"; } echo "
".__("Choose your layout. Possible options are:
No sidebar, a single sidebar on either left of right, two sidebars on either left or right and two sidebars on each side.","mantra")."
"; } //SLIDER - Name: ma_options[sidewidth] function cryout_setting_sidewidth_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Absolute" , "Relative"); $itemsare = array( __("Absolute","mantra"), __("Relative *NO LONGER SUPPORTED","mantra")); if ( "Relative" != $mantra_options['mantra_dimselect'] ) { // relative dimmensions are no longer supported by the theme; only display them to existing sites that use them unset($items[1]); unset($itemsare[1]); } echo __("Dimensions to use: ","mantra")." "; ?>
px px ^——— px ———^

"; echo "";?>

".__("Select the width of your content and sidebar(s). While the content cannot be less than 500px wide, the sidebar area is at least 220px and no more than 800px.
If you went for a 3 column area ( with 2 sidebars) they will each have half the selected width.","mantra")."
"; ?>
% % ^——— % ———^

"; echo "";?>

".__("Select the width of your content and sidebar(s). These are realtive dimmensions - relative to the user's browser. The total width is a percentage of the browser's width.
While the content cannot be less than 40% wide, the sidebar area is at least 20% and no more than 50%.
If you went for a 3 column area ( with 2 sidebars) they will each have half the selected width.","mantra")."
"; ?>
"; foreach($items as $id=>$item) { echo ""; } echo ""; echo " "; echo "
".__("Enable to make Mantra fully responsive. The layout and general sizes of your blog will adjust depending on what device and what resolution it is viewed in.
Do not disable unless you have a good reason to.","mantra")."
"; } //////////////////////////////// //// PRESENTATION SETTINGS ///////////// //////////////////////////////// //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[frontpage] function cryout_setting_frontpage_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Enable the presentation front-page. This will become your new home page. It has a slider and columns for presentation text and images.
If you have this enabled but don't see a Presentation page then go to Settings » Reading and make sure you have selected Front Page Displays as Your Latest Posts.","mantra")."
"; if ($mantra_options['mantra_frontpage'] == 'Enable' && get_option('show_on_front') != 'posts') { printf ( '
'.__('You have enabled the Presentation Page but your WordPress\' Front page displays option is set to use a static page. WordPress guidelines require that the static page option have priority over theme options.
Go to %1$s and set the Front page displays option to Your latest posts to display the presentation page.',"mantra").'
', ' Settings » Reading'); }; } function cryout_setting_frontposts_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo " "; echo " ".__('posts','mantra'); echo "
".__("Enable to display latest posts on the presentation page, below the columns. Sticky posts are always displayed and not counted.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[frontslider] function cryout_setting_frontslider_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo "
".__("Slider Dimensions:","mantra")." "; echo " px (".__("width","mantra").") X "; echo " px (".__("height","mantra").")"; echo "".__("The dimensions of your slider. Make sure your images are of the same size.","mantra")."
"; echo "
".__("Animation:","mantra")." "; $items = array ("random" , "fold", "fade", "slideInRight", "slideInLeft", "sliceDown", "sliceDownLeft", "sliceUp", "sliceUpLeft", "sliceUpDown" , "sliceUpDownLeft", "boxRandom", "boxRain", "boxRainReverse", "boxRainGrow" , "boxRainGrowReverse"); $itemsare = array( __("Random","mantra"), __("Fold","mantra"), __("Fade","mantra"), __("SlideInRight","mantra"), __("SlideInLeft","mantra"), __("SliceDown","mantra"), __("SliceDownLeft","mantra"), __("SliceUp","mantra"), __("SliceUpLeft","mantra"), __("SliceUpDown","mantra"), __("SliceUpDownLeft","mantra"), __("BoxRandom","mantra"), __("BoxRain","mantra"), __("BoxRainReverse","mantra"), __("BoxRainGrow","mantra"), __("BoxRainGrowReverse","mantra")); echo ""; echo "".__("The transition effect your slider will have.","mantra")."
"; echo "
".__("Border Settings:","mantra")." "; echo __('Width' ,'mantra').": px / "; echo __('Color','mantra').': '; echo '
'; echo "".__("The width and color of the slider's border.","mantra")."
"; echo "
".__("Animation Time:","mantra")." "; echo " ".__("milliseconds","mantra"); echo "".__("The time in which the transition animation will take place.","mantra")."
"; echo "
".__("Pause Time:","mantra")." "; echo " ".__("milliseconds","mantra"); echo "".__("The time in which a slide will be still and visible.","mantra")."
"; echo "
".__("Slider navigation:","mantra")." "; $items = array ("Numbers" , "Bullets" ,"None"); $itemsare = array( __("Numbers","mantra"), __("Bullets","mantra"), __("None","mantra")); echo ""; echo "".__("Your slider navigation type. Shown under the slider.","mantra")."
"; echo "
".__("Slider arrows:","mantra")." "; $items = array ("Always Visible" , "Visible on Hover" ,"Hidden"); $itemsare = array( __("Always Visible","mantra"), __("Visible on Hover","mantra"), __("Hidden","mantra")); echo ""; echo "".__("The Left and Right arrows on your slider","mantra")."
"; ?> ".__("Select the content you want to load in your slides:","mantra")." "; echo ""; echo "
".__("Your slides' content. Only the image is required, all other fields are optional. Only the slides with an image selected will become acitve and visible in the live slider.","mantra")."
"; ?>
' />
' />
Choose the cateogry: ','mantra'); ?>
' />

