/* $Header: /local/data/ulm/cvs/history/var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/src/tbz2tool.c,v 1.4 2004/11/05 13:51:09 jstubbs Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*buffered reading/writing size*/ #define BUFLEN 262144 char *myname="tbz2tool"; struct stat *mystat=NULL; void *mybuf; FILE *datafile, *dbfile, *outfile, *infile; unsigned char endbuf[8]; long seekto,insize; int exists(const char *myfile) { int result; result=stat(myfile,mystat); if (result==-1) return 0; return 1; } void writefile(FILE *src, FILE *dest) { int count=1; while (count) { count=fread(mybuf, 1, BUFLEN, src); fwrite(mybuf, 1, count, dest); } } void writefileto(FILE *src, FILE *dest, int endpos) { int pos=ftell(src); int thiscount; while (pos < endpos) { /* thiscount=how much to read */ thiscount=endpos-pos; if (thiscount>BUFLEN) thiscount=BUFLEN; thiscount=fread(mybuf, 1, thiscount , src); /* thiscount=how much we actually did read */ if (thiscount==0) /* eof -- shouldn't happen */ break; /* update internal position counter */ pos+=thiscount; fwrite(mybuf, 1, thiscount, dest); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if ((argc==2) && (!(strcmp(argv[1],"--help")))) goto usage; if (argc!=5) { printf("%s: four arguments expected\n",myname); goto error; } if (!(mystat=(struct stat *) malloc(sizeof(struct stat)))) goto memalloc; if (!(mybuf=(void *) malloc(BUFLEN))) { free(mystat); goto memalloc; } /* JOIN MODE */ if (!(strcmp(argv[1],"join"))) { /* check if datafile exists */ if (!(exists(argv[2]))) { printf("%s: %s doesn't exist\n",myname,argv[2]); free(mystat); goto error; } /* check if dbfile exists */ if (!(exists(argv[3]))) { printf("%s: %s doesn't exist\n",myname,argv[3]); free(mystat); goto error; } /* create end buffer for later use */ endbuf[0]=((mystat->st_size) & 0xff000000) >> 24; endbuf[1]=((mystat->st_size) & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; endbuf[2]=((mystat->st_size) & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; endbuf[3]=(mystat->st_size) & 0x000000ff; endbuf[4]='S'; endbuf[5]='T'; endbuf[6]='O'; endbuf[7]='P'; /* if outfile exists, unlink first (safer) */ if (exists(argv[4])) unlink(argv[4]); /* open datafile for reading */ if ((datafile=fopen(argv[2],"r"))==NULL) { free(mybuf); free(mystat); printf("%s: Error opening %s\n",myname,argv[2]); goto error; } /* open dbfile for reading */ if ((dbfile=fopen(argv[3],"r"))==NULL) { fclose(datafile); free(mybuf); free(mystat); printf("%s: Error opening %s\n",myname,argv[3]); goto error; } /* open outfile for writing */ if ((outfile=fopen(argv[4],"a"))==NULL) { fclose(dbfile); fclose(datafile); free(mybuf); free(mystat); printf("%s: Error opening %s\n",myname,argv[4]); goto error; } writefile(datafile,outfile); writefile(dbfile,outfile); fwrite(endbuf,1,8,outfile); fclose(outfile); fclose(dbfile); fclose(datafile); free(mybuf); free(mystat); exit(0); /* SPLIT MODE */ } else if (!(strcmp(argv[1],"split"))) { /* check if infile exists */ if (!(exists(argv[2]))) { printf("%s: %s doesn't exist\n",myname,argv[2]); free(mystat); goto error; } /* store infile size for later use */ insize=mystat->st_size; /* if datafile exists, unlink first (safer) */ if (exists(argv[3])) unlink(argv[3]); /* if dbfile exists, unlink first (safer) */ if (exists(argv[4])) unlink(argv[4]); /* open infile for reading */ if ((infile=fopen(argv[2],"r"))==NULL) { free(mybuf); free(mystat); printf("%s: Error opening %s\n",myname,argv[2]); goto error; } /* read in end buffer */ fseek(infile,-8,SEEK_END); fread(endbuf,1,8,infile); /* quick end buffer read and verification */ if ( (endbuf[4]!='S') || (endbuf[5]!='T') || (endbuf[6]!='O') || (endbuf[7]!='P') ) { fclose(infile); free(mybuf); free(mystat); printf("%s: %s appears to be corrupt (end buffer invalid)\n",myname,argv[2]); goto error; } seekto=0; seekto=seekto+endbuf[0]*256*256*256; seekto=seekto+endbuf[1]*256*256; seekto=seekto+endbuf[2]*256; seekto=seekto+endbuf[3]; /* open datafile for writing */ if ((datafile=fopen(argv[3],"a"))==NULL) { fclose(infile); free(mybuf); free(mystat); printf("%s: Error opening %s\n",myname,argv[3]); goto error; } /* open dbfile for writing */ if ((dbfile=fopen(argv[4],"a"))==NULL) { fclose(datafile); fclose(infile); free(mybuf); free(mystat); printf("%s: Error opening %s\n",myname,argv[4]); goto error; } rewind(infile); writefileto(infile,datafile,insize-(seekto+8)); fseek(infile,-(seekto+8),SEEK_END); writefileto(infile,dbfile,insize-8); fclose(infile); fclose(dbfile); fclose(datafile); free(mybuf); free(mystat); exit(0); } else { free(mybuf); free(mystat); goto usage; } usage: printf("Usage: %s join DATAFILE DBFILE OUTFILE (datafile + dbfile -> outfile)\n %s split INFILE DATAFILE DBFILE (infile -> datafile + dbfile)\n",myname,myname); error: exit(1); memalloc: printf("%s: memory allocation error\n",myname); exit(2); }