $value; + + } + //showarray($options_aro); + + //Grab selected AXO's + $query = "select distinct a.section_value, a.value,, from ".$this->_db_table_prefix."axo_map a, ".$this->_db_table_prefix."axo b, ".$this->_db_table_prefix."axo_sections c + where ( a.section_value=b.section_value AND a.value = b.value) AND b.section_value=c.value AND a.acl_id = $acl_id"; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + $rows = $rs->GetRows(); + + $retarr['axo'] = array(); + while (list(,$row) = @each($rows)) { + list($section_value, $value, $section, $axo) = $row; + $this->debug_text("Section Value: $section_value Value: $value Section: $section AXO: $axo"); + + $retarr['axo'][$section_value][] = $value; + + } + //showarray($options_aro); + + //Grab selected ARO groups. + $retarr['aro_groups'] = array(); + $query = "select distinct group_id from ".$this->_db_table_prefix."aro_groups_map where acl_id = $acl_id"; + $retarr['aro_groups'] = $this->db->GetCol($query); + //showarray($selected_groups); + + //Grab selected AXO groups. + $retarr['axo_groups'] = array(); + $query = "select distinct group_id from ".$this->_db_table_prefix."axo_groups_map where acl_id = $acl_id"; + $retarr['axo_groups'] = $this->db->GetCol($query); + //showarray($selected_groups); + + return $retarr; + } + + /** + * is_conflicting_acl() + * + * Checks for conflicts when adding a specific ACL. + * + * @return bool Returns true if conflict is found. + * + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Array of Group IDs + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Array of Group IDs + * @param array Array of ACL IDs to ignore from the result set. + * + */ + function is_conflicting_acl($aco_array, $aro_array, $aro_group_ids=NULL, $axo_array=NULL, $axo_group_ids=NULL, $ignore_acl_ids=NULL) { + //Check for potential conflicts. Ignore groups, as groups will almost always have "conflicting" ACLs. + //Thats part of inheritance. + + if (!is_array($aco_array)) { + $this->debug_text('is_conflicting_acl(): Invalid ACO Array.'); + return FALSE; + } + + if (!is_array($aro_array)) { + $this->debug_text('is_conflicting_acl(): Invalid ARO Array.'); + return FALSE; + } + + $query = ' + SELECT + FROM '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl a + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco_map ac ON + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_map ar ON + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_map ax ON + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups_map axg ON + LEFT JOIN '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups xg ON + '; + + //ACO + foreach ($aco_array as $aco_section_value => $aco_value_array) { + $this->debug_text("is_conflicting_acl(): ACO Section Value: $aco_section_value ACO VALUE: $aco_value_array"); + //showarray($aco_array); + + if (!is_array($aco_value_array)) { + $this->debug_text('is_conflicting_acl(): Invalid Format for ACO Array item. Skipping...'); + continue; + // return TRUE; + } + //Move the below line in to the LEFT JOIN above for PostgreSQL sake. + //'ac1' => '', + $where_query = array( + 'ac2' => '(ac.section_value='. $this->db->quote($aco_section_value) .' AND ac.value IN (\''. implode ('\',\'', $aco_value_array) .'\'))' + ); + + //ARO + foreach ($aro_array as $aro_section_value => $aro_value_array) { + $this->debug_text("is_conflicting_acl(): ARO Section Value: $aro_section_value ARO VALUE: $aro_value_array"); + + if (!is_array($aro_value_array)) + { + $this->debug_text('is_conflicting_acl(): Invalid Format for ARO Array item. Skipping...'); + continue; + // return TRUE; + } + + $this->debug_text("is_conflicting_acl(): Search: ACO Section: $aco_section_value ACO Value: $aco_value_array ARO Section: $aro_section_value ARO Value: $aro_value_array"); + + //Move the below line in to the LEFT JOIN above for PostgreSQL sake. + //$where_query['ar1'] = ''; + $where_query['ar2'] = '(ar.section_value='. $this->db->quote($aro_section_value) .' AND ar.value IN (\''. implode ('\',\'', $aro_value_array) .'\'))'; + + if (is_array($axo_array) AND count($axo_array) > 0) { + foreach ($axo_array as $axo_section_value => $axo_value_array) { + $this->debug_text("is_conflicting_acl(): AXO Section Value: $axo_section_value AXO VALUE: $axo_value_array"); + + if (!is_array($axo_value_array)) { + $this->debug_text('is_conflicting_acl(): Invalid Format for AXO Array item. Skipping...'); + continue; + // return TRUE; + } + + $this->debug_text("is_conflicting_acl(): Search: ACO Section: $aco_section_value ACO Value: $aco_value_array ARO Section: $aro_section_value ARO Value: $aro_value_array AXO Section: $axo_section_value AXO Value: $axo_value_array"); + + //$where_query['ax1'] = ''; + $where_query['ax1'] = ''; + $where_query['ax2'] = '(ax.section_value='. $this->db->quote($axo_section_value) .' AND ax.value IN (\''. implode ('\',\'', $axo_value_array) .'\'))'; + + $where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where_query); + + $conflict_result = $this->db->GetCol($query . $where); + + if (is_array($conflict_result) AND !empty($conflict_result)) { + // showarray($conflict_result); + + if (is_array($ignore_acl_ids)) { + $conflict_result = array_diff($conflict_result, $ignore_acl_ids); + } + + if (count($conflict_result) > 0) { + $conflicting_acls_str = implode(',', $conflict_result); + $this->debug_text("is_conflicting_acl(): Conflict FOUND!!! ACL_IDS: ($conflicting_acls_str)"); + return TRUE; + } + } + } + } else { + $where_query['ax1'] = '(ax.section_value IS NULL AND ax.value IS NULL)'; + $where_query['ax2'] = ' IS NULL'; + + $where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where_query); + + $conflict_result = $this->db->GetCol($query . $where); + + if (is_array($conflict_result) AND !empty($conflict_result)) { + // showarray($conflict_result); + + if (is_array($ignore_acl_ids)) { + $conflict_result = array_diff($conflict_result, $ignore_acl_ids); + } + + if (count($conflict_result) > 0) { + $conflicting_acls_str = implode(',', $conflict_result); + $this->debug_text("is_conflicting_acl(): Conflict FOUND!!! ACL_IDS: ($conflicting_acls_str)"); + return TRUE; + } + } + } + } + } + + $this->debug_text('is_conflicting_acl(): No conflicting ACL found.'); + return FALSE; + } + + /** + * add_acl() + * + * Add's an ACL. ACO_IDS, ARO_IDS, GROUP_IDS must all be arrays. + * + * @return bool Return ACL ID of new ACL if successful, FALSE otherewise. + * + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Array of Group IDs + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Array of Group IDs + * @param int Allow flag + * @param int Enabled flag + * @param string Return Value + * @param string Note + * @param string ACL Section Value + * @param int ACL ID # Specific Request + + */ + function add_acl($aco_array, $aro_array, $aro_group_ids=NULL, $axo_array=NULL, $axo_group_ids=NULL, $allow=1, $enabled=1, $return_value=NULL, $note=NULL, $section_value=NULL, $acl_id=FALSE ) { + + $this->debug_text("add_acl():"); + + if (count($aco_array) == 0) { + $this->debug_text("Must select at least one Access Control Object"); + return false; + } + + if (count($aro_array) == 0 AND count($aro_group_ids) == 0) { + $this->debug_text("Must select at least one Access Request Object or Group"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($allow)) { + $allow=0; + } + + if (empty($enabled)) { + $enabled=0; + } + + if (!empty($section_value) + AND !$this->get_object_section_section_id(NULL, $section_value, 'ACL')) { + $this->debug_text("add_acl(): Section Value: $section_value DOES NOT exist in the database."); + return false; + } + + //Unique the group arrays. Later one we unique ACO/ARO/AXO arrays. + if (is_array($aro_group_ids)) { + $aro_group_ids = array_unique($aro_group_ids); + } + if (is_array($axo_group_ids)) { + $axo_group_ids = array_unique($axo_group_ids); + } + + //Check for conflicting ACLs. + if ($this->is_conflicting_acl($aco_array,$aro_array,$aro_group_ids,$axo_array,$axo_group_ids,array($acl_id))) { + $this->debug_text("add_acl(): Detected possible ACL conflict, not adding ACL!"); + return false; + } + + //Edit ACL if acl_id is set. This is simply if we're being called by edit_acl(). + if ($this->get_acl($acl_id) == FALSE) { + if ( empty($section_value) ) { + $section_value='system'; + if( !$this->get_object_section_section_id(NULL, $section_value, 'ACL') ) { + // Use the acl section with the lowest order value. + $acl_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl_sections'; + $acl_section_order_value = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT min(order_value) from $acl_sections_table"); + + $query = " + SELECT value + FROM $acl_sections_table + WHERE order_value = $acl_section_order_value + "; + $section_value = $this->db->GetOne($query); + + if ( empty($section_value) ) { + $this->debug_text("add_acl(): No valid acl section found."); + return false; + } else { + $this->debug_text("add_acl(): Using default section value: $section_value."); + } + } + } + + //ACL not specified, so create acl_id + if (empty($acl_id)) { + //Create ACL row first, so we have the acl_id + $acl_id = $this->db->GenID($this->_db_table_prefix.'acl_seq',10); + + //Double check the ACL ID was generated. + if (empty($acl_id)) { + $this->debug_text("add_acl(): ACL_ID generation failed!"); + return false; + } + } + + //Begin transaction _after_ GenID. Because on the first run, if GenID has to create the sequence, + //the transaction will fail. + $this->db->BeginTrans(); + + $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->_db_table_prefix.'acl (id,section_value,allow,enabled,return_value,note,updated_date) VALUES('. $acl_id .','. $this->db->quote($section_value) .','. $allow .','. $enabled .','. $this->db->quote($return_value) .', '. $this->db->quote($note) .','. time() .')'; + $result = $this->db->Execute($query); + } else { + $section_sql = ''; + if ( !empty($section_value) ) { + $section_sql = 'section_value='. $this->db->quote ($section_value) .','; + } + + $this->db->BeginTrans(); + + //Update ACL row, and remove all mappings so they can be re-inserted. + $query = ' + UPDATE '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl + SET ' . $section_sql . ' + allow='. $allow .', + enabled='. $enabled .', + return_value='. $this->db->quote($return_value) .', + note='. $this->db->quote($note) .', + updated_date='. time() .' + WHERE id='. $acl_id; + $result = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if ($result) { + $this->debug_text("Update completed without error, delete mappings..."); + //Delete all mappings so they can be re-inserted. + foreach (array('aco_map', 'aro_map', 'axo_map', 'aro_groups_map', 'axo_groups_map') as $map) { + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $this->_db_table_prefix . $map .' WHERE acl_id='. $acl_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) + { + $this->debug_db('add_acl'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + } + } + } + + if (!is_object($result)) { + $this->debug_db('add_acl'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + + $this->debug_text("Insert or Update completed without error, insert new mappings."); + // Insert ACO/ARO/AXO mappings + foreach (array('aco', 'aro', 'axo') as $map) { + $map_array = ${$map .'