' />
' />

' />
' />

' />
' />

' />
' />

' />
' />
".__("Number of columns:","mantra")." "; $items = array ("0" ,"1", "2" , "3" , "4"); echo ""; echo "
".__("Image Height:","mantra")." "; echo " px
"; ?>
' /> ".__("The linked text that appears at the bottom of all the columns. You can delete all text inside if you don't want it.","mantra")."
"; ?>

' />
' />

' />
' />

' />
' />

' />
' />

".__("Extra Text","mantra")."

"; echo "
Text for the Presentation Page".__("More text for your front page. The top title is above the slider, the second title between the slider and the columns and 2 more rows of text under the columns. It's all optional so leave any input field empty if it's not required. ","mantra")."
"; echo "
".__("Top Title","mantra")."

"; echo "
".__("Second Title","mantra")."
"; echo ""; echo "
".__("Title color","mantra")."
"; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Bottom Text 1","mantra")."
"; echo ""; echo "
".__("Bottom Text 2","mantra")."
"; echo "
"; echo "

".__("Hide areas","mantra")."

"; echo "
".__("Choose the areas to hide on the first page.","mantra")."
"; $items = array( "FronHeader", "FrontMenu", "FrontWidget" , "FrontFooter","FrontBack"); $checkedClass0 = ($mantra_options['mantra_fronthideheader']=='1') ? ' checkedClass0' : ''; $checkedClass1 = ($mantra_options['mantra_fronthidemenu']=='1') ? ' checkedClass1' : ''; $checkedClass2 = ($mantra_options['mantra_fronthidewidget']=='1') ? ' checkedClass2' : ''; $checkedClass3 = ($mantra_options['mantra_fronthidefooter']=='1') ? ' checkedClass3' : ''; $checkedClass4 = ($mantra_options['mantra_fronthideback']=='1') ? ' checkedClass4' : ''; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo "
"; } ////////////////////////////// /////HEADER SETTINGS////////// ///////////////////////////// //SELECT - Name: ma_options[hheight] function cryout_setting_hheight_fn() { global $mantra_options;?> ' /> px ".__("Select the header's height. After saving the settings make sure you reupload a new header image (if you're using one). The header's width will be = ","mantra").$totally."px."; } function cryout_setting_himage_fn() { global $mantra_options; $checkedClass = ($mantra_options['mantra_hcenter']=='1') ? ' checkedClass' : ''; $checkedClass2 = ($mantra_options['mantra_hratio']=='1') ? ' checkedClass' : ''; echo "".__('Define header image','mantra').""; echo "
".__("The header image should not be used to display logos.
Enable ratio preservation to force the header image aspect ratio. Keep in mind that short images will become very small on mobile devices.","mantra")."
"; echo "
"; echo " "; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[menurounded] function cryout_setting_menurounded_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Enable or disable the round corners for the main menu items.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[linkheader] function cryout_setting_siteheader_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Site Title and Description" , "Custom Logo" , "Clickable header image" , "Empty"); $itemsare = array( __("Site Title and Description","mantra"), __("Custom Logo","mantra"), __("Clickable header image","mantra"), __("Empty","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Choose what to display inside your header area.","mantra")."
"; } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[favicon] function cryout_setting_logoupload_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo '
'; ?> ' class="imagebox" style="display:;max-height:60px" />
".__("Custom Logo upload. The logo will appear over the heder image if you have used one.","mantra")."
"; ?>
' /> px     ' /> px ".__("Select the top spacing for the header. Use it to better position your site title and description or custom logo inside the header. ","mantra").""; } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[favicon] function cryout_setting_favicon_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo '
'; ?> ' class="imagebox" width="64" height="64"/>
".__("Limitations: It has to be an image. It should be max 64x64 pixels in dimensions. Recommended file extensions .ico and .png.
Note that some browsers do not display the changed favicon instantly.","mantra")."
"; ?>
"; foreach($items as $item) { echo ""; } echo ""; echo "
".__("Select the font size you'll use in your blog. Pages, posts and comments will be affected. Buttons, Headers and Side menus will remain the same.","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[fontfamily] function cryout_setting_fontfamily_fn() { global $mantra_options; global $fontSans, $fontSerif, $fontMono, $fontCursive; echo ""; echo "
".__("Select the font family you'll use in your blog. All content text will be affected (including menu buttons). ","mantra")."

