# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/anjuta/anjuta-,v 1.2 2011/01/24 15:51:47 eva Exp $ EAPI="3" GCONF_DEBUG="yes" PYTHON_DEPEND="2" inherit eutils gnome2 flag-o-matic multilib python DESCRIPTION="A versatile IDE for GNOME" HOMEPAGE="http://www.anjuta.org" SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} mirror://gentoo/introspection.m4.bz2" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd" IUSE="debug devhelp doc glade graphviz +introspection +sourceview subversion test vala" RDEPEND=">=dev-libs/glib-2.25.15:2 >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.20.0:2 >=dev-libs/dbus-glib-0.70 >=gnome-base/gconf-2.12 >=x11-libs/vte-0.13.1 >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.4.23 >=dev-libs/gdl-2.27.1 >=dev-libs/libunique-1 dev-libs/libxslt >=dev-lang/perl-5 dev-perl/Locale-gettext sys-devel/autogen >=gnome-extra/libgda-4.1.6:4 dev-util/ctags x11-libs/libXft x11-libs/libXrender devhelp? ( >=dev-util/devhelp-0.22 >=net-libs/webkit-gtk-1 ) glade? ( >=dev-util/glade-3.6.7 ) graphviz? ( >=media-gfx/graphviz-2.6 ) introspection? ( >=dev-libs/gobject-introspection-0.6.6 ) subversion? ( >=dev-vcs/subversion-1.5.0 >=net-libs/neon-0.28.2 >=dev-libs/apr-1 >=dev-libs/apr-util-1 ) sourceview? ( >=x11-libs/gtksourceview-2.9.7:2.0 ) vala? ( >=dev-lang/vala-0.9.5:0.10 )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} !!dev-libs/gnome-build >=sys-devel/gettext-0.14 >=dev-util/intltool-0.40.1 >=dev-util/pkgconfig-0.20 >=app-text/scrollkeeper-0.3.14-r2 >=app-text/gnome-doc-utils-0.3.2 dev-util/gtk-doc-am gnome-base/gnome-common doc? ( >=dev-util/gtk-doc-1.4 ) test? ( ~app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.1.2 ~app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.5 )" pkg_setup() { DOCS="AUTHORS ChangeLog FUTURE MAINTAINERS NEWS README ROADMAP THANKS TODO" if ! use sourceview; then ewarn "You have disabled sourceview, which means you now have no editor" fi G2CONF="${G2CONF} --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} $(use_enable debug) $(use_enable devhelp plugin-devhelp) $(use_enable glade plugin-glade) $(use_enable graphviz) $(use_enable introspection) $(use_enable sourceview plugin-sourceview) $(use_enable subversion plugin-subversion) $(use_enable vala)" if use vala; then G2CONF="${G2CONF} VALAC=$(type -P valac-0.10)" fi # Conflics wiht -pg in a plugin, bug #266777 filter-flags -fomit-frame-pointer python_set_active_version 2 } #src_prepare() { # gnome2_src_prepare # Needed to preserve introspection configure option, see bgo#633730 # eautoreconf needs introspection.m4 # # Looks to not be needed for this version, but, if introspection configure # option is lost again, revisit this. # cp "${WORKDIR}"/introspection.m4 . || die # intltoolize --force --copy --automake || die "intltoolize failed" # AT_M4DIR="." eautoreconf #} src_install() { # Anjuta uses a custom rule to install DOCS, get rid of it gnome2_src_install rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/${PN} || die "rm failed" find "${ED}" -name "*.la" -delete || die "remove of la files failed" } pkg_postinst() { gnome2_pkg_postinst elog "" elog "Some project templates may require additional development" elog "libraries to function correctly. It goes beyond the scope" elog "of this ebuild to provide them." }