_array'}; + + if (!is_array ($map_array)) { + continue; + } + + foreach ($map_array as $section_value => $value_array) { + $this->debug_text ('Insert: '. strtoupper($map) .' Section Value: '. $section_value .' '. strtoupper($map) .' VALUE: '. $value_array); + // $this->showarray ($aco_value_array); + + if (!is_array($value_array)) { + $this->debug_text ('add_acl (): Invalid Format for '. strtoupper ($map) .' Array item. Skipping...'); + continue; + // return true; + } + + $value_array = array_unique($value_array); + + foreach ($value_array as $value) { + $object_id = &$this->get_object_id($section_value, $value, $map); + + if (empty($object_id)) + { + $this->debug_text('add_acl(): '. strtoupper($map) . " Object Section Value: $section_value Value: $value DOES NOT exist in the database. Skipping..."); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + + $query = 'INSERT INTO '. $this->_db_table_prefix . $map .'_map (acl_id,section_value,value) VALUES ('. $acl_id .', '. $this->db->quote($section_value) .', '. $this->db->quote($value) .')'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) + { + $this->debug_db('add_acl'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + } + } + } + + // Insert ARO/AXO GROUP mappings + foreach (array('aro', 'axo') as $map) { + $map_group_ids = ${$map .'_group_ids'}; + + if (!is_array($map_group_ids)) { + continue; + } + + foreach ($map_group_ids as $group_id) { + $this->debug_text ('Insert: '. strtoupper($map) .' GROUP ID: '. $group_id); + + $group_data = &$this->get_group_data($group_id, $map); + + if (empty($group_data)) { + $this->debug_text('add_acl(): '. strtoupper($map) . " Group: $group_id DOES NOT exist in the database. Skipping..."); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + + $query = 'INSERT INTO '. $this->_db_table_prefix . $map .'_groups_map (acl_id,group_id) VALUES ('. $acl_id .', '. $group_id .')'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('add_acl'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + } + } + + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + + if ($this->_caching == TRUE AND $this->_force_cache_expire == TRUE) { + //Expire all cache. + $this->Cache_Lite->clean('default'); + } + + //Return only the ID in the first row. + return $acl_id; + } + + /** + * edit_acl() + * + * Edit's an ACL, ACO_IDS, ARO_IDS, GROUP_IDS must all be arrays. + * + * @return bool Return TRUE if successful, FALSE otherewise. + * + * @param int ACL ID # to edit + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Array of Group IDs + * @param array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * @param array Array of Group IDs + * @param int Allow flag + * @param int Enabled flag + * @param string Return Value + * @param string Note + * @param string ACL Section Value + */ + function edit_acl($acl_id, $aco_array, $aro_array, $aro_group_ids=NULL, $axo_array=NULL, $axo_group_ids=NULL, $allow=1, $enabled=1, $return_value=NULL, $note=NULL, $section_value=NULL) { + + $this->debug_text("edit_acl():"); + + if (empty($acl_id) ) { + $this->debug_text("edit_acl(): Must specify a single ACL_ID to edit"); + return false; + } + if (count($aco_array) == 0) { + $this->debug_text("edit_acl(): Must select at least one Access Control Object"); + return false; + } + + if (count($aro_array) == 0 AND count($aro_group_ids) == 0) { + $this->debug_text("edit_acl(): Must select at least one Access Request Object or Group"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($allow)) { + $allow=0; + } + + if (empty($enabled)) { + $enabled=0; + } + + //if ($this->add_acl($aco_array, $aro_array, $group_ids, $allow, $enabled, $acl_id)) { + if ($this->add_acl($aco_array, $aro_array, $aro_group_ids, $axo_array, $axo_group_ids, $allow, $enabled, $return_value, $note, $section_value, $acl_id)) { + return true; + } else { + $this->debug_text("edit_acl(): error in add_acl()"); + return false; + } + } + + /** + * del_acl() + * + * Deletes a given ACL + * + * @return bool Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. + * + * @param int ACL ID # to delete + */ + function del_acl($acl_id) { + + $this->debug_text("del_acl(): ID: $acl_id"); + + if (empty($acl_id) ) { + $this->debug_text("del_acl(): ACL_ID ($acl_id) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $this->db->BeginTrans(); + + // Delete all mappings to the ACL first + foreach (array('aco_map', 'aro_map', 'axo_map', 'aro_groups_map', 'axo_groups_map') as $map) { + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $this->_db_table_prefix . $map .' WHERE acl_id='. $acl_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('del_acl'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + } + + // Delete the ACL + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl WHERE id='. $acl_id; + $this->debug_text('delete query: '. $query); + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('del_acl'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + + $this->debug_text("del_acl(): deleted ACL ID: $acl_id"); + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + + if ($this->_caching == TRUE AND $this->_force_cache_expire == TRUE) { + //Expire all cache. + $this->Cache_Lite->clean('default'); + } + + return TRUE; + } + + + /* + * + * Groups + * + */ + + /** + * sort_groups() + * + * Grabs all the groups from the database doing preliminary grouping by parent + * + * @return array Returns 2-Dimensional array: $array[][] = + * + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + */ + function sort_groups($group_type='ARO') { + + switch(strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + break; + default: + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + break; + } + + //Grab all groups from the database. + $query = 'SELECT id, parent_id, name FROM '. $table .' ORDER BY parent_id, name'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('sort_groups'); + return false; + } + + /* + * Save groups in an array sorted by parent. Should be make it easier for later on. + */ + $sorted_groups = array(); + + while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) { + $id = &$row[0]; + $parent_id = &$row[1]; + $name = &$row[2]; + + $sorted_groups[$parent_id][$id] = $name; + } + + return $sorted_groups; + } + + /** + * format_groups() + * + * Takes the array returned by sort_groups() and formats for human + * consumption. Recursively calls itself to produce the desired output. + * + * @return array Array of formatted text, ordered by group id, formatted according to $type + * + * @param array Output from gacl_api->sorted_groups($group_type) + * @param array Output type desired, either 'TEXT', 'HTML', or 'ARRAY' + * @param int Root of tree to produce + * @param int Current level of depth + * @param array Pass the current formatted groups object for appending via recursion. + */ + function format_groups($sorted_groups, $type='TEXT', $root_id=0, $level=0, $formatted_groups=NULL) { + if ( !is_array ($sorted_groups) ) { + return FALSE; + } + + if ( !is_array ($formatted_groups) ) { + $formatted_groups = array (); + } + + //$this->showarray($formatted_groups); + + //while (list($id,$name) = @each($sorted_groups[$root_id])) { + if (isset($sorted_groups[$root_id])) { + //$last_id = end( array_keys($sorted_groups[$root_id])); + //PHP5 compatibility + $keys = array_keys($sorted_groups[$root_id]); + $last_id = end($keys); + unset($keys); + + foreach ($sorted_groups[$root_id] as $id => $name) { + switch (strtoupper($type)) { + case 'TEXT': + /* + * Formatting optimized for TEXT (combo box) output. + */ + + if ( is_numeric($level) ) { + $level = str_repeat('   ', $level); + } + + if ( strlen($level) >= 8 ) { + if ( $id == $last_id ) { + $spacing = substr($level, 0, -8) .'\'- '; + $level = substr($level, 0, -8) .'   '; + } else { + $spacing = substr($level, 0, -8) .'|- '; + } + } else { + $spacing = $level; + } + + $next = $level .'|  '; + $text = $spacing.$name; + break; + case 'HTML': + /* + * Formatting optimized for HTML (tables) output. + */ + $width= $level * 20; + $spacing = ""; + $next = $level + 1; + $text = $spacing." ".$name; + break; + case 'ARRAY': + $next = $level; + $text = $name; + break; + default: + return FALSE; + } + + $formatted_groups[$id] = $text; + /* + * Recurse if we can. + */ + + //if (isset($sorted_groups[$id]) AND count($sorted_groups[$id]) > 0) { + if (isset($sorted_groups[$id]) ) { + //$this->debug_text("format_groups(): Recursing! Level: $level"); + $formatted_groups = $this->format_groups($sorted_groups, $type, $id, $next, $formatted_groups); + } else { + //$this->debug_text("format_groups(): Found last branch!"); + } + } + } + + //$this->debug_text("format_groups(): Returning final array."); + + return $formatted_groups; + } + + /** + * get_group_id() + * + * Gets the group_id given the name or value. + * + * Will only return one group id, so if there are duplicate names, it will return false. + * + * @return int Returns Group ID if found and Group ID is unique in database, otherwise, returns FALSE + * + * @param string Group Value + * @param string Group Name + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + */ + function get_group_id($value = NULL, $name = NULL, $group_type = 'ARO') { + + $this->debug_text("get_group_id(): Value: $value, Name: $name, Type: $group_type" ); + + switch(strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + break; + default: + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + break; + } + + $name = trim($name); + $value = trim($value); + + if (empty($name) AND empty($value) ) { + $this->debug_text("get_group_id(): name and value, at least one is required"); + return false; + } + + $query = 'SELECT id FROM '. $table .' WHERE '; + if ( !empty($value) ) { + $query .= ' value='. $this->db->quote($value); + } else { + $query .= ' name='. $this->db->quote($name); + } + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_group_id'); + return false; + } + + $row_count = $rs->RecordCount(); + + if ($row_count > 1) { + $this->debug_text("get_group_id(): Returned $row_count rows, can only return one. Please make your names unique."); + return false; + } + + if ($row_count == 0) { + $this->debug_text("get_group_id(): Returned $row_count rows"); + return false; + } + + $row = $rs->FetchRow(); + + //Return the ID. + return $row[0]; + } + + /** + * get_group_children() + * + * Gets a groups child IDs + * + * @return array Array of Child ID's of the referenced group + * + * @param int Group ID # + * @param int Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + * @param string Either 'RECURSE' or 'NO_RECURSE', to recurse while fetching group children. + */ + function get_group_children($group_id, $group_type = 'ARO', $recurse = 'NO_RECURSE') { + $this->debug_text("get_group_children(): Group_ID: $group_id Group Type: $group_type Recurse: $recurse"); + + switch (strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $group_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + break; + default: + $group_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + } + + if (empty($group_id)) { + $this->debug_text("get_group_children(): ID ($group_id) is empty, this is required"); + return FALSE; + } + + $query = ' + SELECT + FROM '. $table .' g1'; + + //FIXME-mikeb: Why is group_id in quotes? + switch (strtoupper($recurse)) { + case 'RECURSE': + $query .