Clean License Conditions Clean is available under a dual license: 1 The LGPL the standard GNU Lesser General Open Source license (see below), which is free, but available for non-commercial purposes only. 2 A commercial license (see below) that must be purchased. Information on that license can be obtained from M.J. Plasmeijer, preferably via email: Note, that development under the LGPL license entails some restrictions and responsibilities. More information on the nature of the LGPL is available at and Users can choose which they wish to operate under. However, for commercial applications the LGPL license is not available. Instead, developers wishing to distribute commercial applications (either publicly or privately) must purchase a commercial license. Commercial purposes are those involving money (excluding the costs for distributing and copying): for example: - selling software that uses directly or indirectly the source code of the Clean system or portions thereof; - selling services based on software that uses directly or indirectly the source code of the Clean system, or portions thereof; - using software that uses directly or indirectly the source code of the Clean system, or portions thereof, to examine, manage, measure or report the performance of a business. Warning Developers who distribute commercial applications, either publicly or privately, that are written using the Clean system, who do not have a commercial license are in breach of these license conditions and of US and International copyright law. The penalties for such breaches are quite severe, and offenders will be prosecuted. Note For a few parts of the Clean system the sources are not available yet. In particular, this concerns the alpha release of Sparkle. It is the intention that for these parts the sources will be available soon under these license conditions. For the time being, these parts of the Clean system are available under the old Clean license conditions (see below) only. December 21, 2001. OLD Clean License Conditions ============================ The Concurrent Clean Compiler and the Concurrent Clean Program Development System are developed by the Research Group on Functional Programming Languages at the University of Nijmegen (copyright University of Nijmegen, Hilt High Level Software Tools B.V. , 1987-2000). The Clean Software can be used free of charge only if it is used for non-profit purposes in a non-commercial environment, i.e. for educational or research purposes in a non-profit institute or for personal, non-commercial use. For this kind of use it is allowed to copy the software under the condition that the complete distribution (see the Clean Distribution page) for a certain platform is copied, including this license condition, copyright notice, language manual, help file, the compiler, the code generator and the development system. Under the same conditions it is allowed to re-distribute the system. We appreciate it very much if you would inform us when you copy or redistribute the system. For ANY use of Clean with a commercial purpose or in a commercial environment a commercial license is needed. For a commercial license one has to contact Rinus Plasmeijer either via the registration form or via e-mail or Department of Computer Science University of Nijmegen Toernooiveld 1 6525 ED Nijmegen tel: +31 80 652644 fax: +31 80 652525. The Clean Software is distributed via ftp: More information about Clean is also available on the World Wide Web: Versions of Concurrent Clean are available for several platforms.