# $Id$ Instructions for usage and configuration with systemd Systemd support has been implemented by re-using all the OpenRC configuration files of VDR and its plugins located under /etc/conf.d/ even if OpenRC is not installed at all. However, there is one thing which is configured differently, and this is the user under which the VDR daemon will run. Just as when running under OpenRC, the gentoo-vdr-scripts can be configured to run VDR either as user 'vdr' or as user 'root'. The difference is that under systemd, the setting START_VDR_AS_ROOT in /etc/conf.d/vdr is ignored on purpose, to let the configuration be done "the systemd way". - The default is to run as user 'vdr'. If running as 'root' is desired, uncomment the 'User=root' key under the [Service] section in the file /etc/systemd/system/vdr.service.d/00-gentoo-vdr-user.conf - *If* the plugin 'dbus2vdr' is used, the user who owns the vdr-dbus-service also has to be set to 'root' in /etc/dbus-1/system.d/de.tvdr.vdr.conf if running VDR as user 'root'; Finally, in order to start the VDR daemon under systemd manually, execute: systemctl start vdr and if the deamon should be started on every bootup of the system, it has to be enabled: systemctl enable vdr