\chapter{Feature Availability by EAPI} \note{This chapter is informative and for convenience only. Refer to the main text for specifics. For lack of space, EAPIs 0, 1, 2, and~3 have been consolidated into a single column in the table below; entries marked with an asterisk differ between these EAPIs. See the 2012-09-20 edition of this document for a complete table of previous EAPIs.} % 2012-09-20 (EAPI 5) edition has a table of EAPIs 0 to 5 \ChangeWhenAddingAnEAPI{7} \begin{landscape} \begin{longtable}{llP{7.5em}P{7.5em}P{7.5em}P{7.5em}P{7.5em}} \caption{Features in EAPIs}\\ \toprule \multicolumn{1}{c}{\b{Feature}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\b{Reference}} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\b{EAPIs}} \\ \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{0, 1, 2, 3} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{4} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{5} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{6} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{7} \\ \midrule \endfirsthead \midrule \multicolumn{1}{c}{\b{Feature}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\b{Reference}} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\b{EAPIs}} \\ \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{0, 1, 2, 3} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{4} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{5} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{6} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{7} \\ \midrule \endhead \midrule \endfoot \bottomrule \endlastfoot Stable use masking/forcing & \compactfeatureref{stablemask} & No & No & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ Bash version & \compactfeatureref{bash-version} & 3.2 & 3.2 & 3.2 & 4.2 & 4.3 \\ \t{failglob} in global scope & \compactfeatureref{failglob} & No & No & No & Yes & Yes \\ \t{IUSE} defaults & \compactfeatureref{iuse-defaults} & * & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{REQUIRED_USE} & \compactfeatureref{required-use} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{PROPERTIES} & \compactfeatureref{properties} & Optionally & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{RDEPEND=DEPEND} & \compactfeatureref{rdepend-depend} & Yes & No & No & No & No \\ \t{DEFINED_PHASES} & \compactfeatureref{defined-phases} & Optionally & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{||= ( )} groups & \compactfeatureref{binding-any-of} & No & No & No & No & Yes \\ \t{??\ ( )} groups & \compactfeatureref{at-most-one-of} & No & No & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{SRC_URI} arrows & \compactfeatureref{src-uri-arrows} & * & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ Slot dependencies & \compactfeatureref{slot-deps} & * & Named & Named and Operator & Named and Operator & Named and Operator \\ Sub-slots & \compactfeatureref{sub-slot} & No & No & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ Use dependencies & \compactfeatureref{use-deps} & * & 4-style & 4-style & 4-style & 4-style \\ \t{!}\ blockers & \compactfeatureref{bang-strength} & * & Weak & Weak & Weak & Weak \\ \t{!!}\ blockers & \compactfeatureref{bang-strength} & * & Strong & Strong & Strong & Strong \\ \t{REQUIRED_USE} autoenforced & \compactfeatureref{auto-req-use} & No & No & No & No & Yes \\ \t{S} to \t{WORKDIR} fallback & \compactfeatureref{s-workdir-fallback} & Always & Conditional & Conditional & Conditional & Conditional \\ \t{pkg_pretend} & \compactfeatureref{pkg-pretend} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{src_prepare} & \compactfeatureref{src-prepare} & * & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{src_prepare} style & \compactfeatureref{src-prepare} & * & no-op & no-op & 6 & 6 \\ \t{src_configure} & \compactfeatureref{src-configure} & * & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{src_compile} style & \compactfeatureref{src-compile} & * & 2 & 2 & 2 & 2 \\ Parallel tests & \compactfeatureref{parallel-tests} & No & No & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{src_install} style & \compactfeatureref{src-install} & no-op & 4 & 4 & 6 & 6 \\ \t{pkg_info} & \compactfeatureref{pkg-info} & Installed & Both & Both & Both & Both \\ \t{default_} phase functions & \compactfeatureref{default-phase-funcs} & * & \t{pkg_nofetch}, \t{src_unpack}, \t{src_prepare}, \t{src_configure}, \t{src_compile}, \t{src_install}, \t{src_test} & \t{pkg_nofetch}, \t{src_unpack}, \t{src_prepare}, \t{src_configure}, \t{src_compile}, \t{src_install}, \t{src_test} & \t{pkg_nofetch}, \t{src_unpack}, \t{src_prepare}, \t{src_configure}, \t{src_compile}, \t{src_install}, \t{src_test} & \t{pkg_nofetch}, \t{src_unpack}, \t{src_prepare}, \t{src_configure}, \t{src_compile}, \t{src_install}, \t{src_test} \\ \t{AA} & \compactfeatureref{aa} & Yes & No & No & No & No \\ \t{KV} & \compactfeatureref{kv} & Yes & No & No & No & No \\ \t{EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC} & \compactfeatureref{ebuild-phase-func} & No & No & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{MERGE_TYPE} & \compactfeatureref{merge-type} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ Sane locale settings & \compactfeatureref{locale-settings} & Undefined & Undefined & Undefined & Yes & Yes \\ Profile \t{IUSE} injection & \compactfeatureref{profile-iuse-inject} & No & No & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{REPLACING_VERSIONS} & \compactfeatureref{replace-version-vars} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{REPLACED_BY_VERSION} & \compactfeatureref{replace-version-vars} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{EPREFIX}, \t{ED}, \t{EROOT} & \compactfeatureref{offset-prefix-vars} & * & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{find} is GNU? & \compactfeatureref{gnu-find} & Undefined & Undefined & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ Most utilities die & \compactfeatureref{die-on-failure} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{nonfatal} & \compactfeatureref{nonfatal} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{dohard} & \compactfeatureref{banned-commands} & Yes & Banned & Banned & Banned & Banned \\ \t{dosed} & \compactfeatureref{banned-commands} & Yes & Banned & Banned & Banned & Banned \\ \t{einstall} & \compactfeatureref{banned-commands} & Yes & Yes & Yes & Banned & Banned \\ Sandbox \t{rm*} commands & \compactfeatureref{sandbox-rm} & No & No & No & No & Yes \\ Option \t{-{}-host-root} & \compactfeatureref{host-root-option} & No & No & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{die -n} & \compactfeatureref{nonfatal-die} & No & No & No & Yes & Yes \\ \t{eapply} & \compactfeatureref{eapply} & No & No & No & Yes & Yes \\ \t{eapply_user} & \compactfeatureref{eapply-user} & No & No & No & Yes & Yes \\ \t{econf} arguments & \compactfeatureref{econf-options} & None & disable dependency tracking & disable dependency tracking, disable silent rules & disable dependency tracking, disable silent rules, docdir, htmldir & disable dependency tracking, disable silent rules, docdir, htmldir \\ \t{dodoc -r} & \compactfeatureref{dodoc} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{doheader} & \compactfeatureref{doheader} & No & No & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{doins} handles symlinks & \compactfeatureref{doins} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{doman} languages & \compactfeatureref{doman-langs} & * & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{doman -i18n} precedence & \compactfeatureref{doman-langs} & * & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{new*} support stdin & \compactfeatureref{newfoo-stdin} & No & No & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ Controllable compression & \compactfeatureref{docompress} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{docompress} & \compactfeatureref{docompress} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{use_with} empty third arg & \compactfeatureref{use-with} & No & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{usex} & \compactfeatureref{usex} & No & No & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{in_iuse} & \compactfeatureref{in-iuse} & No & No & No & Yes & Yes \\ \t{unpack} absolute paths & \compactfeatureref{unpack-absolute} & No & No & No & Yes & Yes \\ \t{unpack} support for \t{xz} & \compactfeatureref{unpack-extensions} & * & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{unpack} support for \t{txz} & \compactfeatureref{unpack-extensions} & No & No & No & Yes & Yes \\ \t{unpack} case-insensitive & \compactfeatureref{unpack-ignore-case} & No & No & No & Yes & Yes \\ \t{default} function & \compactfeatureref{default-func} & * & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \t{einstalldocs} & \compactfeatureref{einstalldocs} & No & No & No & Yes & Yes \\ \t{get_libdir} & \compactfeatureref{get-libdir} & No & No & No & Yes & Yes \\ File mtimes preserved & \compactfeatureref{mtime-preserve} & * & Yes & Yes & Yes & Yes \\ \end{longtable} \end{landscape} \chapter{Differences Between EAPIs} \note{This chapter is informative and for convenience only. Refer to the main text for specifics.} \section{EAPI 0} EAPI 0 is the base EAPI. \section{EAPI 1} EAPI 1 is EAPI 0 with the following changes: \begin{compactitem} \item \t{IUSE} defaults, \featureref{iuse-defaults}. \item Slot dependencies, \featureref{slot-deps}. \item Different \t{src_compile} implementation, \featureref{src-compile-1}. \end{compactitem} \section{EAPI 2} EAPI 2 is EAPI 1 with the following changes: \begin{compactitem} \item Use dependencies, \featureref{use-deps}. \item \t{!}\ and \t{!!