diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kde-base/kdebase')
13 files changed, 275 insertions, 572 deletions
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/ChangeLog b/kde-base/kdebase/ChangeLog
index c5f58e47c4e4..138a8149e753 100644
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/ChangeLog
+++ b/kde-base/kdebase/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# ChangeLog for kde-base/kdebase
# Copyright 2002-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/kde-base/kdebase/ChangeLog,v 1.438 2008/03/20 17:47:47 ingmar Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/kde-base/kdebase/ChangeLog,v 1.439 2008/04/15 10:05:10 philantrop Exp $
+*kdebase-3.5.9-r2 (15 Apr 2008)
+ 15 Apr 2008; Wulf C. Krueger <>
+ -files/kdesktop-3.5.3-screensaver.patch,
+ -files/kdebase-startkde-3.5.3-xinitrcd.patch,
+ -files/kdebase-kioslaves-3.5.5-fstab.patch,
+ -files/kwin-3.5.5-input-shape.patch,
+ -files/nsplugins-3.5.5-npapi-64bit.patch,
+ -files/kate-3.5.5-visibility.patch,
+ -files/nsplugins-3.5.6-keyboard-handler.diff,
+ -files/konqueror-3.5.7-185603-spoofing.diff,
+ -files/konqueror-3.5.7-location.patch, -files/kdm-3.5.7-login.diff,
+ -files/kate-3.5.7-session-save.patch, +kdebase-3.5.9-r2.ebuild:
+ Re-added Lubos Lunak's Xinerama patch as kindly provided by Vladimir Brik
+ on bug 211469. Removed obsolete patches.
20 Mar 2008; Ingmar Vanhassel <>
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kate-3.5.5-visibility.patch b/kde-base/kdebase/files/kate-3.5.5-visibility.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4468a30ffff6..000000000000
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kate-3.5.5-visibility.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-SVN commit 599194 by dhaumann:
-fix missing KDE_EXPORTs which caused undefined references for kate plugins.
- M +1 -1 application.h
- M +1 -1 documentmanager.h
- M +2 -2 plugin.h
- M +1 -1 pluginconfiginterface.h
- M +1 -1 pluginconfiginterfaceextension.h
---- branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kate/interfaces/application.h #599193:599194
-@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
- * Returns the application object
- * @return Application application object
- */
--Application *application ();
-+KDE_EXPORT Application *application ();
- }
---- branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kate/interfaces/documentmanager.h #599193:599194
-@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
- * Returns the document manager object
- * @return DocumentManager document manager object
- */
--DocumentManager *documentManager ();
-+KDE_EXPORT DocumentManager *documentManager ();
- }
---- branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kate/interfaces/plugin.h #599193:599194
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- unsigned int myPluginNumber;
- };
--Plugin *createPlugin ( const char* libname, Application *application = 0, const char *name = 0,const QStringList &args = QStringList() );
-+KDE_EXPORT Plugin *createPlugin ( const char* libname, Application *application = 0, const char *name = 0,const QStringList &args = QStringList() );
- /*
- * view plugin class
-@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
- unsigned int myPluginViewInterfaceNumber;
- };
--PluginViewInterface *pluginViewInterface (Plugin *plugin);
-+KDE_EXPORT PluginViewInterface *pluginViewInterface (Plugin *plugin);
- }
---- branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kate/interfaces/pluginconfiginterface.h #599193:599194
-@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
- };
- class Plugin;
--PluginConfigInterface *pluginConfigInterface (Plugin *plugin);
-+KDE_EXPORT PluginConfigInterface *pluginConfigInterface (Plugin *plugin);
- }
---- branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kate/interfaces/pluginconfiginterfaceextension.h #599193:599194
-@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
- };
- class Plugin;
--PluginConfigInterfaceExtension *pluginConfigInterfaceExtension (Plugin *plugin);
-+KDE_EXPORT PluginConfigInterfaceExtension *pluginConfigInterfaceExtension (Plugin *plugin);
- }
-KWrite-Devel mailing list
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kate-3.5.7-session-save.patch b/kde-base/kdebase/files/kate-3.5.7-session-save.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fe8029365357..000000000000
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kate-3.5.7-session-save.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
---- branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kate/app/katesession.cpp 2007/06/16 03:24:38 676114
-+++ branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kate/app/katesession.cpp 2007/06/16 03:24:56 676115
-@@ -381,13 +381,13 @@
- if (sesExit == "ask")
- {
-- KDialogBase dlg( i18n ("Save Session?")
