#if HAVE_SHELLS auth required pam_shells.so DEBUG #endif #if SUPPORT_NOLOGIN_AUTH auth required pam_nologin.so DEBUG_NOLOGIN #endif auth include system-auth #if HAVE_FAILLOCK auth required pam_faillock.so preauth silent audit deny=3 unlock_time=600 auth sufficient pam_unix.so nullok try_first_pass auth [default=die] pam_faillock.so authfail audit deny=3 unlock_time=600 #endif #if HAVE_ACCESS account required pam_access.so DEBUG #endif #if HAVE_LOGIN_ACCESS account required pam_login_access.so #endif #if SUPPORT_NOLOGIN_ACCOUNT account required pam_nologin.so DEBUG_NOLOGIN #endif account include system-auth #if HAVE_FAILLOCK account required pam_faillock.so #endif password include system-auth #if HAVE_LOGINUID session optional pam_loginuid.so #endif #if HAVE_SELINUX session required pam_selinux.so close #endif #if HAVE_ENV session required pam_env.so envfile=/etc/profile.env DEBUG #endif #if HAVE_LASTLOG session optional pam_lastlog.so silent DEBUG #endif session include system-auth #if HAVE_CONSOLEKIT session optional pam_ck_connector.so nox11 #endif #if HAVE_SELINUX # Note: modules that run in the user's context must come after this line. session required pam_selinux.so multiple open #endif #if HAVE_MOTD session optional pam_motd.so motd=/etc/motd #endif #if HAVE_MAIL session optional pam_mail.so #endif