}\ blockers, \featureref{bang-strength}. \item \t{SRC_URI} arrows, \featureref{src-uri-arrows}. \item \t{src_prepare}, \featureref{src-prepare}. \item \t{src_configure}, \featureref{src-configure}. \item Different \t{src_compile} implementation, \featureref{src-compile-2}. \item \t{default_} phase functions for phases \t{pkg_nofetch}, \t{src_unpack}, \t{src_prepare}, \t{src_configure}, \t{src_compile} and \t{src_test}; \featureref{default-phase-funcs}. \item \t{doman} language detection by filename, \featureref{doman-langs}. \item \t{default} function, \featureref{default-func}. \end{compactitem} \section{EAPI 3} EAPI 3 is EAPI 2 with the following changes: \begin{compactitem} \item Offset-prefix support by definition of \t{EPREFIX}, \t{ED} and \t{EROOT}, \featureref{offset-prefix-vars}. \item \t{unpack} supports \t{.xz} and \t{.tar.xz}, \featureref{unpack-extensions}. \item File modification times are preserved, \featureref{mtime-preserve}. \end{compactitem} \section{EAPI 4} EAPI 4 is EAPI 3 with the following changes: \begin{compactitem} \item \t{PROPERTIES} support is mandatory, \featureref{properties}. \item \t{REQUIRED_USE}, \featureref{required-use}. \item \t{RDEPEND=DEPEND} no longer done, \featureref{rdepend-depend}. \item \t{DEFINED_PHASES} support is mandatory, \featureref{defined-phases}. \item Use dependency defaults, \featureref{use-dep-defaults}. \item \t{S} to \t{WORKDIR} fallback restricted, \featureref{s-workdir-fallback}. \item \t{pkg_pretend}, \featureref{pkg-pretend}. \item Default \t{src_install} no longer a no-op, \featureref{src-install-4}. \item \t{pkg_info} can run on non-installed packages, \featureref{pkg-info}. \item \t{AA} is gone, \featureref{aa}. \item \t{KV} is gone, \featureref{kv}. \item \t{MERGE_TYPE}, \featureref{merge-type}. \item \t{REPLACING_VERSIONS} and \t{REPLACED_BY_VERSION}, \featureref{replace-version-vars}. \item Utilities now die on failure, \featureref{die-on-failure}, unless called under \t{nonfatal}, \featureref{nonfatal} \item \t{dohard}, \t{dosed} banned, \featureref{banned-commands}. \item \t{econf} adds \t{-{}-disable-dependency-tracking}, \featureref{econf-options}. \item \t{dodoc -r} support, \featureref{dodoc}. \item \t{doins} supports symlinks, \featureref{doins}. \item \t{doman -i18n} option takes precedence, \featureref{doman-langs}. \item Controllable compression and \t{docompress}, \featureref{docompress}. \item \t{use_with} and \t{use_enable} support empty third argument, \featureref{use-with}. \end{compactitem} \section{EAPI 5} EAPI 5 is EAPI 4 with the following changes: \begin{compactitem} \item Stable use masking and forcing, \featureref{stablemask}. \item \t{REQUIRED_USE} now supports \t{??}\ groups, \featureref{at-most-one-of}. \item Slot operator dependencies, \featureref{slot-operator-deps}. \item \t{SLOT} now supports an optional sub-slot part, \featureref{sub-slot}. \item \t{src_test} supports parallel tests, \featureref{parallel-tests}. \item \t{EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC}, \featureref{ebuild-phase-func}. \item \t{USE} is calculated differently, \featureref{profile-iuse-inject}. \item \t{find} is guaranteed to be GNU, \featureref{gnu-find}. \item \t{best_version} and \t{has_version} support the \t{-{}-host-root} option, \featureref{host-root-option}. \item \t{econf} adds \t{-{}-disable-silent-rules}, \featureref{econf-options}. \item \t{doheader} and \t{newheader} support, \featureref{doheader}. \item \t{new*} can read from standard input, \featureref{newfoo-stdin}. \item \t{usex} support, \featureref{usex}. \end{compactitem} \section{EAPI 6} EAPI 6 is EAPI 5 with the following changes: \begin{compactitem} \item Bash version is 4.2, \featureref{bash-version}. \item \t{failglob} is enabled in global scope, \featureref{failglob}. \item Default \t{src_prepare} no longer a no-op, \featureref{src-prepare-6}. \item Different \t{src_install} implementation, \featureref{src-install-6}. \item \t{LC_CTYPE} and \t{LC_COLLATE} compatible with POSIX locale, \featureref{locale-settings}. \item \t{einstall} banned, \featureref{banned-commands}. \item \t{die} and \t{assert} called with \t{-n} respect \t{nonfatal}, \featureref{nonfatal-die}. \item \t{eapply} support, \featureref{eapply}. \item \t{eapply_user} support, \featureref{eapply-user}. \item \t{econf} adds \t{-{}-docdir} and \t{-{}-htmldir}, \featureref{econf-options}. \item \t{in_iuse} support, \featureref{in-iuse}. \item \t{unpack} supports absolute and relative paths, \featureref{unpack-absolute}. \item \t{unpack} supports \t{.txz}, \featureref{unpack-extensions}. \item \t{unpack} matches filename extensions case-insensitively, \featureref{unpack-ignore-case}. \item \t{einstalldocs} support, \featureref{einstalldocs}. \item \t{get_libdir} support, \featureref{get-libdir}. \end{compactitem} \section{EAPI 7} EAPI 7 is EAPI 6 with the following changes: \begin{compactitem} \item Bash version is 4.3, \featureref{bash-version}. \item Runtime-modifiable USE flags (\t{IUSE_RUNTIME}), \featureref{iuse-runtime}. \item \t{||=} dependency groups, \featureref{binding-any-of}. \item Automatic enforcing of \t{REQUIRED_USE}, \featureref{auto-req-use}. \item Sandbox path removal commands, \featureref{sandbox-rm}. \end{compactitem} \ChangeWhenAddingAnEAPI{7} % vim: set filetype=tex fileencoding=utf8 et tw=100 spell spelllang=en : %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "pms" %%% LaTeX-indent-level: 4 %%% LaTeX-item-indent: 0 %%% TeX-brace-indent-level: 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