Feature: Recruit answering questions As a recruit I want to answer questions Scenario: Go to all unanswered questions listing from homepage Given recruit "recruit" in following categories: |cat1| |cat2| And I am logged in as "recruit" who is "recruit" When I am on the home page And I follow "You didn't answer yet but you should." Then I should be on unanswered questions page Scenario: See all unanswered questions listing on unanswered questions page Given recruit "recruit" in following categories: |cat1| |cat2| And following questions: | q1 | cat1 | | q2 | cat1 | | q3 | cat2 | | q4 | cat2 | And answer of "recruit" for question "q4" And I am logged in as "recruit" who is "recruit" When I am on the unanswered questions page Then I should see following: | q1 | q2 | q3 | And I should not see "q4"