"; echo ''; echo "
".__("Or insert your Google Font below. Please only isert the name of the font.
Ex: Marko One. Go to google fonts for some font inspiration.","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[fonttitle] function cryout_setting_fonttitle_fn() { global $mantra_options; global $fontSans, $fontSerif, $fontMono, $fontCursive; echo ""; echo "
".__("Select the font family you want for your titles. It will affect post titles and page titles. Leave 'Default' and the general font you selected will be used.","mantra")."

"; echo ''; echo "
".__("Or insert your Google Font below. Please only isert the name of the font.
Ex: Marko One. Go to google fonts for some font inspiration.","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[fontside] function cryout_setting_fontside_fn() { global $mantra_options; global $fontSans, $fontSerif, $fontMono, $fontCursive; echo ""; echo "
".__("Select the font family you want your sidebar(s) to have. Text in sidebars will be affected, including any widgets. Leave 'Default' and the general font you selected will be used.","mantra")."

"; echo ''; echo "
".__("Or insert your Google Font below. Please only isert the name of the font.
Ex: Marko One. Go to google fonts for some font inspiration.","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[fontsubheader] function cryout_setting_fontsubheader_fn() { global $mantra_options; global $fontSans, $fontSerif, $fontMono, $fontCursive; echo ""; echo "
".__("Select the font family you want your headings to have (h1 - h6 tags will be affected). Leave 'Default' and the general font you selected will be used.","mantra")."