= ' + LEFT JOIN '. $table .' g2 ON g2.lftg1.rgt + WHERE'. $group_id; + break; + default: + $query .= ' + WHERE g1.parent_id='. $group_id; + } + + $query .= ' + ORDER BY g1.value'; + + return $this->db->GetCol($query); + } + + /** + * get_group_data() + * + * Gets the group data given the GROUP_ID. + * + * @return array Returns numerically indexed array with the following columns: + * - array[0] = (int) Group ID # + * - array[1] = (int) Parent Group ID # + * - array[2] = (string) Group Value + * - array[3] = (string) Group Name + * - array[4] = (int) lft MPTT Value + * - array[5] = (int) rgt MPTT Value + * + * @param int Group ID # + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + */ + function get_group_data($group_id, $group_type = 'ARO') { + + $this->debug_text("get_group_data(): Group_ID: $group_id Group Type: $group_type"); + + switch(strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $group_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + break; + default: + $group_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + break; + } + + if (empty($group_id) ) { + $this->debug_text("get_group_data(): ID ($group_id) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $query = 'SELECT id, parent_id, value, name, lft, rgt FROM '. $table .' WHERE id='. $group_id; + //$rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + $row = $this->db->GetRow($query); + + if ($row) { + return $row; + } + + $this->debug_text("get_object_data(): Group does not exist."); + return false; + } + + /** + * get_group_parent_id() + * + * Grabs the parent_id of a given group + * + * @return int Parent ID of the Group + * + * @param int Group ID # + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + */ + function get_group_parent_id($id, $group_type='ARO') { + + $this->debug_text("get_group_parent_id(): ID: $id Group Type: $group_type"); + + switch(strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + break; + default: + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + break; + } + + if (empty($id) ) { + $this->debug_text("get_group_parent_id(): ID ($id) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $query = 'SELECT parent_id FROM '. $table .' WHERE id='. $id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_group_parent_id'); + return false; + } + + $row_count = $rs->RecordCount(); + + if ($row_count > 1) { + $this->debug_text("get_group_parent_id(): Returned $row_count rows, can only return one. Please make your names unique."); + return false; + } + + if ($row_count == 0) { + $this->debug_text("get_group_parent_id(): Returned $row_count rows"); + return false; + } + + $row = $rs->FetchRow(); + + //Return the ID. + return $row[0]; + } + + + /** + * get_root_group_id () + * + * Grabs the id of the root group for the specified tree + * + * @return int Root Group ID # + * + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + */ + function get_root_group_id($group_type='ARO') { + + $this->debug_text('get_root_group_id(): Group Type: '. $group_type); + + switch (strtolower($group_type)) { + case 'axo': + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + break; + case 'aro': + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('get_root_group_id(): Invalid Group Type: '. $group_type); + return FALSE; + } + + $query = 'SELECT id FROM '. $table .' WHERE parent_id=0'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_root_group_id'); + return FALSE; + } + + $row_count = $rs->RecordCount(); + + switch ($row_count) { + case 1: + $row = $rs->FetchRow(); + // Return the ID. + return $row[0]; + case 0: + $this->debug_text('get_root_group_id(): Returned 0 rows, you do not have a root group defined yet.'); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text('get_root_group_id(): Returned '. $row_count .' rows, can only return one. Your tree is very broken.'); + return FALSE; + } + + /*======================================================================*\ + Function: map_path_to_root() + Purpose: Maps a unique path to root to a specific group. Each group can only have + one path to root. + \*======================================================================*/ + /** REMOVED **/ + /*======================================================================*\ + Function: put_path_to_root() + Purpose: Writes the unique path to root to the database. There should really only be + one path to root for each level "deep" the groups go. If the groups are branched + 10 levels deep, there should only be 10 unique path to roots. These of course + overlap each other more and more the closer to the root/trunk they get. + \*======================================================================*/ + /** REMOVED **/ + /*======================================================================*\ + Function: clean_path_to_root() + Purpose: Cleans up any paths that are not being used. + \*======================================================================*/ + /** REMOVED **/ + /*======================================================================*\ + Function: get_path_to_root() + Purpose: Generates the path to root for a given group. + \*======================================================================*/ + /** REMOVED **/ + + /** + * add_group() + * + * Inserts a group, defaults to be on the "root" branch. + * + * Since v3.3.x you can only create one group with Parent_ID=0 + * So, its a good idea to create a "Virtual Root" group with Parent_ID=0 + * Then assign other groups to that. + * + * @return int New Group ID # if successful, FALSE if otherwise. + * + * @param string Group Value + * @param string Group Name + * @param int Parent Group ID # + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + */ + function add_group($value, $name, $parent_id=0, $group_type='ARO') { + + switch(strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $group_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + break; + default: + $group_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + break; + } + + $this->debug_text("add_group(): Name: $name Value: $value Parent ID: $parent_id Group Type: $group_type"); + + $name = trim($name); + $value = trim($value); + + if ( $name == '' ) { + $this->debug_text("add_group(): name ($name) OR parent id ($parent_id) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + //This has to be outside the transaction, because the first time it is run, it will say the sequence + //doesn't exist. Then try to create it, but the transaction will already by aborted by then. + $insert_id = $this->db->GenID($this->_db_table_prefix.$group_type.'_groups_id_seq',10); + if ( $value === '' ) { + $value = $insert_id; + } + + $this->db->BeginTrans(); + + // special case for root group + if ($parent_id == 0) { + // check a root group is not already defined + $query = 'SELECT id FROM '. $table .' WHERE parent_id=0'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('add_group'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + + if ($rs->RowCount() > 0) { + $this->debug_text('add_group (): A root group already exists.'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + + $parent_lft = 0; + $parent_rgt = 1; + } else { + if (empty($parent_id)) { + $this->debug_text("add_group (): parent id ($parent_id) is empty, this is required"); + $this->db->RollbackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + + // grab parent details from database + $query = 'SELECT id, lft, rgt FROM '. $table .' WHERE id='. $parent_id; + $row = $this->db->GetRow($query); + + if (!is_array($row)) { + $this->debug_db('add_group'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + + if (empty($row)) { + $this->debug_text('add_group (): Parent ID: '. $parent_id .' not found.'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + + $parent_lft = &$row[1]; + $parent_rgt = &$row[2]; + + // make room for the new group + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET rgt=rgt+2 WHERE rgt>='. $parent_rgt; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('add_group'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET lft=lft+2 WHERE lft>'. $parent_rgt; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('add_group'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + } + + $query = 'INSERT INTO '. $table .' (id,parent_id,name,value,lft,rgt) VALUES ('. $insert_id .','. $parent_id .','. $this->db->quote($name) .','. $this->db->quote($value) .','. $parent_rgt .','. ($parent_rgt + 1) .')'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('add_group'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + + $this->debug_text('add_group (): Added group as ID: '. $insert_id); + return $insert_id; + } + + /** + * get_group_objects() + * + * Gets all objects assigned to a group. + * + * If $option == 'RECURSE' it will get all objects in child groups as well. + * defaults to omit child groups. + * + * @return array Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + + * + * @param int Group ID # + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + * @param string Option, either 'RECURSE' or 'NO_RECURSE' + */ + function get_group_objects($group_id, $group_type='ARO', $option='NO_RECURSE') { + + switch(strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $group_type = 'axo'; + $object_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + $group_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + $map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_axo_map'; + break; + default: + $group_type = 'aro'; + $object_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + $group_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + $map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_aro_map'; + break; + } + + $this->debug_text("get_group_objects(): Group ID: $group_id"); + + if (empty($group_id)) { + $this->debug_text("get_group_objects(): Group ID: ($group_id) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $query = ' + SELECT o.section_value,o.value'; + + if ($option == 'RECURSE') { + $query .= ' + FROM '. $group_table .' g2 + JOIN '. $group_table .' g1 ON g1.lft>=g2.lft AND g1.rgt<=g2.rgt + JOIN '. $map_table .' gm ON + JOIN '. $object_table .' o ON'. $group_type .'_id + WHERE'. $group_id; + } else { + $query .= ' + FROM '. $map_table .' gm + JOIN '. $object_table .' o ON'. $group_type .'