-+ KDialogBase* dlg = new KDialogBase(i18n ("Save Session?")
- , KDialogBase::Yes | KDialogBase::No
- , KDialogBase::Yes, KDialogBase::No
- );
- bool dontAgain = false;
-- int res = KMessageBox::createKMessageBox(&dlg, QMessageBox::Question,
-+ int res = KMessageBox::createKMessageBox(dlg, QMessageBox::Question,
- i18n("Save current session?"), QStringList(),
- i18n("Do not ask again"), &dontAgain, KMessageBox::Notify);
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdebase-kioslaves-3.5.5-fstab.patch b/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdebase-kioslaves-3.5.5-fstab.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f0721e75fb7..000000000000
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdebase-kioslaves-3.5.5-fstab.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-From: Stephan Kulow <>
-Subject: branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kioslave/media/mediamanager
-Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2006 09:32:17 +0000
-Message-Id: <>
-Content-Type: text/plain;
- charset="us-ascii"
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
-X-Length: 6245
-SVN commit 593835 by coolo:
-devices that are in fstab should show up no matter what HAL thinks
- M +16 -7 halbackend.cpp
---- branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kioslave/media/mediamanager/halbackend.cpp #593834:593835
-@@ -215,11 +215,6 @@
- !libhal_device_get_property_bool(m_halContext, udi, "volume.disc.is_blank", NULL) )
- return;
-- if ( ( libhal_device_get_property_QString(m_halContext, udi, "volume.fsusage") == "filesystem" &&
-- !libhal_device_get_property_bool(m_halContext, udi, "volume.is_mounted", NULL ) ) &&
-- ( libhal_device_get_property_bool(m_halContext, udi, "volume.ignore", NULL ) ) )
-- return;
- /* Query drive udi */
- QString driveUdi = libhal_device_get_property_QString(m_halContext, udi, "block.storage_device");
- /* We don't list floppy volumes because we list floppy drives */
-@@ -240,7 +235,19 @@
- /* Create medium */
- Medium* medium = new Medium(udi, "");
-+ setVolumeProperties(medium);
-+ if ( isInFstab( medium ).isNull() )
-+ {
-+ // if it's not mountable by user and not by HAL, don't show it at all
-+ if ( ( libhal_device_get_property_QString(m_halContext, udi, "volume.fsusage") == "filesystem" &&
-+ !libhal_device_get_property_bool(m_halContext, udi, "volume.is_mounted", NULL ) ) &&
-+ ( libhal_device_get_property_bool(m_halContext, udi, "volume.ignore", NULL ) ) )
-+ {
-+ delete medium;
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ }
- QMap<QString,QString> options = MediaManagerUtils::splitOptions(mountoptions(udi));
- kdDebug() << "automount " << options["automount"] << endl;
- if (options["automount"] == "true" && allowNotification ) {
-@@ -248,7 +255,6 @@
- if (!error.isEmpty())
- kdDebug() << "error " << error << endl;
- }
-- setVolumeProperties(medium);
- m_mediaList.addMedium(medium, allowNotification);
- return;
-@@ -992,7 +998,10 @@
- for (; it!=end; ++it)
- {
-- kdDebug() << "isInFstab -" << medium->deviceNode() << "- -" << (*it)->realDeviceName() << "- -" << (*it)->mountedFrom() << endl;
-+ QString reald = (*it)->realDeviceName();
-+ if ( reald.endsWith( "/" ) )
-+ reald = reald.left( reald.length() - 1 );
-+ kdDebug() << "isInFstab -" << medium->deviceNode() << "- -" << reald << "- -" << (*it)->mountedFrom() << "-" << endl;
- if ((*it)->mountedFrom() == medium->deviceNode() || ( !medium->deviceNode().isEmpty() && (*it)->realDeviceName() == medium->deviceNode() ) )
- {
- QStringList opts = (*it)->mountOptions();
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdebase-startkde-3.5.3-xinitrcd.patch b/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdebase-startkde-3.5.3-xinitrcd.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 88a7e1baf467..000000000000
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdebase-startkde-3.5.3-xinitrcd.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Index: kdebase-startkde-3.5.3/startkde
---- kdebase-startkde-3.5.3.orig/startkde
-+++ kdebase-startkde-3.5.3/startkde
-@@ -188,6 +188,13 @@ for prefix in `echo "$exepath" | sed -n
- done
- done
-+# Source scripts in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ for system-level defined stuff
-+if test -d "/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/"; then
-+ for file in "/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/"*; do
-+ test -x "$file" && . "$file"
-+ done
- # Activate the kde font directories.
