# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/matplotlib/matplotlib-,v 1.1 2009/01/25 16:01:56 patrick Exp $ WX_GTK_VER=2.8 EAPI=2 inherit distutils wxwidgets PDOC="users_guide_${PV}" DESCRIPTION="Pure python plotting library with matlab like syntax" HOMEPAGE="http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz doc? ( http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/Matplotlib.pdf -> ${PDOC}.pdf )" IUSE="cairo doc excel examples fltk gtk latex qt3 qt4 traits tk wxwindows" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" LICENSE="PYTHON BSD" CDEPEND=">=dev-python/numpy-1.1 dev-python/python-dateutil dev-python/pytz media-libs/freetype:2 media-libs/libpng gtk? ( dev-python/pygtk ) tk? ( dev-lang/python[tk] ) wxwindows? ( dev-python/wxpython:2.8 )" DEPEND="${CDEPEND} dev-python/pycxx dev-util/pkgconfig" RDEPEND="${CDEPEND} >=dev-python/pyparsing-1.5.1 || ( media-fonts/dejavu media-fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera ) cairo? ( dev-python/pycairo ) excel? ( dev-python/xlwt ) fltk? ( dev-python/pyfltk ) qt3? ( dev-python/PyQt ) qt4? ( dev-python/PyQt4 ) traits? ( dev-python/traits dev-python/configobj ) latex? ( virtual/latex-base virtual/ghostscript app-text/dvipng app-text/poppler media-fonts/stix-fonts || ( dev-texlive/texlive-fontsrecommended app-text/tetex app-text/ptex ) )" DOCS="INTERACTIVE" use_setup() { local uword="${2}" [ -z "${2}" ] && uword="${1}" if use ${1}; then echo "${uword} = True" echo "${uword}agg = True" else echo "${uword} = False" echo "${uword}agg = False" fi } src_prepare() { # create setup.cfg (see setup.cfg.template for any changes) cat > setup.cfg <<-EOF [provide_packages] pytz = False dateutil = False configobj = False enthought.traits = False [gui_support] $(use_setup gtk) $(use_setup tk) $(use_setup wxwindows wx) $(use_setup qt3 qt) $(use_setup qt4) $(use_setup fltk) $(use_setup cairo) EOF # avoid checks needing a X display sed -i \ -e "s/check_for_gtk()/$(use gtk && echo True || echo False)/" \ -e "s/check_for_tk()/$(use tk && echo True || echo False)/" \ setup.py || die "sed setup.py failed" # respect FHS: # - mpl-data in /usr/share/matplotlib # - config files in /etc/matplotlib sed -i \ -e "/'mpl-data\/matplotlibrc',/d" \ -e "/'mpl-data\/matplotlib.conf',/d" \ -e "s:'lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlibrc':'matplotlibrc':" \ -e "s:'lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlib.conf':'matplotlib.conf':" \ setup.py \ || die "sed setup.py for FHS failed" sed -i \ -e "s:path = get_data_path():path = '/etc/matplotlib':" \ -e "s:os.path.dirname(__file__):'/usr/share/${PN}':g" \ lib/matplotlib/{__init__,config/cutils}.py \ || die "sed init for FHS failed" # remove internal copies of fonts, pycxx, pyparsing rm -rf \ CXX \ lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts \ lib/matplotlib/pyparsing.py \ || die "removed internal copies failed" ln -s /usr/share/python*/CXX . || die sed -i \ -e 's/matplotlib.pyparsing/pyparsing/g' \ lib/matplotlib/*.py || die "sed for pyparsing failed" } src_install() { distutils_src_install # respect FHS dodir /usr/share/${PN} mv "${D}"/usr/*/*/site-packages/${PN}/{mpl-data,backends/Matplotlib.nib} \ "${D}"/usr/share/${PN} || die "failed renaming" insinto /etc/matplotlib doins matplotlibrc matplotlib.conf \ || die "installing config files failed" # doc and examples insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF} if use doc; then doins "${DISTDIR}"/${PDOC}.pdf || die fi if use examples; then doins -r examples || die fi }