_id + WHERE gm.group_id='. $group_id; + } + + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_group_objects'); + return false; + } + + $this->debug_text("get_group_objects(): Got group objects, formatting array."); + + $retarr = array(); + + //format return array. + while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) { + $section = &$row[0]; + $value = &$row[1]; + + $retarr[$section][] = $value; + } + + return $retarr; + } + + /** + * add_group_object() + * + * Assigns an Object to a group + * + * @return bool Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. + * + * @param int Group ID # + * @param string Object Section Value + * @param string Object Value + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + */ + function add_group_object($group_id, $object_section_value, $object_value, $group_type='ARO') { + + switch(strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $group_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_axo_map'; + $object_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + $group_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + break; + default: + $group_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_aro_map'; + $object_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + $group_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + break; + } + + $this->debug_text("add_group_object(): Group ID: $group_id Section Value: $object_section_value Value: $object_value Group Type: $group_type"); + + $object_section_value = trim($object_section_value); + $object_value = trim($object_value); + + if (empty($group_id) OR empty($object_value) OR empty($object_section_value)) { + $this->debug_text("add_group_object(): Group ID: ($group_id) OR Value ($object_value) OR Section value ($object_section_value) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + // test to see if object & group exist and if object is already a member + $query = ' + SELECT AS id, AS group_id,gm.group_id AS member + FROM '. $object_table .' o + LEFT JOIN '. $group_table .' g ON'. $group_id .' + LEFT JOIN '. $table .' gm ON (gm.'. $group_type .' AND + WHERE (o.section_value='. $this->db->quote($object_section_value) .' AND o.value='. $this->db->quote($object_value) .')'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('add_group_object'); + return FALSE; + } + + if ($rs->RecordCount() != 1) { + $this->debug_text('add_group_object(): Value ('. $object_value .') OR Section value ('. $object_section_value .') is invalid. Does this object exist?'); + return FALSE; + } + + $row = $rs->FetchRow(); + + if ($row[1] != $group_id) { + $this->debug_text('add_group_object(): Group ID ('. $group_id .') is invalid. Does this group exist?'); + return FALSE; + } + + //Group_ID == Member + if ($row[1] == $row[2]) { + $this->debug_text('add_group_object(): Object: ('. $object_section_value .' -> '. $object_value .') is already a member of Group: ('. $group_id .')'); + //Object is already assigned to group. Return true. + return TRUE; + } + + $object_id = $row[0]; + + $query = 'INSERT INTO '. $table .' (group_id,'. $group_type .'_id) VALUES ('. $group_id .','. $object_id .')'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('add_group_object'); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text('add_group_object(): Added Object: '. $object_id .' to Group ID: '. $group_id); + + if ($this->_caching == TRUE AND $this->_force_cache_expire == TRUE) { + //Expire all cache. + $this->Cache_Lite->clean('default'); + } + + return TRUE; + } + + /** + * del_group_object() + * + * Removes an Object from a group. + * + * @return bool Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise + * + * @param int Group ID # + * @param string Object Section Value + * @param string Object Value + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + */ + function del_group_object($group_id, $object_section_value, $object_value, $group_type='ARO') { + + switch(strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $group_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_axo_map'; + break; + default: + $group_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_aro_map'; + break; + } + + $this->debug_text("del_group_object(): Group ID: $group_id Section value: $object_section_value Value: $object_value"); + + $object_section_value = trim($object_section_value); + $object_value = trim($object_value); + + if (empty($group_id) OR empty($object_value) OR empty($object_section_value)) { + $this->debug_text("del_group_object(): Group ID: ($group_id) OR Section value: $object_section_value OR Value ($object_value) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (!$object_id = $this->get_object_id($object_section_value, $object_value, $group_type)) { + $this->debug_text ("del_group_object (): Group ID ($group_id) OR Value ($object_value) OR Section value ($object_section_value) is invalid. Does this object exist?"); + return FALSE; + } + + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $table .' WHERE group_id='. $group_id .' AND '. $group_type .'_id='. $object_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('del_group_object'); + return false; + } + + $this->debug_text("del_group_object(): Deleted Value: $object_value to Group ID: $group_id assignment"); + + if ($this->_caching == TRUE AND $this->_force_cache_expire == TRUE) { + //Expire all cache. + $this->Cache_Lite->clean('default'); + } + + return true; + } + + /** + * edit_group() + * + * Edits a group + * + * @returns bool Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise + * + * @param int Group ID # + * @param string Group Value + * @param string Group Name + * @param int Parent ID # + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + */ + function edit_group($group_id, $value=NULL, $name=NULL, $parent_id=NULL, $group_type='ARO') { + $this->debug_text("edit_group(): ID: $group_id Name: $name Value: $value Parent ID: $parent_id Group Type: $group_type"); + + switch(strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $group_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + break; + default: + $group_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + break; + } + + if (empty($group_id) ) { + $this->debug_text('edit_group(): Group ID ('. $group_id .') is empty, this is required'); + return FALSE; + } + + if ( !is_array($curr = $this->get_group_data($group_id, $group_type)) ) { + $this->debug_text('edit_group(): Invalid Group ID: '. $group_id); + return FALSE; + } + + $name = trim($name); + + // don't set name if it is unchanged + if ($name == $curr[3]) { + unset($name); + } + + // don't set parent_id if it is unchanged + if ($parent_id == $curr[1]) { + unset($parent_id); + } + + if (!empty($parent_id)) { + if ($group_id == $parent_id) { + $this->debug_text('edit_group(): Groups can\'t be a parent to themselves. Incest is bad. ;)'); + return FALSE; + } + + //Make sure we don't re-parent to our own children. + //Grab all children of this group_id. + $children_ids = $this->get_group_children($group_id, $group_type, 'RECURSE'); + if (is_array($children_ids)) { + if (@in_array($parent_id, $children_ids) ) { + $this->debug_text('edit_group(): Groups can\'t be re-parented to their own children, this would be incestuous!'); + return FALSE; + } + } + unset($children_ids); + + // make sure parent exists + if (!$this->get_group_data($parent_id, $group_type)) { + $this->debug_text('edit_group(): Parent Group ('. $parent_id .') doesn\'t exist'); + return FALSE; + } + } + + $set = array(); + + // update name if it is specified. + if (!empty($name)) { + $set[] = 'name='. $this->db->quote($name); + } + + // update parent_id if it is specified. + if (!empty($parent_id)) { + $set[] = 'parent_id='. $parent_id; + } + + // update value if it is specified. + if (!empty($value)) { + $set[] = 'value='. $this->db->quote($value); + } + + if (empty($set)) { + $this->debug_text('edit_group(): Nothing to update.'); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->db->BeginTrans(); + + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET '. implode(',', $set) .' WHERE id='. $group_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('edit_group'); + $this->db->RollbackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text('edit_group(): Modified group ID: '. $group_id); + + // rebuild group tree if parent_id has changed + if (!empty($parent_id)) { + if (!$this->_rebuild_tree($table, $this->get_root_group_id($group_type))) { + $this->db->RollbackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + } + + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + + if ($this->_caching == TRUE AND $this->_force_cache_expire == TRUE) { + // Expire all cache. + $this->Cache_Lite->clean('default'); + } + + return TRUE; + } + + /** + * rebuild_tree () + * + * rebuilds the group tree for the given type + * + * @return bool Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise + * + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + * @param int Group ID # + * @param int Left value of Group + */ + function rebuild_tree($group_type = 'ARO', $group_id = NULL, $left = 1) { + $this->debug_text("rebuild_tree(): Group Type: $group_type Group ID: $group_id Left: $left"); + + switch (strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $group_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + break; + default: + $group_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + break; + } + + if (!isset($group_id)) { + if ($group_id = $this->get_root_group_id($group_type)) { + $left = 1; + $this->debug_text('rebuild_tree(): No Group ID Specified, using Root Group ID: '. $group_id); + } else { + $this->debug_text('rebuild_tree(): A Root group could not be found, are there any groups defined?'); + return FALSE; + } + } + + $this->db->BeginTrans(); + $rebuilt = $this->_rebuild_tree($table, $group_id, $left); + + if ($rebuilt === FALSE) { + $this->debug_text('rebuild_tree(): Error rebuilding tree!'