Feature: Suggest Questions As a recruiters lead I want everyone logged in to be able to suggest new questions So that our question battery improves easily Scenario: Suggest Question Given I am logged in as "recruit" And I am on the home page When I follow "Suggest Questions" within ".navigation.main-nav" And I follow "New question" And I fill in "question[title]" with "Some question" And press "Create Question" And I should see "The question was created successfully" within ".flash.notice" And I should see "Not approved." Scenario: Approving Questions Given "recruit" suggested question "question" And a question "some question" And I am logged in as administrator When I follow "Approve Questions" within ".navigation.main-nav" Then I should see "question" within ".collection.questions" And I should not see "some question" within ".collection.questions" When I follow "question" And follow "information" And check "question[approved]" And press "Save" Then I should see "Changes to the question were saved" within ".flash.notice" And I should not see "Not approved." Scenario: No questions to approve Given I am logged in as administrator Then I should not see "Approve Questions"