- #
- # There are 4 directories that may be used for supplying fonts for KDE.
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdesktop-3.5.3-screensaver.patch b/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdesktop-3.5.3-screensaver.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8edf3a6b97c4..000000000000
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdesktop-3.5.3-screensaver.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-Index: kdesktop/
---- kdesktop/ (revision 548007)
-+++ kdesktop/ (revision 548008)
-@@ -42,9 +42,6 @@
- XGetScreenSaver(qt_xdisplay(), &mXTimeout, &mXInterval,
- &mXBlanking, &mXExposures);
-- // We'll handle blanking
-- XSetScreenSaver(qt_xdisplay(), 0, mXInterval, mXBlanking, mXExposures);
- mState = Waiting;
- mXAutoLock = 0;
- mEnabled = false;
-@@ -158,6 +155,9 @@
- mXAutoLock->setDPMS(mDPMS);
- //mXAutoLock->changeCornerLockStatus( mLockCornerTopLeft, mLockCornerTopRight, mLockCornerBottomLeft, mLockCornerBottomRight);
-+ // We'll handle blanking
-+ XSetScreenSaver(qt_xdisplay(), mTimeout + 10, mXInterval, mXBlanking, mXExposures);
- mXAutoLock->start();
- kdDebug(1204) << "Saver Engine started, timeout: " << mTimeout << endl;
-@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@
- mXAutoLock = 0;
- }
-+ XSetScreenSaver(qt_xdisplay(), 0, mXInterval, mXBlanking, mXExposures);
- kdDebug(1204) << "Saver Engine disabled" << endl;
- }
-@@ -291,7 +292,6 @@
- kdDebug(1204) << "SaverEngine: stopping lock" << endl;
- emitDCOPSignal("KDE_stop_screensaver()", QByteArray());
- mLockProcess.kill();
- if (mXAutoLock)
-@@ -300,6 +300,7 @@
- }
- processLockTransactions();
- mState = Waiting;
-+ XSetScreenSaver(qt_xdisplay(), mTimeout + 10, mXInterval, mXBlanking, mXExposures);
- }
- void SaverEngine::lockProcessExited()
-@@ -314,6 +315,7 @@
- }
- processLockTransactions();
- mState = Waiting;
-+ XSetScreenSaver(qt_xdisplay(), mTimeout + 10, mXInterval, mXBlanking, mXExposures);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -322,6 +324,8 @@
- //
- void SaverEngine::idleTimeout()
- {
-+ // disable X screensaver
-+ XSetScreenSaver(qt_xdisplay(), 0, mXInterval, mXBlanking, mXExposures);
- startLockProcess( DefaultLock );
- }
-Index: kdesktop/
---- kdesktop/ (revision 548007)
-+++ kdesktop/ (revision 548008)
-@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@
- bool activate = false;
-+ kdDebug() << now << " " << mTrigger << endl;
- if (now >= mTrigger)
- {
- resetTrigger();
-@@ -202,6 +203,8 @@
- BOOL on;
- CARD16 state;
- DPMSInfo( qt_xdisplay(), &state, &on );
-+ kdDebug() << "DPMSInfo " << state << " " << on << endl;
- // If DPMS is active, it makes XScreenSaverQueryInfo() report idle time
- // that is always smaller than DPMS timeout (X bug I guess). So if DPMS
- // saving is active, simply always activate our saving too, otherwise
-@@ -217,9 +220,11 @@
- static XScreenSaverInfo* mitInfo = 0;
- if (!mitInfo) mitInfo = XScreenSaverAllocInfo ();
-- XScreenSaverQueryInfo (qt_xdisplay(), DefaultRootWindow (qt_xdisplay()), mitInfo);
-- if (mitInfo->state == ScreenSaverDisabled)
-- activate = false;
-+ if (XScreenSaverQueryInfo (qt_xdisplay(), DefaultRootWindow (qt_xdisplay()), mitInfo)) {
-+ kdDebug() << "XScreenSaverQueryInfo " << mitInfo->state << " " << ScreenSaverDisabled << endl;
-+ if (mitInfo->state == ScreenSaverDisabled)
-+ activate = false;
-+ }
- #endif
- if(mActive && activate)
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdm-3.5.7-login.diff b/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdm-3.5.7-login.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 40b6abb8ec0e..000000000000
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kdm-3.5.7-login.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
---- kdm/backend/session.c
-+++ kdm/bakcend/session.c
-@@ -121,8 +121,9 @@
- static void
- DoAutoLogon( void )
- {
-- StrDup( &curuser, td->autoUser );
-- StrDup( &curpass, td->autoPass );
-+ ReStr( &curuser, td->autoUser );
-+ ReStr( &curpass, td->autoPass );
-+ ReStr( &curtype, "classic" );
- cursource = PWSRC_AUTOLOGIN;
- }
-@@ -141,7 +142,9 @@
- td->hstent->npass = 0;
- newdmrc = td->hstent->nargs;
- td->hstent->nargs = 0;
-+ ReStr( &curtype, "classic" );
- cursource = (td->hstent->rLogin == 1) ? PWSRC_RELOGIN : PWSRC_MANUAL;
-+ return 1;
- } else if (*td->autoUser && !td->autoDelay && (tdiff > 0 || td->autoAgain))
- {
- unsigned int lmask;
-@@ -153,11 +156,9 @@