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + $this->debug_text('rebuild_tree(): Tree rebuilt.'); + return TRUE; + } + /** + * _rebuild_tree () + * + * Utility recursive function called by rebuild_tree() + * + * @return int Returns right value of this node + 1 + * + * @param string Table name of group type + * @param int Group ID # + * @param int Left value of Group + */ + function _rebuild_tree($table, $group_id, $left = 1) { + $this->debug_text("_rebuild_tree(): Table: $table Group ID: $group_id Left: $left"); + + // get all children of this node + $query = 'SELECT id FROM '. $table .' WHERE parent_id='. $group_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('_rebuild_tree'); + return FALSE; + } + + // the right value of this node is the left value + 1 + $right = $left + 1; + + while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) { + // recursive execution of this function for each + // child of this node + // $right is the current right value, which is + // incremented by the rebuild_tree function + $right = $this->_rebuild_tree($table, $row[0], $right); + + if ($right === FALSE) { + return FALSE; + } + } + + // we've got the left value, and now that we've processed + // the children of this node we also know the right value + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET lft='. $left .', rgt='. $right .' WHERE id='. $group_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('_rebuild_tree'); + return FALSE; + } + + // return the right value of this node + 1 + return $right + 1; + } + + /** + * del_group() + * + * deletes a given group + * + * @return bool Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. + * + * @param int Group ID # + * @param bool If TRUE, child groups of this group will be reparented to the current group's parent. + * @param string Group Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + */ + function del_group($group_id, $reparent_children=TRUE, $group_type='ARO') { + + switch(strtolower(trim($group_type))) { + case 'axo': + $group_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + $groups_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups_map'; + $groups_object_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_axo_map'; + break; + default: + $group_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + $groups_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups_map'; + $groups_object_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_aro_map'; + break; + } + + $this->debug_text("del_group(): ID: $group_id Reparent Children: $reparent_children Group Type: $group_type"); + + if (empty($group_id) ) { + $this->debug_text("del_group(): Group ID ($group_id) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + // Get details of this group + $query = 'SELECT id, parent_id, name, lft, rgt FROM '. $table .' WHERE id='. $group_id; + $group_details = $this->db->GetRow($query); + + if (!is_array($group_details)) { + $this->debug_db('del_group'); + return false; + } + + $parent_id = $group_details[1]; + + $left = $group_details[3]; + $right = $group_details[4]; + + $this->db->BeginTrans(); + + // grab list of all children + $children_ids = $this->get_group_children($group_id, $group_type, 'RECURSE'); + + // prevent deletion of root group & reparent of children if it has more than one immediate child + if ($parent_id == 0) { + $query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM '. $table .' WHERE parent_id='. $group_id; + $child_count = $this->db->GetOne($query); + + if (($child_count > 1) AND $reparent_children) { + $this->debug_text ('del_group (): You cannot delete the root group and reparent children, this would create multiple root groups.'); + $this->db->RollbackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + } + + $success = FALSE; + + /* + * Handle children here. + */ + switch (TRUE) { + // there are no child groups, just delete group + case !is_array($children_ids): + case count($children_ids) == 0: + // remove acl maps + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $groups_map_table .' WHERE group_id='. $group_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + // remove group object maps + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $groups_object_map_table .' WHERE group_id='. $group_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + // remove group + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $table .' WHERE id='. $group_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + // move all groups right of deleted group left by width of deleted group + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET lft=lft-'. ($right-$left+1) .' WHERE lft>'. $right; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET rgt=rgt-'. ($right-$left+1) .' WHERE rgt>'. $right; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + $success = TRUE; + break; + case $reparent_children == TRUE: + // remove acl maps + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $groups_map_table .' WHERE group_id='. $group_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + // remove group object maps + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $groups_object_map_table .' WHERE group_id='. $group_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + // remove group + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $table .' WHERE id='. $group_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + // set parent of immediate children to parent group + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET parent_id='. $parent_id .' WHERE parent_id='. $group_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + // move all children left by 1 + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET lft=lft-1, rgt=rgt-1 WHERE lft>'. $left .' AND rgt<'. $right; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + // move all groups right of deleted group left by 2 + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET lft=lft-2 WHERE lft>'. $right; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET rgt=rgt-2 WHERE rgt>'. $right; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + $success = TRUE; + break; + default: + // make list of group and all children + $group_ids = $children_ids; + $group_ids[] = $group_id; + + // remove acl maps + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $groups_map_table .' WHERE group_id IN ('. implode (',', $group_ids) .')'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + // remove group object maps + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $groups_object_map_table .' WHERE group_id IN ('. implode (',', $group_ids) .')'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + // remove groups + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $table .' WHERE id IN ('. implode (',', $group_ids) .')'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + // move all groups right of deleted group left by width of deleted group + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET lft=lft-'. ($right - $left + 1) .' WHERE lft>'. $right; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + $query = 'UPDATE '. $table .' SET rgt=rgt-'. ($right - $left + 1) .' WHERE rgt>'. $right; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + break; + } + + $success = TRUE; + } + + // if the delete failed, rollback the trans and return false + if (!$success) { + + $this->debug_db('del_group'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + + $this->debug_text("del_group(): deleted group ID: $group_id"); + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + + if ($this->_caching == TRUE AND $this->_force_cache_expire == TRUE) { + //Expire all cache. + $this->Cache_Lite->clean('default'); + } + + return true; + + } + + + /* + * + * Objects (ACO/ARO/AXO) + * + */ + + /** + * get_object() + * + * Grabs all Objects's in the database, or specific to a section_value + * + * @return ADORecordSet Returns recordset directly, with object ID only selected: + * + * @param string Filter to this section value + * @param int Returns hidden objects if 1, leaves them out otherwise. + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', 'AXO', or 'ACL' + */ + function get_object($section_value = null, $return_hidden=1, $object_type=NULL) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + break; + case 'acl': + $object_type = 'acl'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('get_object(): Invalid Object Type: '. $object_type); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text("get_object(): Section Value: $section_value Object Type: $object_type"); + + $query = 'SELECT id FROM '. $table; + + $where = array(); + + if (!empty($section_value)) { + $where[] = 'section_value='. $this->db->quote($section_value); + } + + if ($return_hidden==0 AND $object_type != 'acl') { + $where[] = 'hidden=0'; + } + + if (!empty($where)) { + $query .= ' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $where); + } + + $rs = $this->db->GetCol($query); + + if (!is_array($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_object'); + return false; + } + + // Return Object IDs + return $rs; + } + /** + * get_ungrouped_objects() + * + * Grabs ID's of all Objects (ARO's and AXO's only) in the database not assigned to a Group. + * + * This function is useful for applications that synchronize user databases with an outside source. + * If syncrhonization doesn't automatically place users in an appropriate group, this function can + * quickly identify them so that they can be assigned to the correct group. + * + * @return array Returns an array of object ID's + * + * @param int Returns hidden objects if 1, does not if 0. + * @param string Object Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' (groupable types) + */ + + function get_ungrouped_objects($return_hidden=1, $object_type=NULL) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('get_ungrouped_objects(): Invalid Object Type: '. $object_type); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text("get_ungrouped_objects(): Object Type: $object_type"); + + $query = 'SELECT id FROM '. $table. ' a + LEFT JOIN ' . $this->_db_table_prefix. 'groups_'.$object_type.'_map b ON = b.'. $object_type .'_id'; + + $where = array(); + $where[] = 'b.group_id IS NULL'; + + if ($return_hidden==0) { + $where[] = 'a.hidden=0'; + } + + if (!empty($where)) { + $query .= ' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $where); + } + + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_ungrouped_objects'); + return false; + } + + while(!$rs->EOF) { + $retarr[] = $rs->fields[0]; + $rs->MoveNext(); + } + + // Return Array of object IDS + return $retarr; + } + + + /** + * get_objects () + * + * Grabs all Objects in the database, or specific to a section_value + * + * @return array Returns objects in format suitable for add_acl and is_conflicting_acl + * - i.e. Associative array, item={Section Value}, key={Array of Object Values} i.e. ["