"; echo ''; echo "
".__("Or insert your Google Font below. Please only isert the name of the font.
Ex: Marko One. Go to google fonts for some font inspiration.","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[headfontsize] function cryout_setting_headfontsize_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Default" , "14px" , "16px" , "18px" , "20px", "22px" , "24px" , "26px" , "28px" , "30px" , "32px" , "34px" , "36px", "38px" , "40px"); $itemsare = array( __("Default","mantra") ,"14px" , "16px" , "18px" , "20px", "22px" , "24px" , "26px" , "28px" , "30px" , "32px" , "34px" , "36px", "38px" , "40px"); echo ""; echo "
".__("Post Header Font size. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (size value will be as set in the CSS).","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[sidefontsize] function cryout_setting_sidefontsize_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Default" , "8px" , "9px" , "10px" , "11px", "12px" , "13px" , "14px" , "15px" , "16px" , "17px" , "18px"); $itemsare = array( __("Default","mantra") , "8px" , "9px" , "10px" , "11px", "12px" , "13px" , "14px" , "15px" , "16px" , "17px" , "18px"); echo ""; echo "
".__("Sidebar Font size. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (size value will be as set in the CSS).","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[textalign] function cryout_setting_textalign_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Default" , "Left" , "Right" , "Justify" , "Center"); $itemsare = array( __("Default","mantra"), __("Left","mantra"), __("Right","mantra"), __("Justify","mantra"), __("Center","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("This overwrites the text alignment in posts and pages. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (alignment will remain as declared in posts, comments etc.).","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[parindent] function cryout_setting_parmargin_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("0.0em", "0.5em", "1.0em" , "1.1em" , "1.2em" , "1.3em" , "1.4em", "1.5em", "1.6em", "1.7em"); echo ""; echo "
".__("Choose the spacing between paragraphs.","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[parindent] function cryout_setting_parindent_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("0px" , "5px" , "10px" , "15px" , "20px"); echo ""; echo "
".__("Choose the indent for your paragraphs.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[headerindent] function cryout_setting_headerindent_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Disable the default header and title indent (left margin).","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[lineheight] function cryout_setting_lineheight_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Default" ,"0.8em" , "0.9em", "1.0em" , "1.1em" , "1.2em" , "1.3em", "1.4em" , "1.5em" , "1.6em" , "1.7em" , "1.8em" , "1.9em" , "2.0em"); $itemsare = array( __("Default","mantra"),"0.8em" , "0.9em", "1.0em" , "1.1em" , "1.2em" , "1.3em", "1.4em" , "1.5em" , "1.6em" , "1.7em" , "1.8em" , "1.9em" , "2.0em"); echo ""; echo "
".__("Text line height. The height between 2 rows of text. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (size value will be as set in the CSS).","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[wordspace] function cryout_setting_wordspace_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Default" ,"-3px" , "-2px", "-1px" , "0px" , "1px" , "2px", "3px" , "4px" , "5px" , "10px"); $itemsare = array( __("Default","mantra"),"-3px" , "-2px", "-1px" , "0px" , "1px" , "2px", "3px" , "4px" , "5px" , "10px"); echo ""; echo "
".__("The space between words. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (size value will be as set in the CSS).","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[letterspace] function cryout_setting_letterspace_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Default" ,"-0.05em" , "-0.04em", "-0.03em" , "-0.02em" , "-0.01em" , "0.01em", "0.02em" , "0.03em" , "0.04em" , "0.05em"); $itemsare = array( __("Default","mantra"),"-0.05em" , "-0.04em", "-0.03em" , "-0.02em" , "-0.01em" , "0.01em", "0.02em" , "0.03em" , "0.04em" , "0.05em"); echo ""; echo "
".__("The space between letters. Leave 'Default' for normal settings (size value will be as set in the CSS).","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[textshadow] function cryout_setting_textshadow_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Disable the default text shadow on headers and titles.","mantra")."
"; } //////////////////////////////// //// APPEREANCE SETTINGS /////// //////////////////////////////// function cryout_setting_sitebackground_fn() { echo "".__('Define background image','mantra').""; } // cryout_setting_sitebackground_fn() //TEXT - Name: ma_options[backcolor] function cryout_setting_backcolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Background color (Default value is 444444).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[headercolor] function cryout_setting_headercolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Header background color (Default value is 333333). You can delete all inside text for no background color.","mantra")."
"; } function cryout_setting_contentbg_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Content background color (Default value is FFFFFF). Works best with really light colors.","mantra")."
"; } function cryout_setting_menubg_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Main menu background color (Default value is FAFAFA). Should be the same color as the content bg or something just as light.","mantra")."
"; } function cryout_setting_first_sidebar_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("First sidebar background color (Default is no color for a transparent sidebar).","mantra")."
