# # upgrade_text.py: text mode upgrade dialogs # # Copyright (C) 2001 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import isys import iutil import upgrade from constants_text import * from snack import * from flags import flags from constants import * from storage.formats import getFormat import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") seenExamineScreen = False class UpgradeMigrateFSWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, anaconda): migent = anaconda.storage.migratableDevices g = GridFormHelp(screen, _("Migrate File Systems"), "upmigfs", 1, 4) text = (_("This release of %(productName)s supports " "an updated file system, which has several " "benefits over the file system traditionally shipped " "in %(productName)s. This installation program can migrate " "formatted partitions without data loss.\n\n" "Which of these partitions would you like to migrate?") % {'productName': productName}) tb = TextboxReflowed(60, text) g.add(tb, 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) partlist = CheckboxTree(height=4, scroll=1) for device in migent: if not device.format.exists: migrating = True else: migrating = False # FIXME: the fstype at least will be wrong here partlist.append("%s - %s - %s" % (device.path, device.format.type, device.format.mountpoint), device, migrating) g.add(partlist, 0, 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) buttons = ButtonBar(screen, [TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON] ) g.add(buttons, 0, 3, anchorLeft = 1, growx = 1) while 1: result = g.run() if (buttons.buttonPressed(result)): result = buttons.buttonPressed(result) if result == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_BACK # reset # XXX the way to do this is by scheduling and cancelling actions #for entry in migent: # entry.setFormat(0) # entry.setMigrate(0) # entry.fsystem = entry.origfsystem for entry in partlist.getSelection(): try: newfs = getFormat(entry.format.migratetofs[0]) except Exception, e: log.info("failed to get new filesystem type, defaulting to ext3: %s" %(e,)) newfs = getFormat("ext3") anaconda.storage.migrateFormat(entry, newfs) screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_OK class UpgradeSwapWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, anaconda): (fsList, suggSize, suggDev) = anaconda.upgradeSwapInfo ramDetected = iutil.memInstalled()/1024 text = _("Recent kernels (2.4 or newer) need significantly more swap than older " "kernels, up to twice the amount of RAM on the " "system. You currently have %dMB of swap configured, but " "you may create additional swap space on one of your " "file systems now.") % (iutil.swapAmount() / 1024) tb = TextboxReflowed(60, text) amount = Entry(10, scroll = 0) amount.set(str(suggSize)) l = len(fsList) scroll = 0 if l > 4: l = 4 scroll = 1 listbox = Listbox(l, scroll = scroll) liLabel = Label("%-25s %-15s %8s" % (_("Mount Point"), _("Partition"), _("Free Space"))) count = 0 for (device, size) in fsList: listbox.append("%-25s %-15s %6dMB" % (device.format.mountpoint, device.path, size), count) if (device == suggDev): listbox.setCurrent(count) count = count + 1 buttons = ButtonBar(screen, [TEXT_OK_BUTTON, (_("Skip"), "skip"), TEXT_BACK_BUTTON] ) amGrid = Grid(2, 3) amGrid.setField(Label(_("RAM detected (MB):")), 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (0, 0, 1, 0)) amGrid.setField(Label(str(ramDetected)), 1, 0, anchorLeft = 1) amGrid.setField(Label(_("Suggested size (MB):")), 0, 1, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (0, 0, 1, 0)) amGrid.setField(Label(str(suggSize)), 1, 1, anchorLeft = 1) amGrid.setField(Label(_("Swap file size (MB):")), 0, 2, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (0, 0, 1, 0)) amGrid.setField(amount, 1, 2) liGrid = Grid(1, 2) liGrid.setField(liLabel, 0, 0) liGrid.setField(listbox, 0, 1) g = GridFormHelp(screen, _("Add Swap"), "upgradeswap", 1, 4) g.add(tb, 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) g.add(amGrid, 0, 1, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) g.add(liGrid, 0, 2, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) g.add(buttons, 0, 3, anchorLeft = 1, growx = 1) while 1: result = g.run() if (buttons.buttonPressed(result)): result = buttons.buttonPressed(result) if result == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_BACK elif result == "skip": screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_OK val = amount.value() try: val = int(val) except ValueError: anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("The value you entered is not a " "valid number.")) if type(val) == type(1): (dev, size) = fsList[listbox.current()] if size < (val + 16): anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("There is not enough space on the " "device you selected for the swap " "partition.")) elif val > 2000 or val < 1: anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("The swap file must be between 1 " "and 2000 MB in size.")) else: screen.popWindow() anaconda.storage.createSwapFile(dev, val) anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("addswap", 1) return INSTALL_OK raise ValueError class UpgradeExamineWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, anaconda): parts = anaconda.rootParts height = min(len(parts), 11) + 1 if height == 12: scroll = 1 else: scroll = 0 partList = [] partList.append(_("Reinstall System")) global seenExamineScreen if (not seenExamineScreen and anaconda.dispatch.stepInSkipList("installtype")) or anaconda.upgrade: default = 1 else: default = 0 for (device, desc) in parts: partList.append("%s (%s)" %(desc, device.path)) (button, choice) = ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, _("System to Upgrade"), _("There seem to be one or more existing Linux installations " "on your system.\n\nPlease choose one to rescue, " "or select 'Reinstall System' to freshly install " "your system."), partList, [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON ], width = 55, scroll = scroll, height = height, default = default, help = "upgraderoot") if button == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: return INSTALL_BACK else: if choice == 0: root = None else: root = parts[choice - 1] if root is not None: upgrade.setSteps(anaconda) anaconda.upgrade = True anaconda.upgradeRoot = [(root[0], root[1])] anaconda.rootParts = parts anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("installtype", skip = 1) else: anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("installtype", skip = 0) anaconda.upgradeRoot = None seenExamineScreen = True return INSTALL_OK