- if (lmask & ShiftMask)
- return 0;
- DoAutoLogon();
-- } else {
-- cursource = PWSRC_MANUAL;
-- return 0;
-+ return 1;
- }
-- return 1;
-+ return 0;
- }
-@@ -369,6 +370,7 @@
- if (curtype) free( curtype );
- curtype = GRecvStr();
- Debug( " type %\"s\n", curtype );
-+ cursource = PWSRC_MANUAL;
- if (Verify( conv_interact, rootok )) {
- Debug( " -> return success\n" );
- GSendInt( V_OK );
-@@ -378,7 +380,6 @@
- case G_AutoLogin:
- Debug( "G_AutoLogin\n" );
- DoAutoLogon();
-- StrDup( &curtype, "classic" );
- if (Verify( conv_auto, FALSE )) {
- Debug( " -> return success\n" );
- GSendInt( V_OK );
-@@ -565,7 +566,7 @@
- tdiff = td->autoAgain ?
- 1 : time( 0 ) - td->hstent->lastExit - td->openDelay;
- if (AutoLogon( tdiff )) {
-- if (!StrDup( &curtype, "classic" ) || !Verify( conv_auto, FALSE ))
-+ if (!Verify( conv_auto, FALSE ))
- goto gcont;
- if (greeter)
- GSendInt( V_OK );
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/files/konqueror-3.5.7-185603-spoofing.diff b/kde-base/kdebase/files/konqueror-3.5.7-185603-spoofing.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d6e44ef4f82..000000000000
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/files/konqueror-3.5.7-185603-spoofing.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
---- konqueror/
-+++ konqueror/
-@@ -158,6 +158,9 @@ void KonqCombo::setURL( const QString& u
- kapp->dcopClient()->send( "konqueror*", "KonquerorIface",
- "addToCombo(QString,QCString)", data);
- }
-+ // important security consideration: always display the beginning
-+ // of the url rather than its end to prevent spoofing attempts.
-+ lineEdit()->setCursorPosition( 0 );
- }
- void KonqCombo::setTemporary( const QString& text )
---- konqueror/
-+++ konqueror/
-@@ -611,12 +611,11 @@ void KonqMainWindow::openURL( KonqView *
- }
- else // no known serviceType, use KonqRun
- {
-- if ( ( view && view == m_currentView ) ||
-- ( !view && !req.newTab ) ) // startup with argument
-+ if ( ( !view || view->url().isEmpty() ) && !req.newTab ) // startup with argument
- {
- // Show it for now in the location bar, but we'll need to store it in the view
- // later on (can't do it yet since either view == 0 or updateHistoryEntry will be called).
-- kdDebug(1202) << "setLocationBarURL : url = " << url << endl;
-+ kdDebug(1202) << "setLocationBarURL (startup) : url = " << url << endl;
- setLocationBarURL( url );
- }
-@@ -819,8 +818,6 @@ bool KonqMainWindow::openView( QString s
- if ( childView )
- {
- enableAllActions( true );
-- m_pViewManager->setActivePart( childView->part() );
- m_currentView = childView;
- }
- }
---- konqueror/
-+++ konqueror/
-@@ -1395,6 +1395,8 @@ void KonqViewManager::slotActivePartChan
- void KonqViewManager::emitActivePartChanged()
- {
-+ // prevent unnecessary multiple calls to slotPartActivated:
-+ m_activePartChangedTimer->stop();
- m_pMainWindow->slotPartActivated( activePart() );
- }
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/files/konqueror-3.5.7-location.patch b/kde-base/kdebase/files/konqueror-3.5.7-location.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7061e6a1b940..000000000000
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/files/konqueror-3.5.7-location.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Index: konqueror/
---- konqueror/ (revision 643782)
-+++ konqueror/ (working copy)
-@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@
- kapp->dcopClient()->send( "konqueror*", "KonquerorIface",
- "addToCombo(QString,QCString)", data);
- }
-+ lineEdit()->setCursorPosition( 0 );
- }
- void KonqCombo::setTemporary( const QString& text )
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kwin-3.5.5-input-shape.patch b/kde-base/kdebase/files/kwin-3.5.5-input-shape.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 94cd32d24636..000000000000
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/files/kwin-3.5.5-input-shape.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-From Tue Oct 10 12:25:53 2006
-Subject: branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kwin
-Message-Id: <>
-Content-Type: text/plain;
- charset="us-ascii"
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
-X-Length: 6070
-X-UID: 85
-SVN commit 594159 by lunakl:
-Build the input shape on a helper window instead of directly,
-this avoids having a hole in the shape temporarily. This seems
-to break non-click-to-focus mouse policies on some systems
-(works fine here though).