"; } function cryout_setting_second_sidebar_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Second sidebar background color (Default is no color for a transparent sidebar).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[prefootercolor] function cryout_setting_prefootercolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Footer widget-area background color. (Default value is 171717).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[footercolor] function cryout_setting_footercolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Footer background color (Default value is 222222).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[titlecolor] function cryout_setting_titlecolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Your blog's title color (Default value is 0D85CC).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[descriptioncolor] function cryout_setting_descriptioncolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Your blog's description color(Default value is 222222).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[contentcolor] function cryout_setting_contentcolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Content Text Color (Default value is 333333).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[linkscolor] function cryout_setting_linkscolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Links color (Default value is 0D85CC).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[hovercolor] function cryout_setting_hovercolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Links color on mouse over (Default value is 333333).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[headtextcolor] function cryout_setting_headtextcolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Post Header Text Color (Default value is 333333).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[headtexthover] function cryout_setting_headtexthover_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Post Header Text Color on Mouse over (Default value is 000000).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[sideheadbackcolor] function cryout_setting_sideheadbackcolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Sidebar Header Background color (Default value is 444444).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[sideheadtextcolor] function cryout_setting_sideheadtextcolor_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Sidebar Header Text Color(Default value is 2EA5FD).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[footerheader] function cryout_setting_footerheader_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Footer Widget Text Color (Default value is 0D85CC).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[footertext] function cryout_setting_footertext_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Footer Widget Link Color (Default value is 666666).","mantra")."
"; } //TEXT - Name: ma_options[footerhover] function cryout_setting_footerhover_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
".__("Footer Widget Link Color on Mouse Over (Default value is 888888).","mantra")."
"; } //////////////////////////////// //// GRAPHICS SETTINGS ///////// //////////////////////////////// //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[breadcrumbs] function cryout_setting_breadcrumbs_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Show breadcrumbs at the top of the content area. Breadcrumbs are a form of navigation that keeps track of your location withtin the site.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[pagination] function cryout_setting_pagination_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Show numbered pagination. Where there is more than one page, instead of the bottom Older Posts and Newer posts links you have a numbered pagination. ","mantra")."
"; } function cryout_setting_menualign_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("left", "center", "right"); $itemsare = array( __("Left","mantra"), __("Center","mantra"), __("Right","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Select the desired main menu items alignment. Center option is only valid for single line menus.","mantra")."
"; } //SELECT - Name: ma_options[caption] function cryout_setting_caption_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("White" , "Light" , "Light Gray" , "Gray" , "Dark Gray" , "Black"); $itemsare = array( __("White","mantra"), __("Light","mantra"), __("Light Gray","mantra"), __("Gray","mantra"), __("Dark Gray","mantra"), __("Black","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("This setting changes the look of your captions. Images that are not inserted through captions will not be affected.","mantra")."
"; } // RADIO-BUTTON - Name: ma_options[image] function cryout_setting_image_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array("None", "One", "Two", "Three" , "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven"); foreach($items as $item) { $checkedClass = ($mantra_options['mantra_image']==$item) ? ' checkedClass' : ''; echo " "; } echo "
".__("The border around your inserted images. ","mantra")."
"; } // RADIO-BUTTON - Name: ma_options[pin] function cryout_setting_pin_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array("mantra_dot", "Pin1", "Pin2", "Pin3" , "Pin4", "Pin5"); foreach($items as $item) { $none=''; if ($item == 'mantra_dot') { $none='None'; } $checkedClass = ($mantra_options['mantra_pin']==$item) ? ' checkedClass' : ''; echo ""; } echo "
".__("The image on top of your captions. ","mantra")."
"; } // RADIO-BUTTON - Name: ma_options[sidebullet] function cryout_setting_sidebullet_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array("mantra_dot2", "arrow_black", "arrow_white", "bullet_dark" , "bullet_gray", "bullet_light", "square_dark", "square_white", "triangle_dark" , "triangle_gray", "triangle_white"); foreach($items as $item) { $none=''; if ($item == 'mantra_dot2') { $none='None'; } $checkedClass = ($mantra_options['mantra_sidebullet']==$item) ? ' checkedClass' : ''; echo ""; } echo "
".__("The sidebar list bullets. ","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[metaback] function cryout_setting_metaback_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Gray" , "White", "None"); $itemsare = array( __("Gray","mantra"), __("White","mantra"), __("None","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("The background for your post-metas area (under your post tiltes). Gray by default.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[postseparator] function cryout_setting_postseparator_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide or show a horizontal rule to separate posts.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[contentlist] function cryout_setting_contentlist_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide or show bullets next to lists that are in your content area (posts, pages etc.).","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[pagetitle] function cryout_setting_pagetitle_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide or show Page titles on any created pages. ","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[categtitle] function cryout_setting_categtitle_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide or show Page titles on Category Pages. ","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[tables] function cryout_setting_tables_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide table borders and background color.