" => ["", "", ""], ...] + * + * @param string Filter for section value + * @param int Returns hidden objects if 1, does not if 0 + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', 'AXO' + */ + function get_objects($section_value = NULL, $return_hidden = 1, $object_type = NULL) { + switch (strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('get_objects(): Invalid Object Type: '. $object_type); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text("get_objects(): Section Value: $section_value Object Type: $object_type"); + + $query = 'SELECT section_value,value FROM '. $table; + + $where = array(); + + if (!empty($section_value)) { + $where[] = 'section_value='. $this->db->quote($section_value); + } + + if ($return_hidden==0) { + $where[] = 'hidden=0'; + } + + if (!empty($where)) { + $query .= ' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $where); + } + + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_objects'); + return FALSE; + } + + $retarr = array(); + + while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) { + $retarr[$row[0]][] = $row[1]; + } + + // Return objects + return $retarr; + } + + /** + * get_object_data() + * + * Gets all data pertaining to a specific Object. + * + * @return array Returns 2-Dimensional array of rows with columns = ( section_value, value, order_value, name, hidden ) + * + * @param int Object ID # + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', 'AXO' + */ + function get_object_data($object_id, $object_type=NULL) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('get_object_data(): Invalid Object Type: '. $object_type); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text("get_object_data(): Object ID: $object_id Object Type: $object_type"); + + if (empty($object_id) ) { + $this->debug_text("get_object_data(): Object ID ($object_id) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($object_type) ) { + $this->debug_text("get_object_data(): Object Type ($object_type) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $query = 'SELECT section_value,value,order_value,name,hidden FROM '. $table .' WHERE id='. $object_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_object_data'); + return false; + } + + if ($rs->RecordCount() < 1) { + $this->debug_text('get_object_data(): Returned '. $row_count .' rows'); + return FALSE; + } + + // Return all objects + return $rs->GetRows(); + } + + /** + * get_object_id() + * + * Gets the object_id given the section_value AND value of the object. + * + * @return int Object ID # + * + * @param string Object Section Value + * @param string Object Value + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', 'AXO' + */ + function get_object_id($section_value, $value, $object_type=NULL) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('get_object_id(): Invalid Object Type: '. $object_type); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text("get_object_id(): Section Value: $section_value Value: $value Object Type: $object_type"); + + $section_value = trim($section_value); + $value = trim($value); + + if (empty($section_value) AND empty($value) ) { + $this->debug_text("get_object_id(): Section Value ($value) AND value ($value) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($object_type) ) { + $this->debug_text("get_object_id(): Object Type ($object_type) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $query = 'SELECT id FROM '. $table .' WHERE section_value='. $this->db->quote($section_value) .' AND value='. $this->db->quote($value); + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_object_id'); + return false; + } + + $row_count = $rs->RecordCount(); + + if ($row_count > 1) { + $this->debug_text("get_object_id(): Returned $row_count rows, can only return one. This should never happen, the database may be missing a unique key."); + return false; + } + + if ($row_count == 0) { + $this->debug_text("get_object_id(): Returned $row_count rows"); + return false; + } + + $row = $rs->FetchRow(); + + //Return the ID. + return $row[0]; + } + + /** + * get_object_section_value() + * + * Gets the object_section_value given object id + * + * @return string Object Section Value + * + * @param int Object ID # + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', or 'AXO' + */ + function get_object_section_value($object_id, $object_type=NULL) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('get_object_section_value(): Invalid Object Type: '. $object_type); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text("get_object_section_value(): Object ID: $object_id Object Type: $object_type"); + + if (empty($object_id) ) { + $this->debug_text("get_object_section_value(): Object ID ($object_id) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($object_type) ) { + $this->debug_text("get_object_section_value(): Object Type ($object_type) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $query = 'SELECT section_value FROM '. $table .' WHERE id='. $object_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_object_section_value'); + return false; + } + + $row_count = $rs->RecordCount(); + + if ($row_count > 1) { + $this->debug_text("get_object_section_value(): Returned $row_count rows, can only return one."); + return false; + } + + if ($row_count == 0) { + $this->debug_text("get_object_section_value(): Returned $row_count rows"); + return false; + } + + $row = $rs->FetchRow(); + + //Return the ID. + return $row[0]; + } + + /** + * get_object_groups() + * + * Gets all groups an object is a member of. + * + * If $option == 'RECURSE' it will get all ancestor groups. + * defaults to only get direct parents. + * + * @return array Array of Group ID #'s, or FALSE if Failed + * + * @param int Object ID # + * @param string Object Type, either 'ARO' or 'AXO' + * @param string Option, either 'RECURSE', or 'NO_RECURSE' + */ + function get_object_groups($object_id, $object_type = 'ARO', $option = 'NO_RECURSE') { + $this->debug_text('get_object_groups(): Object ID: '. $object_id .' Object Type: '. $object_type .' Option: '. $option); + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $group_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups'; + $map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_axo_map'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $group_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups'; + $map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_aro_map'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('get_object_groups(): Invalid Object Type: '. $object_type); + return FALSE; + } + + if (empty($object_id)) { + $this->debug_text('get_object_groups(): Object ID: ('. $object_id .') is empty, this is required'); + return FALSE; + } + + if (strtoupper($option) == 'RECURSE') { + $query = ' + SELECT DISTINCT AS group_id + FROM '. $map_table .' gm + LEFT JOIN '. $group_table .' g1 ON + LEFT JOIN '. $group_table .' g ON g.lft<=g1.lft AND g.rgt>=g1.rgt'; + } else { + $query = ' + SELECT gm.group_id + FROM '. $map_table .' gm'; + } + + $query .= ' + WHERE gm.'. $object_type .'_id='. $object_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_object_groups'); + return FALSE; + } + + $retarr = array(); + + while ($row = $rs->FetchRow()) { + $retarr[] = $row[0]; + } + + return $retarr; + } + + /** + * add_object() + * + * Inserts a new object + * + * @return int Returns the ID # of the new object if successful, FALSE otherwise + * + * @param string Object Section Value + * @param string Object Name + * @param string Object Value + * @param int Display Order + * @param int Hidden Flag, either 1 to hide, or 0 to show. + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', or 'AXO' + */ + function add_object($section_value, $name, $value=0, $order=0, $hidden=0, $object_type=NULL) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco_sections'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_sections'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_sections'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('add_object(): Invalid Object Type: '. $object_type); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text("add_object(): Section Value: $section_value Value: $value Order: $order Name: $name Object Type: $object_type"); + + $section_value = trim($section_value); + $name = trim($name); + $value = trim($value); + $order = trim($order); + $hidden = intval($hidden); + + if ($order == NULL OR $order == '') { + $order = 0; + } + + if (empty($name) OR empty($section_value) ) { + $this->debug_text("add_object(): name ($name) OR section value ($section_value) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (strlen($name) >= 255 OR strlen($value) >= 230 ) { + $this->debug_text("add_object(): name ($name) OR value ($value) is too long."); + return false; + } + + if (empty($object_type) ) { + $this->debug_text("add_object(): Object Type ($object_type) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + // Test to see if the section is invalid or object already exists. + $query = ' + SELECT CASE WHEN IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS object_exists + FROM '. $object_sections_table .' s + LEFT JOIN '. $table .' o ON (s.value=o.section_value AND o.value='. $this->db->quote($value) .') + WHERE s.value='. $this->db->quote($section_value); + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('add_object'); + return FALSE; + } + + if ($rs->RecordCount() != 1) { + // Section is invalid + $this->debug_text("add_object(): Section Value: $section_value Object Type ($object_type) does not exist, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $row = $rs->FetchRow(); + + if ($row[0] == 1) { + //Object is already created. + return true; + } + + $insert_id = $this->db->GenID($this->_db_table_prefix.$object_type.'_seq',10); + $query = 'INSERT INTO '. $table .' (id,section_value,value,order_value,name,hidden) VALUES('. $insert_id .','. $this->db->quote($section_value) .','. $this->db->quote($value) .','. $order .','. $this->db->quote($name) .','. $hidden .')'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('add_object'); + return false; + } + + $this->debug_text("add_object(): Added object as ID: $insert_id"); + return $insert_id; + } + + /** + * edit_object() + * + * Edits a given Object + * + * @return bool Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise + * + * @param int Object ID # + * @param string Object Section Value + * @param string Object Name + * @param string Object Value + * @param int Display Order + * @param int Hidden Flag, either 1 to hide, or 0 to show + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', or 'AXO' + */ + function edit_object($object_id, $section_value, $name, $value=0, $order=0, $hidden=0, $object_type=NULL) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco'; + $object_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco_map'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + $object_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_map'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + $object_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_map'; + break; + } + + $this->debug_text("edit_object(): ID: $object_id Section Value: $section_value Value: $value Order: $order Name: $name Object Type: $object_type"); + + $section_value = trim($section_value); + $name = trim($name); + $value = trim($value); + $order = trim($order); + $hidden = intval($hidden); + + if (empty($object_id) OR empty($section_value) ) { + $this->debug_text("edit_object(): Object ID ($object_id) OR Section Value ($section_value) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($name) ) { + $this->debug_text("edit_object(): name ($name) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($object_type) ) { + $this->debug_text("edit_object(): Object Type ($object_type) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $this->db->BeginTrans(); + + //Get old value incase it changed, before we do the update. + $query = 'SELECT value, section_value FROM '. $table .' WHERE id='. $object_id; + $old = $this->db->GetRow($query); + + $query = ' + UPDATE '. $table .' + SET section_value='. $this->db->quote($section_value) .', + value='. $this->db->quote($value) .', + order_value='. $this->db->quote($order) .', + name='. $this->db->quote($name) .', + hidden='. $hidden .' + WHERE