-BUG: 135250
- M +19 -6 client.cpp
---- branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kwin/client.cpp #594158:594159
-@@ -477,16 +477,29 @@
- // calls it or when the decoration is created/destroyed
- if( Shape::version() >= 0x11 ) // 1.1, has input shape support
-- { // there appears to be no way to find out if a window has input
-- // shape set or not, so always set propagate the input shape
-- // (it's the same like the bounding shape by default)
-- XShapeCombineShape( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), ShapeInput, 0, 0,
-+ { // There appears to be no way to find out if a window has input
-+ // shape set or not, so always propagate the input shape
-+ // (it's the same like the bounding shape by default).
-+ // Also, build the shape using a helper window, not directly
-+ // in the frame window, because the sequence set-shape-to-frame,
-+ // remove-shape-of-client, add-input-shape-of-client has the problem
-+ // that after the second step there's a hole in the input shape
-+ // until the real shape of the client is added and that can make
-+ // the window lose focus (which is a problem with mouse focus policies)
-+ static Window helper_window = None;
-+ if( helper_window == None )
-+ helper_window = XCreateSimpleWindow( qt_xdisplay(), qt_xrootwin(),
-+ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 );
-+ XResizeWindow( qt_xdisplay(), helper_window, width(), height());
-+ XShapeCombineShape( qt_xdisplay(), helper_window, ShapeInput, 0, 0,
- frameId(), ShapeBounding, ShapeSet );
-- XShapeCombineShape( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), ShapeInput,
-+ XShapeCombineShape( qt_xdisplay(), helper_window, ShapeInput,
- clientPos().x(), clientPos().y(),
- window(), ShapeBounding, ShapeSubtract );
-- XShapeCombineShape( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), ShapeInput,
-+ XShapeCombineShape( qt_xdisplay(), helper_window, ShapeInput,
- clientPos().x(), clientPos().y(),
- window(), ShapeInput, ShapeUnion );
-+ XShapeCombineShape( qt_xdisplay(), frameId(), ShapeInput, 0, 0,
-+ helper_window, ShapeInput, ShapeSet );
- }
- }
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/files/nsplugins-3.5.5-npapi-64bit.patch b/kde-base/kdebase/files/nsplugins-3.5.5-npapi-64bit.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 090219caa0b4..000000000000
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/files/nsplugins-3.5.5-npapi-64bit.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
---- kdebase-3.4.2/nsplugins/sdk/npapi.h.npapi-64bit-fixes 2005-05-23 14:14:25.000000000 +0200
-+++ kdebase-3.4.2/nsplugins/sdk/npapi.h 2006-11-13 10:49:45.000000000 +0100
-@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
- typedef unsigned short uint16;
- #endif
- #ifndef _UINT32
--#if defined(__alpha)
-+#if defined(__alpha) || defined(_AIX) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__LP64__)
- typedef unsigned int uint32;
- #else /* __alpha */
- typedef unsigned long uint32;
-@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ typedef unsigned long uint32;
- typedef short int16;
- #endif
- #ifndef _INT32
--#if defined(__alpha) || defined(_AIX)
-+#if defined(__alpha) || defined(_AIX) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__LP64__)
- typedef int int32;
- #else /* __alpha || _AIX */
- typedef long int32;
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/files/nsplugins-3.5.6-keyboard-handler.diff b/kde-base/kdebase/files/nsplugins-3.5.6-keyboard-handler.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d301d6d4e69..000000000000
--- a/kde-base/kdebase/files/nsplugins-3.5.6-keyboard-handler.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-r652585 | lunakl | 2007-04-11 16:26:32 +0200 (Wed, 11 Apr 2007) | 3 lines
-Changed paths:
- M /branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/nsplugins/viewer/qxteventloop.cpp
-Fix keyboard events handling.
