# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright John N. Laliberte # LICENSE - GPL2 # the portage module. import os, sys import package_module import portage import portage.util import clioptions_module sys.path = [portage.PORTAGE_PYM_PATH] + sys.path os.environ["PORTAGE_CALLER"] = "depchecker" def get_dbtree(): return "porttree" # given a package name in the form category/packagename-version-revision # split it up into the different parts. def split_package_into_parts(package_name): return portage.catpkgsplit(package_name) # given a package name, find the category in portage. # This will return None if you do not give it a version. def find_category(package_name): package = portage.cpv_expand(package_name, mydb=portage.db["/"][get_dbtree()].dbapi, use_cache=1, settings=portage.settings) # catsplit returns ['category', 'packagename'] package = portage.catsplit(package) return package[0] # return 'pkg' for a package name of form 'pkg' or 'cat/pkg' def get_pkgname(package): return portage.catsplit(package)[-1] # given category/packagename-version-revision, find whether it is masked or not def isMasked(): pass # compare packages to see which one is the best version def best_version(package_list): return portage.best(package_list) # find a given package in a list of packages (assuming package may be of the # form 'pkg' or 'cat/pkg') def findpackage(name, packages): for package in packages: if package.name == name or package.name == get_pkgname(name): return package return None # which package is the higher version? # returns 0 for equal # 1 for package1 # 2 for package2 def best_version_test(package1, package2): best_package = portage.best([package1, package2]) if best_package == package1 and best_package == package2: return 0 elif best_package == package1: return 1 else: return 2 # grabbing this from portageq, best to put it in here instead of # having the overhead of calling it each time and getting the output. def find_latest_package_in_tree(package_name, portdbapi=None): try: mylist = portdbapi.match(package_name) return portage.best(mylist) except KeyError: return None # finds the latest available version of a package def find_packages_in_tree(package_list, portdir=None, all_overlays=False, overlay_list=None, stable=False): # this value needs to be configurable from cl #overlays = ["/home/allanon/cvs/gnome"] portage_versions = [] overlays = portage.settings['PORTDIR_OVERLAY'] if all_overlays is False: overlays = '' if overlay_list is not None: overlays = overlay_list if stable is not False: # stable keywords = 'amd64' # the arch I care for :] else: #testing keywords = 'amd64 ~amd64' # the arch I care for :] if portdir is not None: mysettings = portage.config(local_config=False, env={'PORTDIR_OVERLAY': overlays, 'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS': keywords, 'PORTDIR': portdir}) else: mysettings = portage.config(local_config=False, env={'PORTDIR_OVERLAY': overlays, 'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS': keywords}) # hack because the above did not work :/ mysettings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'] = keywords portdbapi = portage.portdbapi(mysettings=mysettings) for package in package_list: best_package = find_latest_package_in_tree(package.name, portdbapi) # if it returns a package, hardcode to first result. # cover the case where it doesn't exist in the tree. if None != best_package and "" != best_package: # Need to account for slotted packages here portage_versions.append(package_module.Package(best_package)) return portage_versions def tests(): print(split_package_into_parts("media-gfx/gimp-3.5.0-r3")) print(split_package_into_parts("media-gfx/gimp-3.5")) print(find_category("gimp")) print(find_category("gimp-2.0")) print(best_version(["gimp-2.0", "gimp-2.0-r1", "gimp-3.0"]))