id='. $object_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('edit_object'); + $this->db->RollbackTrans(); + return false; + } + + $this->debug_text('edit_object(): Modified '. strtoupper($object_type) .' ID: '. $object_id); + + if ($old[0] != $value OR $old[1] != $section_value) { + $this->debug_text("edit_object(): Value OR Section Value Changed, update other tables."); + + $query = ' + UPDATE '. $object_map_table .' + SET value='. $this->db->quote($value) .', + section_value='. $this->db->quote($section_value) .' + WHERE section_value='. $this->db->quote($old[1]) .' + AND value='. $this->db->quote($old[0]); + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('edit_object'); + $this->db->RollbackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text ('edit_object(): Modified Map Value: '. $value .' Section Value: '. $section_value); + } + + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + + return TRUE; + } + + /** + * del_object() + * + * Deletes a given Object and, if instructed to do so, erase all referencing objects + * + * ERASE feature by: Martino Piccinato + * + * @return bool Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. + * + * @param int Object ID # + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', or 'AXO' + * @param bool Erases all referencing objects if TRUE, leaves them alone otherwise. + */ + function del_object($object_id, $object_type=NULL, $erase=FALSE) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco'; + $object_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco_map'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + $object_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_map'; + $groups_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_groups_map'; + $object_group_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_aro_map'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + $object_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_map'; + $groups_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_groups_map'; + $object_group_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'groups_axo_map'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('del_object(): Invalid Object Type: '. $object_type); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text("del_object(): ID: $object_id Object Type: $object_type, Erase all referencing objects: $erase"); + + if (empty($object_id) ) { + $this->debug_text("del_object(): Object ID ($object_id) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($object_type) ) { + $this->debug_text("del_object(): Object Type ($object_type) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $this->db->BeginTrans(); + + // Get Object section_value/value (needed to look for referencing objects) + $query = 'SELECT section_value,value FROM '. $table .' WHERE id='. $object_id; + $object = $this->db->GetRow($query); + + if (empty($object)) { + $this->debug_text('del_object(): The specified object ('. strtoupper($object_type) .' ID: '. $object_id .') could not be found.'); + $this->db->RollbackTrans(); + return FALSE; + } + + $section_value = $object[0]; + $value = $object[1]; + + // Get ids of acl referencing the Object (if any) + $query = "SELECT acl_id FROM $object_map_table WHERE value='$value' AND section_value='$section_value'"; + $acl_ids = $this->db->GetCol($query); + + if ($erase) { + // We were asked to erase all acl referencing it + + $this->debug_text("del_object(): Erase was set to TRUE, delete all referencing objects"); + + if ($object_type == "aro" OR $object_type == "axo") { + // The object can be referenced in groups_X_map tables + // in the future this branching may become useless because + // ACO might me "groupable" too + + // Get rid of groups_map referencing the Object + $query = 'DELETE FROM '. $object_group_table .' WHERE '. $object_type .'_id='. $object_id; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('edit_object'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + } + + if (!empty($acl_ids)) { + //There are acls actually referencing the object + + if ($object_type == 'aco') { + // I know it's extremely dangerous but + // if asked to really erase an ACO + // we should delete all acl referencing it + // (and relative maps) + + // Do this below this branching + // where it uses $orphan_acl_ids as + // the array of the "orphaned" acl + // in this case all referenced acl are + // orhpaned acl + + $orphan_acl_ids = $acl_ids; + } else { + // The object is not an ACO and might be referenced + // in still valid acls regarding also other object. + // In these cases the acl MUST NOT be deleted + + // Get rid of $object_id map referencing erased objects + $query = "DELETE FROM $object_map_table WHERE section_value='$section_value' AND value='$value'"; + $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('edit_object'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + + // Find the "orphaned" acl. I mean acl referencing the erased Object (map) + // not referenced anymore by other objects + + $sql_acl_ids = implode(",", $acl_ids); + + $query = ' + SELECT + FROM '. $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl a + LEFT JOIN '. $object_map_table .' b ON + LEFT JOIN '. $groups_map_table .' c ON + WHERE b.value IS NULL + AND b.section_value IS NULL + AND c.group_id IS NULL + AND in ('. $sql_acl_ids .')'; + $orphan_acl_ids = $this->db->GetCol($query); + + } // End of else section of "if ($object_type == "aco")" + + if ($orphan_acl_ids) { + // If there are orphaned acls get rid of them + + foreach ($orphan_acl_ids as $acl) { + $this->del_acl($acl); + } + } + + } // End of if ($acl_ids) + + // Finally delete the Object itself + $query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE id='$object_id'"; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('edit_object'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + return true; + + } // End of "if ($erase)" + + $groups_ids = FALSE; + + if ($object_type == 'axo' OR $object_type == 'aro') { + // If the object is "groupable" (may become unnecessary, + // see above + + // Get id of groups where the object is assigned: + // you must explicitly remove the object from its groups before + // deleting it (don't know if this is really needed, anyway it's safer ;-) + + $query = 'SELECT group_id FROM '. $object_group_table .' WHERE '. $object_type .'_id='. $object_id; + $groups_ids = $this->db->GetCol($query); + } + + if ( ( isset($acl_ids) AND !empty($acl_ids) ) OR ( isset($groups_ids) AND !empty($groups_ids) ) ) { + // The Object is referenced somewhere (group or acl), can't delete it + + $this->debug_text("del_object(): Can't delete the object as it is being referenced by GROUPs (".@implode($groups_ids).") or ACLs (".@implode($acl_ids,",").")"); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } else { + // The Object is NOT referenced anywhere, delete it + + $query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE id='$object_id'"; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if ( !is_object($rs) ) { + $this->debug_db('edit_object'); + $this->db->RollBackTrans(); + return false; + } + + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + return true; + } + + $this->db->RollbackTrans(); + return false; + } + + /* + * + * Object Sections + * + */ + + /** + * get_object_section_section_id() + * + * Gets the object_section_id given the name AND/OR value of the section. + * + * Will only return one section id, so if there are duplicate names it will return false. + * + * @return int Object Section ID if the object section is found AND is unique, or FALSE otherwise. + * + * @param string Object Name + * @param string Object Value + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', 'AXO', or 'ACL' + * + */ + function get_object_section_section_id($name = NULL, $value = NULL, $object_type = NULL) { + $this->debug_text("get_object_section_section_id(): Value: $value Name: $name Object Type: $object_type"); + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + case 'aro': + case 'axo': + case 'acl': + $object_type = strtolower(trim($object_type)); + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix . $object_type; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix . $object_type .'_sections'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('get_object_section_section_id(): Invalid Object Type ('. $object_type . ')'); + return FALSE; + } + + $name = trim($name); + $value = trim($value); + + if (empty($name) AND empty($value) ) { + $this->debug_text('get_object_section_section_id(): Both Name ('. $name .') and Value ('. $value .') are empty, you must specify at least one.'); + return FALSE; + } + + $query = 'SELECT id FROM '. $object_sections_table; + $where = ' WHERE '; + + // limit by value if specified + if (!empty($value)) { + $query .= $where .'value='. $this->db->quote($value); + $where = ' AND '; + } + + // only use name if asked, this is SLOW + if (!empty($name)) { + $query .= $where .'name='. $this->db->quote($name); + } + + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('get_object_section_section_id'); + return FALSE; + } + + $row_count = $rs->RecordCount(); + + // If only one row is returned + if ($row_count == 1) { + // Return only the ID in the first row. + $row = $rs->FetchRow(); + return $row[0]; + } + + // If more than one row is returned + // should only ever occur when using name as values are unique. + if ($row_count > 1) { + $this->debug_text('get_object_section_section_id(): Returned '. $row_count .' rows, can only return one. Please search by value not name, or make your names unique.'); + return FALSE; + } + + // No rows returned, no matching section found + $this->debug_text('get_object_section_section_id(): Returned '. $row_count .' rows, no matching section found.'); + return FALSE; + } + + /** + * add_object_section() + * + * Inserts an object Section + * + * @return int Object Section ID of new section + * + * @param string Object Name + * @param string Object Value + * @param int Display Order + * @param int Hidden flag, hides section if 1, shows section if 0 + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', 'AXO', or 'ACL' + */ + function add_object_section($name, $value=0, $order=0, $hidden=0, $object_type=NULL) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco_sections'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_sections'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_sections'; + break; + case 'acl': + $object_type = 'acl'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl_sections'; + break; + } + + $this->debug_text("add_object_section(): Value: $value Order: $order Name: $name Object Type: $object_type"); + + $name = trim($name); + $value = trim($value); + $order = trim($order); + $hidden = intval($hidden); + + if ($order == NULL OR $order == '') { + $order = 0; + } + + if (empty($name) ) { + $this->debug_text("add_object_section(): name ($name) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($object_type) ) { + $this->debug_text("add_object_section(): Object Type ($object_type) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $insert_id = $this->db->GenID($this->_db_table_prefix.