-Index: nsplugins/viewer/qxteventloop.cpp
---- nsplugins/viewer/qxteventloop.cpp (revision 652584)
-+++ nsplugins/viewer/qxteventloop.cpp (revision 652585)
-@@ -32,12 +32,16 @@
- ** not clear to you.
- **
- **********************************************************************/
-+#include <config.h>
- #include "qxteventloop.h"
- #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030100
- #include <qapplication.h>
- #include <qwidgetintdict.h>
-+#include <kglobal.h>
- // resolve the conflict between X11's FocusIn and QEvent::FocusIn
- const int XFocusOut = FocusOut;
-@@ -52,6 +56,8 @@ const int XKeyRelease = KeyRelease;
- Boolean qmotif_event_dispatcher( XEvent *event );
-+static void handle_xquerykeymap( Display* dpy, XEvent* event );
- class QXtEventLoopPrivate
- {
- public:
-@@ -147,6 +153,7 @@ void QXtEventLoopPrivate::unhook()
- extern bool qt_try_modal( QWidget *, XEvent * ); // defined in qapplication_x11.cpp
- Boolean qmotif_event_dispatcher( XEvent *event )
- {
-+ handle_xquerykeymap( qt_xdisplay(), event );
- QApplication::sendPostedEvents();
- QWidgetIntDict *mapper = &static_d->mapper;
-@@ -462,6 +469,29 @@ bool QXtEventLoop::processEvents( Proces
- return ( (flags & WaitForMore) || ( pendingmask != 0 ) || nevents > 0 );
- }
-+#include <dlfcn.h>
-+static char xquerykeymap_data[ 32 ];
-+static int (*real_xquerykeymap)( Display*, char[32] ) = NULL;
-+static void handle_xquerykeymap( Display* dpy, XEvent* event )
-+ if( real_xquerykeymap == NULL )
-+ real_xquerykeymap = (int (*)( Display*, char[32] )) dlsym( RTLD_NEXT, "XQueryKeymap" );
-+ if( event->type == XFocusIn || event->type == XKeyPress || event->type == XKeyRelease )
-+ real_xquerykeymap( dpy, xquerykeymap_data );
-+ if( event->type == XFocusOut )
-+ memset( xquerykeymap_data, 0, 32 );
-+extern "C" KDE_EXPORT
-+int XQueryKeymap( Display* , char k[32] )
-+ memcpy( k, xquerykeymap_data, 32 );
-+ return 1;
- #include "qxteventloop.moc"
- #endif
diff --git a/kde-base/kdebase/kdebase-3.5.9-r2.ebuild b/kde-base/kdebase/kdebase-3.5.9-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..86eddbcb17eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kde-base/kdebase/kdebase-3.5.9-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/kde-base/kdebase/kdebase-3.5.9-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/04/15 10:05:10 philantrop Exp $
+inherit multilib kde-dist eutils flag-o-matic
+ mirror://gentoo/kdebase-3.5-patchset-11.tar.bz2
+ mirror://gentoo/kde-3.5.9-seli-xinerama.tar.bz2"
+DESCRIPTION="KDE base packages: the desktop, panel, window manager, konqueror..."