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[comtext] function cryout_setting_comtext_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide the explanatory text under the comments form. (starts with You may use these HTML tags and attributes:...).","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[comclosed] function cryout_setting_comclosed_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide in posts", "Hide in pages", "Hide everywhere"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide in posts","mantra"), __("Hide in pages","mantra"), __("Hide everywhere","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide the Comments are closed text that by default shows up on pages or posts with the comments disabled.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[comoff] function cryout_setting_comoff_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide the Comments off text next to posts that have comments disabled.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[backtop] function cryout_setting_backtop_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Enable the Back to Top button. The button appears after scrolling the page down.","mantra")."
"; } //////////////////////////////// //// POST SETTINGS ///////////// //////////////////////////////// //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[postdate] function cryout_setting_postcomlink_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide or show the Leave a comment or x Comments next to posts or post excerpts.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[postdate] function cryout_setting_postdate_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide or show the post date.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[posttime] function cryout_setting_posttime_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Show the post time with the date. Time will not be visible if the Post Date is hidden.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[postauthor] function cryout_setting_postauthor_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide or show the post author.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[postcateg] function cryout_setting_postcateg_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide the post category.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[postbook] function cryout_setting_postbook_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide the 'Bookmark permalink'.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[postmetas] function cryout_setting_postmetas_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide the meta bar. All meta info in it will be hidden.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[posttag] function cryout_setting_posttag_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Show" , "Hide"); $itemsare = array( __("Show","mantra"), __("Hide","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Hide the post tags.","mantra")."
"; } //////////////////////////////// //// EXCERPT SETTINGS ///////////// //////////////////////////////// //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[excerpthome] function cryout_setting_excerpthome_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Excerpt" , "Full Post"); $itemsare = array( __("Excerpt","mantra"), __("Full Post","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Excerpts on the main page. Only standard posts will be affected. All other post formats (aside, image, chat, quote etc.) have their specific formating.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[excerptsticky] function cryout_setting_excerptsticky_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Excerpt" , "Full Post"); $itemsare = array( __("Excerpt","mantra"), __("Full Post","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Choose if you want the sticky posts on your home page to be visible in full or just the excerpts. ","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[excerptarchive] function cryout_setting_excerptarchive_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Excerpt" , "Full Post"); $itemsare = array( __("Excerpt","mantra"), __("Full Post","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Excerpts on archive, categroy and search pages. Same as above, only standard posts will be affected.","mantra")."
"; } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[excerptwords] function cryout_setting_excerptwords_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ""; echo "
".__("The number of words an excerpt will have. When that number is reached the post will be interrupted by a Continue reading link that will take the reader to the full post page.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[magazinelayout] function cryout_setting_magazinelayout_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Enable the Magazine Layout. This layout applies to pages with posts and shows 2 posts per row.","mantra")."
"; } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[excerptdots] function cryout_setting_excerptdots_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ""; echo "
".__("Replaces the three dots ('[...])' that are appended automatically to excerpts.","mantra")."
"; } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[excerptcont] function cryout_setting_excerptcont_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ""; echo "
".__("Edit the 'Continue Reading' link added to your post excerpts.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[excerpttags] function cryout_setting_excerpttags_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".sprintf(__("By default WordPress excerpts remove all HTML tags (%s and all others) and only clean text is left in the excerpt. Enabling this option allows HTML tags to remain in excerpts so all your default formating will be kept.
Just a warning: If HTML tags are enabled, you have to make sure they are not left open. So if within your post you have an opened HTML tag but the except ends before that tag closes, the rest of the site will be contained in that HTML tag. -- Leave 'Disable' if unsure --
, , ') );


//CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[fpost]
function cryout_setting_fpost_fn() {
	global $mantra_options;
	$items = array ("Enable" , "Disable");
	$itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra"));
	echo "";
	$checkedClass = ($mantra_options['mantra_fpostlink']=='1') ? ' checkedClass' : '';

		echo " ";

	echo "
".__("Show featured images as thumbnails on posts. The images must be selected for each post in the Featured Image section.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[fauto] function cryout_setting_fauto_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Show the first image that you inserted in a post as a thumbnail. If you enable this option, the first image in your post will be used even if you selected a Featured Image in you post.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[falign] function cryout_setting_falign_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Left" , "Center", "Right"); $itemsare = array( __("Left","mantra"), __("Center","mantra"), __("Right","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Thumbnail alignment.","mantra")."
"; } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[fwidth] function cryout_setting_fsize_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo "px (width) X "; echo "px (height)"; $checkedClass = ($mantra_options['mantra_fcrop']=='1') ? ' checkedClass' : ''; echo " "; echo "
".__("The size you want the thumbnails to have (in pixels). By default imges will be scaled with aspect ratio kept. Choose to crop the images if you want the exact size.","mantra")."
"; } //CHECKBOX - Name: ma_options[fheader] function cryout_setting_fheader_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array ("Enable" , "Disable"); $itemsare = array( __("Enable","mantra"), __("Disable","mantra")); echo ""; echo "
".__("Show featured images on headers. The header will be replaced with a featured image if you selected it as a Featured Image in the post and and if it is bigger or at least equal to the current header size.","mantra")."
"; } //////////////////////// /// SOCIAL SETTINGS //// //////////////////////// // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[social1] function cryout_setting_social_master($i) { $cryout_special_keys = array('Mail', 'Skype'); $cryout_social_small = array ( '',__('Select your desired Social network from the left dropdown menu and insert your corresponding address in the right input field. (ex: http://www.facebook.com/yourname )','mantra'), '',__("You can insert up to 5 different social sites and addresses.",'mantra'), '',__("There are a total of 27 social networks to choose from. ",'mantra'), '',__("You can leave any number of inputs empty. " ,'mantra'), '',__("You can choose the same social media any number of times. ",'mantra') ); $j=$i+1; global $mantra_options, $socialNetworks; echo " » "; if (in_array($mantra_options['mantra_social'.$i],$cryout_special_keys)) : $cryout_current_social = esc_html( $mantra_options['mantra_social'.$j] ); else : $cryout_current_social = esc_url( $mantra_options['mantra_social'.$j] ); endif; echo ""; echo "
"; } function cryout_setting_socials1_fn() { cryout_setting_social_master(1); } function cryout_setting_socials2_fn() { cryout_setting_social_master(3); } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[social3] function cryout_setting_socials3_fn() { cryout_setting_social_master(5); } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[social4] function cryout_setting_socials4_fn() { cryout_setting_social_master(7); } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[social5] function cryout_setting_socials5_fn() { cryout_setting_social_master(9); } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[socialsdisplay] function cryout_setting_socialsdisplay_fn() { global $mantra_options; $items = array( "Header", "CLeft", "CRight" , "Footer"); $checkedClass0 = ($mantra_options['mantra_socialsdisplay0']=='1') ? ' checkedClass0' : ''; $checkedClass1 = ($mantra_options['mantra_socialsdisplay1']=='1') ? ' checkedClass1' : ''; $checkedClass2 = ($mantra_options['mantra_socialsdisplay2']=='1') ? ' checkedClass2' : ''; $checkedClass3 = ($mantra_options['mantra_socialsdisplay3']=='1') ? ' checkedClass3' : ''; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo "

".__("Choose the areas where to display the social icons.","mantra")."

"; } //////////////////////// /// MISC SETTINGS //// //////////////////////// // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[copyright] function cryout_setting_copyright_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ""; echo "
".__("Insert custom text or HTML code that will appear last in you footer.
You can use HTML to insert links, images and special characters like © .","mantra")."
"; } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[customcss] function cryout_setting_customcss_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ""; echo "
".__("Insert your custom CSS here. Any CSS declarations made here will overwrite Mantra's (even the custom options specified right here in the Mantra Settings page).
Your custom CSS will be preserved when updating the theme.
The <style> tags are not needed.","mantra")."
"; } // TEXTBOX - Name: ma_options[customjs] function cryout_setting_customjs_fn() { global $mantra_options; echo ""; echo "
".__("Insert your custom Javascript code here. (Google Analytics and any other forms of Analytic software).
The <script> tags are not needed.","mantra")."
"; } ?>