$object_type.'_sections_seq',10); + $query = 'insert into '. $object_sections_table .' (id,value,order_value,name,hidden) VALUES( '. $insert_id .', '. $this->db->quote($value) .', '. $order .', '. $this->db->quote($name) .', '. $hidden .')'; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('add_object_section'); + return false; + } else { + $this->debug_text("add_object_section(): Added object_section as ID: $insert_id"); + return $insert_id; + } + } + + /** + * edit_object_section() + * + * Edits a given Object Section + * + * @return bool Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise + * + * @param int Object Section ID # + * @param string Object Section Name + * @param string Object Section Value + * @param int Display Order + * @param int Hidden Flag, hide object section if 1, show if 0 + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', 'AXO', or 'ACL' + */ + function edit_object_section($object_section_id, $name, $value=0, $order=0, $hidden=0, $object_type=NULL) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco_sections'; + $object_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco_map'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_sections'; + $object_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_map'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_sections'; + $object_map_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_map'; + break; + case 'acl': + $object_type = 'acl'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl_sections'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('edit_object_section(): Invalid Object Type: '. $object_type); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text("edit_object_section(): ID: $object_section_id Value: $value Order: $order Name: $name Object Type: $object_type"); + + $name = trim($name); + $value = trim($value); + $order = trim($order); + $hidden = intval($hidden); + + if (empty($object_section_id) ) { + $this->debug_text("edit_object_section(): Section ID ($object_section_id) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($name) ) { + $this->debug_text("edit_object_section(): name ($name) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($object_type) ) { + $this->debug_text("edit_object_section(): Object Type ($object_type) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $this->db->BeginTrans(); + + //Get old value incase it changed, before we do the update. + $query = "select value from $object_sections_table where id=$object_section_id"; + $old_value = $this->db->GetOne($query); + + $query = "update $object_sections_table set + value='$value', + order_value='$order', + name='$name', + hidden=$hidden + where id=$object_section_id"; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('edit_object_section'); + + $this->db->RollbackTrans(); + + return false; + } else { + $this->debug_text("edit_object_section(): Modified aco_section ID: $object_section_id"); + + if ($old_value != $value) { + $this->debug_text("edit_object_section(): Value Changed, update other tables."); + + $query = "update $table set + section_value='$value' + where section_value = '$old_value'"; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('edit_object_section'); + + $this->db->RollbackTrans(); + + return false; + } else { + if (!empty($object_map_table)) { + $query = "update $object_map_table set + section_value='$value' + where section_value = '$old_value'"; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if ( !is_object($rs) ) { + $this->debug_db('edit_object_section'); + + $this->db->RollbackTrans(); + + return false; + } else { + $this->debug_text("edit_object_section(): Modified ojbect_map value: $value"); + + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + return true; + } + } else { + //ACL sections, have no mapping table. Return true. + + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + + return true; + } + } + } + + $this->db->CommitTrans(); + return true; + } + } + + /** + * del_object_section() + * + * Deletes a given Object Section and, if explicitly asked, all the section objects + * + * ERASE feature by: Martino Piccinato + * + * @return bool Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise + * + * @param int Object Section ID # to delete + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', 'AXO', or 'ACL' + * @param bool Erases all section objects assigned to the section + */ + function del_object_section($object_section_id, $object_type=NULL, $erase=FALSE) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco_sections'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_sections'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_sections'; + break; + case 'acl': + $object_type = 'acl'; + $object_sections_table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'acl_sections'; + break; + } + + $this->debug_text("del_object_section(): ID: $object_section_id Object Type: $object_type, Erase all: $erase"); + + if (empty($object_section_id) ) { + $this->debug_text("del_object_section(): Section ID ($object_section_id) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($object_type) ) { + $this->debug_text("del_object_section(): Object Type ($object_type) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + // Get the value of the section + $query="SELECT value FROM $object_sections_table WHERE id='$object_section_id'"; + $section_value = $this->db->GetOne($query); + + // Get all objects ids in the section + $object_ids = $this->get_object($section_value, 1, $object_type); + + if($erase) { + // Delete all objects in the section and for + // each object delete the referencing object + // (see del_object method) + if (is_array($object_ids)) { + foreach ($object_ids as $id) { + if ( $object_type === 'acl' ) { + $this->del_acl($id); + } else { + $this->del_object($id, $object_type, TRUE); + } + } + } + } + + if($object_ids AND !$erase) { + // There are objects in the section and we + // were not asked to erase them: don't delete it + + $this->debug_text("del_object_section(): Could not delete the section ($section_value) as it is not empty."); + + return false; + + } else { + // The section is empty (or emptied by this method) + + $query = "DELETE FROM $object_sections_table where id='$object_section_id'"; + $rs = $this->db->Execute($query); + + if (!is_object($rs)) { + $this->debug_db('del_object_section'); + return false; + } else { + $this->debug_text("del_object_section(): deleted section ID: $object_section_id Value: $section_value"); + return true; + } + + } + + return false; + } + + /** + * get_section_data() + * + * Gets the section data given the Section Value + * + * @return array Returns numerically indexed array with the following columns: + * - array[0] = (int) Section ID # + * - array[1] = (string) Section Value + * - array[2] = (int) Section Order + * - array[3] = (string) Section Name + * - array[4] = (int) Section Hidden? + * @param string Section Value + * @param string Object Type, either 'ACO', 'ARO', or 'AXO' + */ + function get_section_data($section_value, $object_type=NULL) { + + switch(strtolower(trim($object_type))) { + case 'aco': + $object_type = 'aco'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aco_sections'; + break; + case 'aro': + $object_type = 'aro'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'aro_sections'; + break; + case 'axo': + $object_type = 'axo'; + $table = $this->_db_table_prefix .'axo_sections'; + break; + default: + $this->debug_text('get_section_data(): Invalid Object Type: '. $object_type); + return FALSE; + } + + $this->debug_text("get_section_data(): Section Value: $section_value Object Type: $object_type"); + + if (empty($section_value) ) { + $this->debug_text("get_section_data(): Section Value ($section_value) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + if (empty($object_type) ) { + $this->debug_text("get_section_data(): Object Type ($object_type) is empty, this is required"); + return false; + } + + $query = "SELECT id, value, order_value, name, hidden FROM '. $table .' WHERE value='$section_value'"; + $row = $this->db->GetRow($query); + + if ($row) { + return $row; + } + + $this->debug_text("get_section_data(): Section does not exist."); + return false; + } + + /** + * clear_database() + * + * Deletes all data from the phpGACL tables. USE WITH CAUTION. + * + * @return bool Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise + * + */ + function clear_database(){ + + $tablesToClear = array( + $this->_db_table_prefix.'acl', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'aco', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'aco_map', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'aco_sections', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'aro', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'aro_groups', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'aro_groups_map', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'aro_map', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'aro_sections', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'axo', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'axo_groups', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'axo_groups_map', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'axo_map', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'axo_sections', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'groups_aro_map', + $this->_db_table_prefix.'groups_axo_map' + ); + + // Get all the table names and loop + $tableNames = $this->db->MetaTables('TABLES'); + $query = array(); + foreach ($tableNames as $key => $value){ + if (in_array($value, $tablesToClear) ) { + $query[] = 'TRUNCATE TABLE '.$value.';'; + } + } + + // Loop the queries and return. + foreach ($query as $key => $value){ + $result = $this->db->Execute($value); + } + + return TRUE; + } + +} +?> diff --git a/scire/user.php b/scire/user.php index 3088029..154caec 100755 --- a/scire/user.php +++ b/scire/user.php @@ -19,14 +19,18 @@ if ($_POST['addgroup_confirm']) { $userdata = $acl->get_object_data($_POST['userid'], 'ARO'); $newgroups = $_POST['addgroupid']; #remove first. - foreach ($ingroups as $ingroup) { - if (!in_array($ingroup, $newgroups)) { - $acl->del_group_object($ingroup, $userdata[0][0], $userdata[0][1], 'ARO'); + if ($ingroups) { + foreach ($ingroups as $ingroup) { + if (!in_array($ingroup, $newgroups)) { + $acl->del_group_object($ingroup, $userdata[0][0], $userdata[0][1], 'ARO'); + } } } - foreach ($newgroups as $newgroup) { - print "newgroup: $newgroup"; - $acl->add_group_object($newgroup, $userdata[0][0], $userdata[0][1], 'ARO'); + if ($newgroups) { + foreach ($newgroups as $newgroup) { + print "newgroup: $newgroup"; + $acl->add_group_object($newgroup, $userdata[0][0], $userdata[0][1], 'ARO'); + } } $_GET['Action'] = "edit"; $_GET['userid'] = $_POST['userid']; -- cgit v1.2.3-65-gdbad