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="branding cups java ldap ieee1394 hal joystick lm_sensors logitech-mouse openexr opengl
+pam samba xcomposite xscreensaver xinerama kdehiddenvisibility"
+# hal: enables hal backend for 'media:' ioslave
+ media-libs/fontconfig
+ dev-libs/openssl
+ pam? ( kde-base/kdebase-pam )
+ >=dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2
+ ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-2 )
+ cups? ( net-print/cups )
+ opengl? ( virtual/opengl )
+ openexr? ( >=media-libs/openexr-1.2.2-r2 )
+ samba? ( >=net-fs/samba-3.0.4 )
+ lm_sensors? ( sys-apps/lm_sensors )
+ logitech-mouse? ( >=dev-libs/libusb-0.1.10a )
+ ieee1394? ( sys-libs/libraw1394 )
+ hal? ( dev-libs/dbus-qt3-old =sys-apps/hal-0.5* )
+ xcomposite? ( x11-libs/libXcomposite x11-libs/libXdamage )
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXau
+ x11-libs/libXfixes
+ x11-libs/libXrender
+ x11-libs/libXtst
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ xscreensaver? ( x11-libs/libXScrnSaver )
+ xinerama? ( x11-libs/libXinerama )"
+ sys-apps/usbutils
+ sys-devel/gdb
+ java? ( >=virtual/jre-1.4 )
+ kernel_linux? ( || ( >=sys-apps/eject-2.1.5 sys-block/unieject ) )
+ virtual/ssh
+ www-misc/htdig
+ x11-apps/mkfontdir
+ x11-apps/setxkbmap
+ x11-apps/xinit
+ || ( x11-misc/xkeyboard-config x11-misc/xkbdata )
+ x11-apps/xmessage
+ x11-apps/xprop
+ x11-apps/xrandr
+ x11-apps/xsetroot
+ x11-apps/xset"
+ xcomposite? ( x11-proto/compositeproto x11-proto/damageproto )
+ xscreensaver? ( x11-proto/scrnsaverproto )
+ xinerama? ( x11-proto/xineramaproto )
+ x11-apps/bdftopcf
+ x11-apps/xhost"
+need-kde 3.5.9
+ ksmserver-3.5.8-suspend_configure.diff"
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/kdm-${PV}-respect-cflags.patch"
+ "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-seli-xinerama.patch" )
+pkg_setup() {
+ kde_pkg_setup
+ if use hal && has_version '<sys-apps/dbus-0.90' && ! built_with_use sys-apps/dbus qt3; then
+ eerror "To enable HAL support in this package is required to have"
+ eerror "sys-apps/dbus compiled with Qt 3 support."
+ eerror "Please reemerge sys-apps/dbus with USE=\"qt3\"."
+ die "Please reemerge sys-apps/dbus with USE=\"qt3\"."
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ kde_src_unpack
+ # Avoid using imake (kde bug 114466).
+ #epatch "${WORKDIR}/patches/kdebase-3.5.0_beta2-noimake.patch"
+ # ...included in patch set
+ rm -f "${S}/configure"
+ # FIXME - disable broken tests
+ sed -i -e "s:TESTS =.*:TESTS =:" "${S}/kioslave/smtp/" || die "sed failed"
+ sed -i -e "s:TESTS =.*:TESTS =:" "${S}/kioslave/trash/" || die "sed failed"
+ sed -i -e "s:SUBDIRS = viewer test:SUBDIRS = viewer:" "${S}/nsplugins/" || die "sed failed"
+ if ! use joystick ; then
+ sed -e 's:$(JOYSTICK_SUBDIR)::' \
+ -e 's:kthememanager \\:kthememanager:' \
+ -i "${S}/kcontrol/" \
+ || die "sed failed"
+ fi
+ if ! use arts ; then
+ sed -e 's:arts::' \
+ -i "${S}/kcontrol/" \
+ || die "sed failed"
+ fi
+ if ! [[ $(xhost >> /dev/null 2>/dev/null) ]] ; then
+ einfo "User ${USER} has no X access, disabling some tests."
+ for ioslave in media remote home system ; do
+ sed -e "s:check\: test${ioslave}::" -e "s:./test${ioslave}::" \
+ -i kioslave/${ioslave}/ || die "sed failed"
+ done
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ # Patch the startkde script to setup the environment for KDE 4.0
+ # Add our KDEDIR
+ sed -i -e "s#@REPLACE_PREFIX@#${PREFIX}#" \
+ "${S}/startkde" || die "Sed for PREFIX failed."
+ # List all the multilib libdirs
+ local _libdir _libdirs
+ for _libdir in $(get_all_libdirs); do
+ _libdirs="${_libdirs}:${PREFIX}/${_libdir}"
+ done
+ _libdirs=${_libdirs#:}
+ # Complete LDPATH
+ sed -i -e "s#@REPLACE_LIBS@#${_libdirs}#" \
+ "${S}/startkde" || die "Sed for LDPATH failed."
+ local myconf="--with-dpms --enable-dnssd --with-sssl
+ --with-usbids=/usr/share/misc/usb.ids
+ $(use_with ieee1394 libraw1394)
+ $(use_with hal)
+ $(use_with ldap)
+ $(use_with lm_sensors sensors)
+ $(use_with logitech-mouse libusb)
+ $(use_with openexr)
+ $(use_with opengl gl)
+ $(use_with pam)
+ $(use_with samba)
+ $(use_with xcomposite composite)
+ $(use_with xinerama)
+ $(use_with xscreensaver)"
+ if ! use pam && use elibc_glibc; then
+ myconf="${myconf} --with-shadow"
+ fi
+ # the java test is problematic (see kde bug 100729) and
+ # useless. All that's needed for java applets to work is
+ # to have the 'java' executable in PATH.
+ myconf="${myconf} --without-java"
+ kde_src_compile
+src_install() {
+ kde_src_install
+ cd "${S}/kdm" && make DESTDIR="${D}" GENKDMCONF_FLAGS="--no-old --no-backup --no-in-notice" install
+ # Fix an obscure desktop file that only gets generated during the install phase.
+ sed -i -e '$d' "${D}/usr/kde/3.5/share/applications/kde/panel_appearance.desktop"
+ sed -i -e 's:Name=panel_appearance::' "${D}/usr/kde/3.5/share/applications/kde/panel_appearance.desktop"
+ # startup and shutdown scripts
+ insinto "${KDEDIR}/env"
+ doins "${WORKDIR}/patches/"
+ exeinto ${KDEDIR}/shutdown
+ doexe "${WORKDIR}/patches/"
+ # freedesktop environment variables
+ cat <<EOF > "${T}/"
+export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="${KDEDIR}/etc/xdg"
+ insinto "${KDEDIR}/env"
+ doins "${T}/"
+ # x11 session script
+ cat <<EOF > "${T}/kde-${SLOT}"
+exec ${KDEDIR}/bin/startkde
+ exeinto /etc/X11/Sessions
+ doexe "${T}/kde-${SLOT}"
+ # freedesktop compliant session script
+ sed -e "s:@KDE_BINDIR@:${KDEDIR}/bin:g;s:Name=KDE:Name=KDE ${SLOT}:" \
+ "${S}/kdm/kfrontend/sessions/" > "${T}/kde-${SLOT}.desktop"
+ insinto /usr/share/xsessions
+ doins "${T}/kde-${SLOT}.desktop"
+ # Customize the kdmrc configuration
+ sed -i -e "s:#SessionsDirs=:SessionsDirs=/usr/share/xsessions\n#SessionsDirs=:" \
+ "${D}/${KDEDIR}/share/config/kdm/kdmrc" || die
+ rmdir "${D}/${KDEDIR}/share/templates/.source/emptydir"
+ if use branding ; then
+ dodir "${PREFIX}"/share/services/searchproviders
+ insinto "${PREFIX}"/share/services/searchproviders
+ doins "${WORKDIR}"/patches/Gentoo_{Bugzilla,Forums}.desktop
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ kde_pkg_preinst
+ # We need to symlink here, as kfmclient freaks out completely,
+ # if it does not find konqueror.desktop in the legacy path.
+ dodir "${PREFIX}/share/applications/kde"
+ dosym ../../applnk/konqueror.desktop "${PREFIX}/share/applications/kde/konqueror.desktop"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ kde_pkg_postinst
+ # set the default kdm face icon if it's not already set by the system admin
+ if [[ ! -e "${ROOT}${KDEDIR}/share/apps/kdm/faces/.default.face.icon" ]]; then
+ mkdir -p "${ROOT}${KDEDIR}/share/apps/kdm/faces"
+ cp "${ROOT}${KDEDIR}/share/apps/kdm/pics/users/default1.png" \
+ "${ROOT}${KDEDIR}/share/apps/kdm/faces/.default.face.icon"
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -e "${ROOT}${KDEDIR}/share/apps/kdm/faces/root.face.icon" ]]; then
+ mkdir -p "${ROOT}${KDEDIR}/share/apps/kdm/faces"
+ cp "${ROOT}${KDEDIR}/share/apps/kdm/pics/users/root1.png" \
+ "${ROOT}${KDEDIR}/share/apps/kdm/faces/root.face.icon"
+ fi
+ mkdir -p "${ROOT}${KDEDIR}/share/templates/.source/emptydir"
+ echo
+ elog "To enable gpg-agent and/or ssh-agent in KDE sessions,"
+ elog "edit ${KDEDIR}/env/ and"
+ elog "${KDEDIR}/shutdown/"
+ echo
+ if use branding ; then
+ elog "We've added Gentoo-related web shortcuts to Konqueror:"
+ elog "- gb Gentoo Bugzilla searching"
+ elog "- gf Gentoo Forums searching"
+# elog "- gp Gentoo Package searching"
+ echo
+ elog "You'll have to activate them in 'Configure Konqueror...'."
+ echo
+ elog "If you can't open new konqueror windows and get something like"
+ elog "'WARNING: Outdated database found' when starting konqueror in a console, run"
+ elog "kbuildsycoca as the user you're running KDE under."
+ elog "This is NOT a bug."
+ echo
+ fi